Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 626: What do ants say about life and death?

Li Yan found helplessly that what Wei Zhongran said was exactly what he thought. The opponent deliberately let his team take over the defense easily.

Otherwise, if the second team of the "Chongfeng Battalion" is still defending that day, breaking through the "Tonggui Ridge" formation will consume more of the opponent's magic crystals.

Even during this long period of defense, the ancestor of Fengliang Mountain Yuanying had already reacted and started to intervene.

"Several Nascent Soul Ancestors will attack at the same time to kill the Nascent Soul Demonic Cultivator, but the area where the valley is located is already the enemy's hinterland.

However, there is a high possibility that there will be other Nascent Soul-level demon generals in the surrounding area, and the chance of success in this matter is actually less than 30%.

The main reason here is that as long as we reveal the slightest intention, the demon general guarding the magic weapon will take away the eight magic weapons in an instant when he sees that the situation is not good, leaving us no chance to destroy them.

I don’t know if you know it well, but when a monk reaches the level of Nascent Soul, he already has the magical power of teleportation. Especially when the situation is not good, he can even easily give up his physical body and escape from the Nascent Soul.

Once the Nascent Soul leaves the body, its teleportation speed is twice as fast as that of the physical body. Not to mention being able to kill him, it is not easy to even seriously injure the opponent.

Therefore, if the Nascent Soul-level demon general guarding the magic weapon sees that the situation is not good and intends to run away, the chance of being able to stop him is probably very small.

At that time, as long as there is movement together, the other party's other Nascent Souls will catch the wind and move, and even attract the attention of the other party's god-transforming monks. ??

In that case, it is possible to detonate the beginning of the real decisive battle between the two sides in advance, but there are still some plans on our side that have not achieved their goals.

To put it bluntly, the preparations have not been completed, and the decisive battle now is definitely not the result we want now. "

After saying this, Wei Zhongran stopped talking and looked at Li Yan, with hesitation in his eyes.

Li Yan's mouth suddenly became dry and sweat broke out on his body. He already felt that something was not good and felt extremely uneasy.

"Master...Master, you don't know how to..."

The hesitation in Wei Zhongran's eyes became even stronger.

"Li Yan, the ancestor of Yuanying actually said a few things when he left just now, one of which was about destroying the magic weapon.

They have seen your method of concealing aura before, but they just didn't notice you, a young monk, and you almost concealed it.

Therefore, the original plan to destroy the powerful magic weapon of the demon clan has changed. They want you to bring a few people to complete this task..."

Before Wei Zhongran finished speaking, Li Yan felt his head buzzing.

"Lead a few people to destroy the magic weapon in the hands of the Yuanying monk!"

This is to perform a mission that requires death. What is the difference between carrying out a mission and sending one to die? What's more, he doesn't even know the relationship between the eight magic weapons and the altar.

Is there any formation protection outside the altar? How could they break the outer formation under the nose of a Nascent Soul?


Law and so on.

In the past, the monks should not even be able to get close to the altar. The chance of being exposed was 99%. You can imagine the outcome waiting for them.

"Master, this kind of task is not something that I have to shirk myself from. Even the ancestors of Nascent Soul are not sure about it. Even if I risk my life, this... I can't complete it.

It would not be a pity for the disciples and others to die at that time. If we do that, we will alert the enemy. The other party can easily know our intentions, which will only make the other party more vigilant. If we want to destroy it in the future, it will be really difficult to reach the sky. . "

Li Yan, who was always calm, suddenly lost his sense of control this time. Before Wei Zhongran could finish his words, he quickly started to shirk his words.

Just kidding, he had to work hard to participate in this battle, otherwise he would have thought of taking his family and hiding in a secret realm.

But if you do that, it will be a problem for your mortal relatives to survive in the secret realm.

Pingtu often falls into deep sleep. It is not like his parents who can survive without eating or drinking and just meditating and refining their Qi.

Moreover, he himself has to be in cultivation all the time. He cannot keep his parents and relatives in a secret room all the time. If they leave the secret room to open up land for farming or something, they may fall into the mouths of monsters and become food for them. Sex is the biggest.

Secondly, what should we do about Gong Chenying and Zhao Min?

Especially Zhao Min, despite the fact that she has a deep grudge against her master and master, but if she really wants to give up her parents and follow her to avoid trouble, she probably won't be willing to do so with her stubborn character.

Taking a step back, bringing so many people into the secret realm will increase the possibility of exposing Pingtu's existence for no reason. This is related to the Five Immortals Sect, and Pingtu would not be willing to do it even if he thought about it.

For many reasons, Li Yan had to desperately use up his strength to accomplish what he could for the sake of his family.

But the current task was already beyond his ability. How could he be willing to die for no reason like this?

Wei Zhongran took a breath when he saw him like this.

"I'm just asking for your opinion. You can listen to me and I'll talk about the rest later.

My teacher has been thinking about this matter just now, but this is something decided by the ancestor of Yuanying. I must at least explain it clearly to you, lest someone asks you in the future and you spill the beans without knowing the whole story. Then Something is wrong.

Don't worry, if you don't want to, I will go find your ancestor. After all, there is a Nascent Soul Ancestor in my Xiaozhu Peak.

