Chapter 1865 If there is no Bai Xiaoxiao

  Luo Haofeng explained that, Bai Xiaoxiao was even more shocked.

  She asked in disbelief, "What you said is true?"

  If Luo Haofeng didn't say that Tan Mu and An Lin were also planning to move to the suburbs, then Bai Xiaoxiao would still worry about whether there were any villas for sale in the suburbs.

   But if Luo Haofeng said so, it must be true.

Not only does it have, but Luo Haofeng has already bought it.

  When asked by Bai Xiaoxiao in this way, Luo Haofeng's smile deepened, and he said patiently, "It's true, if you don't believe it, just call An Lin and you will know."

   "Then, did you buy a house?"

  Hearing this, Bai father and mother also understand.

  Luo Haofeng smiled and replied, “Actually, I didn’t buy it there. Xiuchen bought it for me and A Mu, but we haven’t lived there.”

  The villa there was bought early.

  At the time, Luo Haofeng and Tan Mu joined the MS group for Mo Xiuchen, doing their best to help him develop his power and collect evidence of Xiao Wenqing...

  Mo Xiuchen was full of gratitude to them, and bought them a villa, not far from his villa.

  But Tan Mu and Luo Haofeng have an apartment in the city center, and they are single again, so they have no idea of ​​living in the suburbs.

  Furthermore, they helped Mo Xiuchen because of brotherhood, not for his gratitude and repayment.

  Luo Haofeng said briefly, and the three of Bai Father, Bai Mother, and Bai Xiaoxiao also understood.

  Father and mother Bai were very moved by the feelings of Luo Haofeng and Mo Xiuchen. Let alone friends or brothers, it is difficult for them to have such deep feelings.

  "The house was renovated last year. It was just right to move in when I married Xiaoxiao."

  When Tan Mu and An Lin got married, Mo Xiuchen began to arrange for them to decorate the villa in the suburbs, and he also decorated Luo Haofeng's set.

   "I never heard Ranran talk to An Lin about these things."

  Bai Xiaoxiao said with emotion.

  Luo Haofeng smiled softly, “You were abroad before, of course, you don’t know. When you come back, it has been decorated.”

  In fact, Luo Haofeng didn't worry about the decoration of that villa at all.

  At that time, he didn't even dare to think that he and Xiao Xiao would be together.

   "No wonder."

  Bai Xiaoxiao also had some feelings in her heart. She did not dare to know everything about Luo Haofeng when she returned to China last year.

  Why would Wen Ran tell her about the house in Luo Haofeng’s suburban villa under such circumstances...


  Luo Rongbin and Luo Haofeng finished talking and went to the front to find Wu Jingfang.

  However, he looked around for a while and didn't see Wu Jingfang's shadow, only thinking that she was back to the hotel.

  Waiting for Luo Rongbin to return to the hotel room, only to find that Wu Jingfang was not in the room. At this time, she had to call Wu Jingfang.

  The phone rang several times, and Wu Jingfang’s voice came. It sounded like she was in a bad mood.

   "Jingfang, where are you, I thought you came back to the hotel."

  Luo Rongbin walked out of the room and walked towards the elevator while talking.

   "I'm on the beach, didn't you let me wait for you on the beach?"

  Wu Jingfang replied unhappy.

  A few minutes later, Luo Rongbin came to the beach. Sure enough, Wu Jingfang was lying in a lounge chair and basking in the sun comfortably.

   "Why didn't I see you just now?"

  Luo Rongbin looked at Wu Jingfang, who was comfortable basking in the sun, and asked suspiciously.

  Wu Jingfang heard his voice, opened her eyes slowly, and looked suspiciously at Luo Rongbin. She turned her head to look at the beach and sat up.

   "I went to the bathroom just now."

   As she said, she stretched out her hand to Luo Rongbin. Luo Rongbin took the clothes she put aside and put on her.

  Wu Jingfang stood up and pointed to the beach in front of him. The two wandered on the beach, "A Feng called, what did you tell you?"

   "A Feng said that he wants to marry Bai Xiaoxiao soon and call to ask for your opinion."

  Luo Rongbin smiled and answered calmly.


  Wu Jingfang's face changed, and her eyes looked a little displeased when she looked at Luo Rongbin.

  Luo Rongbin disapproved of her displeasure, and walked forward, “Yes, Bai Xiaoxiao will have a child in a few months, and they can’t have a child. They are not married yet.”

   "It's because she doesn't respect herself. How long has it been for A Feng to get better with her, and she will get married."

  Wu Jingfang hummed coldly.

  Luo Rongbin didn’t like Wu Jingfang’s words about Bai Xiaoxiao, but did not show it. Instead, she asked gently, “Don’t you want them to get married before the child is born, and the child’s surname Luo?”

  Wu Jingfang was startled.

  This question, she seems to have overlooked it.

   Thinking of what the person said to her in the private room just now, she clenched the hands beside her subconsciously.

  The hand holding the phone was a little painful by the phone.


  A Feng said that he can do what she can do for love.

  He loves Bai Xiaoxiao, so much that he can turn his face with her mother...

  Wu Jingfang promised to be with Bai Xiaoxiao, but in her heart, she was unwilling to accept Bai Xiaoxiao.

  If something happened to Bai Xiaoxiao and it had nothing to do with her, then A Feng would not blame her.

  Not only will not blame, but in the future, she will be filial to her as before.

   Thinking of this, Wu Jingfang hates Bai Xiaoxiao even more. It can be said that it is resentment.

  I feel that all this is because of Bai Xiaoxiao. As long as Bai Xiaoxiao is absent, her son will still be the good and filial son before.

"What are you thinking?"

  Luo Rongbin noticed that something was wrong with Wu Jingfang, and couldn't help frowning, staring at her suspiciously.

Wu Jingfang shook her head with blinking eyes, and said stiffly, "What can I think, even if I don’t like Bai Xiaoxiao, I can’t change A Feng’s feelings for her, as you said, instead of the child born by Bai Xiaoxiao and her surname. Bai, it is better to let them get married."

  She sneered, whether Bai Xiaoxiao could give birth to a child, and whether she could become A Feng’s bride or not.

Luo Rongbin smiled at the corners of his mouth, gently calming her, "It's fine if you can think about it this way. I told Afeng that they can get married whenever they want. We can continue traveling and send a gift back then. ."

  "Shall we not go back to the wedding?"

  Wu Jingfang's eyes flashed with surprise, fixedly looking at Luo Rongbin.

  He doesn’t want to go back and see Qiao Xiuyun?

  Luo Rongbin smiled and shook his head, “I think you’d better come out and be happy. I also think that you can relax outside and be better. They married them, and we traveled with us. Wouldn’t it be great?”

  Wu Jingfang smiled as if wanting to understand, "Well, this is good, I hope to keep traveling like this. Stay in each place for a while."

   "You can do whatever you want."

  Luo Rongbin showed the image of a good husband who loves his wife.

  Regardless of his true thoughts, Wu Jingfang could not help being moved by the tenderness and consideration he showed.

  (End of this chapter)

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