Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 622: Seniors and Fellow Taoists

After this attack, those Fengliang Mountain Golden Pill cultivators fought even more fiercely with the demon cultivators, and no longer gave the demons any free time to attack the foundation-building cultivators.

It was also because of the moment of buffering from the demon's attack on Li Yan that the remaining three demon cultivators already knew what had happened. When they faced this hateful human cultivator, he was actually a golden elixir cultivator in disguise, and chills rose from the bottom of their hearts. rise.

Thinking about it again, this person, regardless of his identity, not only secretly poisoned and attacked them, but also played tricks on them, pretending to be chased and vomiting blood, and felt that Li Yan was despicable and sinister.

This person's mind is really unpredictable. He could have killed himself and others in one fell swoop just now, but he only killed them one by one after playing tricks.

The remaining three demon cultivators dispersed in an instant. Under such circumstances, no matter how brave they were on weekdays, they would not dare to risk their own lives in a fearless fight.

They immediately retreated in three directions. Li Yan secretly said "What a pity". He knew that he did not have the ability to kill all his opponents, otherwise he would have done it before.

The series of raids just now were just taking advantage of the situation. Due to the sudden arrival of the golden elixir monks on both sides, the foundation building monks on both sides were in a state of sluggishness.

So Li Yan suddenly went out of his way to hurt people. He first attacked and seriously injured a demonic cultivator. When everyone's attention was distracted, he actually attacked the three poisoned demonic cultivators who were about to attack, leaving no one alive.

Then he would use the injured demon cultivator to shock the opponent mentally and kill another person during the attack.

All this is easy to say, but Li Yan had already used his scheming and physical strength to the limit, which resulted in this situation.

Now, the remaining three demon cultivators of the opponent are running away separately, and the remaining ten poisoned demon cultivators are also flying into the air, swaying and flying away. If they want to kill them all, they can't do it.

Li Yan thought quickly in his mind. If he tracked the poisoned cultivator, he might be able to kill a few more people. But if he tracked three demon cultivators in good condition, he would only be able to catch up with one person at most.

But at this moment, several auras came from the north and were rapidly approaching.

That was when Gong Yuantai and the others broke through the defense line of the Nanhai monks and flew towards him.

Li Yan no longer hesitated. He suddenly smiled and chased after one of the three demon cultivators who was not poisoned. That demon cultivator should be an old acquaintance of his.

A short and stocky demon cultivator who "had a great time chatting" in a courtyard in "Zhouyang Town"...

At this time, many demons coming over were also roaring angrily. In order to deal with them, the number of Jindan monks coming from Fengliang Mountain far exceeded them, many of them were in a two-on-one situation.

The current situation is exactly the opposite of that of Li Yan and the others just now. More than a dozen demons were divided and surrounded by Fengliang Mountain monks. Even though they were brave, they were inextricable for a while.

Here, the short-haired demon was the most ferocious. When one versus three, they ended up evenly matched.

Seeing the Fengliang Mountain foundation-building monks starting to counterattack, the demons' eyes turned fierce.


Shooting out in all directions, the demonic energy on his body rushed downwards.

But how dare the Fengliang Mountain Golden Core cultivators let these demons go down? It is estimated that only a few of those disciples will die once they meet.

The demon cultivators were fighting for their lives and were really unstoppable. There were only a few people here in Fengliang Mountain who could face one demon cultivator alone, including the poisoned demon soldiers below. Seeing that they could not escape, they were hurt by every move. style of play.

Soon there were casualties among the golden elixir and foundation-building monks on both sides. Two Fengliang Mountain golden elixir monks were seriously injured and fell into the air. They were unconscious for a while.

Only one of the opponent's demons was slightly injured. In comparison, Fengliangshan's side was still at a disadvantage for a moment.

The foundation-building monks were even more brutal. In just a moment, five Fengliangshan monks died. Two of the opponent's poisoned demon soldiers were killed. Wang Ning had a big hole punched through his right shoulder and was covered in blood.

Among the stronger fake elixirs, Qiao Baiye, who had his leg broken in the first place, stayed on the north side to block the Nanhai monks, and seemed to be more relaxed. Gong Yuantai, Wu Ye, Buo and others all had more or less skills. Injury.

This was after Wuye, Gong Yuantai, Wang Ning, and Tantai Dongyue worked together to intercept and kill the other two demon cultivators who were not poisoned, and the rest were fighting against the demon soldiers who had been poisoned.

If all the twenty-five demon soldiers were in good condition, and the Nanhai monks were under control, the Qing Sixteenth Team would probably suffer a disastrous defeat.

After fighting against these demon soldiers, Gong Yuantai and the others were shocked. These demon soldiers were not as powerful as they imagined after being poisoned, but were very strong.

It was so strong that even the poisoned demon cultivator that seemed to be on the verge of collapse was not something that a Fengliangshan cultivator could easily handle. On the contrary, he was at a disadvantage despite the opponent's desperate efforts.

"Then Li Yan's strength is too terrifying." Many people had this unbelievable thought in their minds, and the scenes of Li Yan before chopping melons and vegetables flashed before their eyes.


Wei Zhongran had flown to a height of several thousand feet, and he looked coldly at an old man with a patterned face opposite him.

He had been fighting with this person for nearly ten breaths. To his surprise, he failed to defeat the opponent, and he himself was almost injured.

"You just called us despicable, but it seems you are the one!"

"I have long heard that Fellow Daoist Wei who guards Fengliang Mountain has deep magical power. In the successive battles, many of our people have fallen into your hands. When I saw him today, it was indeed amazing.

