Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 543: Lurking (1)

Li Yan touched his nose and nodded with a smile, "What the senior brother said is very possible. Later, after the senior killed two demon cultivators, I was about to beg him to come over and take action again.

But the senior said that everything was fine on your side and just asked me to come back on my own. He said he had other things to do and left.

According to what Senior Brother Yan said, the senior is really paying attention to the situation here, but we cannot take it lightly because of this.

Even if the master can send people out to help secretly, they must be worried that the appearance of the Golden Core monk will attract the other party's attention to this mission, otherwise they will not arrange for our cultivation to fish in troubled waters.

Everything we do in the future must be done with all our strength. We must not make things worse. "

Li Yan felt that the reasons given by Yan Feijun were indeed explainable, but he was afraid that a few people might really think that there were golden elixir cultivators secretly helping them and lose their vigilance, which would be counterproductive.

Therefore, Li Yan changed the topic and made a point.

After listening to Li Yan's words, although several people did not completely believe him, after thinking about it again, they determined that Li Yan did not have the ability to kill two fake alchemy cultivators in such a short period of time.

If it were true, wouldn't it mean that Junior Brother Li had the strength to instantly crush someone of the same level? That would be ridiculous.

Although Bai Rou nodded in confusion, she really believed in Uncle Wei and the others that they secretly sent people out to protect him.

But at the beginning, she thought that Li Yan was so confident in luring away the demon cultivators that he must have some kind of powerful magical weapon given to him by Uncle Wei to protect him.

So when she saw Li Yan's return for the first time just now, she thought that Li Yan had really used the power of the magic weapon to kill the two demons, just like she had a small piece of the jade ruler given to her by Elder Chi Gong.

When your life is in danger, you only need to sacrifice it. The small piece of jade ruler can contain 70% of the power of the middle stage of the golden elixir of the ruler. It is so powerful that it can destroy a mountain as easily as melting snow.

"Oh, Senior Brother Yan, your injury is not serious?"

Li Yan didn't want to dwell too much on this topic. He quickly looked at Yan Feijun, who was pale and breathless, and said.

"Alas, the fake alchemy monk on the other side is not only extremely powerful in his magic, but he also has three khaki fat insects, which are very weird.

Although it is only a first-level monster, its body is extremely tough. Even magic weapons such as ours cannot damage it. Junior Brother Yan accidentally fell into the opponent's plot. "

When King Hu Xiao saw Li Yan mentioning Yan Feijun's injury, Yan Feijun's eyes flashed with reluctance. Knowing that this aroused Yan Feijun's pain, he quickly spoke up to help explain, but generally speaking, what he said was the truth.

However, I felt lucky that I had set up the formation in advance this time and finally won by ambushing the opponent.

Now let King Hu Xiao remember that even if Wang Changkun didn't sacrifice the three "Destroying Sand Beasts", it would still be difficult for him and Bai Rou to kill them in a short time.



I don't know where these monks came from, but the power of the same simple technique increased several times in their hands.

When they saw that there were no bones left among the monks in the formation, both King Hu Xiao and Yan Feijun regretted that they had struck too hard. Otherwise, they could have obtained the contents of the other party's storage bag, and perhaps there would have been some jade slips of martial arts. Let them get each other's cultivation methods.

Although their ninth team had encountered several foreign monks before, none of them had the cultivation level of Wang Changkun. Most of them were in the early stage of foundation building and had even encountered foreign monks in the Qi Condensation stage.

Moreover, the jade slips found on their bodies were all inscribed with the skills and magic of a certain sect of Nanhai monks, which was of much less use to the disciples of the Sprite Sect.

So these jade slips were eventually folded into spiritual stones and exchanged for the recruited monks. This time, they went deep into the border of the demonic cultivator army. On the way, they met masters like Wang Changkun. The power of his skills made King Hu Xiao and Yan Feijun even more powerful. Jealous.

I felt that among those corroded storage bags, there should be jade slips of martial arts with Wang Changkun's level of cultivation, but because he was worried about Li Yan's situation, he poisoned them in a hurry, regardless of the consequences.

After this incident, King Hu Xiao and Yan Feijun secretly agreed that if they encounter a foreign monk next time, they must try their best to keep their storage bag intact.

But it turns out that what they did later was almost in vain, but they still got a lot of spiritual stones.

The reason is actually very simple. Wang Changkun and the others have been living on top of huge rubbles for almost generations. Where can the jade slips be unearthed in the turbulent space.

In fact, there are still about a thousand jade slips left by them, but they are all in the hands of some people at the highest level, and after generations of consumption, they have almost been exhausted.

Although the three ancestors tried their best to avoid using jade slips, by the time the South China Sea passage was opened, there would be no more than four blank jade slips on the entire stone.

Therefore, if you use jade slips in the fallen stone, you can only use them if you have reached the Nascent Soul stage. Wang Changkun's father, even if he is a monk in the early Nascent Soul stage, has never seen a jade slip in his life.

Most of their skills were taught orally or recorded on pieces of fallen rocks. As a result, many ancient skills were still lost in Wang Changkun's inheritance.

The skills of low-level monks like Wang Changkun and others are recorded in their own sea of ​​consciousness, and they cannot be found unless they are soul-searched.

Even when the foreign monks invaded the South China Sea together with the demonic cultivators, they still couldn't get used to using jade slips. The most they could do was snatch the jade slips from the South China Sea monks and use them as reference.

