Chapter 1864

  G City

Luo Haofeng finished the phone call with his father Luo Rongbin, and politely explained again, "Uncle and Auntie, my dad said that my mother is not with him at the moment, but my mother is still very concerned about the marriage between me and Xiaoxiao. There will be no comments."

   Father Bai looked at Mother White.

  Luo Haofeng looked at Bai Xiaoxiao with a smile on his face.

   Father Bai and Mother Bai exchanged glances, and then said gently, "Since your parents have no objection, wait until the wedding date is determined, and then tell them."

  "Everything will be arranged by uncle and auntie."

  Luo Haofeng was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said without hesitation.

   "Xiuyun, do you think they should have the wedding sooner or later?"

  Father Bai is not a man who is in charge of one person. For this kind of thing, he must follow his wife’s opinions.

  As soon as he said this, Luo Haofeng and Bai Xiaoxiao both looked at Mother White.

  The white mother thought for a while, and then slowly said, “It’s better to do it earlier. Although it is summer, Xiaoxiao’s belly is still not visible, and it’s okay to wear a wedding dress.”

  However, time is a little tight.

  The joy in Luo Haofeng's heart was increasing, but he didn't interrupt, just listened quietly to the discussion between his father and mother.

   "Xiao Xiao is in a special situation now, I think, the wedding needn't be too grand, and it doesn't need to be so tiring to be simple."

   Father Bai loves his daughter.

  White mother swept across Bai Xiaoxiao’s flat belly, "You also talk about your own ideas, whether the wedding is simpler or..."

  "Look at Xiaoxiao's thoughts."

  Luo Haofeng's eyes were gentle and pitying.

  He wants to hold a grand wedding and let Xiaoxiao be the happiest bride in the world.

  But as Father Bai said, Xiaoxiao is now in a special situation. After tossing all day long, he is afraid that Xiaoxiao will not be able to stand it.

   "Don't be so troublesome, just invite some relatives and friends to dinner."

  It was hard to get together with Luo Haofeng. Bai Xiaoxiao didn't want to toss, and Meng Ke was still hiding in the dark. She didn't know if it would cause trouble. She just wanted to be together with Luo Haofeng flat.

   "By the way, where do you plan to live after you get married?"

   Bai Mu asked as if suddenly thinking of this question.

  A pair of eyes fixedly looked at Luo Haofeng.

  Luo Haofeng thought about this issue before he came here. He and Xiao Xiao were separated from each other, and they got married earlier because they wanted to be together.

  However, let Xiaoxiao go to his city, Bai father and white mother will not worry about saying that Xiaoxiao is not there like there are as many good friends as Wen Ran and the others in G city.

  When you get to City B, Xiaoxiao will be alone.

  This is a very difficult question.

   "Uncle, Auntie, I think so." Luo Haofeng glanced at Bai Xiaoxiao beside him, and met her smiling eyes, the tenderness in his eyes became stronger.

She explained gently, "Xiao Xiao has been living in City G since she was a child, and with her good friends, she will definitely not get used to it when she comes to City B. Although I very much hope that Xiao Xiao will live with me, I can come to City G, and, Our company's business is trying its best to develop into G City..."

   Father Bai and Mother Bai listened to Luo Haofeng talking about their thoughts and his future arrangements for him and Xiaoxiao.

  'S affection for Luo Haofeng, another point.

  I have to admit that Luo Haofeng has taken care of Xiaoxiao from all aspects and tried his best to make her life after marriage the same as before marriage.

  Rather than integrating into a strange family, strange environment, or even leaving home after marriage, thousands of miles away from their parents.

  No matter how well the traffic is, it doesn’t have wings, and you just go back home.

  Father Bai pondered slightly, and then asked, "You mean to focus your company's business development in G city. In the future, with G city as the center, you and Xiaoxiao will settle in G city?"

  If this is the case, that would be great.

  When the mother-in-law did not want Luo Haofeng and Xiao Xiao to be together, she thought of embarrassing Luo Haofeng and offered him to be the door-to-door son-in-law.

But the meal that Luo Haofeng personally made made her dispel the idea of ​​asking that kind of question.

  Unexpectedly, now Luo Haofeng himself is willing to come to G city for Xiaoxiao.

  They know that Rockwell is deeply rooted in City B and it is not a matter of three or two days to develop its focus to City G, but fortunately, Mo Xiuchen and their good friends in G City will help him.

  Originally, Rockwell also had business in G City.

   is not completely impossible.

"Yes, uncle, Xiaoxiao and I live in city B. Uncle and aunt are definitely not at ease. When Xiaoxiao wants to be the second elder, she can't go home and visit immediately. I think after much deliberation, I and Xiaoxiao It’s better to live in City G."

  Luo Haofeng said calmly and calmly, as if it were not difficult to make such a decision.

  But the white mother thought of Wu Jingfang, her brows frowned and asked, "Do your parents know that even if your mother agrees to marry Xiaoxiao, she will definitely not want you to live in G City for Xiaoxiao?"

  Wu Jingfang and Luo Rongbin are Luo Haofeng's son, and they have a generation of grievances.

  How could he agree to live in City G? This is not much different from a son-in-law.

  Luo Haofeng said lightly, “Auntie, don’t worry, my parents’ plan is to travel around the world. At least for a few years, they won’t live with their parents. Where I live, they won’t have any objections.”

  Wu Jingfang now has Luo Rongbin's company, wishing to make up for the wasted decades.

  Of course, she is willing to travel around with Luo Rongbin, stay wherever she likes for a while, and then go to the next stop.

   "If this is the case, it would be best."

  Mother White heard Luo Haofeng’s affirmative answer, and put Wu Jingfang aside and helped them plan for the future, “Xiao Xiao is married to you, so naturally you can’t live at home.”

  Speaking, Bai Mu looked at Father Bai on the side.

  Father Bai knowingly took over and said, "I will help you pick a house as soon as possible, preferably closer to ours. In this way, although you live alone, you can also have a caregiver."

  In a short period of time, it is impossible for Luo Haofeng to be in City G every day. He still spends more time in City B.

  They live closer to home to take care of Xiaoxiao.

  Luo Haofeng smiled mildly, and said in a hurry, “If uncle and aunt are willing, I plan to live with Xiaoxiao in the suburbs, with Xiu Chenran and them.”

  "It's also good there, the suburban air is good, if you can get close to Ranran and them, even if you are in city B, Xiaoxiao can also play with Ranran and them, and have a company."

  White mother smiled approvingly on her face, and father Bai nodded in satisfaction.

  Bai Xiaoxiao looked at Luo Haofeng in surprise, "Of course, are there any villas nearby for sale?"

  She hadn't considered this issue, so she didn't pay attention.

  Luo Haofeng smiled and nodded, explaining for Bai Xiaoxiao, “Yes, not only us, but A Mu and An Lin are also planning to move to the suburbs, and we will live together more lively.”

  Especially the children, who can go to school together in the future, play together since childhood, have company, and have a good relationship.

  (End of this chapter)

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