Just now, you actually single-handedly broke through the obstruction of four of our demons one after another, led people here, and even competed with me in the state of a fake baby. It really opened my eyes. "

The old demon cultivator did not wear armor like other demon cultivators, but a purple robe, with his hands folded in his sleeves, looking a bit amiable.

"Daoyou? Haha, this senior, you have lifted me up. In order to hide your aura and come to deal with Wei, you have also spent a lot of effort. Finally, Wei is lucky!"

Wei Chongran's face had already become solemn, and he emphasized the words "Daoyou" and "senior".

"The kid below should be a disciple of your Wuliang Sect. He is really amazing. There are few rivals among the same level."

The old demon cultivator casually looked down in the direction where Li Yan chased, but he did not say that Li Yan was a "Golden Core cultivator".

"Seniors are seniors. They have a vision that is far superior to those idiots. You know that the cultivators of the Desolate Moon Continent cannot sneak attack the younger ones, right? Seniors!" Wei Chongran said with a hint of sarcasm. From his tone, we can know that the one in front of him is actually a Yuanying-level demon general. The old demon cultivator shook his head solemnly. "Your cultivation level is already bullying them to deal with Jindan cultivators. Although you are at the false infant level, you are only half a step away from forming a baby. And judging from the fight just now, Fellow Daoist Wei is one to two times stronger than ordinary false infant cultivators. ?? If Fellow Daoist wants to form a baby, it should not take more than three years to succeed. The chance of forming a baby is one in a million. Among all the cultivators on both sides present today, there is only Fellow Daoist Wei. I am sure that he will be a Yuanying cultivator in the future." The old demon cultivator still called him "Fellow Daoist" but he did not look down on him at all. "Senior, I am grateful to you for your appreciation, so you, the senior, have concealed your cultivation and appeared here, and put a great gift in front of me!"

The two people's address to each other was quite strange at this time. One believed that the other party was of the same level as himself, while the other did not form a Nascent Soul.

"If I hadn't appeared, how many of the dozen demons coming from below would be able to defeat Fellow Daoist Wei? But you are the only one, and I guess those dozen people can't do anything to you, but will be slaughtered by you."

The old demon cultivator suddenly exploded while hiding just now, but in the end he still failed to kill Wei Chongran, but his strength had been exposed, so he was not in a hurry to take action at this time.

This is also the reason why Wei Chongran was surprised to see that there was a Nascent Soul cultivator of the demon general level hidden among the dozen people on the other side, and hurriedly moved away from the battlefield below.

If this kind of person really started to fight, if he wanted to kill Li Yan and others below, Wei Chongran would not be very sure to stop him, but fortunately, it was obvious that this old demon was coming for him.

However, in order to kill him, the other party only sent an early stage demon general, which made Wei Chongran feel a little relieved.

After listening to the words of the old demon cultivator, Wei Chongran slowly closed his eyes, and the old demon cultivator chuckled when he saw this.


\u003e  "You can't expect reinforcements. In order to take down 'Tonggui Ridge', we did not hesitate to use powerful magic weapons to let you show up. How can we let other Yuanying cultivators come again."

Wei Chongran still did not open his eyes, and his aura became more and more fierce. His momentum was constantly rising, from the middle stage of Jindan, the late stage of Jindan, to the false infant, while the old demon cultivator of the other party did not seem to attack immediately.

But when Wei Chongran's momentum was rising, he suddenly turned to a question.

"Teng Wuji, is he dead or alive now? Oh, that cultivator you fought near 'Zhouyang Town' a month ago?"

The old demon cultivator knew that Wei Chongran did not need the so-called Qi condensation time, and he could reach his peak state in the moment of action.

It was just a kind of "accumulation of momentum", a psychological and aura-based performance after reaching a certain realm and coming into contact with the rules of heaven and earth, which made people more confident in the battle.

But he just let Wei Chongran create "momentum" and did not stop him. This was also a kind of confidence in himself. Similarly, he also had an expectation of being able to personally kill such a genius from the four major sects of the Desolate Moon Continent.

He wanted to see to what extent the genius of the cultivators of the Desolate Moon Continent was against the sky, so he just quietly waited for the other party to "accumulate momentum".

After hearing this, Wei Chongran, who closed his eyes, suddenly smiled and murmured.

"So his name is Teng Wuji. Is there any difference whether he is dead or alive?"

At this time, his momentum was rising steadily, and there was a faint trend of breaking through the shackles of the false infant, but his answer was ambiguous.

At this moment, the old demon cultivator who had just spoken gently suddenly took action, and Wei Chongran's "momentum" was interrupted when it was about to reach its peak.

The move of the old demon cultivator at this time was like a melody reaching its climax, when someone suddenly reached out and broke the strings, making all the previous efforts and beauty vanish into thin air.

The old demon cultivator made the opponent feel extremely uncomfortable. Whether it was the timing or the psychological grasp of the opponent, it was just right. This was the ruthlessness of a veteran who had experienced many battles.

At the same time, the old demon cultivator shouted, "He used to be my junior brother, old man Lei Andao!"

The old demon cultivator closed his hands and a ball of electric light the size of a head hit Wei Chongran. It was a small tripod, and the whole body of the small tripod was flashing with purple electricity. Groups of purple flames were burning around the body of the tripod.

As soon as the small purple electric cauldron came out, billowing clouds appeared in the sky that had just been clear for thousands of miles for no reason, turning a hundred miles in radius into extremely dark.

This sudden change startled the Jindan and Foundation Establishment monks who were fighting below. They looked up to the sky and saw large black clouds above their heads gathering from all directions. Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed among the dark clouds. Thunder.

A picture of heavy rain coming...

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