Chapter 1079 Love and Trust

   "Li En?"

  Mo Xiuchen's long and narrow eyes narrowed, and if it seemed doubtful, he was sure.

  While talking, the two walked into the living room hand in hand. Mo Xiuchen took Wen Ran to the sofa and sat down, picked up an apple in the fruit bowl, peeled it and cut it into pieces and placed it on the plate.

   Pick up a small piece and feed it to Wen Ran's mouth.

   Wen Ran opened her mouth and took a bite. After swallowing, she said, “It was Li En told her. Sister Wei meant that after my brother came back, let me persuade him not to be too harsh on the dialogue.”

   "It seems that Fang Zhiwei is not unconcerned." After hearing Wen Ran's words, Mo Xiuchen tickled the corner of his mouth.

  Wen Ran pursed her lips, and said softly: "It's normal for her to be worried."

"On that day, Sister Wei took the initiative to propose marriage, which shows her anxiety and fear. She must have felt the unusual relationship between my brother and Eleven. She saw Li En and my brother doing it twice. If you have me, there will be ideas."

  Mo Xiuchen chuckled and corrected: "Of course, you made a mistake."

   "Which point?"

   asked inexplicably.

   "If you have an idea, if you change you, you will definitely not behave like Fang Zhiwei. At the beginning, how did you treat the woman who appeared next to me?"

  Mo Xiuchen clearly remembered that when he saw other women thinking about him, he was indifferent.

  He once asked her three or five times to have the consciousness that a wife should have, and to drive away the women around him.

  Wen Ran couldn't help smiling when he said that: "I believe you, knowing that those women can't seduce you."

   "This is the point of the problem."

Mo Xiuchen turned to the topic again, and Wen Ran blinked, "Xiuchen, you are right, Sister Wei doesn't trust my brother enough. In fact, I am still worried that if they get married, Can you be happy in the future."

  Women are always jealous.

  Wen Ran was not jealous at the time, because he had not fallen in love with Mo Xiuchen at that time, and even thought that if he had another woman, she would leave with him.

  Later, when she fell in love with him, she knew that he also loved herself, so she trusted him very much.

  Fang Zhiwei and her brother’s situation are different. At least, one thing she can be sure is that Fang Zhiwei is not in your house than her brother. This is compared on the premise that her brother also likes Fang Zhiwei.

  Mo Xiuchen thought for a while, and said, “A Kai has been on business for so long, part of the reason is that he is considering his marriage to Fang Zhiwei.”

   "Ah, do you mean that my brother didn't want to discuss the wedding date, so he didn't return?"

Astonishment flashed in Wen Ran's eyes, Qinghong looked at Mo Xiuchen with her eyes fixedly.

   "This is just my guess."

  Mo Xiuchen smiled slightly and stroked her abdomen with his big hand, as if he felt him. In the palm of his hand, the baby greeted him immediately.

   "Although Fang Zhiwei is worried that Bai will not marry one by one, over time, his relationship with A Kai will change, but this suggestion is not wrong."

   Wen Ran nodded, "I feel the same way. When my brother comes back, let's persuade him."

   "You don't need to be with us, you can do it by yourself. What you say is more useful than anyone else's." Mo Xiuchen is very self-aware. Since A Kai and Ranran recognized each other, his good brother has been ranked low.

  Just as he put Ranran first, Gu Kai also put his sister Ranran first.

  Perhaps, after he really falls in love with a woman, something will change.


  The next morning, Wen Ran woke up earlier than usual.

Because Mo Xiuchen was going on a business trip, she ate breakfast with him, took him out, and watched the car he was riding in disappeared from her sight. Then she touched her belly and said to the two babies: "Dad is on a business trip, you guys. Both have to be obedient."

As if he understood her words, the baby moved gently in her belly, and a gentle smile burst out on Wen Ran's lips. "In the past few days when Dad is away, your two little babies will accompany mom. "

  Aside, Madam Zhang walked over and whispered: "Grandma, it's hot outside, come in."


  Wen Ran smiled at Zhang's mother and responded softly.

"Grandma, I'll help you." Madam Zhang stretched out her hand to help Wenran, but she refused with a smile: "Mother Zhang, I am not as arrogant as Xiuchen said. I will come in by myself. Go ahead and do it. ."

   "Master told me this morning that I must take good care of my grandma these days. If there is any mistake, I can't explain it to my grandma."

   Madam Zhang insisted that grandma is the treasure in the palm of the eldest and the young master, not to mention that she is still pregnant with a baby, she dare not be careless.

  Wen Ran had to let Ma Zhang back to the living room. After sitting down on the sofa, she asked casually: "Mother Zhang, you said that day, how was Xiao Liu’s marriage?"

   A happy smile appeared on Zhang’s face: “Grandma, Xiao Liu’s wedding date is set, and when the young master comes back from a business trip, I will let him take Xiao Juan home for a meal.”

  Before, Mo Xiuchen said that he had time to let Xiao Liu take his current girlfriend home for dinner.

Xiao Liu and the girl named Xiao Juan have not been dating for a few months. However, the girl is honest, unlike the previous Cheng Jia and Tong Shishi. Wen Ran and Mo Xiuchen met the girl once, at least, for the first time. At first glance, it looks good.

   "Okay, when Xiuchen comes back, let Xiao Liu take her back for a meal. When is the wedding date set?"

  "It is set for New Year's Day. The specific bride price is still under discussion."

  Ma Zhang accompanied Wen Ran to talk for a while. Wen Ran felt a little sleepy, so she went back to the room to sleep.

  In the afternoon, after taking a nap, Wen Ran received a call from Baimu.

   "Of course, did I wake you up for a nap?"

  Listening to her yawning, the white mother asked immediately apologetically.

  Wen Ran smiled and said, "Aunt Joe, you didn't wake me up."

  "Xiaoxiao called back and asked me to prepare gifts for her godson and goddaughter. Of course, do you want to go out and choose gifts with me."

  "Auntie Joe, don’t listen to Xiaoxiao, you don’t need to prepare any gifts..."

"This is what Xiao Xiao told me. I dare not refuse to agree. Of course, or you can choose with me. Xiao Xiao, the dead girl, said that my vision is not as good as yours. She also said that she is not in G city, let I will walk with you more..."

   Listening to Bai Mu say that on the phone, Wen Ran agreed to go shopping with her.

  Qingfeng and Qingyang sent her to the mall, and Bai Mu deliberately waited for her at the door.

   "Of course, not seeing you for a while, your belly is much bigger again."

  As soon as she saw Wen Ran coming, she happily stepped forward to support her: "I knew it, I wouldn't ask you to go shopping, I blame Xiaoxiao's dead girl."

   chuckled softly, "Aunt Joe, do I look like I can’t walk?"

  (End of this chapter)

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