Chapter 1868, think about it

  Luo Haofeng took the phone in front of him and looked at the phone that was hung up, showing the call time.

  He couldn't help but curl his lips: Xiu Chen, this guy actually hung up his phone.

  Hmph, he still doesn't want to waste time on him.

   took a sip of water from the cup on the table, Luo Haofeng dialed Bai Xiaoxiao's number, and the look on his handsome face softened.

  The phone rang a few times before Bai Xiaoxiao’s voice came from thousands of miles away through the electric wave, "Hey, Hao Feng."

   Gentle with three points of pleasure.

  It seems that the breeze that suddenly blows by the ears in this summer makes people feel comfortable.

  Luo Haofeng's mouth unconsciously evoked a pleasant arc, and his handsome face was three-pointed with charm because of his smile.

   "Xiao Xiao, are you busy?"

  The phone rang for so long before answering.

   "I was in a meeting just now, and I didn't bring a mobile phone." Bai Xiaoxiao explained softly, "Why are you calling this time?"

  Luo Haofeng laughed low, and deliberately said in a **** voice, "I miss you."

  Love words, always make people happy.

  Bai Xiaoxiao is not different, listening to Luo Haofeng's love words, a layer of sweetness has appeared in her heart.

The corners of the eyebrows and eyes are dyed with happiness.

  One hand caressed on her flat abdomen, and silently told the baby in her belly, baby, dad said that he missed you.

   "Xiao Xiao, I have something to discuss with you."

   Luo Haofeng talked about business matters, and his tone became more serious.

  Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes flashed, and she asked softly, "What's the matter?"

  The assistant knocked on the door to come in, saw her on the phone, put the documents she needed on the desk, and silently walked out.

   "That's it. Xiuchen is going to City B for a business trip this weekend. I want you to live in City B for a period of time."

  Mo Xiuchen is on a business trip. What does it have to do with her staying in City B for a period of time?

  Bai Xiaoxiao's first reaction was this.

  She didn’t ask, but leaned back into the chair and quietly listened to Luo Haofeng’s explanation, “My mother saw Meng Ke last weekend, and he has never given up on you. She also instigated my mother to help him.”

   "You said, Auntie saw Meng Ke?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao can't help but be surprised.

  How could Meng Ke know where Luo Rongbin and Wu Jingfang went to travel? They did what they wanted, and even Luo Haofeng didn't know their specific whereabouts.

  "Meng Ke also accidentally learned that my parents were traveling there..."

  Luo Haofeng repeated what he had just said to Mo Xiuchen.

  Bai Xiaoxiao heard him finish, her eyebrows wrinkled tightly.

  Meng Ke, why didn’t he give up?

  Bai Xiaoxiao couldn’t understand that Xu Wanqi was pregnant with Meng Ke’s child. Even if Meng Ke wanted it, she should have Xu Wanqi.

  The woman loved him so much, but he ignored it.

   On the contrary, to her, who doesn’t love him, is so persistent, and she really complies with the old saying, is it good if she can’t get it?

  Not necessarily!

  Perhaps, Meng Ke was just unwilling, unwilling to pay, but he couldn't get Bai Xiaoxiao's response. Not reconciled, Bai Xiaoxiao has always disliked him.

  "Xiaoxiao, I am not at ease when you are in City G. I cannot live in City G in a short period of time. Therefore, after thinking about it, I still think it would be better to take you to City B and live for a while."

  When Meng Ke was arrested, he was relieved.

  Bai Xiaoxiao twisted her eyebrows in embarrassment. She knew that Luo Haofeng was worried about her, but what happened when she went to City B.

  If Meng Ke is really determined, it will be the same everywhere.

It's just that Wu Jingfang would tell Luo Haofeng about Meng Ke's approach to her, which surprised Bai Xiaoxiao.

"Xiao Xiao, okay, if you come to live in City B, I can see you every day and can protect you." As a man, Luo Haofeng hopes to be by the side of the woman he loves and protect her at all times. .

  "Will you let me think about it?"

  After hesitating for a moment, Bai Xiaoxiao said softly.

  Luo Haofeng didn’t force her, gentle and honest, “Okay, you think about it, and discuss it with your uncle and aunt. Xiuchen will come to City B for a business trip this weekend. You will be on the same flight with him, and I will pick you up at the airport.”


  At night, Luo Haofeng called Bai Xiaoxiao.

   asked about her temporary stay in City B, and Bai Xiaoxiao replied with a smile, "My parents agreed."

   "This is great, Xiao Xiao, we will be able to live together in two days." Luo Haofeng made no secret of his joy.

  Listening to his excited words, Bai Xiaoxiao's heart warmed, and the smile on his face became more charming.

   "Xiao Xiao, I will call Xiuchen now and let him book tickets together."

  "No, I'll call Ranran in a while. Mo Xiuchen is going on a business trip, but he will definitely go there too." Bai Xiaoxiao hasn't called Wen Ran yet.

   But when her words were uttered, Luo Haofeng laughed on the other side of the phone.

  Bai Xiaoxiao was so confused by him, "What are you laughing at?"

   "Xiao Xiao, you are the same as I thought, and I also thought that Xiuchen would take it on business trips."

"Is not it?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao asked inexplicably.

  At least, during the period after she returned to China, Mo Xiuchen and Ranran were inseparable, even if she was on a business trip, she had to take her with her.

  It seemed that he was afraid that he would be taken away by another man after a few days of business trip.

  For Mo Xiuchen's ‘disease’, they all felt that it was necessary to cure it.

   "No, Xiao Xiao, you believe me, this time Xiuchen is not on a business trip with Ranran, but with Jiang Hui."

   "Jiang Hui?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao certainly remembered the woman named Jiang Hui. Although she had only met once, the woman's instinct told her that Jiang Hui definitely had an intention to Mo Xiuchen.

  It's strange that a man like Mo Xiuchen doesn't attract women's love.

  But Bai Xiaoxiao couldn't figure it out, why would Mo Xiuchen take Jiang Hui on a business trip?

   "Isn't Jiang Hui an intern? How could Mo Xiuchen take her on a business trip? He wouldn't be like other men..."

  Bai Xiaoxiao asked suspiciously.

  "Xiao Xiao, do you know why Jiang Hui, an intern, can work in Haochen?"

  Luo Haofeng did not answer Bai Xiaoxiao's words directly.

   "Ran Ran said that Director Wei introduced it, so Mo Xiuchen gave him face, so Jiang Hui entered Haochen."

  That's what Wen Ran told Bai Xiaoxiao at the time.

  Luo Haofeng listened to Bai Xiaoxiao's words, and was silent for a moment. When the voice came again, it was a little deeper than before, "Xiao Xiao, in fact, Xiu Chen asked Jiang Hui to enter Haochen, not for the sake of the head of Wei."


   "That Jiang Hui looks very similar to Xiu Chen's mother. Not only does she look like her, but her name is only one word away from Xiu Chen's mother."

  This is the reason why Mo Xiuchen asked Jiang Hui to enter Haochen.

  Bai Xiaoxiao widened her eyes in surprise, "Really?"

  How could such a coincidence happen.

   Jiang Hui looks a lot like Mo Xiuchen’s mother.

  If that were the case, then it would not be surprising that Mo Xiuchen could let Jiang Hui, an intern, enter Haochen.

   "Well, it's true. That Jiang Hui approached Xiu Chen. It must have her purpose, but I don't know if she was instigated by Director Wei or someone else."

  Speaking of the back, Luo Haofeng's voice inexplicably penetrated into a chill.

  (End of this chapter)

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