Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 542: The devil is so mediocre

Although first-level monsters have developed spiritual intelligence, the spiritual intelligence of the same first-level monsters is also different. For example, the spiritual intelligence of a first-level spirit fox and a first-level pig are worlds apart.

The "Destroying Sand Beast" itself is a gluttonous and lazy monster in the turbulent space, so it can usually lie down and never wants to move. This is why it is driven by orders after being sacrificed by monks. Don't do what you're told.

So as long as Wang Changkun doesn't let them detect the existence of the magic circle, they will never take the initiative to do such a waste of energy.

In this way, the two battle groups slowly moved towards the four sub-killing formations, until finally they all entered the formation.

After King Hu Xiao and Yan Feijun saw this, they immediately activated the formation to separate themselves from Wang Changkun and the others.

The opening of the formation immediately made Wang Changkun and the others shocked and angry. They were not very familiar with breaking the restrictions of the formation. Even though their cultivation method had the existence of the formation, they had no resources at all in the turbulent space. To practice.

Therefore, not everyone can obtain the few materials that Yuanying monks have worked so hard to find. Although Wang Changkun has a Yuanying monk to take care of him, he has not yet formed an elixir, so he is not counted as his disciple, and he still has no chance. One way to practice formation.

As for the other foreign monks here who can obey Wang Changkun like this, they are also from low backgrounds, and they also don't know much about battle tactics.

Only three short breaths had passed, and the situation had been completely reversed. At this time, the terrifying power of poisonous cultivators of the Demon Sect revealed its ferocious fangs.

For a moment, the formation was filled with smoke and juices. Sun Guoshu was so frightened that he ran hundreds of feet away and immediately held his breath.

Bai Rou also stopped casting spells and stood vigilantly outside the four-set killing formation, ready to command the three-headed puppet to attack at any time.

Speaking of Bai Rou, the three-headed gibbon puppet, although very powerful in attack, was still mentioned many times by Shuang Qingqing, and after Bai Rou returned to the Sprite Sect, she was also "taught earnestly" by Elder Chi Gong many times.

The reason is that Bai Rou's puppet has nothing to do with poison. Shuang Qingqing believes that since the Demon Sect is the main poison cultivator, Bai Rou should learn from it. If he can enhance his own strength, he will be the king.

Elder Chi Gong also meant the same thing, telling Bai Rou not to be merciful. Magic weapons are used to kill people. If they can kill people quickly, why bother to expend more effort.

But Bai Rou, who had always been obedient, became stubborn on this matter and remained hesitant.

The angry Elder Chi Gong raised his beard and said, "Look at you, how do you look like me, a monk from the Demon Sect? How come you have such a deep obsession?"

At this time, King Hu Xiao and Yan Feijun showed cruel smiles on their faces. They continued to play formations and techniques, making the formations more powerful.

Especially Yan Feijun, both of his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and only one of his eyes was left.


A hand waved in the air, creating an afterimage.

The monks who were separated in the four formations continued to roar at first, but soon after, there were screams and vicious curses.

Especially in the second set of formations, loud noises continued, causing the ground to tremble within a few miles of direct earthquakes.

Wang Changkun and three "Destroying Sand Beasts" were trapped in these two formations respectively. Wang Changkun in the formation was now disheveled and as powerful as a mad tiger, constantly attacking the surroundings, but he knew in his heart that this time he would probably die here. Now, he knows almost nothing about battle tactics.

These monks from Desolate Moon Continent are too vicious, and there are at least five or six kinds of poisons in the formation.

Although he could temporarily hold his breath, the venom and venom kept coming like a wave, and there would be black stinky swamps under his feet. It was estimated that as soon as he stepped into it, he would be completely corroded. .

He kept calling out to the three "Destroying Sand Beasts" in his mind, and there were responses at first, but after ten breaths, the "Destroying Sand Beasts" would occasionally respond.

But in the end, no matter how he called, the three "Destroying Sand Beasts" had no response at all.

But Wang Changkun knew that the three "Destroying Sand Beasts" were not dead yet. He had used his blood essence to sacrifice the monsters. If they died, he would sense them in an instant.

The reason is easy to guess. The three "Destroying Sand Beasts" were already deeply poisoned. Wang Changkun's guess was correct. The skins of the "Destroying Sand Beasts" were very hard, so even though the poisonous juice and venom hit them, it was also Can withstand it.

But the "Destroying Sand Beasts" didn't know how to hold their breath. After they were trapped, they crashed into the surroundings crazily, consuming a lot of energy.

It's a pity that they are only larvae and are not yet able to forcefully break this magic circle. Under this consumption, not only the poison on their bodies is slowly seeping into their bodies, but more importantly, a large amount of smoke poison has already entered their bodies. within their bodies.

If these three "Destroying Sand Beasts" were not alien species from the turbulent space, they would have been dead for a long time. However, at this time, the poison had entered their organs and they could no longer support themselves. They fell to the ground one after another, slowly sinking into the ground. In the black mire, it disappeared into smoke after a while.

The four foreign cultivators in the remaining two magic circles fell completely calm just after the magic circle was activated for fourteen breaths.

It can be seen from this that confronting the enemy head-on is definitely not the specialty of the Sixiang Peak monks. However, in their usual missions, they are basically encounters, and they always have time to set up an ambush.