What only disappointed them was that Nanhai monk’s skills and

Immortal magic is more like castrated ancient magic, and many sects' formulas are even specious.

Wang Changkun and the others were all wondering how these sects succeeded in establishing their foundations. It would be considered good if they could breathe out enough spiritual energy during the Qi Condensation Stage.

Therefore, most of these foreign monks threw away these jade slips in the end, but there were still some jade slips with unique skills that they retained.

Compared with the jade slips, the foreign monks are more interested in the storage bags and spiritual stones in the hands of the immortal cultivators in the South China Sea. These two things are great blessings to them.

They had only heard of the existence of these two things before, but they never dared to expect that they could have them. Since they got them, they really feel that they have endless uses.

They no longer have to worry about collecting something. The previous act of either tying it to their body or hiding it in their clothes was really primitive. Especially when they have a spiritual stone, even a low-level spiritual stone, they are extremely excited. They no longer have to replenish their spiritual power quickly after it is consumed.

Therefore, almost everyone like Wang Changkun carries more than a dozen storage bags, and most of the bags are filled with spiritual stones. This is like the reason why poor people are afraid of hunger.

"Three first-order monsters?"

Li Yan had doubts in his eyes. At this time, Sun Guoshu took a step forward and explained a few words to Li Yan in a low voice. Only then did Li Yan understand the terrifying physical toughness of the "Destroying Sand Beast".

Li Yan couldn't help but think that if he took action, he didn't know whether he could directly kill this weird monster.

In fact, Li Yan rushed over quickly after killing Wu Yuan. However, when he returned to the forest, the battle in front of Bai Rou and the others had passed. It was Wang Changkun and the five who had just been trapped in the killing formation of the Four Great Sons. when.

Seeing this scene, Li Yan, who had come quietly to attack Wang Changkun, did not show up again.

Li Yan used the technique of "sneaking and hiding at night" and kept ambush nearby. If Wang Changkun and the others still had the means to escape, Li Yan would launch a sneak attack as soon as possible.

As for the sneak attack not being an aboveboard act, this concept has never been in Li Yan's mind. He can kill the enemy no matter what method he uses.

The simplest, most effective, and effortless attack was the method Li Yan chose first.

Until he saw that Wang Changkun and the other five people were dead in the formation, Li Yan still didn't show up immediately after thinking about it.

He felt that he had killed two demonic cultivators and suddenly appeared like this, which would require a lot of unnecessary explanations, so he quietly flew back for a while, and then showed up to greet Bai Rou and the others. come over.

"I have never heard of this monster. It must be a monster unique to these foreign continents. This news must be reported back to Fengliang Mountain when there is time, so that other teams will not suffer a big loss after encountering it."

Li Yan thought for a moment, then looked at the sky


By the way, it was already early morning since they escaped.

He waved his sleeves, and Chuanyunliu appeared at his feet. "Let's leave quickly. It's the third day soon!"

In the next two days, Li Yan and the others were even more careful. Sun Guoshu still explored the route in advance from time to time. I don't know if it was luck or the result of their caution.

Except that the speed was much slower, at midnight on the fifth day, we finally arrived at the halfway point of a mountain peak three miles north of "Zhouyang Town", where we could overlook the entire "Zhouyang Town".

After they sneaked all the way here, they lurked here. At the same time, the aura on each person's body was completely hidden. In addition, Yan Feijun set up a small concealment illusion array around several people.

If it weren't for the Jindan monks who deliberately searched inch by inch with their spiritual consciousness, they probably wouldn't have been able to discover the existence of the five of them.

At this time, Yan Feijun's broken wrist on his left hand was already scabbed, and he could only regenerate the broken limb after he formed the elixir in the future, or he could spend expensive spiritual stones to buy the elixir for restoring the broken limb after returning home.

However, Yan Feijun's momentum had already recovered by this time. On the way here, when they could make use of the Cloud-Piercing Willow, they would sit cross-legged on it to adjust their breath and recover.

Feeling the hot red rocks illuminated by the setting sun, Li Yan looked back at "Zhou Yangzhen", then narrowed his eyes, thinking about the plan in his heart.

The distance of three miles, and looking down from above, to the monks, is almost the same as seeing it in front of their eyes.

When Li Yan and the others arrived here, they did not plan to use their spiritual consciousness to detect "Zhouyang Town" because they could feel that there would be several hidden spiritual consciousnesses crossing and sweeping through the air from time to time.

If they release their spiritual consciousness, it will be a very easy way to be exposed, so the best way is of course to use their eyes to see, so they would rather take some risks by sneaking over, which is more concealed than using their spiritual consciousness all the time.

After a while, the other four people also looked down.

"There are no mortals in this town. Maybe they were killed, or maybe it was a town established by immortal cultivators before.

But there are nearly a hundred courtyards here, and all the people coming in and out are demon cultivators and the teams they lead.

Although there were only people in half of the courtyard, there were still a lot of people, and it was not easy to find the target.

And the most important thing is, now that we are here, Junior Brother Li, we always need to know how to contact the two agents, right? We can't just keep looking for them without any clue, right? Or just you and Junior Sister Bai can determine the target location, and we will only be responsible for the actions. "

King Hu Xiao said with some dissatisfaction in his tone. Apart from Li Yan briefly saying a few words about the content of the mission at the beginning a few days ago, there was no further explanation later. Of course they did not believe that the mission given by the sect was only Such a simple tip.

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