Chapter 1863 Discussing marriage

  Mo Xiuchen looked at the few people beside him, and a faint curve formed at the corner of his mouth.

  He has no regrets for them.

  Although he was peaceful, he didn't hold a wedding when he got married, he just got a certificate.

  But then he made up for a grand wedding to Ranran. As for Gu Kai's groaning eyes, he just didn't see it.

  Anyway, Gu Kai and Bai Yi went on their honeymoon. The wedding originally prepared for him and Bai Yi was finally used to catch the bad guys...


   Regardless of whether Meng Ke was arrested or not, the days passed.

  The next day, Luo Haofeng came to Bai's house and discussed their marriage with Bai Xiaoxiao's parents.

  In the exquisitely decorated and cozy living room, Father and Mother White are sitting on one sofa, and Luo Haofeng and Bai Xiaoxiao are sitting on another sofa.

  After hearing what he said, Father Bai and Mother Bai did not immediately agree, but pondered.

  "Does this mean you alone, or have you discussed it with your parents?"

   After a moment of silence, the white mother asked calmly.

   Mentioned his parents, Luo Haofeng’s expression changed slightly, but he quickly returned to normal, and he replied with a smile, "Auntie, this is my own meaning, and I can call the shots of my marriage."

  The implication is that his marriage does not need to be discussed with his parents.

But the mother Bai did not think so, "You'd better discuss it with your parents, especially your mother. We are the daughter of Xiao Xiao. We don't want anything bad at the wedding once in a lifetime."

  Even if Luo Haofeng said before, her parents agreed to him to be with Xiao Xiao, but Qiao Xiuyun did not dare to believe him too much without seeing Wu Jingfang in person.

  Although she didn't want to see Wu Jingfang all her life, nowadays, Xiao Xiao and Luo Haofeng are to be together, and meeting is essential.

  She told Xiaoxiao last night that if Wu Jingfang didn’t want to attend their wedding, she wouldn’t have to attend.

  But I thought about it all night, and the more I thought about it, the more I felt that it was necessary to meet Wu Jingfang or make a phone call before they discussed the marriage.

  Affirmed and guaranteed by Wu Jingfang.

  Bai Xiaoxiao thought for a while, and said softly, “Hao Feng, mom is right. Marriage is a major event in life. Even if you can call the shots, you have to tell it, uncle and aunt.”

  She knew her mother’s worries, and Bai Xiaoxiao was also worried. Wu Jingfang definitely didn't like her.

  Luo Haofeng saw Bai Xiaoxiao’s worries in his eyes, and gently held her hand with his big hand, and said gently, "Okay, I will call my parents now."

  He took out his mobile phone and dialed Luo Rongbin's number.

At the same time, Luo Rongbin and Wu Jingfang were on a scenic island abroad. Luo Rongbin glanced at the caller ID and said to Wu Jingfang next to him, "You go to play on that beach first, and I will look for you later. "

  Wu Jingfang is more than 50 years old, but she has a very good body and loves the shows on the sea beach very much.

   asked Luo Rongbin, who made the call? When the answer was that it was their son, she left with peace of mind.

  Such a good sun, such a beautiful scenery, of course you must enjoy it.

  Luo Rongbin watched Wu Jingfang walk away before pressing the answer button, and said happily, "Hey, A Feng."

   "Dad, I am discussing my marriage with Xiao Xiao at Xiao Xiao's family, and my uncle and aunt asked me to call me to ask you and my mother's opinions."

  Luo Haofeng did not say this behind his father and mother, but in front of them.

   His face was calm and calm.

On the other end of the phone, Luo Rongbin laughed happily when he heard that Luo Haofeng was about to discuss marriage, "You and Xiaoxiao should get married quickly, but you don’t need to ask your mother and me for advice. The arrangement of the father-in-law is fine."

   Hearing this, a smile appeared on Luo Haofeng’s face, “Dad, is this meant by you alone, or by you and my mother?”

   "You turn on the phone to speak out."

  Luo Haofeng glanced at his father and mother, and turned on the phone for hands-free use.

  His father’s voice came from the phone, and he wanted to be in the silent living room, “Of course it means your mother and I. Your mother had a lot of fun here, and there is no plan to go back to China in a short time.”

  "My wedding with Xiaoxiao, will you not come back to attend?"

   When he said this, Luo Haofeng had a trace of regret in his tone, but he was happy in his heart.

  He knows what happened last time, and his mother has a grudge in her heart.

  It’s actually good not to come back.

  "We are not going back. We will choose a good gift to send back to you and Xiaoxiao."

   "Where are you now?"

  Luo Haofeng and his parents don’t talk on the phone every day, but only once every few days. He really doesn’t know where his parents are now.

  At the same time, Wu Jingfang just found a place to sit down, and a man walked next to him, saying in fluent Chinese, "Mrs. Luo, my friend would like to buy you a cup of coffee..."

  Wu Jingfang looked at the coffee shop in the distance along the direction of his fingers, and saw a man sitting next to the window through the transparent glass window.

   was facing her, her eyes met, and the other party smiled and waved at him.

  Wu Jingfang knew this man. She met on the beach yesterday afternoon, but she didn’t know the man sitting in the cafe.

   "Mrs. Luo, please."

  Wu Jingfang smiled and said hello, got up and followed the man to the coffee shop in the distance.

  They walked into the coffee shop. The man who was sitting by the window just now came to the door and said to Wu Jingfang, "Mrs. Luo, let's go to the private room on the second floor to talk."

  A trace of doubt flashed in Wu Jingfang's eyes, and the other's eyes became more wary, "This gentleman, I don't know you, there is no need to go to the private room to talk!"

   She said, turning her head to look at the man who called her in.

  The other party showed a kind smile and explained gently, “Don’t worry Mrs. Luo, we still have a friend upstairs who wants to see Mrs. Luo.”

  Wu Jingfang wanted to refuse, but before she could say her refusal, the other party urged, "Mrs. Luo, please."

  Although, making the gesture of please, the politeness and respect on the face always give people a cold feeling.

  Wu Jingfang hesitated, then turned her head and glanced outside. Luo Rongbin did not follow, so she had to follow the two people in front of her upstairs.

  The two men led her upstairs in tandem, opened the door of the private room, and invited her in.

  There was a man sitting on the sofa in the private room. Wu Jingfang standing at the door could only see half of the man's face. The first reaction was that she did not know this person.

   entered the private room, and the man behind him closed the door immediately.

  The man sitting on the sofa slowly turned his face. When he saw the other's face clearly, Wu Jingfang's face changed slightly.

   "Mrs. Luo, please sit down."

  The corner of the man's mouth evokes a smile, but his eyes are cold.

  Wu Jingfang snorted with an ugly face, then turned to look at the two men behind him, walked over, and sat down on the sofa.

  (End of this chapter)

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