Chapter 1076 will be together forever, right?

  On the way home, Wen Ran leaned sleepily in the downed chair, her eyes closed gently.

  In the main driver's seat, Mo Xiu's big, distinct palms firmly held the steering wheel, his narrow and deep eyes looked straight ahead, occasionally turning his eyes to take a look at the calming gentleness in the passenger seat with his eyes closed.

  Brisk nursery rhymes are played in the compartment with a suitable temperature. Listening to the songs makes people feel happy.

  When he got home, Mo Xiuchen stopped the car and realized that Wen Ran was actually asleep.

  Looking at her gentle eyebrows, he couldn't help but feel a layer of tenderness and pity in his eyes. He untied his seat belt, leaned over the seat, leaned over, kissed, and fell on her delicate lips.

   "Xiuchen, are you home?"

  Wen Ran was awakened by his kiss.

   There was a trace of sleepiness in his opened eyes. Looking at Mo Xiuchen's eyes, his throat was inexplicably tight.

  He straightened up quickly, unfastened the seat belt for her, and said softly: "Ran Ran, get off the car, go back to the room and sleep again."


   agreed with a gentle smile.

After getting out of the car, Mo Xiuchen took her hand and walked into the villa with his fingers intertwined. He went upstairs and accompany her back to the master bedroom. He asked her to lie on the bed. He would gently massage her legs on the edge of the bed. .

   "Of course, is it comfortable?"

   Seeing Wen Ran closing his eyes, Mo Xiuchen asked quietly.

   "Well, it's very comfortable, Xiuchen, your massage technique is getting better and better." Wen Ran did not open his eyes, only a happy smile appeared on his lips.

  Mo Xiuchen proudly raised his handsome eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Of course, not only the massage technique, in fact, many of my techniques are good, but some, I can't get it to play."

  "What technology can't be used, do you mean weaving?"

  Wen Ran did not allow Mo Xiuchen to toss her hair again these days. Mo Xiuchen hadn't given her a new hairstyle for several days.


  Mo Xiuchen denied it.

  Wen Ran opened his eyes and looked at his smiling handsome face, and asked with a grin: "It's not braided hair, what is that, cooking skills?"


  Wen Ran frowned slightly, this is not that, is it, what is it.

   Seeing that she couldn’t guess, Mo Xiuchen stopped his movements and smiled ambiguously: “Of course, there is another thing. You didn’t guess the technique on the bed.”

   "Fuck you, you can't be serious about the bed technique."

   Wen Ran cursed funny.

  Mo Xiuchen said without knowing it, “I’m very serious, but of course, don’t you think the technique on my bed is not good?”

  Wen Ran was choked by him and was speechless for a while.

  He couldn’t answer this question no matter how much.

  "Don't say these things in front of your baby, it is not conducive to healthy prenatal education." I don't know how to say it, and Wen Ran had to talk about the baby.

  Mo Xiuchen laughed, "Of course, don’t always use your baby as an excuse. After the baby is born, I will prove it to you and let you take it orally."

Mo Xiuchen deliberately increased the tone of the words "to take orally in body suits," and the infinite ambiguity made people blush.

  A certain image appeared in front of Wen Ran's eyes, and suddenly felt a hot cheek, kicked him slightly annoyed, "Go away, don't want you to massage."

  Mo Xiuchen gently grasped her ankle, smiling charmingly and charmingly: "Of course, don't be angry, when you give birth to a baby, I will make up for you and ensure that you are satisfied."

   "Furthermore, I will ignore you."

  Wen Ran looked at Mo Xiuchen's charming face with a charming smile, his heart beating, and his face was a little hot.

   "Okay, I won't say anything, of course, what do you think of the name I chose?"

  Mo Xiuchen turned the topic to the main topic, and the smile on his face was also serious, gentle and charming, no longer like just now, with a trace of evil charm.

   Wen Ran nodded, "Satisfied, in fact, I feel good about every name that Dad uses."

   "It's okay, let's keep it and use it slowly."

  Mo Xiuchen speaks lightly, as if it's not about having a baby, it's about buying toys, you can buy as many as you want.

   Wen Ran frowned, and said displeased: "Do you really want me to give you ten or eight children and become a pig?"

"I don't want to." Mo Xiuchen narrowed his smile, lowered his eyes, and stayed on her swollen belly for a few seconds. When he raised his head to look at her, a trace of distress appeared in his deep eyes, "Then leave it to A Kai. I've used them with Ajin."

   Wen Ran's heart warmed, knowing that Mo Xiuchen was distressed for herself, she pursed her lips and whispered his name: "Xiuchen."


  Mo Xiuchen replied gently, condensing her eyes, feeling deep as the sea.


  Wen Ran met his petting smile, and did not hold back, so he acted like a baby.

Mo Xiuchen's eyes flashed, and the smile at the corner of his mouth deepened. He leaned and gently hugged her into his arms. His generous palms gently patted her back, and the voice was low and magnetic. , "Of course, I love you."

  I don't know what was thinking, Wen Ran's eyes suddenly became hot, and a layer of mist appeared in the water.

  She gently hugged his fine and **** waist with both hands, and buried her face in his chest. Such a quiet hug made her heart full and warm.

  In the eyes of outsiders, Mo Xiuchen is cold and cherish the words like gold, but in Wen Ran's eyes, Mo Xiuchen is a very warm and romantic man.

  He is still very affectionate and dedicated. The adjectives she knows are not enough to describe him well.

  Whenever he thinks that he can spend a lifetime with such an excellent and perfect man in this life, Wen Ran feels that he must have accumulated virtue in his previous life.

   "Xiu Chen, if it weren't for ten or eight, I would still give birth."

  Her voice came from his chest in a low voice.

  Mo Xiuchen was startled first, and then let out a string of low and cheerful laughter, pulling Wen Ran out of his arms.

   "Of course, you are not afraid of becoming a pig...what's the matter, are you crying?"

   Touching her moist eyes, Mo Xiuchen asked nervously.

  Wen Ran shook his head, pulled his lips and smiled: "No."

   "Why are your eyes wet and you want to cry? I said I love you just now and I was moved?"

  Mo Xiuchen's eyes flashed a smile, teasing her.

  Wen Ran did not deny, and nodded seriously, Qinghong looked at his handsome face with water eyes: "Xiu Chen, we will be together forever, right?"

   "Of course, it won't be random thinking anymore."

  Mo Xiuchen chuckled and stroked her face fondly. He read a book and said that during pregnancy, a woman is prone to emotional ups and downs, depression, and insecurity.

   Therefore, he spared as much time as possible to accompany Ranran as much as possible, trying not to make her feel wronged and lonely.

  Wen Ran pursed his lips, and said softly: "I didn't think about it, I just feel too happy, it feels a little unreal, like a dream."

  In the past few months, she has been so happy that she can't believe it.

  Mo Xiuchen lowered his head, dropped a kiss on her forehead, and gently pressed her thin lips against the skin of her forehead, and asked softly, "Are you worried about A Kai?"

  (End of this chapter)

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