Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 623: Weird Realm

Thousands of feet high in the sky, the two of them were already in the middle of thick dark clouds. Wei Zhongran's eyes suddenly widened when he saw a ball of purple light hitting the door in front of him.

"If you want to kill Wei, you have to see how much stronger you are than Teng Wuji?"

He also raised his hands fiercely, and two balls of black light suddenly appeared in his hands, blocking them in front of him instantly.

Hearing a loud "Dang!", Wei Zhongran's entire body flew backwards. After taking four steps back, he stood in the air again.

Following this loud noise, the surging dark clouds in the sky seemed to have heard the order, and in an instant, heavy rain poured down.

Suddenly, fog rose within a hundred miles, and it rained heavily. The monks from both sides fighting below also put up spiritual shields.

But just for a moment, those foundation-building monks already felt that something was not good. The rain contained a bone-numbing force, as if they were struck by lightning.

And just when something felt wrong, screams started to sound one after another, making people feel numb all over.

Many foundation-building monks fell into coma after just counting their breaths, or even died one after another while convulsing all over their bodies.

This situation not only happened to the foundation-building monks of Fengliang Mountain, but also to the Nanhai monks. There was no difference.

Even those golden elixir monks felt something bad after only holding on for a few breaths. Every drop of rainwater hitting their spiritual shield would sparkle with a flash of purple light.

Seeing this, the golden elixir monks on both sides dared not stay here. After they stopped, they swept up their own disciples and hurriedly flew hundreds of miles away into the heavy rain.

The old demon cultivator simply turned a deaf ear to everything that happened below. He stared at Wei Zhongran opposite with a pair of blue eyes with a smile.

For those Nanhai monks, if they were dead, they were dead. If they caught some more, he would not have any scruples.

If he hadn't considered that there were demons and demon pawns below, he would have struck harder. Just a drop of rain could kill those foundation-building monks. If the golden elixir monks hid slowly, they would still die in large numbers, and It’s not like I can leave alive like I am now.

The old demon cultivator stared at the fat young man opposite him. He was not surprised that his attack was blocked just now. Before that, they had already had a quick fight for about ten breaths, and they both had a certain understanding of each other's strength. learn.

At this moment, the fat young man was holding a black gold sledge hammer in each hand. Each hammer head looked very terrifying, the size of three or four adult heads.

A long spike protruded from the top of Wujin's hammer head, which was constantly emitting a dark golden light. The sledgehammer looked so uncoordinated in the hands of the fat young man.

This is a weapon that is as tall as a giant of their demon cultivator clan, and only appears domineering when held in their hands, but it is held in the hands of a fat young man who is not too tall, like a simple and honest Confucian scholar, holding a sharp blade. coordination.

Wei Zhongran was dressed in a dark green robe. He originally looked very gentle and elegant. At this moment, he had a pair of sledgehammers behind his hands, and a fierce and iron-blooded spirit burst out from his body.



Just now, these two black-gold sledge hammers collided with each other, and they caught the purple electric small cauldron in a swift collision.

The old demon cultivator who called himself Lei An Dao saw that Wei Zhongran was silent and his aura was getting stronger. He raised his eyebrows, clasped his hands together, and with a "pop" sound, the purple flames on the small purple electric cauldron suspended in the air, It expanded violently.

In the heavy rain with dark clouds, it looked like a purple ghost with only its head left. The surrounding rainwater suddenly gathered with the purple flames, and the rainwater quickly gathered towards Xiaoding.

Then Lei An's knife intertwined his hands, and the void was violently rubbed. The small purple electric cauldron quickly spun, and the small cauldron rose higher and higher in the rapid rotation, rising above Wei Zhongran's head in the blink of an eye.

The raindrops that had just gathered in the cauldron seemed to be thrown out from the bottom of the small cauldron as the purple electric cauldron rotated rapidly, and the raindrops with purple flames covered Wei Zhongran below.

Wei Zhongran's eyes became even darker. He raised his hand and threw it, and a black gold sledgehammer came out.

As soon as the sledgehammer reached his head, it circled like a gust of wind, forming a hoop-like loop that firmly protected Wei Zhongran below.


A series of dense sounds suddenly sounded loudly, as if someone was frantically knocking on a piece of metal.

After each drop of raindrops with purple flames disperses, it hits the hoop-shaped loop, becoming denser and denser, and the purple flames on the raindrops become more and more strange.

There were elongated white-faced evil spirits in the flames, biting viciously at the black light on the hoop-shaped loop, as if trying to bite out a gap.

Wei Zhongran's face below him became more and more solemn, and his free hand was constantly changing the magic formula.

Gradually, a trace of blood oozed from the corner of his mouth, but his expression remained the same, neither happy nor sad. A little golden light slowly appeared in the center of the pupil between his dark eyes.

In the wind and rain, the small purple electric cauldron continued to collect large amounts of rainwater from all sides while rotating, and the next moment it was thrown out from the bottom of the small cauldron, as if it was endless and never-ending.

More and more blood seeped out from the corners of Wei Zhongran's mouth, but he seemed to be unconscious and allowed the blood to flow to his chest and clothes, slowly dyeing the dark green clothes deeper.

"No wonder my unlucky junior brother Fei Yihe, who is your enemy, lost his voice so quickly. The depth of Daoist Brother Wei's magic power far exceeds the peak of the fake babies I have seen.

What kind of realm is this? It's not a fake infant, it's not a Yuanying, it's really amazing. There is such a realm between the two that I have never heard of. "

Leiandao's hands were like raindrops at this time, constantly tapping the purple lightning cauldron rotating in the air, and his forehead was sweating, but his mouth was calm as usual.

