Chapter 1881 Don't worry

  Luo Haofeng rushed into the living room.

  Long and narrow eyes swept across the living room, without seeing Bai Xiaoxiao, he immediately ran into the kitchen and asked Tian Ruoyi, "Ruoyi, is Xiaoxiao gone?"

  Tian Ruoyi knew that the matter might be serious, but when he saw Luo Haofeng's panic, he was taken aback.

  However, she reacted quickly and shook her head hurriedly, “Don’t worry, Xiaoxiao is in the room upstairs. I wanted to be with her, but she wouldn’t let it.

   Before she could finish her words, Luo Haofeng's tall figure had already rushed into the kitchen.

  The sound of footsteps came from the stairwell.

  Don’t have to look, but also know how eagerly Luo Haofeng is to look for Bai Xiaoxiao.

  Tian Ruoyi frowned, and apart from worry, he couldn't help at all.

  Luo Haofeng ran upstairs and went straight to the master bedroom.

   However, when his tall figure stood at the door of the master bedroom and saw the closed solid wood door, he was timid.

  The man who has always been not afraid of the sky and the earth is now afraid to open this door.

  Fear of seeing the woman inside the door.

  His hands on his side were clenched into fists, his eyes staring straight at the door in front of him.

  Xiaoxiao is in the room, open the door and he can see her.

  On the way back just now, he was so flustered that he almost collided with someone else, because Bai Xiaoxiao did not respond to what he said later.

  He didn't know if she heard it or not.

  Or, Xiaoxiao didn't want to talk to him.

  He was desperate.

  Want to fly back to her and explain to her...

  But now, he is scared.

  He could feel his heart trembling so much. He was afraid to open the door and see Xiao Xiao's eyes full of hatred.

  He was scared in her eyes, and he would never see any tenderness and love again.

  He was afraid that Xiaoxiao would say something decisive, afraid of her, and cut off with him.

  He was scared a lot...

  But all the fears added together are nothing more than fear of losing.

  When he thought of this possibility, his heart felt a suffocating pain.

  He finally walked with Xiaoxiao until today, and finally let her parents agree to their stay together.

  He was guarded against his mother, but ignored the secrets of the year. Originally, his mother was not the only one who knew.

  There is something condensed in the bottom of the eyes little by little.

  Time, one minute and one second goes by.

  Luo Haofeng's tall figure stood straight at the door, but he couldn't lift his hand to open the door in front of him.


  In the hotel.

  Mo Xiuchen called the news Jiang Hui had said and told Lu Zhiyan and Tang Yang.

  Hung up the phone, he raised his hand and squeezed his temples, pursed his lips for a moment, and pressed the shortcut lightly with his long fingers.

  The phone was connected, and a gentle voice came softly and through the electric wave, which penetrated into her ears, "Hey, Xiu Chen."

   "Of course, have you had dinner?"

  Mo Xiuchen asked with a gentle curve at the corners of her lips.

   "Preparing to have dinner, how about you, did the contract go smoothly?"

   "Well, it's going well. I'm going to a banquet later." Mo Xiuchen looked down at the time on his wrist. He didn't want to attend the banquet tonight.

   "Then go quickly, don't miss me and the children."

  With a slight smile in her warm voice, Mo Xiuchen also smiled softly, "Of course, I have something to tell you, don't worry after you listen to it."

"what's up?"

  It may be that his tone is too serious, although it is not serious, but his tone and gentle speaking must be very important.

  Don’t worry about what else to say.

  Wen Ran's heart suddenly hung up. Could it be that he was designed by Jiang Hui?

   "Of course, it's like this. Didn't Xu Wanqi say before that Meng Ke assigned Jiang Hui a task?"

  Mo Xiuchen tried his best to make his speech as gentle as possible, without rushing.


   "Jiang Hui went to see Qi Meiling's brother Qi Jianlin in the afternoon. From him, he learned about what Wu Jingfang did to Aunt Qiao."

   "Does Xiaoxiao know?"

  A gentle voice came eagerly.

  It's Guan Xiaoxiao, how can Wen Ran not worry.

  Moreover, it's still like that.

  Mo Xiuchen pursed his thin lips and said lightly, “Jiang Hui has told Meng Ke about that. I don’t know if Meng Ke called to tell Xiaoxiao that A Feng has rushed home.”

   "How could Meng Ke know what happened back then?"

  Mo Xiuchen was silent for a few seconds, his voice added a little gloomy, "It was Wu Jingfang who said something to Meng Ke. Although she did not tell Meng Ke directly, she..."

"How can Wu Jingfang be so vicious? She is Luo Haofeng's mother. What happened back then was clearly her fault. She was ashamed to expose the matter. She did such a vicious thing, and now she is destroying Luo Haofeng and Xiaoxiao. I am not afraid of retribution..."

  Wen Ran scolded Wu Jingfang angrily on the other side of the phone.

  Mo Xiu Chen's eyebrows were frowned upon.

  Ranran has always been indifferent and gentle, and rarely loses his temper. Now that Wu Jingfang is so angry because of what Wu Jingfang has done, he can't help but feel that Wu Jingfang really deserves retribution.

   "Of course, don't be angry first, maybe Xiaoxiao doesn't know. From Meng Ke, it is estimated that he will be caught in a short time."

  Surely persuaded Xu Wanqi before, just now Jiang Hui agreed to cooperate with them.

  As long as Meng Ke is contacting Jiang Hui, the police will have the opportunity to locate Meng Ke and arrest him.

   "Xiu Chen, if you were Meng Ke, would you not tell Xiaoxiao after you learned the news?"

  Wen Ran asked back.

  Mo Xiuchen was choked by her words.

  If he were Meng Ke, he would definitely tell Bai Xiaoxiao the news as soon as possible and separate her and Luo Haofeng.

  He was only silent for two seconds.

  Wen Ran understood, "Xiu Chen, I'm going to call Xiaoxiao now, and I'll talk to you later."

   "Well, you can call it."

Before Wen Ran hung up the phone, he told Mo Xiuchen, "You rush over and have a look. If Xiao Xiao really knows the truth, with her personality, she will definitely not treat it as if nothing has happened, and continue with Luo Haofeng. ."

   "I know, I'll be there in a while."

  Mo Xiuchen responded gently.

  Bai Xiaoxiao is Ranran’s best friend. He can help, of course.

  At least, to ensure the safety of Bai Xiaoxiao.

  Wen Ran finished speaking and hung up the phone.

  Mo Xiuchen thought of Luo Haofeng, and his handsome eyebrows twisted unconsciously.

  He is not the kind of person who hopes that Bai Xiaoxiao doesn’t know the truth. At this point, he must plan for the worst.

  Bai Xiaoxiao knows the truth, and if she breaks up with Luo Haofeng, she will return to City G.

  While Luo Haofeng still doesn’t know, Meng Ke heard some hints from his mother before letting Jiang Hui come to City B to find Qi family father and son.

  I didn’t know it, and it was only temporary.

  When Luo Haofeng learned the truth, his mother-and-child relationship with Wu Jingfang might end there too.

  Unexpectedly, after going around a big circle, I still returned to the original point.

  (End of this chapter)

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