Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 625: Loss in a Battle

As soon as the old man from Sixiang Peak said these words, the others thought for a moment and nodded in agreement. The other party's analysis was not unreasonable.

Wei Zhongran smiled, "Hehehe, what Senior Brother Tian said is that I also received a message from a senior just now. Even if the other party still uses this magic weapon to attack next time, we can get a warning in advance.

Thinking about it, the seniors also have specific plans on how to deal with this opponent's magic weapon, so don't be too concerned about it, just be more careful. "

At this point, Wei Zhongran changed the topic and didn't want to talk more about this matter. He raised his hand and pointed to Li Yan.

"This is my youngest disciple. Thanks to the care of several senior brothers and fellow Taoists during the previous war, he was saved from fear of his life. Li Yan, you need to come over and thank all the elders!"

The first half of his sentence was addressed to everyone, especially the five monks among them. When Li Yan was attacked by three demons just now, all five of them took action to stop the demon in the air.

One of them is the uncle of Lingchong Peak. Li Yan is familiar with him, but he doesn't know his name. The other four are all Jindan monks recruited from the outer sect.

Li Yan hurriedly stepped forward and gave a big gift to the golden elixirs, including the five monks.

"Thank you all seniors for your life-saving grace!"

Li Yan was such a shrewd person that he immediately understood Wei Zhongran's intention of leaving him behind. This was to find more amulets for himself on this battlefield.

The battles here were so frequent and severe that no one could guarantee at which time Li Yan was targeted by the opponent's mid-to-high-level monks.

With Wei Zhongran's kindness, these monks might take action at a critical moment.

If Gong Yuantai and the others below knew about this opportunity, they would probably go crazy with jealousy. Even if one of the monks here could take action at a critical moment, they might at least escape bad luck once. This is what is called having one's back to the road so that one can enjoy the shade.

"Hehehe, fellow Daoist Wei, you are so humble. If you had taken action just now, how would you need us?

What's more, your disciple's cultivation is not simple. It is true that we can stop the demon from attacking him. However, with his elusive movement, it should be difficult for a demon to stop him. "

"Master Wei, your disciple's cultivation is probably not inferior to that of some of us, and our care is limited!"

"My nephew's attack just now shocked me. Junior Brother Wei, all of your disciples are outstanding. Li Wuyi came from behind. In just a few years, he has surpassed some of the golden elixirs in the sect. You... Senior brother is very envious of the method of educating people with his hands!"

"By the way, Fellow Daoist Wei, let's not talk about your disciple's cultivation. No one among us noticed his ability to hide in the enemy and apply poison. If he hadn't revealed himself in the end, no one would have known about him. It has been hidden among the enemy for a long time and has used tricks.”

"I also


I agree, these concealment methods should have been taught by Fellow Daoist Wei, but they are first-class magical powers..."

"Hehehe, this kid's killing method just now was also very sharp. If I remember correctly, he alone killed eleven of the opponent's demon soldiers. He was a demon cultivator with super combat power. "


Some of the Jindan monks who had seen Li Yan take action just now smiled and shook their heads.

Some of the monks who didn't see Li Yan take action originally thought that Wei Zhongran had asked everyone to take care of this disciple on the battlefield.

When he heard someone next to him talking about it like this, he couldn't help but look puzzled and ask the people who knew him about Li Yan.

After they heard the other party briefly describe Li Yan's combat power just now, they looked at Li Yan again with disbelief in their expressions.

For a moment, Li Yan felt like he was being stared at wherever he stood.

"Let's talk about the next thing. Although the demons have temporarily retreated, the next attack will come at any time, and we need all our fellow Taoists to take action now.

It is better to temporarily re-form the defense. At the same time, some seriously injured fellow Taoists also need someone to escort them back to the rear. So it will be troublesome for Senior Brother Ma and Senior Brother Peng to arrange these two things. "

Now that Li Yan had been introduced, Wei Zhongran immediately returned to the topic. He looked at Elder Ma from Spirit Insect Peak and Elder Peng on the other side.

At this time, Elder Peng was looking at Li Yan with strange eyes. He was far away just now and did not see Li Yan take action. Now that he knew Li Yan's strength, he was even more surprised.

He was the one who took Li Yan to the secret realm. He knew very well about Li Yan's performance in the secret realm. At that time, he already felt that this disciple was extremely amazing.

With their status, they certainly knew how many sect disciples Li Yan had saved in the secret realm, and had ruined the alliance between the other three sects. However, this matter was not suitable for publicity and was only known to the core elders within the sect.

Those Jindan elders who stayed in the Sprite Sect and worshiped in front of others, who had their own family branches outside, naturally would not know about it.

Elder Peng looked at Li Yan now and couldn't believe that only two years had passed. This boy's cultivation had reached such a level. He could kill more than a dozen people of the same level with his strength, and even his body skills might not be able to defeat the demon.

After listening to Wei Zhongran's arrangement, Elder Peng still tapped Li Yan with his hand.

"Very good, very good, just as unexpected as before!"

Elder Peng said twice, "Very good!"

Li Yan naturally knew this master, and immediately bowed respectfully. Next, he listened to Wei Chongran's arrangement of a series of matters.

