Chapter 1075 Worthy of being brothers and sisters

  Wen Ran came out of the bathroom and received a call from Bai Yiyi.

  She sent a message to Mo Xiuchen, and went to the ward to find Bai one by one.

   "One by one, is Li En gone?"

  Wen Ran walked to the front of the bed, sat down in the chair in front of the bed, stretched out his hand and gently held the hand of Hitomi, Hitomi's other hand was dripping, her little hand was held by her, and she immediately grinned.

   "Brother Li left just now." Bai followed Wen Ran one by one, and after sitting down on the edge of the bed, he answered Wen Ran's words.

Wen Ran smiled slightly and looked at Bai Yiyi, and said, "That day, when my brother was holding Tongtong, I had a very strange feeling. I didn't expect that Tongtong and him were the closest blood relationship. ."

  Bai flickered one at a time, and she held Hitomi in her arms, smiling stiffly: "Of course, I didn't hide it from you on purpose."

  "I know, rest assured, I didn’t come to Xingshi to inquire. Actually, I am very happy that Hitomi is my niece, one by one, I don’t know yet, what does my brother think, has he ever told you?"

   Wen Ran touched Tongtong’s cheek lovingly, and asked gently.

  Bai pursed her lips one by one, and replied dullly: "He made three conditions, and said yes, I promised his conditions, so I won’t win eyes with me."

   "Oh, what conditions?"

   Wen Ran raised his eyebrows and looked at Bai one by one curiously.

  "He wants Hitomi to be surnamed Gu, and will not allow me to leave City G. The last one is that I will not be allowed to get married for the rest of my life."

When Bai Yiyi said these conditions, her voice was calm. She laughed at herself and laughed: "Actually, I never thought about getting married. After learning that I was pregnant, I thought about it, as long as I have a son or daughter to accompany me. Just move on."

  Wen Ran widened her eyes in surprise, "My brother won't let you get married?"

  Her brother was so angry at Bai's concealment, so he embarrassed her, or wanted her to give up the custody of Hitomi, so he embarrassed her.

  Bai nodded one by one: "Well, that's what he said, and I am prepared to agree to his conditions. As long as you keep Hitomi by your side, I don't care about the others."

  She thought about it all night last night.

   Originally, she didn’t want Hitomi to be surnamed Gu. After all, before that, she had never thought about sharing her daughter with anyone.

  Compared with Tongtong, the surname is not so important. If Gu Kai really wants to compete with her for custody, she doesn't know how certain she can be. The power of the Gu family is not comparable to her.

  Gu Kai is not a kind person, she believes that if he annoys him, he will win her eyes.

   "Then what happened in the morning?"

  Hesitated gently, but still asked the doubts in his heart.

  To Li En, she really didn't like her, especially after he worked on her brother twice, Wen Ran already hated Li En very much.

   "Brother Li was annoyed when he heard that Tongtong had to be named Gu Kai."

  Speaking of this, Bai Yiyi’s voice contained three points of apology.

   "One by one, if I say something, you may get angry. But I still want to say, don't get so close to Li En, he feels a little strange to me."

  Wen Ran frowned gently, thinking in his heart, what words to use to express his feelings for Li En.

  Bai was startled one by one, thinking of Gu Kai’s warning, she couldn’t help but smile: “Of course, you and Gu Kai are really brothers and sisters. Is it because Big Brother Li did your brother twice and you hate him.”

  Wen Ran shook his head, thinking and said: "No, before he fought with my brother, I thought he was weird. One by one, do you know about Li En's investigation of Hitomi's life before?"

   "Big Brother Li told me that day."

   Hitomi stretched out her small hand and lifted the clothes one by one, she smiled, lifted the clothes to feed her.

"A few months ago, Li En invited me to meet and told me that when he found out Hitomi’s biological father, he would not let him go. At that time, he was still not sure that it was my brother. Later, he was in public. Do my hands on my brother, today, it’s the hospital again... One by one, Li En feels the same as the feeling your father gave me back then."

  At the last sentence, Wen Ran hesitated to say.

  Li En is a student of Fu Jingyi, and he has been with Fu Jingyi for many years. In fact, Wen Ran has always been wondering why Li En could retreat all over Fu Jingyi in prison.

  Is he really not involved at all?

  A faint surprise flashed in Bai Bai's eyes, and his face changed slightly.

  Fu Jingyi is a taboo. Whether it is mentioned by Gu Kai or gently, Bai Yiyi will feel guilty.

   "One by one, do you know what I mean?"

   Wen Ran pursed his lips and asked softly.

  White nodded, "I see, you are afraid that Brother Li will do extreme things because of love and hatred like my dad back then, right?"

"Well, I just think that Li En's eyes are a bit cold, and every time he looks at my brother, his eyes are full of hatred. If, because of the relationship between Hitomi, you and my brother have any disputes, Li En will inevitably do it. Something extreme has happened."

  Just like these two times, he did something to Gu Kai.

"Of course, don't think too much. Gu Kai has promised not to win eyes with me, and I am ready to agree to his terms. In the future, there is nothing wrong with each other, and Brother Li will not do anything to hurt Gu Kai. "

"hope so."

   A gentle smile appeared on Wen Ran's lips.

  She doesn’t want her brother or Gu’s family to be harmed in any way. However, when Bai promised her brother one by one, he would not marry forever.

  At this point, Li En will be resentful.


  Mo Xiuchen is here with Gu Kai.

  Hitomi has become a habit of sleeping on breastmilk. After she fell asleep, Bai Yiyi put her on the bed when there was a knock on the door.

  Bai blinked one by one in surprise, and walked over to open the door.

   Seeing that the people outside the door were Gu Kai and Mo Xiuchen, she pursed her lips and turned back to the ward.

  Gu Kai raised her eyebrows and walked into the ward with Mo Xiuchen. Mo Xiuchen strode to Wen Ran and asked her whether she was tired or not.

Gu Kai was standing a few steps away, looking gently at Tongtong who was asleep on the bed, his eyes stopped on her, he couldn't help thinking of Tongtong touching the corner of his mouth with his small hand, and his heart felt like another. Layers of warmth.

  All daughters are little cotton-padded jackets, which seems to be true.

  Bai Yi saw Gu Kai looking at Tongtong, a trace of complicated emotion flashed in his eyes, and said lightly: "I agree to the conditions you mentioned last night."

  Hearing her words, Gu Kai looked back and turned to look at her.

  Bai straightened his back consciously, his eyes bravely met Gu Kai's deep eyes like a pool, and his lips were gently pressed into a line.

  Wen Ran and Mo Xiuchen just looked at them quietly without interrupting. After a moment of silence, Gu Kai faintly curled his lips and said with a smile, "Since you have agreed, then take some time in the past two days to change Tongtong's account."

  (End of this chapter)

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