Chapter 1080

"Of course not, I'm just afraid of getting you tired, but it's okay. We won't go shopping for that long." After she finished speaking, she looked at Qingfeng and Qingyang who followed her, "Mo Xiuchen is really careful with you, both of them. Are you with us too?"

  Wen Ran turned her head and said to Qingfeng and Qingyang: "Aunt Qiao and I will go upstairs to buy some things. Wait for me in the coffee shop on the first floor."

Qingfeng and Qingyang looked at each other and nodded.

  This is a shopping mall. There should be nothing wrong with the mother-in-law.

   "Of course, let's go."

  The white mother took Wen Ran's hand, deliberately slowed down, and walked into the mall together while talking, and took the elevator upstairs.

   "Of course, Meng Ke went to see Xiao Xiao in country D, do you know?"

  When we came to the baby goods area, Bai Mu and Wen Ran looked at some baby clothes, and Wen Ran wanted to go to the bathroom. On the way to the bathroom with her, Bai Mu asked casually.

   "Well, I know, I met Meng Ke once, and he told me." Wen Ran replied with a smile, and his brain was running fast, wondering what Bai Mu would say next.

  Mother Qiao immediately showed a bright smile when she said this: "Really, of course, did Meng Ke tell you that he said he wants to wait for Xiaoxiao to return home."

   "I also said it." Wen Ran nodded, smiling lightly on her face.

   Entering the bathroom, Bai Mu thoughtfully opened the cubicle door for Wen Ran and watched her enter. She herself was standing outside, waiting for her across the cubicle door.

  Wen Ran came out of the grid, and Bai Mu continued the topic just now and asked: "Ran Ran, did Xiao Xiao tell you what she thinks?"

  Wen Ran walked to the sink and replied gently: "Xiao Xiao is now thinking about getting her certificate and going back to China to see his godson and goddaughter. She has no plans to fall in love."

   "If it's okay if there is no plan to fall in love, I'm afraid, she still can't let go of Luo Haofeng."

When    said these words, a worried look appeared on the face of the mother-in-law.

  Wen Ran was startled slightly, her eyes flickered, and she softly calmed her: "Aunt Qiao, don't worry, Luo Haofeng is married, Xiao Xiaobi might still be thinking of him."

   "But didn't he have a car accident a few months ago. I heard that Qi Meiling hasn't woken up yet?"

  The white mother frowned slightly. She remembered the last time Luo Haofeng went to the house and asked her about what happened in the past. Her mood suddenly became complicated. I really hope that Xiaoxiao will get married soon.

  Only when Xiaoxiao is married, can she be relieved.

"Yes it is."

   "Ran Ran, does Xiao Xiao know about this?" The mother-in-law looked at Wen Ran fixedly. Xiao Xiao called back that day without mentioning it. Naturally, she would not mention Luo Haofeng to Xiao Xiao.

   can only ask Wen Ran.

   "She doesn't know." Wen Ran replied against her will. She understood a mother's concern for her daughter, or Aunt Qiao knew that Xiao Xiao actually cared about Luo Haofeng and did not let it go. She would definitely be worried.

   "If I don't know, I can rest assured."

  Mother Bai let out a long sigh of relief, “No matter what Luo Haofeng and Qi Meiling are, I don’t want Xiaoxiao to get involved. Of course, next time you talk to Xiaoxiao on the phone, let her consider Meng Ke.”


  Wen Ran readily agreed.

A smile reappeared on the white mother's face: "My uncle Bai and I think that Meng Ke is a reliable person. If Xiaoxiao marries him, at least there is no need to worry about the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, unlike her and Luo Haofeng. ..."

   "I thought who was talking about my A Feng, it was you!"

  White mother's voice fell, and behind her, a three-point contemptuous voice rang out from behind. She heard the sound and turned her head in shock.

  My face changed a lot when I saw someone coming.

  Wen Ran was also taken aback. He looked at the door and saw that the person who came in was Luo Haofeng's mother.

   "Mother Luo, when did you come to City G?"

  Wen Ran glanced at the white mother beside her, and then at Luo Haofeng's mother. Seeing that the two of them were facing each other, their eyes were full of hostility. She spoke quickly to break the deadlock.

  Mother Luo took her gaze back from the white mother, turned to look at Wen Ran, and said lightly: "I came to see Ah Feng, so let him go back with me by the way, so as not to be hooked by a fox in G City."

   "Who do you mean as a vixen?"

  When Bai Mu heard this, she was immediately annoyed.

  Luo Haofeng suddenly smiled, and suddenly said: "Oh, it's not a vixen, it's a wild species."

   "Mother Luo!"

   Wen Ran was startled, and blurted out.

  White mother stared at Luo mother angrily. All her grace disappeared when the other party called her daughter a wild species. Thinking of what happened back then, she wished to kill the woman in front of her.

  If it hadn’t been for Luo Haofeng to ask her about what happened that year, she always thought that it was just her bad luck.

  But now, she stared at this vicious woman bitterly, and asked word by word:

   "What happened back then, was it you?"

"Hahaha, you are only asking this now, is it too late. But, don't wrong the good guys, I just happened to know that you were given to you by a group of men and became a torn shoe. Not only that, your daughter, it's very possible It's the kind of men..."

   "Mother Luo, how can you say that."

   Seeing the white mother's face turned white, Wen Ran immediately stopped her.

   "Wu Jingfang, if I am a broken shoe, you are a woman who is not as good as a broken shoe. What are you proud of?"

Mother Bai shook her body, then straightened her back, looked at Mother Luo with sharp eyes, and said word by word: "Some time ago, your husband called and said that he could not forget me. I suspect that all these years, you Have you ever gotten his heart?"

  If what Luo's mother did was to ruin her innocence, and today is to uncover her scars, then the white mother's counterattack, like a sharp knife, stabbed the opponent's heart fiercely.

  That is what Wu Jingfang is most reluctant to admit, but she can't deceive herself.

"You bitch." Her voice was sharp and full of hatred. Amidst her curses, she rushed up and grabbed the white mother's hair. Find more men..."

   "Auntie Joe, Aunt Luo, stop it."

   Bai Mu’s suspicion was confirmed in Wu Jingfang’s words.

   Faced with Wu Jingfang's act of pulling her hair and scratching her face, she resisted herself, seeing the two entangled together. On the side, Wen Ran was extremely worried.

   "I ruined your fox face today, and I see you still seduce men."

  Wu Jingfang said, she stretched out her hand to take off the hairpin on her head and stroked it towards the white mother's face.

   "Mother Luo, no."

  Wen Ran saw this, ignoring her belly. When Wu Jingfang pushed the white mother to the wall and the hairpin in her hand was about to cut her face, she rushed to grab Luo mother's arm.

   "Wen Ran, you let go."

Wu Jingfang turned her head angrily and stared at Wen Ran. Seeing that she was caught by Wen Ran, Mother Bai immediately came to grab the hairpin in her hand. Seeing this, Mother Luo released her other hand that was holding her, and turned to Wen Ran. Push hard.

  (End of this chapter)

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