Chapter 1045 He wants to marry Qi Meiling


  Luo Haofeng nodded, got up, poured himself a glass of water, then returned to the sofa and sat down, looking at Wen Ran with peach blossom eyes.

   Seeing his opinion, Wen Ran knew clearly, pursed her lips, and said lightly: "Xiao Xiao is doing well, you don't need to feel guilty."

  Actually, Bai Xiaoxiao asked Wen Ran to bring Luo Haofeng these words.

  Originally, Wen Ran was very angry that Luo Haofeng did something like that, even if he was calculated, she was angry for Xiaoxiao.

  Luo Haofeng's eyes dimmed when he heard the words, and he said softly: "Xiao Xiao has a good life, just fine."

   Take a trip to City G just to hear this sentence.

  Wen Ran looked at Luo Haofeng’s tired face that was no longer romantic and suave, and felt a little unbearable. He hesitated, and asked, “Are you really planning to marry Qi Meiling?”


  Luo Haofeng's face changed, his tone a little blunt.

  He is 11 million people unwilling to marry Qi Meiling, but, in the current situation, he is not sure, in the end, will he and Qi Meiling be tied together.

  Follow the old path of his father.

  In fact, it was his mother's idea that Qi Meiling climbed onto his bed. Because she used that method to get Luo Haofeng's father to marry her back then.

   "As for the next step, just wait for the results to come out. There will always be a solution."

  Mo Xiuchen's voice was calm.

  Luo Haofeng nodded, "I ran into Meng Ke at the airport just now."


  Wen Ran was startled, Qinghong looked at him with a slight stun in his eyes.

   "He went to country D, maybe, he went to find Xiao Xiao." Luo Haofeng pursed his lips, his voice a little dull.

"Luo Haofeng, Xiao Xiao and Meng Ke have never been in contact. If Meng Ke really went to Xiao Xiao, Aunt Qiao told him." Seeing Luo Haofeng's gloomy face, Wen Ran felt that it was necessary to explain. He misunderstood and felt that when Xiao Xiao was with him, she still had nothing to do with Meng Ke.

"You may not know, it's not just Qi Meiling who sent your photos to Xiao Xiao, your mother also called Aunt Qiao to warn her not to let Xiao Xiao bother you. Even the photos of you and Qi Meiling, you Mom also sent it to Aunt Joe."

  Luo Haofeng really didn’t know.

  The fingers he placed on both sides unconsciously squeezed into fists, his handsome facial features, a little bit hardened, his heart rolled with anger.

  Before, he only knew that his mother was very strong, and in the business field, he had some good-for-nothing tricks.

  But I really love him, because it was the mother who gave birth to him and he could accept her shortcomings until he took Bai Xiaoxiao home. From that moment, the relationship between him and his mother began to change.

"I tell you this, not to provoke the feelings between you and your mother, but to let you know that Xiao Xiao did not associate with you and other men at the same time. That Meng Ke should really like her, if he can really move Xiao Xiao Shino, let her accept him."

  Wen Ran's voice paused. She ignored the unbearable pain in Luo Haofeng's eyes. She could only be cruel to Xiaoxiao for the sake of Xiaoxiao. At this point, she would no longer match him with Xiaoxiao.

   "Luo Haofeng, you want Xiaoxiao to be happy, right?"

   "Don't worry, as long as Xiao Xiao is happy, whoever gives her happiness, I will bless her." Luo Haofeng suppressed the pain in his heart, and a free and easy smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

  Wen Ran figured out Xiao Xiao's life experience, but didn't want Luo Haofeng to be too controlled by Qi Meiling, not because he and Xiao Xiao were together again.

  Luo Haofeng himself did not dare to hold on to expectations, after all, he could not really not want his mother.


  Luo Haofeng went to Bai's house to meet Bai Xiaoxiao's mother before returning to City B.

  In the living room of the Bai family, Luo Haofeng sincerely apologized to the white mother.

"Luo Haofeng, you know now, why I opposed you and Xiao Xiao in the first place, because I know that your relationship will not have results. Xiao Xiao is with you, except for injuries, it is impossible to get happiness. "

  Mother Bai's tone was very calm. She didn't want to involve Xiao Xiao and Luo Haofeng with their grievances from the previous generation.

  After coming out of the Bai family, Luo Haofeng felt very heavy.

  When he arrived at the airport, he dialed Mo Xiuchen's phone number and only said one sentence: "Xiuchen, I have decided to marry Qi Meiling."

  Shopping mall, baby goods area.

  Mo Xiuchen was accompanying Wen Ran to select their baby's toys. Hearing Luo Haofeng's endless sentence, he hadn't reacted yet, and the other party had already hung up the phone.

  Looking at the phone screen, Mo Xiuchen's handsome eyebrows couldn't help but frowned.

   "Xiuchen, what's wrong?"

  Aside, Wen Ran held a Barbie doll in his hand and looked at Mo Xiuchen with concern.

   "It's Afeng, he said, he decided to marry Qi Meiling."

  Mo Xiuchen's somewhat low voice revealed a three-point doubt about Luo Haofeng's words, and the handsome facial features appeared to be condensed.

  Wen Ran was also surprised: "He is going to marry Qi Meiling, is he waiting for the result?"

   "Of course, A Feng may have seen Bai Xiaoxiao's mother. Only then made the decision." Mo Xiuchen meditated for a while, then said his guess.

   Wenran was puzzled, "He went to see Aunt Qiao. Could it be that Aunt Qiao told him not to be with Xiao Xiao anymore, so he chose to marry Qi Meiling?"

   "Maybe not so."

  Mo Xiuchen dialed Luo Haofeng's number again, but the voice prompt that the other party had turned off came from the phone.

  He cursed and put the phone in his pocket.

   "Of course, A Feng's call just now should be from the airport. Let's go to the airport now."

  Mo Xiuchen put the Barbie doll in Wen Ran's hand back on the shelf, took her hand and turned around and left.

  The mall where they are located is only a ten-minute drive away from the airport. As Yu Luo Haofeng hung up after only one sentence, Mo Xiuchen was very uneasy.

   But even so, he did not ignore the gentleness beside him, and did not walk fast.

  Getting into the car, Mo Xiuchen leaned forward to fasten the seat belt for Wen Ran, and then he cared about it before starting the car on the road.

  They rushed to the airport, Luo Haofeng was preparing to enter the security check.

  Mo Xiuchen shouted, Luo Haofeng turned around, and across the crowd, saw him and Wen Ran standing a few meters away with their fingers intertwined.

  A warm feeling filled his heart, and Luo Haofeng strode towards them.


   "A Feng, should you explain what you said on the phone, what do you mean?"

In the teahouse beside   , Mo Xiuchen looked at Luo Haofeng with a serious expression. He made an inexplicable call, which made him run to the airport with Ranran. This guy was simply owed.

  Wen Ran looked at Luo Haofeng's face that was more ugly than yesterday, and asked softly: "Did you meet Aunt Qiao?"

  A wry smile appeared on Luo Haofeng’s face, "Well, I have met Xiao Xiao’s mother."

   "So, this is the reason why you want to marry Qi Meiling?" Mo Xiuchen frowned, and his deep voice rang unpleasantly.

  Today is Mother’s Day. If you are not with your mother, remember to make a phone call and stay with your mother. Remember to share some of your mother’s hard work so that she can rest on the holiday. Happy holidays to all those who have become mothers!

  (End of this chapter)

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