Chapter 1081 Please make sure to keep everything safe

  Wen Ran was pushed to the ground by Wu Jingfang, and the white mother's face changed greatly and shouted, "Ran Ran."

  "Auntie Joe, call Qingfeng and Qingyang."

  Wen Ran turned pale for a moment, and a layer of cold sweat quickly swelled out of her forehead. She leaned on the floor with one hand and held her belly tightly with the other. It was too painful, and even her tone of voice changed.

   "Of course, I'll call right away. Hold on."

  Wu Jingfang woke up after pushing Wen Ran to the ground.

Seeing her holding her belly, her face changed, and she quickly took out her mobile phone to make an emergency call. Her son and Mo Xiuchen are good friends, and Wen Ran is Mo Xiuchen's favorite woman. If it were her and the child in her belly There are three long and two short...

  White mother stepped forward, squatted down, took out her mobile phone from Wen Ran's bag, and called Qing Feng.

   "Of course, you are bleeding, I will help you up first."

When I hung up the phone and saw the blood flowing from Wen Ran's thighs, the white mother's face turned pale. She reached out and held Wen Ran's arm, then turned her head and yelled at Wu Jingfang: "You hurry up and help, if there is anything wrong with Ranran , I will not let you go."

  Wu Jingfang also just hung up the phone. Seeing Wen Ran's thighs bleeding, she didn't dare to hesitate at all. She immediately came forward, and one of them supported Wen Ran with one arm and put her up.

  Qingfeng and Qingyang caught up with the fastest speed, Wu Jingfang and Bai Mu just helped Wen Ran out of the bathroom, Wen Ran's face was pale, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

   Painfully caressing her belly with one hand, biting her lips tightly.

  Qingfeng and Qingyang were frightened by the scene in front of them.

  The two were stunned for a second, and immediately ran forward, "Miss Wen, we have already called, and the ambulance will be here soon."

"Can't wait for the ambulance to come, Qingfeng, you come and hold Miss Wen downstairs, we must take her to the hospital immediately." Qing Yang glanced over the blood flowing from Wen Ran's legs, and Jun Yan followed her with white. .


Qingfeng also saw the blood flowing from Wen Ran's legs.

  At this time, he didn't care about the difference between men and women, nor did he care that Miss Wen was Shao Mo's wife, and Shao Mo was actually a big jealous jar.

  He only knows that if Miss Wen and the baby in her belly are three long and two short, he and Qing Yang can apologize with death.

  For the safety of her and the baby, Qingfeng said, "Miss Wen, please bear with me, I will hold you downstairs."

   bends over and hugs Wen Ran sideways.

  "Don't tell Xiuchen yet."

When Wen Ran was picked up by Qingfeng, he endured the sharp pain and said, and immediately bit his lips tightly.


   Qing Yang replied a little hesitantly. When they received the call, they rushed up immediately. They only had time to make an emergency call without calling Mo Shao.

  Qingfeng carried Wen Ran and took the elevator downstairs. Bai Mu and Luo Mu followed closely behind.

  Qing Yang ran in front, driving the door, Luo Mu and Bai Mu both had drivers, but they all followed to the front of the car, "I will accompany Ranran to help her."

   "I will also be with Wen Ran."

  Mother Luo hesitated, although she did not want to share the same car with her rival, but now the situation is special, and Wen Ran became like this because of the two of them.

  Qingfeng and Qing Yang didn't know what happened to Wen Ran, they hesitated for a while before they agreed.

   "Of course, if it hurts, you just grab me."

  As soon as the white mother got into the car, she let Wen Ran lean against her. Seeing her cold sweat roll off her forehead, her lips were clenched with pain, and she was indescribably sad and self-blaming.

  She really regrets, how could she entangled with Wu Jingfang regardless.

  If Ranran had something wrong with her baby, she would feel uneasy for the rest of her life.


  Wen Ran nodded gently, and did not let go of the hand stroking her stomach. Although the pain was so painful that she wanted to cry, she still resisted desperately, praying silently in her heart over and over again.

  Baby, you must be strong and don’t have trouble.

  She hopes that she will be strong, so that the baby will be strong with her. Qingyang drives the car faster than usual. Fortunately, he has good driving skills, although he is fast, it is still relatively stable.

  Wu Jingfang did not speak, but watched quietly as she gritted her teeth and endured the pain.

  They are people who are here, and they have all given birth to children. They know the pain of giving birth, not to mention that Wen Ran is now falling and may be bleeding...


  A city thousands of miles away

  In a hotel, in the presidential suite, Mo Xiuchen just took a shower and leaned back lazily on the sofa, looking at the laptop screen on the coffee table, his eyelids suddenly jumped up.

  He frowned, raised his hand and rubbed that eye, the phone rang, but at this moment it rang.

  Seeing the caller ID, Mo Xiuchen ticked the corner of his mouth, pressed the answer button, and said in a clear and cheerful voice: "Hey, Ran Ran."

   "Mo Xiuchen, I am Bai Xiaoxiao's mother, and something has happened."

   "What happened?"

   Hearing this, Mo Xiuchen's face changed, and he stood up straight from the sofa.

   "Ranran fell and is now bleeding heavily and just entered the operating room. She originally didn't let us call you, but I was worried..."

   "I see, I'll go back right away."

  Mo Xiuchen didn't listen to Bai Mu's words, so he hung up her phone.

  When she heard that Ranran had a fall and suffered heavy bleeding, when she first entered the operating room, Mo Xiuchen's tall body shook suddenly, and his delicate facial features as sharp as a knife quickly turned white.

  There was a painful and uncomfortable look before his eyes. A heart suddenly seemed to be gripped by an invisible big hand, unable to breathe.

  Of course, you must have nothing to do.

  Mo Xiuchen muttered to himself, ignoring that the matter had not been dealt with when he had just arrived here. At this moment, he wished to fly back to G City with his wings and accompany Ranran by his side.

  Getting in the taxi, Mo Xiuchen said and went to the airport, then dialed Gu Yan's number.

  After the phone rang twice, on the other end of the phone, Gu Yan's voice came: "Hey, Xiu Chen."

   "Dad, what happened?"

   "How did you know? But when I entered the operating room, he said he wouldn't let me tell you..."

   "I just received a call, Dad, I'm rushing to the airport now, no matter how bad the situation is, please make sure to keep Ranran safe."

  Mo Xiuchen took a deep breath, and the words overflowing his thin lips were deep and firm.

  He is not by Ranran's side. I don't know what the situation is now, but he knows one thing very well. That is, no matter how serious the situation is, he will be fine.

When    said this, although he felt uncomfortable in his heart, he was firm.

  If, he said if, Ranran's situation is serious enough to need to choose, he will choose Ranran without hesitation.

Of course Gu Yan understood what he meant. Her heart was moved by Xiu Chen's concern for Ranran, and she felt distressed. He paused and calmly calmed down, "Xiu Chen, don't worry, but the situation is not as serious as you thought. She and the baby will be safe."

  (End of this chapter)

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