Chapter 1046 Feel the baby move

  Luo Haofeng lowered his eyes, a trace of pain passed through his eyes.

  When he raised his head again, there was a bit of indifference in Peach Blossom's eyes. Pursing her lips, she said sadly: "Xiao Xiao's mother told me what happened back then."

  Sure enough, it was almost the same as Mo Xiuchen had guessed.

  Wen Ran's face changed, "What did Aunt Qiao tell you? Is that what happened back then?"

   "Well, it's true."

  Luo Haofeng's last words came out from between his teeth.

  Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran were both surprised.

  Wen Ran paled after he understood what he said, "Luo Haofeng, what is true?" She didn't believe it, she didn't want to believe it.

  Mo Xiuchen saw her emotionally, and his generous palm stretched out to hold her hand, quietly calming her emotions.

   Wen Ran pursed his lips, fixedly looking at Luo Haofeng on the opposite side.

   "Of course, let Akai do not need to do DNA identification." Luo Haofeng's sentence is the simplest explanation. But the result is the most unacceptable.

   Wen Ran opened his mouth, without saying a word.

"Ran Ran."

  Mo Xiuchen frowned slightly, and whispered distressedly.

   took a breath, calmed down in the dark, raised his eyes, and smiled comfortingly at Mo Xiuchen: "I'm fine."

  After a long silence, Luo Haofeng spoke again: "Xiu Chen, of course, I will leave first."


  Mo Xiuchen didn't know what to say for a while, watching Luo Haofeng's lonely back disappear into his sight, he withdrew his gaze, and said to Wen Ran, "Of course, let's go."


  A few days later, Luo Haofeng and Qi Meiling's wedding date was booked.

  The day when Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran received the invitation, she felt her baby move for the first time.

  Since she stopped having morning sickness, she often went to the company to accompany Mo Xiuchen to work, and sometimes accompanied him to dinners. Whenever accompanied by Wen Ran, not to mention that Mo Xiuchen didn't smoke or drink, even customers banned smoking and alcohol.

  Of course, those are some customers who please Mo Xiuchen, and Mo Xiuchen will not take some necessary entertainment.

  When Secretary Lin came in with the courier, Mo Xiuchen was sitting on the sofa with Wen Ran.

  Wen Ran leaned on the sofa, Mo Xiuchen bent over, pressed his face to her bulging abdomen, and smiled softly at the corner of his mouth, "Baby, I am your father, please say hello to me."

  Secretary Lin put the courier on the coffee table and quietly exited the office.

  Wen Ran looked at the courier on the coffee table, smiled and said: "Xiuchen, stop making trouble, first see what it is."

  As soon as Secretary Lin went out, Mo Xiuchen bent down again, put his face close to her abdomen, and gently pushed him with his hand.

Mo Xiuchen grabbed her soft little hands, and his deep voice was full of pampering: "Of course, these two little guys ignore me. They definitely don't know that in the future, I might spank them. Now it is unexpectedly. ignore me."

  Wen Ran giggled at his words. She couldn't push him away, so she leaned over and took the courier on the coffee table.

  Open it to see what's inside.

   "Xiu Chen, it's an invitation, Luo Haofeng and Qi Meiling." Wen Ran's voice interrupted the communication between Mo Xiuchen and his son and daughter. When he was about to sit up, he suddenly felt the baby's fetal movement.

   "Of course, I feel it."

   Ignoring the invitation, Mo Xiuchen’s voice was full of joy, his handsome facial features were illuminated by a smile, and his eyes were deep and clear. This little action of the baby is happier than he has negotiated a business worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

   "I felt it too, I don't know which baby moved."

  Wen Ran finished speaking, handed the invitation card to Mo Xiuchen, and said doubtfully: "Last time Luo Haofeng said that we don't have to go to his wedding? Why did you send the invitation card again?"

  "This is not A Feng's handwriting, maybe it was Qi Meiling, or his mother sent it."

  Mo Xiuchen took the invitation and took a look. The words on it were not written by Luo Haofeng. To marry a woman he doesn't love, he doesn't want good friends like Xiuchen to participate.

  If the bride is the woman he loves, this invitation will definitely be written by Luo Haofeng.

   "Why are you so sure? It's not Luo Haofeng's notes, or the invitation he sent someone." A faint smile appeared on Wen Ran's lips, and his eyes looked at Mo Xiuchen gently.

Mo Xiuchen's eyes flashed a touch of emotion, and he explained calmly: "At the beginning, A Feng said that when he gets married, if the marriage partner is the woman he loves, he will write the invitation by hand. If it is a commercial marriage, the other party will not What he likes, let us not go to his wedding."

   "He actually said such a thing."

   asked in surprise.

   "At that time, when he said this, he didn't expect that it would be in such a situation. It was just because his father and his mother were married, a business marriage.

  Mo Xiuchen's emotional words contained a trace of depression.

  He and Luo Haofeng, Tan Mu, and Gu Kai are brothers who are brothers.

  At the beginning, Luo Haofeng and Tan Mu joined the MS group for him, and they worked together for ten years. Now, Luo Haofeng wants to marry Qi Meiling, but he is unwilling to accept their help anymore.

  Only to protect the woman he loves.

   "Xiu Chen, is there really no room for change?"

  Wen Ran saw Mo Xiuchen staring at the invitation card in a daze, knowing that he was sorry for Luo Haofeng. She even knew that Mo Xiuchen established a branch in City B to help Luo Haofeng.

  Qijia and Luojia are the leading enterprises in City B.

As an outsider, ‘Hao Chen’ entered City B. Although the government of City B gave a warm welcome, the two groups of Qiluo are running on them. Even if Luo Haofeng is now the head of the company, his mother still has great power in the company.

  In particular, Luo Haofeng's cooperation with Hao Chen some time ago gave Luo's mother a sense of crisis.

   "There is no good way in a short time."

  Mo Xiuchen twisted his beautiful brows, and the corners of his lips were filled with determination.

  The secret of Bai Xiaoxiao’s reputation in the hands of the Qi family, based on this alone, Luo Haofeng could only compromise to marry Qi Meiling.

  Unless, they have something equally important to exchange with the Qi family.

  Before, Mo Xiuchen wanted to investigate some things committed by the Qi family and his son, but never thought that those things were closely related to the Luo family.

   "Luo Haofeng can only marry Qi Meiling." Wen Ran pursed his lips and said regretfully.

  Mo Xiuchen patted her shoulder soothingly, and gently said: "Of course, this is A Feng's own decision."

   "Then, are you going to his wedding?"

   Wen Ran looked at Mo Xiuchen, even if Luo Haofeng had said, not let them go to the wedding. She felt that with Xiu Chen's temperament, she would still go.

   "I'll go, of course, you don't have to go. In half a month, your belly will be much bigger than it is now. It's too hard."

   Their own wedding, he also let Ranran go back to the lounge early, so there is no need to go to other people’s weddings so hard.

  (End of this chapter)

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