In the end, there was a dead silence in the four magic circles, and Bai Rou asked anxiously

"Two senior brothers, what's the result?"

Once the formation is opened, except for the caster who can grasp the situation inside through spiritual consciousness, how can the rest of the people know what is happening.

Of course, there is one exception, that is, someone with advanced cultivation uses powerful spiritual consciousness to directly break in and check.

King Hu Xiao and Yan Feijun did not answer immediately. After a few breaths, they recovered their consciousness and both nodded.

Yan Feijun said bitterly, "Even the soul has not escaped, it has completely dissipated between heaven and earth!"

While talking, he and King Hu Xiao had begun to cast spells to dismantle the four killing formations. At this time, Sun Guoshu in the distance still did not dare to come over. He only dared to use his spiritual consciousness to continue to explore here.

As the four sets of killing formations were lifted, what appeared in front of Bai Rou and Sun Guoshu was a completely destroyed forest. The ground was covered with broken wood and grass clippings, and there were many grass roots and wood chips as sharp as arrows. Deeply inserted into the ground or tree trunks.

There was not even a single figure on this messy ground, and Sun Guoshu hurriedly scanned it carefully with his spiritual consciousness.

He was horrified to find that except for some tree debris, he could not find even a piece of clothing.

Regarding this result, King Hu Xiao and Yan Feijun had already expected it, and they were looking at everything here with a cheerful expression.

When setting up the formation, in order to kill the enemy as quickly as possible and make the enemy die, the two of them used many vicious and overbearing poisons in the formation, not to mention a piece of clothing, and finally even a storage bag. Couldn't stay.

When the four of them were observing the situation within the formation, no one noticed that not far from them, a faint figure flew quietly into the distance.

"By the way, let's go quickly and look for Junior Brother Li!" When Bai Rou saw that all five people in the formation were dead, she turned away and urged quickly.

When she finished speaking, she was already in the air. Seeing this, King Hu Xiao and Yan Feijun also quickly put away the formation weapons and hurriedly took off, although the two of them were now very exhausted.

In particular, Yan Feijun had swallowed a lot of pills just now. Whether they were for healing injuries or restoring spiritual power, they had not been properly refined. Now his injuries are still there and only 30% of his spiritual power is left.

But fortunately, the two of them knew that if something happened to Li Yan, if Uncle Wei knew about their failure to do their best, they would probably be buried with him.

So, gritting his teeth, although he desperately wanted to stay and meditate to recover, he could only follow Bai Rou.

And just when Sun Guoshu was about to fly up from behind, Bai Rou's surprised and uncertain voice sounded again, "Hey, that should be Junior Brother Li back. Why did he..."

Bai Rou's words made the remaining three people stunned, and then all three of them stopped talking.


The consciousness was definitely released.

"It's really Mr. Li Daoyou, did he come back alone?" The first one to discover it was Sun Guoshu, who was in the best condition here. King Hu Xiao and Yan Feijun had to endure their exhaustion, so their reaction was a step late.

Sun Guoshu found a person flying in the distance, it was Li Yan. He was so happy that he almost blurted out the word "Master", but no one paid attention to him at this time.

"It's Junior Brother Li, where are the two demon cultivators?" Seeing Li Yan flying back alone, Yan Feijun couldn't help but nervously extended his consciousness to the distance again, but still found someone chasing Li Yan.

"It's not obvious that Junior Brother Li has a good trick!" King Hu Xiao also thought that Li Yan was being chased, so he had no choice but to come back and meet up after going around in a circle. It seemed that he and others had guessed wrong. , and at the same time, he was surprised and uncertain about the current results.

Bai Rou didn't care about anything else, and with a smile on her jade face, she flew forward quickly to meet them, and the remaining three people had no choice but to follow them with confusion.

Of course, Li Yan had noticed the four of them a long time ago. He also increased his speed slightly, and soon they met in the air.

"Junior Brother Li, where are those two demon cultivators?" Bai Rou asked softly, still a hundred feet away, using her spiritual power.

"Oh, those two demon cultivators are dead!"


When Li Yan's words came, the two people had already met together. King Hu Xiao asked in surprise, while Yan Feijun looked behind Li Yan in confusion. Sure enough, after this period of time, no one was chasing him.

Only Sun Guoshu blinked twice, not knowing what he was thinking.

Seeing everyone's surprised expressions, Li Yan spread his hands and said, "This time, my master is truly blessed. During my escape just now, I met an uncle who was on a mission nearby.

Although this uncle was not a monk of my Demon Sect, he took action immediately and killed the two demons in just a moment, so I was fine. "

"Oh? Junior brother Li is so lucky. Where is this uncle?" Of course King Hu Xiao and others didn't believe it. He thought how could Li Yan be so lucky.

They had been running away for a long time, and except for a senior Jin Dan who came to help at the beginning, they had never met anyone later. How could Junior Brother Li run away casually and meet a noble person.

But before Li Yan could answer, Yan Feijun's tense expression relaxed and he spoke first, "We are carrying out a secret mission. It is impossible for the sect to leave no backup plan. This must be arranged by Uncle Wei and the others!"

Yan Feijun's words caused the others on his way to fall into silence for a while, but then he thought about it, this was the only possibility. Their mission was so valued, could they really be so relieved that everything would be left to him and others? Otherwise, how could he explain it? Within half a day, I could meet two master uncles in succession.

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