Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 624 Nascent Soul level magic weapon?

Half an hour later, the sky returned to its original state. Wei Zhongran stood in the air with fourteen Jindan monks. Li Yan also stood beside him. Below, Gong Yuantai was leading people to clean the battlefield, looking for the injured Fengliangshan monks.

"Thanks to Daoist Fellow Wei for this battle, otherwise 'Tonggui Ridge' would have fallen into the hands of the enemy today."

Looking at the billowing magic smoke in the distance, an elegant-looking Jindan female cultivator looked at Wei Zhongran for a few times and said with some fear.

In the battle between the demon and Jindan just now, both sides suffered heavy casualties, especially the Jindan monks on Fengliang Mountain, who suffered much greater casualties.

At this time, Wei Zhongran's clothes were also stained with a lot of blood, and his face was pale with a hint of abnormal flushing, but his breath was still calm.

As soon as the Qingya Golden Core female cultivator finished speaking, the other Golden Core cultivators, whether from the Demon Sect or not, nodded one after another, with admiration in their eyes.

The four Jindan members of the Demon Sect also kept looking at this junior brother. They did not expect that Wei Zhongran's cultivation level had reached such a high level.

Even when the opponent sent an early-stage Nascent Soul monk, they still failed to attack and kill Wei Zhongran. Instead, the golden elixir battle ended in defeat for both sides.

After fighting for a long time, the short-haired demon below could only lead the remaining soldiers to retreat first. Before leaving, he showed awe of Wei Zhongran in the sky. In this world, strong men will be respected by others no matter where they go, and demon cultivators also No exception.

Wei Zhongran had a close fight with the Lei'an Sword, but strictly speaking, Wei Zhongran was always at a disadvantage, but there was no guarantee that the Lei'an Sword could kill Wei Zhong without being seriously injured.

That was a price that Lei An Dao was not willing to pay even for Teng Wuji. After covering the short-haired devil and the others' retreat, Lei An Dao also withdrew and left.

Li Yan was constantly sizing up his master from one side. He could jump up and fight on his own, and of course he knew how difficult it was to jump up.

In particular, the higher the level of the immortal cultivator, the greater the level gap in the larger realm. The gap between Yuanying and Jindan is as big as heaven and earth.

In the classics he has read, since ancient times, it can be said that there are very few golden elixir monks who can fight with Yuanying. If the two sides confront each other, it will almost be a certain death.

Li Yan never expected that his master would reach this point. Now he finally understood why Wei Zhongran could defeat Teng Wuji in just a few moves.

Previously, the golden elixir demon had retreated safely, but the twenty-five demon soldiers were almost all killed or injured.

Li Yan was the last to attack, and finally caught up with the short and stocky demon cultivator. The short and stocky demon cultivator had developed a boundless fear of Li Yan, and he had lost his balance in his heart. The two sides only had a few moves, and Li Yan Then he knocked the short and stocky demon cultivator to the ground.

Finally, before dying, the short and sturdy demon cultivator heard Li Yan chuckle, but at this time Li Yan's voice sounded familiar to him, and what Li Yan said was "Having a good chat with fellow Taoists in 'Zhou Yang Town'" , I think it was not long ago..."

Then, the short, stocky demon cultivator pointed his finger at Li Yan, as if he was about to shout something, when Li Yan stepped heavily on his Dantian.



While Yan was thinking about today's events, Wei Zhongran didn't pay much attention to the compliments from those around him. He later shook his head.

"With or without me, this place won't be lost!"

After saying that, he looked back towards the direction in which the remaining demon soldiers were retreating, and suddenly bowed respectfully in the air and said loudly.

"Thank you three uncles for coming to help, otherwise this place would fall and the disciples and others would be responsible for their deaths!"

Wei Zhongran's sudden action made a dozen other monks and Li Yan, who was called up by Wei Zhongran, jump. They immediately glanced in the direction where Wei Zhongran bowed, but what surprised them was that in that direction It's always been empty.

Just when everyone was confused, a powerful voice came from the sky.

"Haha, Da Cen can have a disciple like you. Even if the old boy dies, he will sit up from the coffin and laugh a few times. The next life is to be feared, the next life is to be feared!"

Then another gentle female voice came from above.

"Little guy, what he said is true. Da Cen still has good vision. As long as you are willing to retreat, you will be worthy of our peers in a few years. We didn't help you just now. You don't have any complaints, right?"

The voice came, and why the dozen or so people below still didn't understand at this moment. It turned out that there was a Nascent Soul cultivator hiding above. They didn't notice it at all, but Wei Zhongran was able to tell the truth.

This level of strength made them lose confidence in Wei Zhongran's idea that they had just seen through, but when did these Nascent Soul monks arrive?

At this time, it was obvious that they did not dare to ask casually. More than a dozen Jin Dan and Li Yan quickly paid homage in the air.

What's strange is that despite the huge movement above them, the busy foundation-building monks below are still busy with their own business, and no one has noticed anything unusual in the sky.

That was because the Yuanying monk did not want to scare the monks below him, so he deliberately isolated the consciousness and sight of the monks below him.

"How dare this disciple have such thoughts? Thank you to my uncles for giving me this opportunity to experience!"

Wei Zhongran replied respectfully again.

"Well, you are a wise boy. Although your cultivation level is enough to compete with ordinary Nascent Soul monks, such opportunities are rare. No one would be willing to accompany a junior to fight casually.

You will definitely gain a lot from your fight with that demon old man this time when you go back and gain insights! "

The gentle nun's voice came again.

"Okay, I'll leave things here to you. The three of us have other things to do. As for the other party's Nascent Soul and the Soul Transformation monks, you don't have to worry. If they show up, someone will deal with them!"

