Chapter 1862 There will definitely be action

  Tang Yang was very satisfied with Luo Haofeng's silence.

  Really accepted the skewers that Luo Haofeng handed over, and the smile at the corner of his mouth spread all over his handsome face.

  Compared to his joy, Luo Haofeng was depressed to death in his heart.

  He didn't have time to eat the things he roasted so hard, and even, he hadn't eaten them for Xiaoxiao, and was actually eaten by this man.

   Tan Mu saw Luo Haofeng's daring but unspeakable expression, which was really contrary to his character, and couldn't help but smile, "Yang, you can save some for Afeng. If you continue to eat, he probably can't bear it anymore."

   "How come, Mr. Luo is not such a stingy person."

  Tang Yang deliberately said loudly, "If she is so stingy, how could Miss Bai look at him."

  In order to get the news about Meng Ke brought back by Tang Yang, Luo Haofeng had to swallow all his unhappiness into his stomach, and dedicated his barbecue to Tang Yang.

  Bai Xiaoxiao had already had dinner, and now he was with Wen Ran and the others, but Luo Haofeng didn’t need to cook it for her at all.

  Half an hour later, Luo Haofeng asked Tang Yang again, "I have eaten so much, should I be paid?"

  Tang Yang chuckled, turned around from the food bin behind, and gave back to Luo Haofeng ten times the amount of the food he had just eaten.

   "Mr. Luo, thank you for the delicious food you just baked. These are my rewards."


  Looking at Tang Yang's smiling handsome face, Luo Haofeng's entire face went dark.

   "A Feng, are you not satisfied?"

The few people beside    were amused by Tang Yang's words and laughed loudly. Looking at Luo Haofeng's handsome face that was darkened to the bottom of the pot, Tan Mu managed to hold back his laughter and coughed twice.

  Mo Xiuchen directly gave up the barbecue and brought the cooked food to Wen Ran.

   "This is the reward you said?"

  Luo Haofeng was more than dissatisfied, he almost wanted to kill the **** Tang Yang.

Tang Yang blinked his eyes innocently and smiled at the corner of his mouth, "Yes, this is much more useful than money. If I give you money, you won't be able to change the ingredients right now, right? So count it, or give it. The ingredients are good."

  Luo Haofeng smirked, his cold eyes fixed on the smile on Tang Yang's face, gritted his teeth and asked, "Do you have news about Meng Ke abroad?"

  This guy has eaten so many skewers, he can't let him spit out the skewers, but he can't be coaxed by his few skewers.


  Tang Yang wiped his mouth gracefully with a tissue, and answered Luo Haofeng's words simply.

  Luo Haofeng sneered and mocked, "Aren't you the person in charge of this case? As one of the fugitives in that case, Meng Ke, why didn't you get him back, why would you be embarrassed to run up the mountain to have a barbecue?"

   "Everyone needs to eat. If I can't solve the case in one day, I will not eat for a day, then I will be a fairy."

  Tang Yang ignored Yu Luo Haofeng's sneer. Luo Haofeng wanted to say something, but the other party's cell phone rang untimely.

  Tang Yang took out his mobile phone and took a look, and said with a smile, "My godson called, A Feng, thank you for the barbecue. I'm going to see the godson in City C."

  After that, Tang Yang said to Tan Mu again, "Amu, lend me your car and let me pick it up from the airport."

Under Luo Haofeng's glaring look, Tang Yang swaggered away.

  Tang Yang drove the car and disappeared into their sight. Luo Haofeng, who was tricked, gritted his teeth with hatred, "Damn it, don't fall into my hands next time."

  Mo Xiuchen looked at Luo Haofeng’s anger and smiled, "Afeng, Tang Yang will stay in City G these days. You have a chance for revenge."

   However, Luo Haofeng may not be able to stay in G City.

   "What is he doing in City G?"

   "Of course it is investigating the case, besides Meng Ke, there are bigger fish waiting for him."

  Tin Mu's quiet interface, "Maybe, Yang can find out that person, and then Meng Ke can be found out."

   "He doesn't have any news about Meng Ke?"

  Luo Haofeng frowned, and Meng Ke would definitely not catch it. He felt uneasy all day.

  One thing, whether it was Xiao Xiao or Mo Xiuchen, he never mentioned it. The only person who had told was the person sent by the police.

  Last time, he asked Bai Xiaoxiao to return to China first, and he was attacked during the time when he was handling affairs for her in Country D.

  The injury was not very serious at the time.

  He once suspected that the attacker was instigated by Meng Ke.

  But later, the police stayed there for a few days, and there was no news about Meng Ke.

  He seems to have evaporated from the world, not knowing where he has gone.

   Hearing what they have said, Wen Jin, who has been quiet, said slowly, “According to Zhiyan, Meng Ke may still be in Country D.”

  Anyway, once you leave the country, it is difficult to catch them.

  "Don't worry about Meng Ke not showing up, he will definitely take action,"

  Mo Xiuchen said coldly with a trace of coldness across his eyes.

  He had a hunch that the person Tang Yang came back to investigate might have something to do with Jiang Hui.

  Even, it may be Jiang Hui’s godfather...

  Jiang Hui will not appear for no reason. He is sure that this is a conspiracy.

   However, Mo Xiuchen was not in the mood to deal with it. He waited for Jiang Hui to actively tell him.

  Now that Tang Yang is back, some truths will always be revealed slowly. They will soon know what purpose Jiang Hui has.

   "During this period, let Xiaoxiao pay more attention to safety."

  Mo Xiuchen calmly instructed Luo Haofeng, the words paused slightly, and then asked, "When are you and Xiaoxiao planning to get married?"

  I also asked for marriage, and Xiao Xiao was pregnant again. Luo Haofeng could never wait until Xiao Xiao gave birth to a child before holding the wedding.

  Speaking of marriage, Luo Haofeng smiled between his eyebrows, "I plan to go to Xiao Xiao's house tomorrow to discuss marriage with uncle and auntie."

  Mo Xiuchen smiled and said, "In a situation like Xiaoxiao, do you have to toss a grand wedding?"

  "Well, it's better if you get the certificate, don't toss about the wedding." Gu Kai echoed.

   "Do you want to save money?"

  Luo Haofeng looked at them questioningly, and Tan Mu made a cut, "You have to live by receiving gifts."

   "I will get married once in my life. If I don't even give Xiao Xiao a wedding, then she will definitely feel sorry."

  Although they were not far apart, a few women over there were chatting happily, and Bai Xiaoxiao did not hear the conversation between Luo Haofeng and Mo Xiuchen.

  "When it comes to weddings, you are not the only one who did not have a wedding, but a few of us, don’t we all have a decent wedding?"

  Speaking of this, Gu Kai glanced at Mo Xiuchen bitterly.

  He had also thought about giving Bai Yi a wedding. As a result, because of the design of this guy Xiu Chen, she chose to take them on holiday to get married.

   Tan Mu also nodded in agreement. He and An Lin did not have a grand wedding, because when they got married, they were not in love with each other, but simply invited a few tables of guests.

  (End of this chapter)

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