Chapter 1078

   "I am now in country D and Yu Ting was born."

   "Really, then congratulations on being a father."

  Mo Xiuchen's tone was very weak. He couldn't hear the sincere congratulations to Jiang Liu. Instead, he seemed to be saying, hurry up if there is anything, and don't disturb me if there is nothing.

   "Yu Ting will have surgery tomorrow. Now, I want to say a few words to you."

  On the other side of the phone, Jiang Liu was silent for a few seconds before telling the purpose of the call.

   "What does it matter to me that she has the operation?"

  Mo Xiuchen's face sank, and he asked displeasedly.

   "Yu Ting wants to delete her memory of you. After the operation tomorrow, she will no longer remember you."

delete memory?

  Mo Xiuchen was slightly surprised, that kind of surgery is still immature. He remembered that Fu Jingyi had moved his hands and feet during his operation, which made him lose his memory.

   "She really wants to delete the memory?"

  Mo Xiuchen asked, with a suspicion in her tone, whether Shen Yuting could let go of such an operation, or could not let it go.

   "Really, she said, she can only start a new life unless she deletes the memory of you."

Jiang Liu shouldn't be calling in front of Shen Yuting, "Mo Xiuchen, Yuting has been controlling herself for the past few months not to disturb you and Wen Ran's life. She will have an operation tomorrow, just want to tell you. Just a few words, if you don’t believe me, just call Gu Kai and he will also be here this afternoon."

  It's been almost a month since Gu Kai went on a business trip abroad.

  Mo Xiuchen heard Jiang Liu say that Gu Kai was also there, he hesitated, and said in a deep voice, "Okay, you can call Shen Yuting now."

  "Wait a minute, I am calling in the corridor of the hospital."

  The sound of Jiang Liu's footsteps on the phone, followed by the sound of pushing the door into the ward.

  A moment later, Shen Yuting's voice came hesitantly, "Xiu Chen."

  Across the Pacific Ocean, Shen Yuting's mood was both excited and complicated, but at this end, Mo Xiuchen was indifferent as water, and only made an indifferent "um" in his nostrils.

   "Xiu Chen, I heard from my cousin, but it's almost eight months since I am pregnant, and I am still pregnant. Congratulations."

  Mo Xiuchen didn't speak, but when he looked down at the woman beside him, the indifference in his eyes was replaced by a touch of gentleness.

"Xiu Chen, I'm sorry, I did a lot of things that hurt you and Ranran before. I know that you have tolerated it again and again for the sake of your cousin... In the past few months abroad, I have been thinking hard. Forget you, but I didn’t do it until the baby was born, and drove you away from the bottom of my heart."

  Mo Xiuchen took the phone away from his ear, and could only hear Shen Yuting talking, but couldn't understand what she was saying.

   Next to her, she gently stroked her belly with brows and eyes, and was having fun with the baby. Although the two little guys have less activity, they seem to be more fun than a while ago.

  Hang up the phone, Wen Ran asked:

   "What did Ting sister tell you?"

   "I don't know, I didn't listen. Jiang Liu said that she will have an operation tomorrow to delete her memory."

  Just now, when Mo Xiuchen answered Jiang Liu’s phone call, it was not an external voice. Therefore, Wen Ran didn’t know what they had said. At this moment, hearing him say this, she opened her eyes in astonishment.

   "Delete the memory? Didn't Jiang Liu say that she gave birth? If there is no memory, what will happen to her child?"

  Wen Ran has a surprised question.

   "That's also Jiang Liu's child, and he will take care of it." Mo Xiuchen's tone was light. It was Shen Yuting's business, and Jiang Liu should support it.

  This incident cannot be said to be good or bad. Shen Yuting felt that it was necessary to delete her memories to have a new beginning. Jiang Liu was afraid that she also hoped that she would forget the past, and there was no one in her heart.

   "Listening to Jiang Liu, A Kai has visited Shen Yuting."

"my brother?"

   "Well, your brother has always regarded Shen Yuting as his own sister. Even though she has done many things that sadden him before, he still cares about Shen Yuting." Mo Xiuchen explained gently.

  During the years when Gu Kai was looking for Ranran, he loved Shen Yuting as his own sister, except for the room where she was not allowed to enter Ranran, everything else was impeccable.

   "I know, since she wants to delete the memory, delete it. If she can start again, she and Jiang Liu might still be possible."

  Wen Ran smiled faintly, and changed the subject and said: "My brother has been abroad for a month, so he will be back soon."

   "The day before yesterday, I heard from my dad that Akai might return to China in a week. Did you miss him?" Mo Xiuchen asked jokingly.

  He stood up and pulled Wen Ran up, “It looks like it’s going to rain, let’s go home.”

  The two returned to the villa hand in hand, and Wen Ran nodded, “I haven’t seen him for a month. I really miss him, but some people miss him more than I do.”

  "Did you say Fang Zhiwei?"

  Mo Xiuchen smiled clearly, a strange light flashed in his deep eyes.

   "Well, Sister Wei said that that day, before my brother went on a business trip, he said that he would be back in twenty days, but it was a month later and he still didn't come back."

   "There is really no exact time for this kind of thing, and Akai certainly doesn't want to take it for so long. Fang Zhiwei is afraid that she is anxious to marry Akai, so she is looking forward to him coming back every day to discuss marriage.

  Last time in Kangning Hospital, Shen Yuting proposed to Gu Kai, and Gu Kai agreed to her.

   However, within two days, Gu Kai went on a business trip.

  We didn’t have time to discuss the marriage date.

Wen Ran smiled, "You're right, Sister Wei is very anxious to marry my brother, especially after knowing Tongtong's life experience." At this point, she smiled, stopped, and looked up at Mo Xiuchen. "By the way, Sister Wei asked me the other day if my brother asked him to not get married all his life."

   "Akai didn't tell her, how did she come to ask you."

  Mo Xiuchen asked gently.

  Wen Ran frowned and continued to walk forward. The two entered the villa hand in hand. Mo Xiuchen said softly, "Ranran, wait for me."

  Let go of her hand, and walked towards the garden.

  Blinked in doubt, and followed him. Mo Xiuchen plucked a budding red rose, held it in front of her with both hands, "Ran Ran, give it to you."

   "Thank you."

  Wen Ran smiled happily.

  Her Xiu Chen always surprises and touches her anytime, anywhere.

  Although a rose is worthless, it is not a precious gift, but as long as it is given by Xiuchen, she likes it.

   "Actually, you are much more beautiful than this rose."

  Mo Xiuchen lowered his eyes, and whispered in her ear with a smile, which caused a warm chuckle: "Duplicate.

   "Of course, I'm telling the truth, you are really prettier than this rose."

  Mo Xiuchen looked at her seriously, bowed her head and kissed her on the forehead, holding her hand towards the living room, "Fang Zhiwei asked you, did you tell her?"

Wen Ran put the flower in front of her nose and smelled it, and then said, "She has asked, naturally I can't hide from her anymore, so I told her all the conditions my brother had mentioned. Guess who told her of?"

  (End of this chapter)

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