Chapter 1019 Dragon and Phoenix Tire

   "Go back, I'm afraid that no one will answer it until dark." An Lin made a scared expression and said to Wen Ran, "Of course, let's go in first."

   "Coward." Tan Mu snorted dissatisfiedly.

  Aside, Gu Kai punched him, "An Lin is wise, I can guarantee that you really return to the airport, even if you wait until midnight, Xiu Chen will not pick you up."

  That guy, there is no one else in his eyes except that.

"Patient color over friends." Tan Mu gave Mo Xiuchen a slanted look and saw that Wen Ran and An Lin had already reached the door. Zhou Lin and Li Qian had also entered with their children, so he asked, "Where is Afeng, he How's it going?"

   "He may not be able to hold on anymore."

  When he mentioned Luo Haofeng, Mo Xiuchen couldn't help but frown.

  'S expression suddenly became cold. Before, he had investigated the Qi family, and did not know that the Luo family was so deeply involved in the affairs of Qi Meiling's brother and her father.

  Now, Qi Meiling slept with him again, as evidenced by photos.

  For more than a month, everyone has put pressure on Luo Haofeng. His mother also helped outsiders to force him to marry Qi Meiling. Although his father did not have the same hard attitude as his mother.

  But it was also to persuade him to marry Qi Meiling, so that the Luo Qi family can be well.

   Listening to what Mo Xiuchen said, Qin Mu's expression was slight, and he said indifferently: "A Feng just ran away from home."

  "From the time his mother cut her wrist and committed suicide, I knew that A Feng would compromise sooner or later." Gu Kai spoke slowly. Only Xiu Chen and Ranran were together in love with each other.

  The person Luo Haofeng loves is clearly Bai Xiaoxiao, but he is forced to marry Qi Meiling.

In Tan Mu's heart, it is impossible to let go of Wen Ran so easily.

  As for Gu Kai, he thought he could be very chic, but recently, he was even dreaming about what happened to the woman Bai Yiyi, and he even dreamed of undesirable scenes.

  So, he forced himself to fall in love.

   was thinking about it, and the phone rang. He took out his cell phone, his eyes flickered when he saw the call, then he answered the phone and gave a faint "hello".

  Tin Mu stood beside him, accidentally glanced at the caller ID on his screen, and a slight stunned eyes.

  The call was made by Fang Zhiwei. Mo Xiuchen winked at Tan Mu, then glanced at Mo Zixuan, Wen Jin and others next to him, and everyone understood and advanced to the hospital.

  Gu Kai answered the phone alone outside.

  No matter how many people are together, it is impossible to enter the B-ultrasound room.

  Except for Mo Xiuchen, the other men were blocked from the door.

  Although the hospital does not allow identification of the **** of the fetus, Wen Ran and Mo Xiuchen are exceptions. When the doctor happily told them: "It's a fetus of dragon and phoenix," An Lin exclaimed with joy.

   "An Lin, you go out, don't bark here, it scares the baby." Mo Xiuchen frowned, and reached out to push An Lin out of the door.

  The doctor watched Mo Xiuchen push An Lin to the door, couldn't help but smile, and said softly: "Of course, the fetus is developing very well, so don't worry."

   "An Lin, what's the matter?"

  The people waiting outside the door, after seeing An Lin being pushed out by Mo Xiuchen, he immediately closed the door. One by one, they all looked at her in surprise.

  An Lin turned her head and snorted at the closed door. The next second, she put on a happy smile: "The baby is very healthy."

   "This has something to do with your being kicked out?"

  Gu Kai asked inexplicably.

  An Lin frowned, glared at him, and complained dissatisfied: "Xiu Chen was too much. I just yelled too happily. He actually pushed me out so that I would not scare the baby."

   "Haha, this is really something that Mo Xiuchen can do, but why are you happy, but are you twins or dragons and phoenixes?" Wen Jin asked curiously after laughing.

   "Dragon and phoenix fetus, I really envy people. Oh, I really want to find someone to marry, so I quickly gave birth to a dragon and phoenix."

  An Lin turned her head and glanced at the closed door behind her, and said enviously.

  "Didn’t you have been going on a blind date all this time? If you meet a suitable one, just marry. Although you may not be able to give birth to a baby, it is better than if you are too old to marry."

  Tin Mu added a word not salty and not indifferent.

  An Lin's face changed, and she stared at him angrily: "Do I look like nobody wants me?"

   "A woman's youth is only a few years old." Although Tan Mu did not directly say that she was not wanted, the implication was quite clear.

An Lin laughed without anger, and said jokingly: "A man's youth has not been for a few years. You are older than me. You must grow old first. Since you can't find a suitable one by yourself, you are afraid that I will not be able to marry. Then, let's do it right."

  "An Lin’s idea is good, A Mu, you think about it."

  A meaningful smile evoked at the corner of Gu Kai's mouth, while Mo Zixuan, Wen Jin and others looked at the show.

Qin Mu Meifeng glanced at An Lin lightly, and said proudly: "A man is forty for a twig. You just need to work hard to marry yourself. As for me, as long as I want to get married, just grab it and get a handful. Woman marry me."


  An Lin made a cut and rolled her eyes displeasedly.

  Everyone couldn't help but laugh, but because this was a hospital, they didn't dare to laugh loudly, one by one, they all endured.

  In the ward, Mo Xiuchen wiped Wen Ran's stomach with a tissue, and carefully helped Wen Ran up. He whispered, "Ranran, be careful."

"it does not matter."

  Wen Ran’s eyebrows were dyed with tender maternal love. From the moment she knew she was pregnant, she defined herself as a mother-to-be, and every red blood cell in her body was filled with tender maternal love.

  Before this, because Mo Xiuchen was too spoiled for her, although she was already a wife, she had the illusion that she was still a pure girl, but now she has truly grown up.

  The gentle maternal love also oozes her responsibility. As long as she thinks that in a few months, she will be a mother, and she can't express her joy.

   "President Mo needn't be too nervous, but now it's only more than three months, and he is still very comfortable in his actions."

  Seeing Mo Xiuchen's face nervous, the doctor smiled and calmed down.

"Isn’t the fetal development required different nutrition at each stage? However, because of morning sickness, she has not eaten properly before. She has not experienced morning sickness in the past two days. Next, shouldn’t it be good? Tonic."

  Mo Xiuchen raised his hand, pinned a strand of hair between Wen Ran's ears behind his ears with his slender fingers, glanced at the doctor, then lowered his eyes, staring gently at Wen Ran.

The doctor was not surprised by Mo Xiuchen’s problem. He nodded and said mildly: “However, since you can eat now, it should be tonic. The nutrition needed for each stage of development of the baby is different. Otherwise, I will give you a while. Write a nutritious meal, this month, follow the nutritious meal to supplement."

  (End of this chapter)

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