Chapter 1867

   A touch of distress floated in Wen Ran's eyes.

  Subconsciously twisted his body and gently hugged Mo Xiuchen.

  Holded by her slender arms, the emotion that had just spawned in Mo Xiuchen's heart dissipated instantly like a cloud of smoke.

  As long as he has a chance, he and their children are enough.

  Anyone else, nothing can influence him.

   "Xiu Chen, I will accompany you on a business trip."

  After a moment of silence, a gentle voice sounded softly, her eyes raised slightly, and she gently looked into Mo Xiuchen's eyes.

  Mo Xiuchen's heart warmed, and the strength to hug her couldn't help but not hurt her. His low voice fell in her ears, "Of course, you are the best person in the world to me."

   "You are my husband, I am not good to you, to whom."

  Wen Ran with a gentle smile on her face.

  In my heart, at this moment, I really hate the person who brought Jiang Hui to approach Xiu Chen.

  It seemed to know what she was thinking, Mo Xiuchen's kiss fell on Wen Ran's white cheek, and he said gently and calmly, "Of course, Jiang Hui can't affect me, don't worry."

"I'm not worried."

   Nodding gently, she just hates that person.

Although Jiang Hui's appearance did not affect Xiu Chen, Wen Ran knew that when Xiu Chen faced Jiang Hui, his heart was still a little emotional.

  That will make him think of something unhappy.

   "After I go on a business trip, you will rest at home for a few days."

  Mo Xiuchen's words caused Wen Ran to chuckle, "You go on a business trip without affecting my work. Two days on the weekend will be enough for a rest."

   "Then let Qingfeng take you to work and drive by yourself, I'm not relieved."

  Mo Xiuchen's seemingly gentle words have a domineering attitude that cannot be rejected.

  His voice fell, and his phone rang, and Mo Xiuchen frowned when he saw the caller ID.

   "A Feng called you, he must be looking for you for something, you can pick it up soon."

  Wen Ran said with a smile, broke free of his arms, got up, and went to the bathroom.

   "A Feng, what's the matter?"

  Mo Xiuchen watched Wen Ran out of the office before pressing the answer button. After returning to his desk, he took a seat in the senior revolving chair, and leaned back into the chair lazily with his long body.

   "Xiu Chen, my mother called and said she had met Meng Ke."

  On the phone, Luo Haofeng's voice came from a serious voice, and Mo Xiuchen was slightly surprised when he heard it, "Really?"

   "I'm not sure, my mother told me that, saying that Meng Ke found her last weekend." Luo Haofeng was not only unsure, but also a little depressed.

  It’s Wednesday today. His mother met Meng Ke on the weekend, so what's the point of telling him now.

  Even if the police were notified, Meng Ke ran away early.

  Where is it waiting to be arrested on that island.

   "What did Meng Ke ask Aunt Wu for? Could it be that she could help hurt Xiaoxiao? What did Aunt Wu say?"

  Mo Xiuchen asked in a deep voice, since Meng Ke found Wu Jingfang, he must have a plan.

  He knew a lot about the grievances between the Luo family and the Bai family, and he certainly knew that Wu Jingfang did not like Bai Xiaoxiao.

  To find her, it is indispensable to instigate separation.

"Meng Ke also happened to learn that my dad and my mom were traveling there, so he approached her. He didn't know where to find out about Xiaoxiao's pregnancy. Let my mother help him hurt Xiaoxiao. As expected, he has never been right. Xiaoxiao gave up..."

  Luo Haofeng became more angry as he spoke.

  The despicable villain Meng Ke actually provokes the relationship between their mother and son.

   "Aunt Wu has always disliked Xiaoxiao, and it can even be said to be annoying. Meng Ke definitely knows this."

  Mo Xiuchen asked suspiciously, “Aunt Wu didn’t tell you the first time, why did she tell you again now?”

   "She didn't want me to know at first, she told my dad today. However, she said she didn't promise Meng Ke."

   Even if she agrees, Wu Jingfang is not in the country now, and she can't help Meng Ke.

  "Have you told Tang Yang, or you can tell Lu Zhiyan."

   "Telled Lu Zhiyan, but it is probably useless." Luo Haofeng said depressed.

  I can’t catch Meng Ke now.

   Hearing the gloom in his tone, Mo Xiuchen comforted, "Although Meng Ke can't be caught, one thing we are more sure of is that Meng Ke is really still playing Xiaoxiao's idea."

   "Well, the only thing I worry about now is Xiaoxiao."

  Luo Haofeng hesitated for a few seconds, and then said, “I want to take Xiao Xiao to live in City B for a period of time. I can’t protect her by separating the two places like this.”

   "This is okay. Anyway, your wedding will be held soon, so she can stay with you for a while."

  As long as Bai Xiaoxiao is willing to let go of work.

   "Do you really think so?"

  Mo Xiuchen sneered, "Didn't you think so and hope that I support you?"

   "I know, I ask you if you are not reliable."

  Luo Haofeng complained on the other side of the phone.

  "If you want Xiaoxiao to live in City B for a period of time, you should quickly discuss with her. I will go on a business trip in City B this weekend. Then you can ask Xiaoxiao to go with me, so you don't need to come back to pick up people.

   "Are you coming to city B for a business trip? Of course you must come too."

  Luo Haofeng asked with a smile.

  Mo Xiuchen is now sticky and warm to an outrageous level.

  Whether it is for work, vacation, or business trip, always keep Wen Ran by your side.

   "Never go, Jiang Hui will go with me this time."

   Regarding Luo Haofeng's behavior of opening which pot or not to mention which pot, Mo Xiuchen gave a cold tone to the face.

   "Jiang Hui, the one who looks like..."


  Luo Haofeng was interrupted by Mo Xiuchen, "Tang Yang suspected that her godfather had a problem. She has been in Haochen for so long, and it is time to give her a chance."

  The more I talked to the back, the colder Mo Xiuchen's tone became.

  Luo Haofeng of course knew what Mo Xiuchen meant when he said ‘when she should be given a chance’.

   "Then don't you take Ranran, don't you worry, Xiu Chen, you can be jealous and ignore you."

  Luo Haofeng fanned the fire on the other side of the phone.

In exchange, it was Mo Xiuchen's sneer, "You are right, Tang Yang suspects that Jiang Hui's godfather has something to do with me. Even if Jiang Hui really has something to do with Meng Ke, as long as she doesn't do something to let me I don’t have to pay attention to things that are annoying."

   "Xiu Chen, don't be angry, I didn't mean that."

  Luo Haofeng realized that he had said something wrong, and provoke the guy.

  Understood even more, Mo Xiuchen kept Jiang Hui alone, and now suddenly wanted to give her a chance, fearing that it was because the date of his marriage with Xiao Xiao had been set.

  Xiu Chen is helping him.

  How can he laugh at him because of his brain damage.

   "Then what do you mean, didn't you mean that you would be jealous and ignore me?" Mo Xiuchen asked coldly.

Luo Haofeng smiled, "Xiu Chen, I mean, you have to be careful of Jiang Hui. I think that woman is very scheming. In fact, I believe you so much, as long as you don't do anything substantive. I will be angry..."

  Mo Xiuchen rolled his eyes, too lazy to listen to Luo Haofeng's nonsense, and hung up his phone directly.

  (End of this chapter)

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