Chapter 1044

  Wen Ran pursed his mouth and smiled, and asked pretendingly: "Isn't it, why didn't you dare to agree just now?"

   "Didn't I say the reason?"

Gu Kaijun raised his eyebrows lightly, glanced at Wen Ran in the rearview mirror, and added: "Originally, I wanted you to guard my brother for me. Now it seems that you simply want your sister-in-law to be crazy. I decided that in the future I don't count on you anymore."

   "You can't count on me, you marry a wife, you want to live with you."

  Wen Ran pouting.

  Gu Kai smiled and said: "No, I have to wait for my little niece and little niece to be born, and let them choose aunt."

   "Sister Wei will be sad if you hear this."

  Wen Ran a glance at him, and he couldn't help but caress his abdomen. Over the past few months, this movement has almost become a habit.

   "Of course, Bai Yiyi's ankle is broken, do you know?"

  Gu Kai smiled and asked, changing the subject.

  Wen Ran was startled at first, then looked at him in surprise: "When is this, I don't know."

   "It's been many days. It should be before you went abroad. She is A Jin's secretary. Didn't A Jin tell you?"

  Gu Kai turned his eyes and looked at Wen Ran suspiciously.

   On that day, he went to the company to find Wen Jin. Bai Yiyi’s feet were still not good. The next day, he wanted to be kind and ask her to go to the hospital to check if her foot was broken or broken.

  Unexpectedly, Bai Yiyi arrived at the entrance of the hospital, but did not enter.

   Thinking of this, Gu Kai felt a trace of anger in his heart. That woman really didn't know what was good or bad.

   "My brother didn't talk about it, brother, how did you know? Have you seen one?"

  In fact, what Wen Ran wanted to ask was whether he was embarrassing her again when he saw Bai Yiyi.

  Gu Kai nodded, and said casually: "I went to the pharmaceutical factory to look for A Jin, and saw Bai Yiyi's feet stumbling. Thinking that you and her are friends, I will tell you."

   "Let me call and ask."

  Wen Ran thought for a while, took out his mobile phone and called Bai one by one.

  Gu Kai has been driving the car intently, unable to hear what Bai Yi said on the phone, but hearing Wen Ran's words, he could probably guess what the other party said.


  In the afternoon, Luo Haofeng came to City G from his business trip.

  When he called Mo Xiuchen, Wen Ran was in Mo Xiuchen's office, working with him.

  Luo Haofeng heard that Wen Ran was there, so he hurried to the company directly.

   "Of course, A Feng will be there in a while." After hanging up the phone, Mo Xiuchen said to Wen Ran who was lying on the sofa.

  Wen Ran gave a ‘oh’, took a cherry and fed it into her mouth, and then continued to read the magazine, which was the magazine she ordered specially after she became pregnant.

  Mo Xiuchen saw that she was concentrating on the magazine, and he was too lazy to deal with it. He couldn't help but frown in jealousy. He walked out from behind the desk, walked to the sofa a few steps, and stretched out his hand to **** the magazine from her.

   Wen Ran raised her eyes, seeing Mo Xiuchen's handsome facial features slightly serious, she chuckled softly: "Xiuchen, what's the matter with you?"


  Mo Xiuchen finished speaking, threw the magazine onto another sofa, sat down beside Wen Ran, wrapped her long arms around her waist, and wrapped her in his arms.

  Wen Ran smiled and looked at Mo Xiuchen's jealous face. Although he took her into his arms, his face remained unhappy.

   "Xiu Chen, you won't be jealous with a magazine. Just now you said that Luo Haofeng will be there in a while. I heard it and answered you."

  Wen Ran tugged at Mo Xiuchen's sleeves, coaxing him like a child.

   "Yes, of course, you ignore me because of a magazine. If our baby is born in the future, won't you ignore me even more."

  Mo Xiuchen has been jealous many times, but he didn't show it like this before.

  He found that every time he looked at something about the baby, he didn’t like to pay attention to him.

  He wanted to throw this magazine far away, and he rushed to it, it was almost death.

  "How come, it is clear that you used me as an experiment for our daughter. You see, the hairstyle on my head is the best proof."

  Wen Ran fingered her hair, her eyes smudged with smiles.

  Mo Xiuchen looked at Wen Ran’s hairstyle and his handsome face finally showed a smile. He lowered his eyes and stroked her slightly protruding abdomen with a big palm, expecting to say: “Ran Ran, how long will it take to feel the baby move.”

   "This is not necessarily the case, everyone is different, some are earlier, some are later."

  Wen Ran explained uncertainly. Seeing Mo Xiuchen gently stroking her abdomen, she felt warmth in her heart as she felt the temperature of the cloth between her palms.

   "It's better to be late, the earlier the fetus moves, the more you suffer."

  Mo Xiuchen frowned, and said somewhat contradictory.

   "This is not your decision. Xiu Chen, in fact, I don't feel that I have suffered. On the contrary, I am very happy because this is the child of the two of us."

  Mo Xiuchen heard what she said, his handsome eyebrows stretched out again, and the bottom of his eyes softly appeared, "Of course, after the baby is born, I will let them be filial to you."

   "How does a newborn baby know how to be filial?"

  Wen Ran looked at him funny.

She deliberately misunderstood Mo Xiuchen’s words, scraped her nose punishingly with her fingers, and said solemnly: “Maybe, our babies are geniuses. I’ve worked hard to give them prenatal education in the past few months and let them be born. You can know how to be filial to your mother."

   "It turns out that you are so good at bragging."

  Wen Ran joked with crooked eyebrows.

   "Of course, I have more abilities."

  Mo Xiuchen's smiling eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his mouth raised with pride.

  "What is the ability, let's talk about it."

  Wen Ran tilted his head on the back of the sofa, and blinked clearly.

Mo Xiuchen's arm wrapped around her shoulders closed slightly, and lowered his head, his **** thin lips pressed against her ears, and his low voice revealed a three-point seductive charm: "Of course, don't you know that, on the bed? time."

"screw you."

  Wen Ran stretched out his hand to push him away, his white little face blushed because of the ambiguous actions and words he had just said.

  Mo Xiuchen took advantage, laughed, grasped her shoulders, and said happily, "Of course, I'll help you massage."

  When Luo Haofeng came, Mo Xiuchen was squeezing Wen Ran's leg intently. He pushed the door in, and saw the warm and happy picture of the two on the sofa. He was startled for a moment.

   "A Feng, what are you doing standing there?"

  Mo Xiuchen glanced at the direction of the door from the corner of his eye, but his hand movement did not stop.

  Luo Haofeng smiled, and walked to the sofa, looking at Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran, "I don't want to disturb your two-person world, or I will come in later."

   "Repair the dust, all right."

  Wen Ran spoke softly, she reached out and grabbed Mo Xiuchen's big hand, not allowing him to pinch his legs anymore.

  Mo Xiuchen smiled softly at her, retracted his hand, leaned back on the sofa, and said to Luo Haofeng: "You have to drink water and pour it yourself."

  (End of this chapter)

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