Chapter 271 Don't worry, you can't die

  Luo Haofeng chuckled and said in agreement, "Xiu Chen, your method is good, and it can indeed make Xiao Wenqing look for Wu Tianyi in a panic."

  Speaking of this, he paused slightly, smiled, and asked his worries, “But, the old man can bear it, since he was hospitalized with anger last time, his body seems to be very poor.”

   Mo Xiuchen coldly snorted disapprovingly, "If he can't stand it, he won't go traveling alone. Don't worry, he won't die."

  Luo Haofeng twitched his mouth, admiringly said, "Well, you still know your old man, then when do you plan to tell him, or wait for him to come back."

   "I will call him later to ask about the situation. He can't stay outside all the time. Wearing a green hat is so embarrassing that he should come back and take it off!"

   "Let's do it, Allianz, is it rejected, or is it?"

   "Let their boss call me, I want to talk to him in person."

  Luo Haofeng understood what he meant, raised his handsome eyebrows, and briskly said ‘OK’.

He turned his head to look at Wen Ran again, and saw that she had been bowing his head to do things, and he seemed to have never heard their conversation. He narrowed his eyes and made a smile. He walked to her desk and pressed the back of her hand lightly on her desk, "Wen Ran! "


   Wen Ran raised his head, looking at him faintly.

  Luo Haofeng smiled and said, "Can you please have one thing."

   Wen Ran raised his eyebrows and motioned him to continue with his eyes.

  Luo Haofeng coughed lightly before speaking slowly, “This weekend, can you find something for Bai Xiaoxiao to do, don’t let her take time off.”

  Behind the desk, Mo Xiuchen narrowed his eyes slightly, and the corners of his **** lips twitched lightly.

  Wen Ran blinked her eyes and asked stupidly, “Why, I don’t have anything to do on the weekends myself, what can I do for her.”

Luo Haofeng frowned and gave her advice, "Since there is nothing to do, you can go to volunteer work, go to the nursing home to see the elderly, go to the orphanage to donate something, anyway, as long as you can get Bai Xiaoxiao away. "

   "Puff, Luo Haofeng, why should I help you!"

  Wen Ran looked at Luo Haofeng's frowning brows, and finally couldn't help but laugh out loud.

  It seemed that he had been tortured madly by Bai Xiaoxiao's horrible spirit, so he would let her help.

  However, who told him to provoke Bai Xiaoxiao first, and dare to kiss others...

   "Repair the dust!"

  Luo Haofeng was uncertain about Wen Ran, turned his head to ask Mo Xiuchen for help.

  The latter received his eyes, smiled deeper on his lips, and walked out from behind the desk gracefully.

  After a while, the tall figure stood in front of Wen Ran, took the pen in her hand, and said softly, “Of course, don’t keep working and take a break.”


  Luo Haofeng opened his mouth and looked at Mo Xiuchen with weird eyes.

  The latter smiled lightly, bent slightly, and the big, well-knotted palms clasped her shoulders.

Lidao gently squeezed her shoulders, and said softly in Luo Haofeng's surprised eyes, "Of course, Haofeng will work overtime this week. I suddenly replaced the three cooperative companies, which involved Xiao Wenqing and Wu Tian. They will certainly not sit still and wait for the lifeblood of Yi."

  Luo Haofeng's original shock in his eyes gradually receded, and the corner of his mouth curled up with a satisfied smile.

   Give Mo Xiuchen a grateful look. Even working overtime is better than facing Bai Xiaoxiao.

  In particular, he thinks he is a gentleman who is willing to bet and lose. Therefore, as soon as Bai Xiaoxiao enters the racecourse, he will turn from the suave and beautiful man to the pony stable at the behest.

  This is indeed a shame to his dignity.

  Wen Ran enjoyed Mo Xiuchen's service, and naturally had to give him face. She thought about it and felt a little embarrassed, "Okay, then I will try."

  Luo Haofeng smiled with joy, and immediately thanked him happily, “Wen Ran, then I thank you first, and let Xiu Chen take you to buy some clothes later, and I will pay the bill.”

  After finishing speaking, Luo Haofeng stopped making light bulbs and walked out of the office quickly.

  "Do you really have to work overtime this weekend?"

   Wen Ran looked up at Mo Xiuchen.

  His eyebrows are relaxed, his smile is clear and handsome, especially in those eyes that are as deep as a pool, there is an unabashed pampering.

   "Well, I really have to work overtime. I changed those three companies at once. These days, there is a lot of tedious work to do, especially in the security system..."

   "I thought you just made an excuse to help Luo Haofeng."

   Wen Ran listened to his words and nodded in understanding.

  Allianz Building Materials, Qingda Electronics, and Linhui Technology are all large companies that have cooperated with MS Group for several years. It will definitely take some effort to replace them all at once.

   "Since this is the case, I can just tell Xiao Xiao, she shouldn't think of torturing Luo Haofeng whenever she has time."


Mo Xiuchen stopped the massage, with his big palm still on her shoulder, and whispered, "Of course, you have heard what A Feng said just now. These days, you should not leave my side. I am afraid of Xiao Wenqing and Wu Tian. Do some crazy things later."

  The enemy is in the dark. No matter how smart and wise Mo Xiuchen is, there will be times of worry.

  Especially, Wu Tianyi and Xiao Wenqing erased Mo Zixuan's memory, clearly, to target Wen Ran.

  If they came at him, he wouldn’t be scared at all.

  But care is messy.

The more nervous and gentle he was, the more disturbed he became. Wen Ran looked at his worried eyes, raised his hand to cover his big palm on his shoulder, and said softly, "Don't worry, my brother has agreed. I’ve been a secretary for you for a week. These days, I’m following you 24 hours a day, so I’m afraid you will be annoying me."

   At the end, her tone brought out three points of briskness and playfulness, not wanting Mo Xiuchen to worry so much.

Mo Xiuchen smiled, "Don't say you followed me for a few days, even if you follow me for a lifetime, I will never displease you. Your brother is reasonable this time. He has read Zhou Mingfu's diary, but he found it. clue?"

  "My brother said that he found some clues. He has already handed it over to the police. It shouldn't be long before the truth can be found out."

  Mo Xiuchen squinted his eyes, and a touch of coldness crossed the bottom of his eyes, and flicked on both sides. It seemed that Xiao Wenqing and Wu Tianyi would be happy for a long time.

  Wen Ran pursed her lips, her voice was soft with sadness, "I wish I could solve the case before my parents’ birthday."

   "When is our parents' birthday?"

  Mo Xiuchen was slightly startled, and looked at Wen Ran distressedly.

  "My parents’ birthdays are on the same day, and there are more than ten days before their birthdays. On that day of each year, our family will spend it together. This year..."

  Wen Ran can't say anything. At the same time, she lost her parents. Whenever she thinks about it, her heartache can hardly breathe.

  Mo Xiuchen's heart is tight, and after taking her words, gently soothes, "This year, I will accompany you and celebrate our parents' birthday together."

  (End of this chapter)

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