Chapter 1077

  Wen Ran blinked, and said uneasy: "I always feel that my brother and Hitomi recognize each other, let her recognize her ancestors and return to her ancestry, and let her not marry one by one..."

  She didn’t finish her words. I don’t know how to say what to say afterwards.

   is a little worried and faintly uneasy.

  Especially that Li En, every time she saw him, she saw Li En’s cold eyes with hatred, she felt that he would not just let it go.

  Bai agreed to her brother's request one by one, which undoubtedly made Li En hopeless.

  He will definitely hate Gu Kai.

   "Of course, it's useless to worry about Akai's affairs now. With Li En, it's mainly up to Bai to do it one by one."

  Mo Xiuchen hugged her gently, and said softly.

  In fact, he didn’t think it would end so easily, especially this morning when he saw the coldness in Li En’s eyes in the hospital.

The color of   , he guessed that Li En would not let go of the dialogue one by one.

  But these words, he can't say to Ranran, it will make her more uneasy.

   hugged her for a while, Mo Xiuchen let go of her, and said softly: "Of course, you sleep for a while, I'll cook lunch for you."

  Wen Ran leaned on the bed, indeed a little tired, did not refuse his proposal, and lay down slowly on the bed, closing his eyes to rest.


  Because Gu Kai was on a business trip and changed Tongtong's surname, he pushed back.

  After Tongtong was discharged from the hospital, Bai Yi kept his promise and did not take her out of G City. She still went to work, and her mother helped bring her to work.

  On this day, Fang Zhiwei went shopping about Wenran. When she passed a coffee shop, she inadvertently glanced at Li En and Li Yaqing sitting together drinking coffee.

  The two chatted very happily.

  A trace of doubt flashed in Wen Ran's eyes. Last time, because Bai helped her one by one, he satirized Li Yaqing. Didn’t Li Yunchang not agree to Li En’s loan?

   "Of course, what are you looking at?"

  Fang Zhiwei asked curiously, Wen Ran withdrew his gaze, and said calmly, "Nothing, Sister Wei, what else do you want to buy?"

   "Isn't that your rival in love?"

  When Wen Ran looked back, Li En also saw her in the coffee shop.

  His eyes narrowed, and his voice was somewhat mocking.

Li Yaqing followed his gaze and saw Wen Ran's back. A coldness flashed in her eyes, and she said flatly: "She is Gu Kai's sister. If you want to deal with Gu Kai, you just have to take her. Up."

   "Take Wenran to have an operation?"

  Li En frowned slightly, tasting Li Yaqing's words.

   "I just talk about it casually." Li Yaqing shrugged and said that what he wanted to do had nothing to do with her.

  She had already provoked Mo Xiuchen last time, and was warned by him, although she hated Wen Ran, and hoped that something would happen to her. But she didn't want to involve herself in it. It would be best if she could reap the benefits of the fisherman.

   "Well, then I will just listen."

  Li En's mouth made a smile of unknown meaning, he knew that Li Yaqing also liked Mo Xiuchen.

  Maybe, they can cooperate.

  He really hates that Gu Kai now. He really doesn’t understand why Bai Yiyi agreed to Gu Kai’s excessive conditions. No wonder his teacher hated Gu Yan so much back then, and the men in the Gu family were equally annoying.


  Seven months later, Wen Ran's body became even more awkward.

  Although it is not like some pregnant women with swollen feet or the like, people get tired more easily. However, for the health of the baby, she still insists on walking every day.

  During this period, the company was too busy, and Mo Xiuchen wanted to spend more time with Wen Ran, but he couldn't do it.

  However, she is not alone. Zhou Lin and Li Qian, two full-time mothers, often bring their children to accompany her.

  At the weekend, Bai Yiyi will also come to join in the fun.

   "Of course, I will be on a business trip tomorrow, and it may take about ten days to come back."

  This weekend, after having breakfast, Mo Xiuchen walked with Wen Ran on the asphalt road outside the villa, and said apologetically to her.

   Wen Ran raised her eyes, met him with deep and self-blaming eyes, smiled lightly, and in turn calmed him: "Xiuchen, it's okay, you can go on a business trip without worry, I will stay at home very well."

Mo Xiuchen took her to the front pavilion and sat down, wrapped her long arms around her waist, and held her hand very gently, "Of course, you must take good care of yourself these days when I'm away. Yes. Call me immediately if anything happens."

   "I know, I will call you every day."

  Wen Ran smiled and nodded. Since she became pregnant, Mo Xiuchen has reduced business trips as much as possible, unless he must go on his own.

  If someone else can take it, let someone else take it.

  But no matter what, he is the president of the group and has his responsibilities.

  Listening to her such a behaving promise, Mo Xiuchen's mouth evoked a shallow arc, and said distressedly: “Don’t work too hard. You can’t take a long walk. When you get up at night, you must be careful.”

   "Xiu Chen, do you treat me as a child?"

   Listening to his endless instructions, Wen Ran couldn't help but protest in a low voice.

   "Well, I won't say anymore."

  Mo Xiuchen may also feel that he has said too much. As Ranran often said, many women are pregnant and still go to work until seven or eight months.

  Some unconditional, even on the day of giving birth, are still working.

  She is not much more delicate than other women, but he loves her too much and wants to hold it in the palm of his hand. Especially after six months of pregnancy, he takes care of her more carefully.

  On a business trip, I feel very worried.

Wen Ran took away his hand, stood up, stroked his stomach with one hand and his waist with one hand, walked a few steps in front of him, looked at him and said, "Xiu Chen, you see, I am a person who can take care of myself. ."

   "Well, of course he is a person who can take care of himself."

  Mo Xiuchen was amused by her, but he thought that there would be ten days in the future, or even more time, that he would not see it. His smile disappeared again, and a touch of emotion flashed in the depths of his eyes. It was fleeting and returned to normal.

   "Xiu Chen, where are you going on business this time?"

  Wen Ran sat down again, raised her face slightly, and looked at Mo Xiuchen with her eyes softly.

  Mo Xiuchen raised his hand, brushed her long fingers across the broken hair on her forehead, and explained in a soft voice: “A few years ago, there was a period of time when someone bought Haochen stocks in large quantities, do you remember?”

   "Well, remember, you found someone to investigate later, and I didn't listen to you later on this matter." Wen Ran's eyes flashed, and asked concerned: "Could it be, what's the matter now?"

  "Later, I asked someone to investigate, and that person stopped. Until recently, I started buying again..."

  Mo Xiuchen's words were not finished, the phone rang.

  He took out his phone and pressed the answer button, his voice overflowing with thin lips: "Hey!"

   "It's me, Jiang Liu."

  On the other end of the phone, Jiang Liu's voice came calmly.

"what's up?"

  Mo Xiuchen Meifeng frowned slightly, and asked faintly, since Shen Yuting went abroad and Jiang Liu failed to tell him about his marriage proposal, he has not contacted him in the past few months, but now he called suddenly, there must be something wrong.

  (End of this chapter)

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