An energetic voice sounded immediately afterwards.

After hearing this, more than a dozen people below quickly saluted again. If there were Nascent Soul cultivators who could usually treat them

Just say the last sentence, it's all something you can get but don't ask for.

This is at least a little bit of love. If there is a chance in the future, the other party will probably be able to enlighten or help a little bit based on the love of this relationship.

After the above sentence, there was no sound since then. The last Yuanying did not speak a word from beginning to end. It seems that he must be a person with an extremely indifferent personality.

While Wei Zhongran was saluting along with everyone, the energetic voice in his consciousness came with some other news, which made Wei Zhongran slightly stunned.

But his qi-nurturing skills have always been excellent, and he immediately covered up the past and did not let others find anything wrong. ??

As the sounds in the sky disappeared, the area became calm again, and no one spoke. After more than ten breaths, Wei Zhongran was the first to break the calm.

"Now, fellow Taoists, you know the whole story. The demon army that just attacked here was actually followed by three Nascent Soul-level demon generals.

It's just that there was only one person with a hidden aura hiding in the Golden Core Demonic Cultivator who wanted to attack and kill me. Only after he failed did he show up and fight me.

The other two Yuanying-level demon generals had been hiding in secret. They were also afraid of the three uncles here, so they didn't take action. In the end, they just let us fight. After being unable to attack for a long time, they secretly Covering the remaining soldiers, they retreated. "

In fact, there is no need for Wei Zhongran to explain. None of these people is an old guy who has been practicing for hundreds of years. He has a very clear mind. When the Nascent Soul monk speaks, he has already considered the cause of the matter in his heart.

Li Yan touched his nose and knew that this was what his master explained to him.

"Sure enough, the battle between the enemy and us is not really a battle between soldiers. The generals are so particular about the pattern. In every battle, the top leaders of both sides are secretly competing at all times."

Just now Li Yan was still thinking that if the other party came with two or more Nascent Soul cultivators, then even if the master was here, it would be a matter of course whether he could escape, let alone low-level cultivators like them.

Now it seems that I don't have to think about it anymore. Those old monsters above have become spirits.

Of course, the reason why Wei Zhongran explained this to him was to let Li Yan know that he just had to do what he should do, and others would handle matters beyond his ability, so there was no need to worry too much.

"Congratulations, senior brother. Once the war is suspended, senior brother will have a baby in sight after a little retreat!"

A Jindan monk from the Demon Sect seemed to have thought of something, and changed the topic with a smile.

"Yes, yes, we also want to congratulate Fellow Daoist Wei. It would be great if you had shown such strength earlier. It would have made us feel more at ease about the situation in Fengliang Mountain, hahaha..."

Seeing Wei Zhongran breaking the calm, he knew that the Nascent Soul cultivators in the sky had already left. First of all, several fellow disciples from the Sprite Sect hurriedly came forward to congratulate him.

The monks from other sects nearby also expressed their congratulations, but how many of them were sincere and how many were unwilling to do so?


And jealousy, that only you know.

However, no matter what, they seemed to want Wei Zhongran to build a good relationship, but that was the truth.

As long as Wei Zhongran survives the battle this time, he will definitely successfully conceive a baby first and become his uncle and others, and he will also be a Nascent Soul cultivator of the Sprite Sect.

Wei Zhongran waved back. At this moment, he had already put away the double hammer magic weapon, and his body was full of gentleness, but he still had the murderous intention just now.

"You all think too highly of Mr. Wei. No one has ever dared to say that the birth of a baby was successful.

We must re-consolidate this place now. 'Tonggui Ridge' has been completely destroyed, and the attack of the demon army will not stop. "

Then he glanced around. The piles of rubble on the ground there were areas where the "Tonggui Ridge" rubble rain had fallen.

"With our magic power, it is feasible to move another mountain and set up another large formation. The high-level people above this protective formation can still be re-gifted...

It's's just what kind of magic weapon the demon clan used before, it was too overbearing!

This powerful magic weapon has the power of a single blow from a Yuanying-level monk. Even if we reshape this place, they can still destroy it again.

When the time comes for those of us to control the formation, I'm afraid we won't be able to compete with them. If they attack like they did before, they only need to continue attacking multiple times, and we won't be able to bear it! "

"Thinking about this kind of magic weapon is terrifying. If the two sides hadn't been fighting together just now, with such a powerful magic weapon, just one time, we would have been dead."

Wei Zhongran fell behind when he spoke. After a while, two Jindan beside him thought and said, especially the Jindan at the back. At the end of the sentence, his consciousness quickly spread into the distance.

At this moment, there are more than a dozen of them gathered together. If that kind of magic weapon attacks, it is estimated that only Wei Zhongran can escape, and the others are most likely to turn into ashes.

At this time, an old man from the Sixiang Peak of the Sprite Sect waved his hand. He was still quite accomplished in formations and weapon refining.

"Fellow Daoist Cheng is overly worried. Although he has only launched three attacks before, judging from the battle situation during this period, this magic weapon is not easy to use.

First of all, this is the first time they have used it after fighting for such a long time;

Secondly, we only attacked Tonggui Ridge just now, and none of the other defense points were attacked by this magic weapon.

So judging from these circumstances, this powerful magic weapon either has a limit on the number of times it can be used within a period of time;

Either it would cost a lot to use once, and this kind of consumption is not something that the demons can bear at will, so they use it in critical battles and have not used it for a long time.

Moreover, if I haven't guessed, they probably want to use this magic weapon to deal with us people now. It is probably difficult. There should be seniors on our side who have been eyeing each other for a long time. "

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