Although under the current war, all monks must obey all orders from above, your master also values ​​​​you relatively. At least what you did in Xuanqing Temple was worthy of him stepping forward to take care of it for you. .

If you hadn't destroyed it in the first place

After understanding the demon plan, now it may not only be these demon armies coming from the South China Sea Passage, but perhaps another passage will be opened in other places. "

The hesitation in Wei Zhongran's eyes disappeared, and his tone became more and more calm. After hearing what Wei Zhongran said, Li Yan's mood slowly calmed down.

The excitement and panic just now were indeed his truest reaction, but the master said so, at least listen to what he said, and Wei Zhong then's next words made Li Yan feel hopeful.

Seeing that Li Yan calmed down so quickly and his breathing became steady, Wei Zhongran admired this very much. If such a thing happened to me, I would probably feel angry and blood boiling, and my mood would be hard to calm down.

"The plan of the ancestor of Nascent Soul is this. I plan to let you lead a few people to approach that area, because there are a large number of betrayers who have taken refuge in the demons, and they are on guard on the periphery and in the valley.

For the same reason, although the number of Foundation Establishment monks is not everywhere, there are still a lot of them, and it is difficult to attract the attention of the middle and high-level monks.

Especially the Nascent Soul cultivators, you are no better than an ant in their eyes. You do not pose any threat to them at all. They are just chores and trivial matters that cannot be done by a Nascent Soul cultivator personally.

Therefore, the appearance of you few is actually far greater in terms of safety than the consequences of the appearance of mid-level and high-level monks.

Therefore, there is still a slight chance that he can sneak into that valley, just like he sneaked into Zhouyang Town.

If you can get to this point, the success rate has reached about 30%. By then, you will be carrying a magic weapon given by our Yuanying ancestor.

As long as you can quietly place this magic weapon near the altar, the mission has been completed.

Then, if you can leave the valley more than five hundred miles away within half an hour, you don't have to worry about the next thing, as long as you have the idea to rush back.

Moreover, you will be secretly followed by the Nascent Soul Ancestors along the way. If you are really in danger, they will come to your rescue.

This is all the news I just received, and now you know it. "

Wei Zhongran's two heavy eyebrows were also condensed together. How could he want to take on this kind of task? However, as the person in charge of Fengliang Mountain, he still had to carry out the orders arranged by his superiors.

Although, after seeing Li Yan's strength with his own eyes, for a moment, he had the absurd idea that Li Yan might be able to complete this task, but the chance of Li Yan's death was certainly greater.

If the superiors had asked him to do this, he would have done it without hesitation.

For the entire Desolate Moon Continent, Wei Zhongran certainly had no great righteousness to speak of, but for the sect and for his daughter to be able to cultivate to Nascent Soul safely, he would do anything.

Li Yan's outfit


The concealment technique was so weird that Wei Zhongran couldn't even see through it. While hesitating, he finally let Li Yan decide on his own.

However, he still hoped that Li Yan would not agree. Next, he would definitely go to Master Da Cen and save Li Yan's life no matter what.

Low-level foundation-building monks like Li Yan can be discarded by the higher-ups at will. Failure to follow orders will result in death.

Seeing that his master seemed to be deep in thought after he finished speaking, Li Yan had already regained his composure, but he was still unhappy in his heart.

He had always been very cautious, and although he could see that his master really wanted to protect him, he did not dare to show it at the moment.

Don't look at Wei Zhongran here. Although he now roughly knows that his master is extraordinary, he is not a real Nascent Soul monk after all.

There are many Nascent Soul old monsters with hands and eyes that are better than Wei Zhongran. Maybe there is a Nascent Soul monster spying on everything here right now.

If Li Yan behaves excessively, not only will he be killed, but his master may also be implicated.

These Yuanying old monsters have too many ways to deal with the two of them, and they will even let themselves die unknowingly, so what if Patriarch Da Cen comes forward.

He himself is dead, can Patriarch Da Cen really fight to the death with a monk of the same level before he can give up?

And now, in the case of the invasion of demons, there is no way to avoid disobeying orders. Even if Grand Ancestor Da Cen comes forward, it is unreasonable.

After Li Yan calmed down quickly, he quickly figured out all this. He was too weak. He seemed to be in the top sect in the world, but what really determined his fate was often the casual words of the strong.

Regarding the way he exposed his strength today, Li Yan thought about it now. If he did it again, he would still do it like this and try his best to let his relatives live in peace without knowing it.

After Li Yan calmed down, there was not much sadness and anger on his face. He thought about what Wei Zhongran had just said. This time the mission was not for him to directly destroy the magic weapon, but to place a magic weapon near the opponent's altar.

It's just that there is a Nascent Soul-level demon general sitting there. No matter what aspect you consider, everyone who goes on the mission is most likely to die.

As for the so-called Nascent Soul Ancestor secretly following him, it is true that he followed him. Otherwise, once his group brought the item that could destroy the opponent's magic weapon and placed it near the altar, who would inspire it?

But as for Li Yan and the others, if they were really in danger, Yuanying Ancestor would come to their rescue. Li Yan didn't believe this at all.

In the eyes of those Nascent Soul Ancestors, they were just ants with a little bit of use value. When Li Yan and the others were in danger, the Nascent Soul Ancestors would only think about how to complete the next plan, instead of thinking about saving Li Yan first. Several people.

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