Chapter 1880 Turns out to be true

  Can’t hear her answer, Meng Ke continued on the phone, “Xiao Xiao, Luo Haofeng has been deceiving you all the time, maybe he also resents your mother for stealing his father’s heart...”

   "You talk nonsense, I won't believe your words."

  Bai Xiaoxiao couldn't believe that it was her own voice.

   So sharp, so angry, so flustered, full of fear and tension.

Meng Ke comforted her and said, "Xiao Xiao, if you don't believe it, you can go back and ask your mother. Your mother is such a kind and tolerant person. If Wu Jingfang hadn't ruined her back then, how could she insist on opposing you and Luo Haofeng. "

   "If you really have a little bit of filial piety, you won't be with the enemy's son who ruined your mother back then."

   "Xiao Xiao."

  Tian Ruoyi's worried voice suddenly sounded, interrupting the voice on the phone.

  Bai Xiaoxiao stood there stiffly.

   The hand holding the phone was shaking slightly. Hearing Tian Ruoyi's voice, she turned her head slowly, her eyes that were usually clear at the moment were empty and blank.

  Tian Ruoyi was frightened by her appearance, and cried out with concern, "Xiao Xiao, what's wrong with you?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao pressed her lips tightly, her hand holding the phone suddenly lost strength.

  A loose hand, the phone fell to the ground.

  There is chaos in her brain, as if there are thousands of horses running, screaming, screaming...

  Tian Ruoyi grabbed her arms and looked at her tightly, "Xiao Xiao."

  Suddenly she released her hand again, knelt down and picked up her mobile phone.

  The call has been interrupted.

   "Xiao Xiao, I will help you to go outside first. No matter what happens, don't be sad. I will call Luo Haofeng."

  Bai Xiaoxiao's face is really pale and scary.

  Tian Ruoyi has no idea if the person on the phone is Meng Ke? And what did the other party say to Xiaoxiao?

The three words   Luo Haofeng seemed to stimulate Bai Xiaoxiao, causing her chaotic brain to suddenly peel off a trace of sobriety.

  A sharp light burst into her empty eyes, and she grabbed the phone in Tian Ruoyi's hand, "Ruoyi, you don't care about me, I'll call him."

  "Xiaoxiao, are you really okay? I'll be with you."

  Tian Ruoyi looked at Bai Xiaoxiao uneasy.

  The change in her expression just now made her suspicious and worried.

   "I'm fine, I'll go upstairs to make a call, you can cook first!"

  Bai Xiaoxiao pressed her lips tightly, trying to restrain her emotions.

  Tian Ruoyi looked down, glanced over her hand holding the phone, and wondered inwardly, did Bai Xiaoxiao use all his strength to hold the phone?

  Bai Xiaoxiao was about to make a call, and the phone's ringtone rang first.

   is still played by Luo Haofeng.

Seeing the caller ID, Bai Xiaoxiao’s words echoed in Meng Ke’s ears, "Your biological father is not your current father, but a group of men that Wu Jingfang found back then to **** your mother. one of the."

   Thinking of this, she suddenly shook her head heavily.

   wanted to get rid of the sound lingering in her ears, she didn't believe it was true.

   also couldn't believe that something like that had happened.

  Walking out of the kitchen, Bai Xiaoxiao pressed the answer button tremblingly. Before she could speak, Luo Haofeng's voice came nervously, "Xiaoxiao, why didn't you answer the phone just now?"

"where are you?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao spoke faintly, his voice was so cold that there was no gentleness.

  This is the calm that can only be maintained after exhausting all the energy.

On the other side of the phone, Luo Haofeng suddenly heard something wrong in her tone, "Xiao Xiao, I'm on my way home, what's wrong with you, is it uncomfortable?"

  Luo Haofeng tried to make his voice as gentle as usual, but in his heart, he was worried, nervous, and even scared uncontrollably.

  He was afraid that Meng Ke would tell Xiaoxiao the first time he got the news and provoke their relationship.

  And just now, Bai Xiaoxiao didn't answer the call he made, and he was already disturbed.

  Bai Xiaoxiao stepped on the stairs, picking up the steps one by one. Every time she went up, she felt that she had used a lot of strength.

  The galloping armies and horses in my mind not only did not stop, but became more and more fierce.

   "Hao Feng, Meng Ke called me just now."

  Bai Xiaoxiao held the mobile phone in one hand and the stair railing in the other.

  Said these words, she could hear her voice with a trembling sound.

  At the other end of the phone, Luo Haofeng's heart squeaked.

  Meng Ke called her?

  Is he still a step too late?

  Suddenly, Luo Haofeng panicked. He said eagerly, “Xiao Xiao, no matter what Meng Ke said to you, you will wait for me to go home and talk about it. I will explain it to you.”

  Bai Xiaoxiao's legs softened.

  She was standing on the stairs swaying. If she hadn't held the handrails with her hands, she might have fallen down the stairs.

  At the door of the kitchen, Tian Ruoyi's eyes flashed with worry and opened her mouth, wanting to call Bai Xiaoxiao.

  But after thinking of something, I still didn't shout out.

   is just a pair of eyes looking at her upstairs with concern.

  Tian Ruoyi didn’t know what Meng Ke said to Bai Xiaoxiao, but he knew from Bai Xiaoxiao’s pale face that it must be a very bad thing.

  At this moment, Bai Xiaoxiao's grip on the handrail was tightened inch by inch, and her nails almost grabbed the red paint on the handrail.

  Her back is straight and her lips are tightly pressed.

  It turned out that what Meng Ke said was true!

  If Meng Ke was instigating discord and lying, then Luo Haofeng would not be so nervous, anxious, and would not let her wait for him to come home to explain.

  Bai Xiaoxiao remembered that her mother had repeatedly opposed her being with Luo Haofeng.

  Even, threatened with life.

  Mom said that even if she agreed to be together with them, Wu Jingfang would not treat her kindly.

  Bai Xiaoxiao's heart suddenly filled with sadness. Something rushed through the tip of his nose and blurred his eyes.

  Wu Jingfang really hurt her mother, no, that’s not hurt...

  Finding a group of men to **** an innocent woman will not only ruin her happiness, but will also be a nightmare that she will never forget for the rest of her life.

  No wonder, from the very beginning of seeing Luo Haofeng, my mother warned her not to have anything to do with Luo Haofeng.

  Later she fell in love with Luo Haofeng, and her mother strongly opposed it. Later, her mother and Wu Jingfang met in the mall, and the two started to fight...

   Mom once asked her if she thought she was a cold and ruthless woman who would rather ruin her happiness for her own personal grievances.

  Bai Xiaoxiao regrets this moment. She regrets not understanding her mother, complaining to her mother, and regrets it. She has been hurting her mother's heart.

  In the ear, Luo Haofeng said something, Bai Xiaoxiao couldn't hear it anymore. Although the voice rang in his ear, he didn't hear a word in his heart.

  Tears slipped off her face, and Bai Xiaoxiao closed her eyes tightly.

When    opened again, the pain in his eyes was replaced by a piece of determination!

  (End of this chapter)

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