Chapter 1879 Your enemy's son

  Jiang Hui's whole body was shaking slightly.

  Under Mo Xiuchen's fierce eyes, she couldn't help but answer.

   "President Mo, this is what Qi Jianlin said, don't you get angry after listening?"

  Before answering, he could only ask strongly that Mo Xiuchen should not affect her.


  Just a simple character.

  Jiang Hui was frightened by the cold aura released from Mo Xiuchen's body, and blurted out.

   "Qi Jianlin said that Bai Xiaoxiao is not President Bai's daughter."


  Mo Xiuchen's voice suddenly increased by several decibels. Jiang Hui was so frightened that his body trembled again, and his eyes widened with fear.

  I feel cold sweat on my forehead, but I dare not raise my hand to wipe it.

  Mo Xiuchen took out his phone and asked coldly, "Have you told Meng Ke?"


   Jiang Hui just raised his head and glanced at Mo Xiuchen's eyes, then immediately lowered his head.

  Mo Xiuchen squeezed the phone's hand tightly, it seemed that he was still a step late.

  If Meng Ke knew what happened back then, he should call Bai Xiaoxiao as soon as possible. His eyes flashed across Jiang Hui and dialed Luo Haofeng's number.

  The phone rang and was picked up, Luo Haofeng's voice eagerly heard, "Xiu Chen, how about it?"

  Mo Xiuchen closed his eyes and said in a deep voice, “You rush home now. Qi Jianlin has told Jiang Hui what happened back then, and Meng Ke already knows. He may call Bai Xiaoxiao.”

  The voice fell, and there was a sound on the phone.

  If Mo Xiuchen heard it right, it should be the sound of Luo Haofeng falling into the sofa.

  His good-looking brows were tightened tightly, and the lines of his facial features became more and more grim.

  He can understand Luo Haofeng's current mood, just like he was afraid to know the truth back then, and he kept it secret.

  However, there is no eternal secret under the world.

   "A Feng, we have to plan for the worst now. If Bai Xiaoxiao knows, how do you respond? How to explain."


  There was a suffocating silence on the phone.

  I don’t know how long it took, Luo Haofeng’s painful voice came through the radio wave, "I see."

  He doesn’t dare to think now, what would happen if Xiaoxiao knew those things?

  In the past, Luo Haofeng was forced by his mother and Qi Meiling. He once went to G City and asked Qiao Xiuyun about the things that year.

After meeting with Qiao Xiuyun, he agreed to marry Qi Meiling.

  Mo Xiuchen still remembers what kind of painful and depressed expression Luo Haofeng had when he said he would marry Qi Meiling.

  A car accident occurred, Qi Meiling became a vegetable, and Luo Haofeng and her marriage ended.

  Hung up the phone, Mo Xiuchen looked up again and looked at Jiang Hui, who was pale.

   A trace of fear flashed in Jiang Hui’s eyes, and he said tremblingly, “Mr. Mo, I didn’t mean to tell Meng Ke. He threatened me. He said that if I didn’t tell him the result, he would find someone to ruin me.”

   Speaking of the back, Jiang Hui's eyes were tearful, pitiful.

  Ke Mo Xiuchen didn't have any pity in his eyes, and the expression in Jiang Hui's eyes was only icy cold.

   "Where is Meng Ke?"

   Jiang Hui shook his head, "I really don’t know where he is?"

   "What is the relationship between your godfather and Meng Ke?"


  Jiang Hui kept trembling, I don't know if I don't know or dare not say it.

  "You can leave it alone, the police already have some evidence of your godfather's crimes, knowing that he and Meng Ke are in the same group. You were threatened by Meng Ke and ruined you if you didn't do what he did?"


  Mo Xiuchen sneered at the corner of his mouth, “You think Meng Ke will ruin you, and we can’t do anything to you, right?”

   "No, no, President Mo, I only know a little bit about my godfather."

   Jiang Hui was frightened by Meng Ke, but at this moment, he suddenly felt that Mo Xiuchen was more terrifying than Meng Ke.

  Meng Ke will find someone to ruin her with three abuses, but Mo Xiuchen also has thousands of ways to make her unable to survive and die.

  She came to provoke Mo Xiuchen, but she couldn't get out of her body. All she could do was listen to him.

"what's up?"

   "I accidentally heard my godfather call, he is going abroad, and I feel that he knows where Meng Ke is."

  Want to run away?

  This is the usual practice of criminals.

  Meng Ke ran away before the police had the evidence?

  "Apart from your godfather, who else knows where Meng Ke is?"

  Mo Xiuchen looked at Jiang Hui coldly, and asked word by word.

   Jiang Hui thought for a while, “Meng Ke seems to have paid to hire someone to take Bai Xiaoxiao abroad. There is a woman named Xu Wanqi who loves him very much, maybe she knows something.”



  When the phone rang, Bai Xiaoxiao and Tian Ruoyi were in the kitchen discussing what to eat at night.

   "Xiao Xiao, you answer the phone first."

  Tian Ruoyi smiled at Bai Xiaoxiao and started washing the vegetables.

  Bai Xiaoxiao said hello, and took out her mobile phone to answer the call.

   "Xiao Xiao, it's me."

  The sound in the ears is three-point familiar, two-point strange, one-point cold.

  As if coming from a far away place, Bai Xiaoxiao's expression changed, and she blurted out, "Meng Ke?"

Behind him, Tian Ruoyi, who was washing vegetables, heard the words Meng Ke and turned to look at her.

  "Xiaoxiao, thank you for remembering me. I don’t have much time to call you, so I’ll make a long story short."

   "What are you calling me for?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao's voice suddenly became cold and hard. Meng Ke not only found someone to kidnap her mother, but also tricked her to go abroad.

   "Of course there is something important to tell you."

  Meng Ke laughed on the other end of the phone. When a call came in, Bai Xiaoxiao frowned and said, "I have something to do, I have no time to talk nonsense with you."

  Meng Ke called and didn’t know what to say to her, but would never tell her where he was?

  Bai Xiaoxiao was not interested, and tried to hang up after hearing any word he said.

  However, before she hung up the phone, Meng Ke said mysteriously, “Xiao Xiao, don’t you want to know why your mother resents Luo Haofeng’s mother so much?”

  Bai Xiaoxiao snorted coldly, “These things have nothing to do with you, Meng Ke, don’t forget that you’re a wanted criminal now. Tell me one more minute, and you’ll be exposed.

  His voice fell, Meng Ke laughed instead on the other side of the phone.

  This kind of laughter has a cold smell.

  Bai Xiaoxiao felt very harsh, and her eyebrows were tighter.

   "Xiao Xiao, I know you have been deceived by Luo Haofeng, but I must tell you the truth so that you can't be deceived by your enemy's son."

   "I have no enemies."

   "You have an enemy, and your enemy is Luo Haofeng's mother Wu Jingfang. Your biological father is not your current father, but one of a group of men who **** your mother who Wu Jingfang found back then."

  Bai Xiaoxiao was like a bolt from the blue, and his brain suddenly went blank!

  (End of this chapter)

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