There were 24 Jindan from Fengliang Mountain who came to Tongguiling today. Five of them died in the battle just now, and in the end, only two demons of the other side died.

A Jindan often needs to go through a hundred years of hard practice, or even longer, to achieve the right result, but in just half an hour, it withered and died like grass.

As for the seriously injured Jindan on both sides, there are still four or five. Now they have swallowed pills to heal their wounds in a temporary magic circle below.

As for Elder Chi Gong and others, they led other Jindan to help in the other two wings behind the "Mogu Mountain".

There were more than fifty of them before they set out, and now no one knows how many are left.

After hearing Wei Chongran's arrangement, several cultivators looked at their fellows who were healing below, and some of them showed some sadness on their faces. Among the five dead cultivators, there were also their friends.

Half an hour ago, they were still talking and laughing, but in the blink of an eye, they were separated forever. Among them, a Jindan elder from Lingchong Peak of the Wuliang Sect died.

Facing the enemy, no matter whether you are one of the four major sects or a small sect that is unknown, the outcome is unknown. Everything will only be known at the end.

Elder Ma from Lingchong Peak had a dim look in his eyes, and then flew down. The dead elder had been friends with him for more than 300 years. The two often brewed tea and discussed Taoism. Such a scene will never appear again in the future.

Seeing Elder Ma fly away sadly, several Jindan cultivators looked at each other, said hello to Elder Peng, and left with Elder Ma. They still had a lot of things to do.

After a while, all the Jindan cultivators went their separate ways, leaving only the master and his apprentice in the air.

Li Yan was about to say goodbye and leave, as Gong Yuantai and the others had almost finished cleaning up the battlefield.

Since the master had arranged for Master Ma and the others to rebuild the defenses here, and had not ordered Li Yan to lead the team to leave, it was thought that more people would be sent to replenish them, and they had to continue to hold on here.

But Wei Chongran spoke first after looking at him.

"The information that the Yuanying Patriarch just transmitted to me was not just that little bit of information, they had already found out about the powerful magic weapon that attacked 'Tonggui Ridge' today."

Wei Chongran suddenly said this, which was completely beyond Li Yan's expectations. He was a little puzzled. Why didn't the master explain these words to those Jindan cultivators just now, but told them to himself instead?

"This should be a very confidential matter. Master just told me some things, letting me know that the powerful magic weapon that attacked here has been dealt with by the Yuanying ancestors, so I can rest assured to guard this place." Li Yan thought so in his heart, but he also asked in a low voice. "So the Yuanying ancestors have already found out who the opponent's magic weapon is with. The opponent who can carry this magic weapon must be a Yuanying-level demon general, so that it can exert such a powerful power." Wei Chongran nodded, "The name of this magic weapon is still unclear, but it is not one, but eight. It can be said that it is carried by a Yuanying cultivator. But it is more accurate to say that it is controlled by a Yuanying-level demon general, who set up an altar in a valley thousands of miles southwest of here. There are hundreds of demon cultivators and human cultivators who have surrendered to the demon cultivators guarding the altar. They are mostly Most of them are foundation-building cultivators, led by several Jindan cultivators, who are mainly responsible for the police area within a few hundred miles and handling some miscellaneous matters.

Among them, the human cultivators should be the cultivators of the sects who once assisted the remnants of the demons of the Desolate Moon Continent to find the "Break the World Pearl". They are different from the South Sea cultivators who were planted with restrictions. They are all wholeheartedly assisting the demons. "

"It's those traitors who defected to the demons again, their ghosts are still lingering!"

Li Yan thought in his heart that since he started his training, these traitors from the Desolate Moon Continent have appeared from time to time in the places he has been to, and they can still be seen now.

Wei Chongran continued, "This kind of magic weapon needs magic crystals to control it, and the higher-ups judged that the demon army that crossed over from the South China Sea this time had limited magic crystals. Therefore, this is also an important reason why they have not used it, or have not used it frequently. Of course, these are all speculations, but I think the speculations of the ancestors should be very close to the facts." Li Yan began to feel that something was wrong. Why did the master tell him so much in detail? This made him feel a little uneasy. However, at the same time, Li Yan complained in his heart, "Are those old guys human or demons, or are they real immortals? It has been less than an hour since the other party used the magic weapon, and they have already found so many things." Wei Chongran's next words interrupted his thoughts again. "But no matter what, this kind of powerful magic weapon must pose a huge threat to our defense in the three places, so the ancestors will go to seize these magic weapons. If they can't, they must destroy them and can't let the other party use them again." "Of course, otherwise it will be too threatening for us to defend here. Even if there is a big formation like the 'Yin Yang Boundary River Formation', the result will probably not be good." "Hehe, in fact, the 'Yin Yang Boundary River Formation' is not as weak as you think, but very strong, but your strength is still low and you can't exert its true power.

However, the more important reason is that you just took over, and the control of the second team of the 'Heavy Front Battalion' has been reduced by nearly 30% compared to the previous one.

This is also the main reason why the opponent deliberately lets you successfully defend and then suddenly uses this magic weapon to attack. "

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