He said this calmly, as if two old friends were chatting, but he was actually shocked in his heart. He had never seen such a strange realm between the fake infant and the Yuanying.

This realm should be able to crush all golden elixirs, but it is slightly lower than the real Yuanying early stage. But if the Yuanying early stage wants to defeat him, it may also cost a lot.

He is in this situation now, It was a bit difficult to deal with the man in front of him. Teng Wuji was in the middle stage of the Golden Core. As Teng Wuji's senior brother, he had only been a demon general for thirteen years.

Thirteen years is not enough for a great realm to be stable, especially for their level of cultivation. After the news of setting foot on the Desolate Moon Continent reached Lei Andao's sect, he immediately chose to come out of retreat.

He and Teng Wuji both chose to become the first cultivators in this cross-border war. Lei Andao wanted to hone his realm through this war.

Teng Wuji also had the same idea. He was only an inch away from the late stage of the Golden Core, but More than 200 years have passed. No matter how he practices, his magic power has become more solid.

The realm is like a mountain, which firmly stuck him at the peak of the middle stage of the Golden Core. The bottleneck has not loosened at all. The fact is just as they expected. After arriving at the Desolate Moon Continent, he did get a lot of benefits.

But more than a month ago, after Teng Wuji left, there was no news. After Lei Andao got the news, he personally went to the valley to investigate for a long time. Finally, he got the information of the monks in Fengliang Mountain and locked the target on Wei Chongran.

This time, Lei Andao had to go before to kill Wei Chongran. Come.

He seems to have the upper hand in this fight, and it seems very easy on the surface, but in fact, the opponent's defense is tougher than expected.

Lei Andao's mana is also rapidly consumed. In just this moment, it has consumed about 30% of the mana.

And what he got was just blood flowing from the corner of Wei Chongran's mouth, his body was still as solid as a rock, standing still, and his breath seemed to be longer than his. How could he not be shocked.

"My skills of the Desolate Moon Continent are not something that a barbaric cultivator like you who lives in a remote corner can comprehend. "

Just as Lei Andao was attacking and chatting casually, what surprised him was that Wei Chongran could also speak at this moment, and his speech was just slightly slowed down, without being so oppressive that he had no time to care.

Just as Wei Chongran was speaking, without any warning, the huge hammer in his other hand suddenly came out like a hidden weapon. Just like that, with a streak of black light, it hit out from the rain curtain in front of him.

The big hammer went straight to Lei Andao's abdomen, smashing countless rain curtains along the way, like a sharp arrow breaking through the waves. Looking at the whistling of the big hammer with a dull sound of wind, Lei Andao was surprised and puzzled.

The opponent was obviously struggling to fight against the purple lightning small tripod above, and even had internal injuries. He was very surprised that he could speak. How could he still have the energy to attack him.

"Pretending to be injured! "

This thought flashed through his mind, and Lei Andao felt that it was not right. This was meaningless.

Wei Chongran's attack at this moment was not a sneak attack when he thought the situation was settled, but an open attack on himself while fighting against the purple electric tripod above. Everything happened under his eyes.

He couldn't understand Wei Chongran more and more, but Lei Andao's movements were not slow. He freed one hand, drew a line in front of his chest, bent his wrist inward, and then drew it outward. A strong force was sent forward from the palm of his hand.

The heavy rain in front of him turned into a dark blue hand, half a person's height, surrounded by blue and purple electric light, making a harsh sound of "sizzling...".

The giant palm slapped the giant hammer.

"Bang! "With a sound, the two sides collided.

The collision shook the surrounding heavy rain and formed a rainless blank area in front of Lei Andao.

Immediately afterwards, Lei Andao's face changed, and his figure quickly flashed over. A sharp and long thorn suddenly pierced through the dark blue hand and hit his lower abdomen.

The big hand that Lei Andao had just condensed was unstoppable. That palm condensed 30% of his magic power, and also borrowed the power of thunder and lightning from heaven and earth.

The 30% magic power of a Yuanying cultivator, even if it was lightly slapped on a giant peak, would turn it into a pile of rubble.

It was the spike at the front of Wei Chongran's sledgehammer that pierced his lower abdomen. It was as fast as a poisonous dragon coming out of a cave, and it only took a moment to penetrate the dark blue hand. .

The incident happened unexpectedly, Lei Andao was just startled, but also reacted quickly. If Lei Andao had not felt that Wei Chongran's realm was strange, he would have been seriously injured if he had not been on guard all the time.

Lei Andao held his chest and abdomen, exchanging distance for space. When he held his abdomen, he also turned his body to the right quickly. With a "swish", the sharp and long thorn pierced through a series of raindrops, but also pierced nothing.

Because of this hasty dodge, Lei Andao's hand gesture was also delayed, and the purple small tripod rotating in the air was stagnant for a moment.

The golden dots in Wei Chongran's eyes on the opposite side suddenly lit up, and a strong smell of blood came over his body, which made Lei Andao a little horrified. He seemed to have a battlefield in front of him, with a sea of ​​blood and a mountain of corpses in the battlefield.

But he had extraordinary cultivation. He snorted coldly, and the illusion in front of him disappeared. He also grabbed the sharp thorn in front of his lower abdomen.

Wei Zhongran, who was on the opposite side, suddenly moved. He jumped up suddenly, grabbed the other sledgehammer flying above his head, and slammed it into the small purple cauldron in the air.

With the sound of "Boom!", the entire dark world was focused on the two fighting, and a strong wind blew up. The layers of dark clouds in the sky were torn into a big hole in an instant, and a ray of sunlight fell down. .

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