Chapter 2289 Are you still thinking of him

   "Did Mo Xin go back to City S?"

  Two minutes later, Qin Qingqing turned to ask Mo Ziyi again.

Mo Ziyi shook his head, and the voice of his exit was cold. "Her escape shows that she has brought things out this afternoon. Zhang Minghui received a call from Wang Huanhuan to ask for leave to go home...the matter was revealed. She won't go back to S city, I'm afraid she will hide somewhere."

  Just like four years ago.

  Mo Xin likes to run away after committing a crime.

  This is really like her parents who left her behind.

  The reason why Mo Xin fell into Li En's hands at the time was because her parents were hiding in debt because of the loan usury. After giving birth to her, she felt that she was a burden and abandoned her and fled to another city.

  Gene is really strange.

  Even if she was taught in another environment, there are some things in her bones, but she can’t change it.

  Qin Qingqing did not answer any more, but looked down and thought about her own thoughts.

  Mo Ziyi turned his head and glanced at her, holding a hand on the steering wheel, and reaching out to touch her head, said gently, “Don’t think about it so much, let me handle these things.”

   "I was thinking why Mo Xin did this?"

  Qin Qingqing’s voice was a bit depressed. She thought she had not offended her, but whether it was four years ago or today, Mo Xin was all directed at her.

   "We didn't notice it before, but now when I think about it, I'm afraid that since she learned of her own life experience, she will feel uneasy."

  Mo Ziyi said here, a chill fell into her eyes again, "Perhaps, she has been challenged by someone else, and the freezing is not a cold day... Don't worry, there will always be something that will come to light."

   "Brother Zi Yi, do you think Mo Xin has something to do with my mother's death?"

Qin Qingqing asked suddenly.

  Aqua eyes reflected the elegant and handsome face of the man beside him.



When Mo Mo walked into the office, Gu Zhitong was looking at a medical record.

She didn't look up, thinking that the person who came in was a colleague who had gone back and forth. When she opened her mouth and looked up, she saw that it was Mo Mo. A slight stunned flashed through her eyes, and then smiled and asked, "Mo Mo, why are you here? "

   "I have nothing to do this afternoon. I just met my uncle, so I will come to the hospital with him to play with you."

  Mo Mo put his hands on her desk, and leaned forward to look at Gu Zhitong, "Sister Tongtong, did Uncle introduce you to a blind date again?"

   "You know so much."

  Gu Zhitong glanced at her.

   got up and walked out from behind the desk, poured her a cup of hot water, and the two moved to the sofa to sit down.

  Mo Mo smiled and said, "Uncle is really broken for you, unlike my dad, who has put me in stock."

  "Do you want to have a blind date too? This is very simple. I will call my uncle now and tell him that our family is thinking about it."

   Gu Zhitong said that he really took out his phone, Mo Mo next to him smiled and cursed and stretched out his hand to grab it.

   "I was wrong with Hitomi Hitomi."

   "If you dare to make fun of me in the future, I will let you go on a blind date."

   "I heard that you are going on a business trip tomorrow?"

  When Mo Mo saw Gu Zhitong put the phone away, he let go of his heart and asked with a change of subject.

  Gu Zhitong glanced at her, took a drink, "How did you know that my dad told you again?"

   "Well, my uncle said that you are going to the military area this time, but I was confused. When did our hospital and the Imperial Military Area cooperate?"

  Mo Mo was very curious, but on the way here, her uncle didn't seem very happy when she talked about it.

  I heard that the other party still appointed Gu Zhitong to go.

  Mo Mo still smiled and said that this was a good thing, because her sister Tongtong was so good, she was not only good at medical skills at a young age, but also won countless awards and participated in overcoming world-wide medical problems.

  Gu Zhitong smiled and shook his head, "I am only responsible for seeing a doctor and obeying the organization and arrangements, and I don’t know the rest."

   "Then how long will you go this time?"

   "Why, do you want to go with me?"


  Mo Mo hesitated and said, “Sister Tongtong, I don’t know if I should tell you something?”

"When did you learn to hesitate?" Gu Zhitong gave her a funny look, opened the drawer, and took out two bags of crab and cucumber seeds from the inside, unpacked them and handed them to Mo Mo. Feed it into your mouth.

  Mo Mo took the snacks and said hesitantly, "The last time I went to the Imperial Capital on a business trip, I saw Tang Zhixian."

  Gu Zhitong's hand movement was stagnant.

  After a while, he fed the melon seeds into his mouth, raised his eyes, and looked at Mo Mo calmly.

"is it?"

  There is a subtle strangeness in her voice.

  If you don’t listen carefully, you won’t be able to hear it.

  Mo Mo looked at Gu Zhitong’s calm eyes without seeing any waves, and asked softly, “Sister Tongtong, you have not been on a blind date, do you still think of him?”

  Mo Mo never asked this sentence.

  Even after returning from the Imperial Capital, she never told Gu Zhitong.

  If it hadn’t been for this afternoon that she saw Tang Zhixian’s name in the next guest list of their show, she would have forgotten it.

  But on the way to the hospital just now, I heard Gu Kai said that Gu Zhitong was going to the Imperial Capital for a business trip.

  Mo Mo suddenly remembered.

  Tang Zhixian’s home seems to belong to the imperial capital.

  And he now works in the Imperial Military Hospital...

A strange emotion flashed in the depths of Gu Zhitong’s eyes, but it dissipated in an instant, leaving only a calm and indifferent calm, “I didn’t have a blind date. My dad has always looked down on those men. As for that person, it’s just It’s just a love dream when I was young, it’s been so many years, how could I have not forgotten it, you thought it was acting in a TV series."

   Hearing what she said, Mo Mo smiled relievedly.

  "It’s best if you still remember him, no matter how good he is now, but his irresponsible man is not worthy of my sister Hitomi."

  Gu Zhitong really did not ask anything about Tang Zhixian.

  After so many years, it is impossible for her to miss a man who left without saying goodbye.

  Green and young love is beautiful, but Gu Zhitong is a girl who can't tolerate other people's deception.

  The enthusiasm for Tang Zhixian and her first love for a young girl has long since faded away as she grows up and her knowledge increases.

  Nowadays, I don’t want to fall in love, just because I simply don’t feel, and I don’t have fate.

   "It’s good to know, don’t mention that person’s name to me in that tone in the future, even if he is standing in front of me now, I won’t take another look..."

  Gu Zhitong's words were interrupted by the sound of messages that sounded simultaneously from her and Mo Mo.

  She stuffed the few melon seeds left in her hand into her mouth, took out her phone and clicked on WeChat.

Next to   , Mo Mo also took out his mobile phone and said with a smile, “It’s Qinghuan. This girl will @群 whenever he sends a message.”

Gu Zhitong pressed the voice button, "Xiao Qinghuan is really amazing. I won the first prize in the competition... Oh, there is a bonus. It seems that I can kill you severely when I go to the emperor this time. The painting is so handsome, you have no medicine to control the disease..."

   "How do I feel that this beggar is a bit familiar?"


  【Yezi is going to go far today, at least one week, during this period, extra updates cannot be guaranteed, you can only do your best, if there are too few updates, I will wait to come back to compensate you, group! 】

  (End of this chapter)

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