Chapter 2290 Severing relationship, blind date

   "Sister Tongtong, Yao Shi Wuyi is more suitable for you to give to Sister Mo Mo. She doesn't even let go of a good-looking beggar."

  Wen Qinghuan’s laughter was accompanied by a crisp and sweet voice.

  After listening to the voice, Gu Zhitong smiled and looked at Mo Mo beside him.

  Mo Mo chuckled, "Xiao Qinghuan, don't wrong me. I have really seen the handsome beggar you painted."

   stared at Wen Qinghuan’s painting again, and Mo Mo continued, “I added Qingqing in, she should know this person too.”

Before   , Qin Qingqing and Mo Ziyi broke up to go abroad and returned all groups that had him.

  It's not long since she came back, they haven't pulled her into the group yet.

When Qin Qingqing received the message, she and Mo Ziyi had just arrived home.

  Wen Ran had already heard about what happened in the afternoon. As soon as he saw them coming home, he immediately went to Qingqing and asked Qingqing concerned, "Qingqing, I heard about what Mo Xin did. Are you okay?"

   "Aunt Wen, don't worry, I'm fine."

   Tan Qingqing smiled and shook her head.

   "It's okay." Wen Ran looked at Qingqing a few more times before turning to ask Mo Ziyi, "Zi Yi, where is Mo Xin?"

  Mo Ziyi said mildly, “Mom, Mo Xin has left G city, I will ask her to come back.”

   Wen Ran angrily said, "She is really getting too much, Zi Yi, you have to teach her a lesson this time."

   "Mom, I know."

   "Qingqing, Momo pulled you into the group, you accept it."


  As soon as Qingqing took out her mobile phone, Mo Ziyi took it.

  Qingqing smiled carelessly, followed Wen Ran to the sofa and sat down.

  Listen to Wen Ran telling her that she has chosen a date.

  "Qingqing, I just asked your dad. He agreed with your wedding on the sixth day of March. Grandparents and grandparents also agreed. We set this date together. I will wait for you to nod now."

  Qin Qingqing looked at the almanac with crooked eyebrows, "Aunt Wen, I listen to you."

   "Then set this date temporarily."


   "Xiaohui, I was wrong, you give me another chance, and I promise I will never do such things behind your back."

  In the apartment, Wang Huanhuan cried and repented.

  On the sofa, Zhang Minghui was covered with a blanket. He looked at Wang Huan, who was crying in front of him, with a green face. He asked in a cold voice, "You still want to have another time, do you really want to kill me?"

   "I said there will be no next time, Xiaohui, I promise you that if I commit another crime, I will not die."

  "Xiaohui, drink this **** soup first." Jing Xiaocha, who came out of the kitchen with the **** soup, interrupted Wang Huanhuan, went to the sofa and handed the **** soup to Zhang Minghui.

  Zhang Minghui said "Thank you auntie." Then he took the bowl of **** soup.

  Jing Xiaocha looked at Wang Huanhuan with gentle eyebrows after he finished drinking the **** soup and took the bowl.

   Touching her insincere face, her expression became cold.

  'S voice is also different from the gentleness when talking to Zhang Minghui, but indifferent and mocking, "I am sad for Xiaohui, how can he have parents like you? Not only does he not raise him well, but he also desperately drags his feet to prevent him from learning.

  On the sofa, Zhang Minghui's face changed slightly, and he couldn't tell how he felt.

  Jing Xiao paused for a while, and then said, “If you really want to treat Xiaohui as a son, you must be as far away as you are from him. You will kill him like an enemy.”

   "I don't have one, Jing Xiaocha, don't sow discord, Xiaohui, trust me."

   "Why should I believe you?"

Zhang Minghui stared at Wang Huanhuan angrily, and said bitterly, "My aunt has wronged you a little bit. You have taught me what is good since I was a child. What else can you do besides taking me to bad things again and again? Wouldn't an aunt be there? , I was killed by you a long time ago."


  "Don't call me anymore. From now on, I have nothing to do with you. I have already paid off your nurturing grace over the years."

  "Xiaohui, how can this work, you were born in October..."

"No way? Then I can only call Zi Yi and ask him to take you away or hand it over to the police. You know what you have done yourself. If you calculate the old and new accounts together, how long will you stay in jail... "

  "Xiaohui, I...even if you cut off relations with me, do you want to give me more pension money?"

  Wang Huanhuan is ten years older than Jing Xiaocha, but it seems that he is nearly thirty years older.

   And at this moment, this face of asking for money makes Zhang Minghui feel sad.

  He sneered, lifted the blanket, jumped off the sofa and rushed into the room.

  One minute later, he threw a bank card in front of Wang Huanhuan, "Take the 100,000 yuan away, and I will post in the newspaper tomorrow to sever the relationship with you."

  A greedy light flashed in Wang Huanhuan’s eyes. After hesitating for a few seconds, Zhang Minghui's attitude was determined.

  Look at Jing Xiaocha aside with cold eyebrows and cold eyes.

There was a trace of hatred in her heart, and she picked up the bank card, "Xiaohui, whether you recognize me or not, you will always be my child. When they rich people don't want you, you must come to us. "

  Wang Huanhuan took the bank card and left.

  Zhang Minghui straightened his back, closed the door and returned to Jing Xiaocha, bowed deeply, and said to himself, "Aunty, I'm sorry."

"this is not your fault."

  Jing Xiaocha sighed, put the bowl on the coffee table, and sat down on the sofa.

  She motioned to Zhang Minghui to sit down.

  The latter shook his head, "Auntie, I'm standing."

  In front of Jing Xiaocha, Zhang Minghui has always been courteous and courteous.

"Xiaohui, your parents have entangled you for so many years, it is estimated that they will not be so easy to sever the relationship with you. You are not young, and you should also get married. If you don’t have a lover, it’s better than I give it to you. How about finding some suitable girls?"

  Zhang Minghui's face is pale.

  Because Jing Xiaocha is talking about love, not love.

  He pursed his lips, "I listen to my aunt's arrangement"

   "I don't want to arrange your marriage. The final one must be you."

  A smile appeared on Jing Xiaocha’s face, “You are an excellent child, and you will definitely find a girl who is in love with you.”

   "Auntie, I..."

  "Don’t say anything if you apologize. Ziyi and Qingqing have always treated you as brothers, and they won’t blame you."

  "Wait for my news, I will call you after an appointment with the other party."

  Jing Xiaocha took the bowl into the kitchen, and asked Zhang Minghui to lie down on the bed before leaving the apartment.

  Get in the car, Jing Xiaocha dialed Wen Jin's number.

   "Hey, Xiaocha."

  The phone rang twice and was picked up, and Wen Jin's voice came.

   "Brother Wen, I just told Xiaohui to let him go on a blind date... This time he should be determined to sever the relationship with his parents."

  Wen Jin heard about what happened in the afternoon from nowhere. At this moment, after listening to Jing Xiaocha’s account, he said lightly, “It’s fine for him to have a blind date.”

  (End of this chapter)

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