Chapter 1021 What are you doing here

   "That Fang Zhiwei, seems to really like you." Qin Mu glanced at the direction of the private room and said lightly.

  "He was our alumnus in high school."

  Gu Kai breathed out a smoke ring, and his handsome facial features were isolated behind the smoke. Rumo’s eyes seemed to be stained with smoke, making it hard to see clearly.

   Tan Mu raised his eyebrows and said with surprise: "Alumni in high school, why don't I have any impression of me? Could it be that you were interesting to others before?"

  Gu Kai raised her eyes and cast a look in Tan Mu's imaginative eyes, "How is it possible, I haven't paid attention to her before."

  Just as Fang Zhiwei said to Wen Ran, before finding Ranran, all Gu Kai's thoughts were used to find his sister. Please note that he is also paying attention to a girl of the same age as Ranran.

   is not in Fang Zhiwei's age group.

  Even if I saw it three or two times as a child, he didn't leave any impression in his heart. Even his best friend didn't know the existence of the other party. It was enough to see that his opponent Zhiwei really had no intersection.

   "It looks good, if you are really determined to settle down, you can socialize and have a look."

Tan Mu smiled faintly at the corner of his mouth. They are not the kind of people who can really ignore their responsibilities and stay single for a lifetime without true love.

   "How about you, are you still on a blind date this time?"

  Gu Kai shifted the topic to Tan Mu. Now that he is in City C, he can let it go.

  Tin Mu's eyes flashed, "I have been too busy recently, and I don't have the energy to go on a blind date, so I let my mother directly decide."

"Let Auntie call the shots, A Mu, are you crazy?" Gu Kai looked at him incredulously, but Tan Mu smiled, "A Kai, if you let Uncle Gu make the decision for you, I can guarantee that he will definitely not I will find a woman to be your daughter-in-law."

   " are treacherous."

  Gu Kai suddenly realized that the surprised look in his eyes immediately turned into contempt.

  So that's it.

   Tan Mu replied disapprovingly: "This is a strategy. My mother used to urge me to go on a blind date every day. She wanted me to marry me home if she wanted to be a woman. After I let her take charge last time, she was even more picky than me."

  "Amu, be careful, after my aunt learns about your conspiracy, she will really marry you directly as a wife."

   "It doesn't matter."

   Tan Mu heavily inhaled a cigarette, and threw the remaining half of the cigarette into the trash can aside.

The smoke that    expelled quickly dissipated. His austere face didn't have much expression, as always, it was cold, "It's just a succession of the family, as long as it is good to my parents, I can accept it."

  Anyway, it’s not the person I want. It doesn’t matter who it is.

   "Maybe, in a year or two, you won't think that way." Gu Kai frowned, and from Tan Mu's words, he knew that he hadn't let go.

  It doesn’t matter who you live with.

  The two were talking, Gu Kai's expression suddenly changed, his good-looking brows wrinkled, and he looked forward coldly.

   Tan Mu turned his head suspiciously. When he saw the woman walking towards them, his eyes moved slightly, and he looked at Gu Kai from the corner of his eyes.

  Bai one by one, when he met Gu Kai's angry eyes, he was slightly startled and cursed secretly. It was really unfortunate. Before he even got to the private room, he ran into this man.

   "What are you doing here?"

  Gu Kai frowned and looked at the woman who came by, indifferently questioning.

  Bai one by one kept walking forward without hearing. As she walked past Gu Kai, Gu Kai grabbed her wrist and said, "Bai Yiyi, are you deaf?"

   "You're just crazy, what I do to you, let go."

  Bai also stared at Gu Kai angrily one by one.

   "Of course it's my business, are you looking for Ranran?"

  Gu Kai held her and held her, Mo Yu’s eyes were a little sharp, and when he saw Bai Yiyi, he felt irritated and angry.

   "What about it, Gu Kai, you are you, but you are not, can you not confuse it?"

  Bai looked at Gu Kai silently.

   Isn't he just afraid to know what happened that night? If she wants to publicize it, no one will know now.

   "Anyway, you are a little farther away."

  Gu Kai looked at Bai Yiyi coldly, and said warningly.

  In fact, He Ran Ran has nothing to do.

  But he didn't want to see Bai Yiyi. If he could, he even hoped that Wen Jin would fire her. Only when Bai Yiyi did not interact with anyone around him would she have less chance of appearing in front of him.

   Tan Mu watched the dialogue between Gu Kai and Bai one by one, and his doubts arose.

   was pulling, and the door of the front bread room opened. Wen Ran and Fang Zhiwei came out of the private room. They saw Gu Kai and Bai one by one not far away. Wen Ran's eyes flashed with surprise.

   "You let go first."

  The person who Bai saw Wen Ran, his expression changed, and he whispered to Gu Kai.

  Gu Kai turned his head, saw Wen Ran and Fang Zhiwei, frowned, and immediately let go of Bai Yiyi’s hand.

  Not only Wen Ran saw it alone, Fang Zhiwei beside her also saw the picture of Gu Kai and Bai pulling one by one, a trace of doubt flashed in her heart, and her lips pressed.

  The two walked in front of them. A few steps away, Wen Ran smiled and said, "One by one, you come up, why don't you go into the private room?"

After the words fell, she explained to Gu Kai again: "Brother, I just met one by one upstairs. I asked her to come up for a while and come with us."

  Gu Kai changed the subject and asked, "Where are you going?"

   "Of course I want to go to the bathroom, I will accompany her." Fang Zhiwei took the conversation and explained softly. Looking at Gu Kai's eyes with a gentle smile.

   "Of course, is this lady your friend?"

Fang Zhiwei paused for two seconds with Gu Kai's eyes, then turned to look at Bai Yiyi, and smiled politely at her.

   Wen Ran nodded and introduced them with a smile, "Well, one is my friend, one one, this is my brother’s girlfriend, my future sister-in-law."

   "Hello, my name is Bai Yiyi."

   "Fang Zhiwei."

The two shook hands, Bai Yiyi was slightly surprised, and the corner of her eyes glanced at Gu Kai. Seeing that his expression was a little stiff, she curled her lips and explained gently, "Miss Fang, because Doctor Gu misunderstood me, so I just stopped I'll find Ranran."

  No wonder, he forbids her to go to the private room.

  Bai severely despised Gu Kai one by one in his heart, saying that she was not allowed to approach Ranran, in fact, he was afraid that his girlfriend would know something.

  She didn't have the energy to break up his marriage.

  Fang Zhiwei's eyes flashed lightly, and then turned to look at Gu Kai. The latter met her questioning gaze, but pressed her lips without explaining.

   "Miss Bai, I'm sorry, Akai may be too nervous." Fang Zhiwei hesitated before saying apologetically.

Bai Yi smiled indifferently, and said to Wen Ran, "Ran Ran, originally, I wanted to go to the private room to say hello to everyone, but now that I see you, I won't go in. Brother Li is still waiting for me downstairs. , I will go down first."

  (End of this chapter)

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