Chapter 1866 I am afraid

  When Jiang Hui received a call from Meng Ke, she had just arrived at the school gate.

  Just as she pressed the answer button, she heard Li Shiyao calling her from behind. On the other side of the phone, Meng Ke also heard him, "I'll call you later."

   "Wait a minute."

   Jiang Hui turned his head and looked at Li Shiyao who was coming.

  Li Shiyao saw her holding her mobile phone in her ear, and immediately smiled, "Huihui, if you answer the phone, then you should answer it first."

  "You can go in first, I will pick it up and then go in."

   Jiang Hui smiled and nodded, watching Li Shiyao enter the school gate, she said, "You call me, what's the matter?"

   "Director Wei said that he was being watched by the police. If there is something, you can do it for me."

  On the phone, Meng Ke’s low voice came with a hint of coldness. On this hot summer morning, Jiang Hui actually felt a little cold in her heart.


  I don't know what the other party said on the other end of the phone, Jiang Hui's expression changed.

  The other party’s voice continued, "You find them, give them a sum of money, and they will do what I say."

   "Now the police are looking for you everywhere. If you don't find a place to hide, do you want to return to China to find Bai Xiaoxiao?"

   "As long as I do what I have told you, the rest, don't need you to worry about it, and I won't go back to China."

   "Also, how about I asked you to seduce Mo Xiuchen?"

It's okay that Meng Ke didn't mention Mo Xiuchen. When he mentioned Mo Xiuchen, Jiang Hui couldn't help frowning, not to mention how depressed.

   even mixed with complaints, "Mo Xiuchen is so easy to seduce, he doesn't look at other women at all except Wen Ran."

   "But you are not another woman. Remember, your face is special to Mo Xiuchen, and your name is special to Mo Xiuchen."

  Meng Ke sneered on the phone. He didn't believe it. Mo Xiuchen would look at Jiang Hui's face, as cold as other women.

  If that's the case, how could Jiang Hui enter the Haochen Group?

   "I just joined the Haochen Group. Mo Xiuchen has nothing special to me."

  Mo Xiuchen's indifferent handsome face appeared in front of Jiang Hui's eyes. His eyes were as deep as pools, and his heart trembled.

  She had an illusion that Mo Xiuchen knew all her intentions and saw through all her thoughts.

  In front of Mo Xiuchen, she did not dare to think carefully, as if all her thoughts were in front of him, there was no way to hide.

  Hang up the phone, Jiang Hui thought about what Meng Ke had just said.

  As soon as I entered the school gate, the phone rang again.

  This time, it was a call from her department head.

  After answering the call, Jiang Hui's frowned brows stretched out, and a smile finally appeared on her face.

  Because her previous proposal was recognized, her superior asked her to go on a business trip together on the weekend, and coincidentally, the city on the business trip happened to be City B.

   is the city she is going to.


  Haochen Group, in the president's office on the top floor.

  Mo Xiuchen's tall figure stood behind Wen Ran, his well-knotted hands squeezed her shoulders.

  With a gentle smile at the corner of his mouth, he asked without giving up, "Of course, do you really not go on a business trip with me?"

  Wen Ran pursed his mouth and chuckled, his eyes fixed on the LCD screen in front of him, and his subordinates did not stop working, "Don’t go."

   "You are not afraid, that Jiang Hui really seduce me?"

  Mo Xiuchen twisted his handsome eyebrows, feeling very depressed about Wen Ran's refusal to go on a business trip with him.

  Wen Ran stopped working and looked up at Mo Xiuchen who was standing behind him. The other party bent down very cooperatively, with a clear masculine air lingering in her nose.

   Looking at Shang Mo Xiuchen's resentful eyes, Wen Ran raised his hand and touched his handsome face soothingly, "Xiu Chen, I trust you very much."

   "But I'm scared."


  Wen Ran couldn't stop smiling, she heard something, Mo Xiuchen said he was scared.

  God, is this the Mo Xiuchen she knows, afraid that other women will seduce him?

  The ghost believed his words.

  However, Mo Xiuchen's acting skills are really top-notch. With a three-point aggrieved look in his sad eyes, Wen Ran's heart softened as he almost agreed to him.

"Ran Ran."

  Mo Xiuchen frowned dissatisfiedly and looked at Wen Ran.

  He was reluctant to separate from her, and wanted to take her on a business trip, so he would go to play for two days.

  But not only did he not agree, but he also laughed at him like that.

Wen Ran blinked innocently, holding back a smile and said, "Xiu Chen, it's not that I won't go with you, but your initial plan was to let Jiang Hui go on a business trip with you. If I go, then Isn’t it useless work?"

   "It's all Tang Yang's bad ideas."

  Mo Xiuchen snorted displeasedly.

  No matter who Jiang Hui is instructed to approach him, as long as she can't do anything, he doesn't bother to pay attention to it.

  However, Tang Yang asked him to help in order to investigate the case for himself.

   "Xiu Chen, Tang Yang is Qing Yang's lifesaver, since you have agreed, don't be angry, okay?" Wen Ran coaxed Mo Xiuchen like a child.

  This man, in front of outsiders, is a business prodigy, and he can turn his hands over.

  In front of her, she often played a child's temper. She was obviously a few years older than her, but sometimes, she couldn't help being overwhelmed by maternal love.

  Mo Xiuchen's face was calm, his thin lips pressed tightly without speaking.

Wen Ran's eyes were a little more tender, and he said patiently, "It's just a business trip for a few days. I'm taking care of three children at home. If you can let Jiang Hui say everything, then you don't need to see her anymore. ?"

   "I don't want to see her, I can fire her immediately."

   "If that person is so hard-working, how can you expel Jiang Hui like this? At least you have to know, who is behind Jiang Hui?"

  Unable to withstand the gentle words and soft words, Mo Xiuchen's gloomy handsome face eased a little.

  A cold light flashed across his deep eyes, yes, since the other party has been so hard to find Jiang Hui.

  Then he must know the intention of the other party and who that person is.

  Otherwise, how can you be worthy of that person's hard work.

   "That's right, if Director Wei really has a problem, it would be good for Tang Yang to get the evidence earlier."

   "I don't care about Director Wei, I just hope that Meng Ke can be caught before A Feng and Xiao Xiao's wedding."

  If it were not for Luo Haofeng and Bai Xiaoxiao, Mo Xiuchen would not help Tang Yang just because of a few words, nor would he be threatened by Qing Yang's life-saving grace.

  Wen Ran nodded with a smile.

  Mo Xiuchen sighed and kissed Wen Ran's face. She smiled and avoided, frowning, and then asked, "Xiu Chen, do you really think Jiang Hui and Meng Ke are related?"

   "Does it matter? I will know one day."

Mo Xiuchen smiled slightly, hugged Wen Ran in his arms, his eyes were firm, and he whispered softly, "Ran Ran, let alone Jiang Hui who looks like her, even if she comes back from the dead, she can't change it. what."

  (End of this chapter)

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