Chapter 1882 Xiaoxiao, don't be like this

  B City

  In the master bedroom on the second floor, Bai Xiaoxiao heard Luo Haofeng's voice coming upstairs.

  The rapid footsteps sounded like thousands of troops stepping on her heart, causing her to subconsciously hold her breath.

  However, when she waited for Luo Haofeng to push the door in, the door was not pushed open for a long time.

  She sat on the leather sofa in the bedroom, turned sideways, and stared at the door calmly.

  Time, one minute and one second, seems long.

  After waiting for a long time, she didn't wait for Luo Haofeng to push the door in. Instead, the phone bell rang sharply, breaking the silence of her life.

   also shocked her body trembling suddenly.

Before   , it seemed that the electric display was displayed. Instinctively trying to stop the sharp voice, I pressed the answer button with my fingertips.

   "Xiao Xiao."

  The sound coming from the phone is very soft.

   is Bai Xiaoxiao's familiar voice, and that soft voice is like a warm current, flowing into her desolate heart unpreparedly.

  Like an invisible hand again, gently brushing her heart.

  Inexplicably, it evoked her full of grievance. The originally red eyes were moist again.

"Ran Ran."

  Bai Xiaoxiao yelled subconsciously, which was full of grievances and sadness, sadness and pain, contradictions and struggles...

  Like a sharp sword that pierced Wen Ran's heart.

  On the other side of the phone, Wen Ran only felt a pain in his heart, an unspeakable emotion, and quickly grabbed her.

   "Xiao Xiao, where are you now?"

   "Of course, I don't know what to do?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao's voice is so helpless, all her thoughts can only be told in front of Wen Ran.

  If Wen Ran still had a hint of luck before calling, then when she heard Bai Xiaoxiao’s phrase ‘I don’t know what to do’ at this moment, she just felt choked by breathing.

   blurted out, "Xiaoxiao, if you can't make a decision now, don't make a decision so quickly, calm down first, come back to G city, or I will pick you up."

  The reason why she hesitated to match Luo Haofeng and Bai Xiaoxiao again was because she was afraid that one day, she would know the cruel truth.

  Luo Haofeng thought about the family relationship between mother and child, wanted to impress his mother, resolve the resentment in his mother's heart, and even let Luo Rongbin treat Wu Jingfang against his will.

   but didn't want to, in the end, Xiao Xiao still knew.

  Wen Ran, hearing Bai Xiaoxiao’s helpless words on the phone, she couldn’t help asking herself if she was wrong...

   "Of course, I'll call you later."

  Bai Xiaoxiao was silent for a few seconds before answering softly.

  No matter what decision she made, she had to face Luo Haofeng first.

  Even when she was talking to Luo Haofeng just now, she knew from his words that it must be true.

   But, for what Meng Ke said, Bai Xiaoxiao, the son of her enemy, could not hate it.

  She cannot resent a man she loves so much, let alone resent the father of the baby in her stomach.

  But I can’t do it, just stay with him if nothing happened.

   hung up the phone, Bai Xiaoxiao got up and walked towards the door.

  The distance from the sofa to the door is only a few meters, but every step she feels is heavy.

  Maybe, soon, they will become strangers.

  It’s not the first time to change from the closest lover to stranger.

   More than three years ago, Bai Xiaoxiao had already split up with Luo Haofeng once, but that time was Luo Haofeng's initiative.

  She tried to suppress the tumbling sadness in her heart, tried her best to restrain the upsurge, and stopped at the door.

  Raise your hand and unscrew the door.

  There is no pause or hesitation.

  The door is open!

  Outside, Luo Haofeng's long body stood there stiffly.

  The door panel blocking the sight of the two people was pulled open, and the two eyes collided in the air. What is there? Stabbed fiercely into my heart.

  Bai Xiaoxiao only felt a pain in the tip of her heart. What she wanted to say just now was blocked in her throat.

  Unexpectedly, a single note can't come out.

  Can only look at the man outside the door quietly.

  Under the light, his features are as handsome as carved, pale in color.

   Those gentle and affectionate peach eyes, looking at herself with complex expressions, there are too many intertwined things in them, Bai Xiaoxiao can't understand them.

   She bit her lip subconsciously, tried to calm her tumbling mood, and said softly, "Come in!"

   Turn around and return to the sofa.

   Luo Haofeng did not move, his tall body was still standing outside the door.

  He seems to be afraid to come in, but his eyes are locked on Bai Xiaoxiao's slender back.

  Watching her walk towards the sofa step by step.

  At this moment, his heart is turning a thousand times.

  The pain in her heart spread to her limbs as she moved away step by step, as if Bai Xiaoxiao did not walk toward the sofa, but stepped out of his world.

  From then on, it doesn’t matter anymore.

   Thinking of this, Luo Haofeng's eyes hurt severely, and he suddenly moved into the bedroom.

   came to the sofa almost urgently. When Bai Xiaoxiao was about to sit on the sofa, he suddenly stretched out his hand and clasped her slender wrist.

   "Xiao Xiao."

  The voice overflowing with thin lips, mixed with panic, fear and other emotions, rang hoarsely in her ears.

  Bai Xiaoxiao's heart trembled, and she raised her eyes to look at him.

   gaze, crashed into a pair of deep and bottomless eyes, her breathing was choked again.

  Luo Haofeng clasped her wrist very hard, and it almost hurt her, but Bai Xiaoxiao did not scream.

  Because it is not her wrist that hurts, but the heart.

  The eyes are intertwined.

  Bai Xiaoxiao didn't want to understand the emotions in Luo Haofeng's eyes, but she happened to understand it again.

  Because of understanding, my heartache is even worse.

  The next second, she looked away in a panic, looked up at the ceiling, and asked faintly, "You already knew what happened back then, didn't you?"

  Not only Luo Haofeng knew, Wen Ran was afraid he knew it already.

  Wen Ran called just now to tell her not to make a decision no matter what happened.

  Bai Xiaoxiao and Wen Ran have been together for so many years. If Wen Ran only knew about it, she would be surprised in her tone, but she didn't.

  She looked at the handsome face of the man in front of her, and her heart suddenly hurt.

  His silence told her that she was right.

  Mind, like a wild horse that has taken off its rein, running uncontrollably.

  Bai Xiaoxiao's expression on her pale cheeks changed, but her moist eyes kept fixedly looking at Luo Haofeng.

   After a long time, she asked softly, "Back then, you suddenly married Qi Meiling, did you know it already?"

  At that time, when she was abroad, Qi Meiling sent her some photos. Bai Xiaoxiao was waiting for Luo Haofeng to explain.

   However, Luo Haofeng did not explain.

  They broke up like that. Later, Luo Haofeng and Qi Meiling got married.

  At one time, Bai Xiaoxiao still couldn't understand, but at this moment, she suddenly became smarter.

  What a ridiculous thing, Bai Xiaoxiao smiled sarcastically and sadly.

  Luo Haofeng's eyes tightened and he shouted distressedly, "Xiao Xiao, don't do this."

  (End of this chapter)

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