Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 544: Lurking (2)

Although King Hu Xiao was dissatisfied with Li Yan, who could give him a good master? Li Yan's cultivation level was a bit low, but he still had a lot of good magic weapons, and he was not necessarily sure that he could beat this junior brother.

What's more, after he and Yan Feijun went back to resume their duties this time, they still had to rely on Peak Master Wei to promise something, so he didn't dare to express his opinions openly.

Li Yan nodded and smiled bitterly, "Actually, apart from what I just said at the beginning, I really don't have much information here.

First of all, as Brother Hu said, we really have to search every courtyard in the town, and even if we go through this, we are not sure we can find it in one go. "

After hearing this, King Hu Xiao and the other two men all felt their hearts sinking. Yan Feijun did not speak this time, but turned to look at "Zhou Yangzhen" below.

Sun Guoshu remained silent. He had always been clear about his status and would not speak if he could.

King Hu Xiao still raised his eyebrows, but this time he pondered for a moment, "This mission is too ridiculous! As an internal agent, since you have to deliver information, how can you not have a specific connection method? No one will believe it."

At this time, they still regarded the two people from "Luo Shuhu" as internal agents. Li Yan and Bai Rou didn't point it out. Telling the truth at this time would only make the three of them more dissatisfied. Li Yan continued.

“It’s not that they don’t give a definite time, it’s that the environment they are in now makes it impossible to achieve a specific joint method.

Because their team is led by two demon cultivators, they will go on missions at some point, and will only return here for a break after the mission is completed.

In this case, how could they determine the meeting time? Fortunately, we know that they will go out in about three days, and a mission lasts between five and ten days, so we can still find traces. "

Having said this, before King Hu Xiao and others could think about it carefully, Li Yan changed the subject.

“But we only have ten days left, plus the time it takes to travel back, the maximum stay here is seven days, which is the limit.

Similarly, even if the two 'internal response' teams just went out on a mission today, there is more than half a chance of coming back within seven days. "Li Yan counted the time and said slowly.

After listening to Li Yan's words, King Hu Xiao and Yan Feijun looked at each other and nodded. In desperation, they could only think about the good news. They were 100% sure of executing the mission. The probability of Li Yan's algorithm It is indeed very big.

"However, if we observe with our eyes like this, we can't see everyone in the courtyard, and we can't scan with our spiritual consciousness. How can we be sure?" Yan Feijun said helplessly.

"Otherwise, we should be careful and use our spiritual sense to slowly explore each one one by one. Anyway, there are a lot of spiritual senses scanning here. Even if people in the courtyard find that there is spiritual sense passing by, we can easily get past them."

King Hu Xiao thought for a while and came up with a way.

"Two teachers


Brother, I think this method is...maybe inappropriate. If the spiritual consciousness we have discovered is discovered by the powerful people who are also monitoring this place, then the place where we are hiding will be exposed at once.

I think it would be better for the five of us to divide it into separate areas and mark out our own areas for observation. Each person is responsible for one area. There are less than a hundred houses here, and one person can only have a dozen. We only need to keep an eye on the gate of the courtyard and pay attention to the monks coming in and out. .

The teams that come here are all on a temporary break. They will leave in three days or even half a day at most and will not stay in the town for too long. Calculating this, we can find out everyone in the courtyard in three days. . "

Bairou, who had never spoken before, suddenly whispered.

Bai Rou's method should be feasible, and it should also ensure his own exposure to the greatest extent.

It is impossible for a mortal to pay attention to more than a dozen houses at the same time with the naked eye, but for monks, their eyesight is able to distinguish thousands of arrows from different directions when facing thousands of arrows. The eagle feathers on the rain of arrows can be seen clearly.

For pedestrians who just walk into the courtyard, observing them is nothing at all. At most, it is just tiring.

King Hu Xiao originally thought that it would be easier to use his spiritual consciousness, but when he thought about the consequences if he was discovered by a strong person, he immediately stopped thinking about taking chances.

Li Yan had actually been thinking about this matter on the way here. He already had a plan in mind, but he didn't tell anyone else.

He still wanted to observe here for a while first. If he could really find the two "Luoshu Lake" disciples by chance, why would he and his group take risks?

Next, the five of them each designated an area and observed it carefully.

When the time came to the afternoon of the next day, several people realized that something was getting worse and worse.

"How come that since noon, more and more demon squads have gathered here. Now it is too much to observe more than a dozen courtyards with the naked eye." King Hu Xiao was the first to break the calm and whispered.

From last night to this morning, everything was relatively normal. It might take a long time for some monks to enter or go out of each courtyard occasionally.

