Chapter 1020

Mo Xiuchen came out of Wen Ran's house with his arms around, and proudly announced to everyone waiting at the door: "Ran Ran is pregnant with a baby of dragon and phoenix. In a few months, I and Ranran will have a son and a daughter at the same time, Akai, you Call to book a private room, and I will treat you at noon."

  "Where did you order it?"

  Gu Kai and the others just listened to An Lin’s words, but they were pregnant with a baby of a dragon and a phoenix.

  At this moment, when I heard Mo Xiuchen's words, I wouldn't be surprised, but the brows still couldn't hide the full of joy.

   "It's Yipinxuan, the environment there is familiar."

  Mo Xiuchen thought a little and gave the answer.

  Ipinxuan is a place they often go to, not to mention, just this month, it became a restaurant under Haochen's.

  For some reason, the previous name and decoration style have not changed, and everything has remained the same.

  On the way to Yipinxuan, Mo Xiuchen's smile at the corner of his mouth has never been hidden. In the co-driver's seat, looking at the smile at the corner of his mouth, his heart also filled with happiness.

   "Of course, do you want to tell Bai Xiaoxiao the good news."

When the light at the intersection was red, Mo Xiuchen turned his eyes to look at Wen Ran beside him, his eyes swept across her abdomen, his smiling eyes, gentle and indulgent.

  Wen Ran blinked, and said with a smile: "Don't tell her first, I will give her a surprise then."

   "Haha, that's okay." Mo Xiuchen immediately agreed, completely forgetting that he had promised Bai Xiaoxiao before. After knowing the baby's gender, he must tell her.

  These days, Wen Ran did not go to work, and Luo Haofeng had never been to City G. She had limited energy due to morning sickness a few days ago. I don't know about Luo Haofeng and Qi Meiling, let alone Bai Xiaoxiao and Luo Haofeng have broken up.

   "By the way, is Luo Haofeng busy recently? Why don't you see him back today?"

   Mentioned Bai Xiaoxiao, Wen Ran thought of Luo Haofeng smoothly.

  Mo Xiuchen's smile remained unchanged, and his low and magnetic voice calmly rang in the carriage, and he could not hear anything unusual: "He is very busy."

  Just as the warm cell phone rang, she answered the phone, and the topic stopped there.

   "Of course, what is the result of the inspection?"

  The call came from Bai Yi one by one. She knew that Wen Ran had a birth check today.

  Wen Ran said happily: "It's a baby of a dragon and a phoenix."

   "Wow, dragon and phoenix births, of course, congratulations, you gave birth to two at once, and you have both sons and daughters. It is so enviable and hateful."

  Wen Ran couldn't help but laughed, jokingly: "I'll have one more birth than you."

"Just give birth to one more?" Bai Yi repeated her words on the phone, but her tone of voice was different by a thousand miles: "Of course, if you speak like this, I will want to steal your baby in the future. You know how much I am. Envy you?"

  "Then you have another son, not just two. By the way, are you okay? Do you want to come out for a meal together at noon? Today is so lively."

   "Ah, no, I have something to do today." Bai declined one by one.

  At a moment like this, she knew that Gu Kai was indispensable, and she didn't want to add a blockage.

  The two chatted for a while and ended the call.

  Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran were the last to reach Yi Pinxuan, and it was also a coincidence. On the phone just now, she did not tell Bai Yiyi that it was Yi Pinxuan.

When    got there, they happened to meet Bai Yiyi and Li En.

   "One by one, it's such a coincidence, you are actually here." Wen Ran looked at Bai Yiyi in surprise, Li En frowned beside her, obviously being disturbed by her upset.

  Bai was very happy to see Wen Ran one by one.

   first stared at her abdomen for a moment, then said dullly: "Of course, you are pregnant with a baby, it is no different from when I was pregnant."

   "Does it make any difference, I am only more than three months old, and my belly is already visible." Wen Ran touched her abdomen with a gentle smile between her eyebrows.

"You are too skinny, you need to eat more in the future. Two babies need more nutrition than one baby." Bai exhorted one by one with concern. On the side, Mo Xiuchen just glanced at Li En indifferently, and his eyes kept watching Wen. Of course.

   "One by one, are you two alone, or else, come with us."

   went into the restaurant together, Wen Ran invited Bai Yiyi, she declined gently: "I have something to discuss with Brother Li, which room you are in, I will go up later."

  Since I met, I must say hello later.


  3rd floor

  In the private room, besides them, there is a new member today.

   is the girlfriend that Gu Kai had just made not long ago, Fang Zhiwei.

When Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran arrived, Gu Kai had just introduced Fang Zhiwei to everyone. Except for Qin Mu and An Lin who didn't know, these people in G City were also surprised.

  In particular, Gu Kai said that Fang Zhiwei is his girlfriend.

This message made everyone unresponsive for a long time. Qin Mu's eyes were surprised, and the corner of his mouth was slightly curved, "Akai, you have a girlfriend, don't tell us, you will fine a few cups later, and you can figure it out. what."

  Gu Kai nodded readily: "No problem."

  Fang Zhiwei saw this and smiled and said: "Actually, it's all to blame on me, it's nothing to do with Akai."

   "Miss Fang, how can you blame you for this?"

  Someone asked.

  Gu Kai turned to look at Fang Zhiwei, without speaking.

  Fang Zhiwei smiled generously: “It’s because I think that the relationship between Akai and I is still unstable.

  Today, it was actually the third time they met.

  Of course, the previous ones are not counted. Starting from the blind date that day, Gu Kai happened to go to T University where Fang Zhiwei was teaching, and the two had a meal together.

   Seeing Wen Ran and Gu Kai coming in, Fang Zhiwei immediately stood up and smiled to Wen Ran.

Before seeing Fang Zhiwei, Wen Ran didn't expect her brother to call Fang Zhiwei, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then a bright smile appeared.

   "Brother, you invited sister Wei, why didn't you tell me in advance." Wen Ran looked at Gu Kai and asked with a smile.

  Gu Kai smiled and poured her a glass of water, "Isn't this a surprise for you?"

  During the meal, Gu Kai really punished three glasses of wine. Fang Zhiwei watched him drink the wine as water, frowning and frowning, but she did not persuade him not to drink, but pouring him water thoughtfully.

  Wen Ran looked at Fang Zhiwei's care of her brother, but he didn't feel happy in her heart.

  Fang Zhiwei told her last time that she likes Gu Kai. Today, she is considerate to Gu Kai, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that she is sincere.

  But Gu Kai, even though he was polite, would pick her up with Zhiwei. In his eyes, there was no man’s tender affection for the woman he liked.

  In the middle of the journey, Gu Kai and Tan Mu went outside to smoke. Tan Mu asked concerned: "Akai, are you planning to get married?"

   "Maybe, Xiu Chen will be a father soon. I am only two months younger than him, but I haven't even got married. My dad talks about me every day."

  Thank you for your monthly tickets and rewards, especially the 10,000 book coin red envelopes for "Xiaojun". We will continue to change today. In May, please support me a lot. Yezi will try his best to keep watch every day and let everyone see the perfect and happy ending earlier, what a group!

  (End of this chapter)

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