Chapter 2288 Don't you doubt me at all

   across the door.

  Qin Qingqing heard Zhang Minghui's words, and the suspicion in her heart suddenly dissipated.

  At this moment, she is willing to believe his words.

   Believe that he is the little brother Xiaohui who treats her well, not the scheming and calculating Zhang Minghui as Mo Xin said.

  "Brother Xiaohui, hold on, I'll call my uncle and he will find a way."

After Qin Qingqing finished speaking, she hurriedly took out her mobile phone.

Mo Mo saw that Qingqing called Gu Kai and did not stop him. Instead, he stepped forward and said to Zhang Minghui in the house, "Zhang Minghui, before Qingqing and I came here, Mo Xin said that everything today was arranged by you. Qingqing believes that you would not do that, but Wang Huanhuan has never been a good person. I want to call the police and let the police investigate."

   "I don't want to go to the police station, I don't go to the police station, Xiaohui, I'm all for you..."

  Wang Huanhuan paled and yelled in panic.

  In the house, there was a moment of silence.

   Then Zhang Minghui came with a painful voice, “Momo, although I don’t know what happened, can you leave it to me to deal with, I will give you an explanation.”


  Half an hour later, Gu Kai came with medicine.

  Mo Ziyi came upstairs with him.

   Seeing him, Wang Huanhuan's legs softened, and his body fell to the floor again.

  Mo Ziyi's cold eyes swept over Wang Huanhuan, and instead of responding to her for the first time, he asked Tan Qingqing, "Qingqing, are you okay?"

   "I'm fine."

   Tan Qingqing gently shook her head.

  Mo Ziyi stepped forward, opened the door with the key, and then said to her and Mo Mo, "You are waiting outside, and I just need to go in with Uncle."

  There is a sound of water in the bathroom.

  Zhang Minghui flushed with cold water, although the cold water poured on his body, it could not extinguish the fire in his body.

   Seeing Mo Ziyi appearing at the door, Zhang Minghui flashed embarrassment on his face full of water, and said embarrassedly, "Zi Yi, I'm sorry."

   "Take the medicine first."

  Mo Ziyi curled his eyebrows, and handed him the medicine with a cold expression.

  Zhang Minghui took the medicine and threw it into his mouth, and swallowed the medicine with the cold water from the shower above his head.

  After a while, Mo Ziyi found him clothes, and then sat on the sofa with Gu Kai and waited for him.

  The phone rang, Mo Ziyi pressed the answer button, and a respectful voice came from inside, "Yi Shao, the hotel staff said that Mo Xin left the room two hours ago."

   "Find her."

  Mo Ziyi flashed a coldness under his eyes, and ordered in a deep voice.

The person at    respectfully answered "Yes" again.

   Seeing him hang up, Gu Kai asked faintly, "Mo Xin did what happened today?"

   "It should be her."

  Mo Ziyi turned his head to look at Zhang Minghui who came out of the bathroom. Although he was wearing thick clothes, his body was a little trembling and his face was a little red because of the cold water for a long time.

   "Uncle Gu, thank you."

   Coming to the sofa, Zhang Minghui bowed to Gu Kai and thanked him gratefully.

  Gu Kai observed his face and asked, “How long have you been in the cold water?”

   "About half an hour."

   "Hurry up and put a quilt on the bed. I have notified your aunt and she will come over right away."

   "I'm fine."

  Zhang Minghui shook his head.

   looked at Mo Ziyi apologetically.

   Receiving his eyes, Mo Ziyi's eyes changed, and he lightly pressed his thin lips, stood up and said, "Go to bed to warm up for a while, I don't want you to ask for leave after catching a cold."

   "Today's matter, I will ask you clearly."

   "Don't ask, I know who did it."

   "Zi Yi."

  Zhang Minghui shouted in a complicated tone.

  Mo Ziyi looked at him calmly, waiting for him to continue talking.

   Zhang Minghui asked stiffly, "Don't you doubt me at all?"

  "Qingqing and I both called you Brother Xiaohui, not for nothing." Mo Ziyi said calmly and calmly, listening to Zhang Minghui's ears, but like smashing a boulder.

  His complexion changed slightly, and a trace of warmth flowed through his heart, "Zi Yi, I..."

   "If you don't go to the bed and put a quilt on it, you will really have a fever for a while, and it is you who feel uncomfortable."

   "Okay, I'll go to bed, Uncle Gu, I won't keep you like this now."

   "There's still something to do in my hospital, take a good rest, don't worry everyone." Gu Kai smiled and exhorted.

   and Mo Ziyi walked out of the living room together.

  In the corridor outside, Wang Huanhuan did not get up after sitting down on the ground.

   Seeing Mo Ziyi coming out, her body, with her head down, trembled slightly.

  Afraid that he will settle accounts with her.

  But Mo Ziyi took Qin Qingqing’s hand directly, “Brother Xiaohui has taken the medicine and has fallen asleep. Let’s go back first.”


  Qin Qingqing did not say that he would go in to see Zhang Minghui, even if he took the medicine, it would not be completely uncomfortable all at once.

  It's not appropriate for her to show up right now.

   "Uncle, sister Hitomi is still working in the hospital? I will go to the hospital with you."

  Mo Mo, who was ignored by his brother, pouted dissatisfiedly, and asked Gu Kai with a grin.

  Gu Kai smiled back to her, then turned to look at Wang Huanhuan sitting on the ground, and coldly warned, “If you really treat Xiaohui as your son and don’t want to ruin him, don’t do those stupid things again.”


   "Brother Zi Yi, I didn't know Brother Xiaohui would like me, I always regarded him as my brother..."

  On the way back, Qin Qingqing saw that Mo Ziyi's face was not good, so she took the initiative to explain.

Mo Ziyi turned his head to look at her, and faintly replied, "You don't know it's normal. If you know that he likes you, you will definitely avoid him. In fact, he has been covering up very well, and I didn't know it before. "

   "I will keep my distance from him in the future."

  Qin Qingqing thought, "Mo Xin said, Xiaohui asked her to cooperate in the matter this afternoon, and Zi Yi, let’s go to the hotel to find Mo Xin first."

   "She has escaped."

   "Ah... when did this happen?"

   "It should be when you and Mo Mo came to Zhang Minghui's house, she ran away, and the hotel room was returned early in the morning."

  Speaking of this, Mo Ziyi's handsome eyebrows looked cold again, "No matter whether the matter this afternoon has anything to do with Zhang Minghui, you are right to keep a distance from him."

  Qin Qingqing hesitated, and then told Mo Ziyi that what Mo Xin said four years ago was also Zhang Minghui's plan.

   Hearing her narration, Mo Ziyi remained silent.

  In the carriage, there was a moment of silence.

Qin Qingqing didn’t know what Mo Ziyi was thinking, whether she believed it or not, she said softly, “Brother Ziyi, I think those things should have nothing to do with Brother Xiaohui, even if he liked me before, how can he? Will do that kind of despicable thing."

   "Do you trust him very much?"

  Mo Ziyi turned his head and looked at her and asked.

   "Don't you believe him?"

"I'm getting people to investigate." Mo Ziyi's mouth turned up with a smile but a smile, "Mo Xin's matter was investigated by Zhang Minghui, and he did not give me a clear result. Since Mo Xin bit him, then Just check it again."


【Kids, good night! 】

  (End of this chapter)

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