They only needed to take a quick glance, but they still couldn't find the two people in the jade slip, which made a few people feel a little anxious.

Although they are all monks, facing the unknown waiting, every breath will make them feel that the target will appear in their sight at the next moment, but they are often disappointed again and again.

Under such circumstances, even though I only looked down a few times, I didn't dare to rest for a while. I was still very tired.

But at noon, all this changed. The number of monks gathering at "Zhouyang Town" suddenly increased.

And now there is a trend of more and more monks coming from all directions.

"Is it true that the situation here has always been like this?" Yan Feijun did not look back and carefully observed the foot of the mountain.

"The news we received before did not say that so many scouts would gather here in 'Zhouyang Town' every day." Bai Rou retracted her gaze and turned to look at Li Yan strangely.

Her actions made the other people feel that something was wrong, and they all looked back down the mountain and looked at the two of them. It turned out that even the news that Junior Sister Bai had received before was not like this.

"Is it possible that something big is going to happen here? Or is it that the mission of the two agents we want to take back has been exposed, and they are starting to mobilize manpower to capture us?"

Yan Feijun felt more and more uneasy, and when he thought about it, he even wondered if he was targeting them.

Of course, Li Yan also felt that something was wrong with the sudden gathering of so many monks in "Zhouyang Town", and he had been thinking about why?

Sun Guoshu on one side shook his head at this time and whispered, "I think the monks here may have received an order to retreat here, or it can be said to be gathering.

If you look at the direction they are coming from, they are basically in the three directions: east, west, north and west. They are most likely to be on standby here temporarily. It should have nothing to do with our mission.

Otherwise, they only need to use those two insiders to set a trap, and we will definitely fall into the trap ourselves. Why bother to be so alarming! "

Sun Guoshu's words were consistent with Li Yan's observations, and Li Yan only discovered it by being careful.

Sun Guoshu, on the other hand, just looked into the distance for a short while without thinking much. This is the result of his rich experience in battle, and his judgment is usually very quick.

"Stand by? What orders are they waiting for?" Yan Feijun asked Sun Guoshu.

"This... I can't guess." Sun Guoshu smiled bitterly.

But in fact, he still had a few guesses in his mind, but he didn't want to end up with a false alarm because of his quick words. It would be his own fault if he gave a false alarm.

Li Yan pondered for a moment, "Let's continue to observe for a while and see if we can see more clues?"

Several people believed Li Yan's words deeply. They all realized that there was a problem, but in their hearts they preferred to determine the problem before deciding on their own actions.

In this way, they stayed until after dark. Several people finally determined that "Zhouyang Town" was definitely a sign of troop deployment and was not coming for them.

Moreover, Bai Rou unexpectedly discovered the traces of a so-called "internal agent", which made the five of them feel happy that they finally saw their target.

It was a team of seven people. Except for the leader of the demon monk, the other six people were all wearing uniform "Qingling Sect" costumes, and all of them had blood stains or scars on their bodies.


It looked like he had fought with others.

But when this team appeared, the monks in "Zhouyang Town" began to look crowded. At the same time, more and more spiritual consciousnesses were scanning across "Zhouyang Town", as if a powerful enemy was approaching.

This made Bai Rou and the others dare to follow the seven-man team with their spiritual consciousness, so soon the seven-man team blended into the vast crowd and disappeared.

Bai Rou and others were very anxious because of this, but they didn't dare to make any big moves at this time.

"Why did only one agent show up? Did something happen to the other agent? Or was he assigned another task and the two of them were separated." Li Yan touched his chin with his hand and whispered.

"If these two agents are separated, will we have more time to find the other one? If we only pick up one person, will the mission be considered a failure or a success?" Yan Feijun said worriedly.

"Now that the target has appeared, and the situation here has exceeded our expectations, we must sneak into the town and connect with the opponent.

As long as we can find the previous 'internal agent' and ask him what exactly happened, we can then make subsequent decisions.

Otherwise, looking at this situation, the monks here may be transferred out soon. I wonder what happened? Could it be that the demons are about to start attacking? "King Hu Xiao began to look anxious. He had been thinking about this all afternoon.

But when he said this, no one noticed that Sun Guoshu beside him twitched his face. What he least wanted to happen, others began to think in this direction. His judgment alone might be wrong, but if there are others If you think about it this way, the possibility will increase invisibly.

"What Senior Brother Hu said makes sense. Our top priority is to contact this person before we make the next step. What's more, 'Zhouyang Town' now really looks like a gathering of armies before an attack.

And it's clear that since noon, even the security teams outside the town have appeared, and our place has been repeatedly scanned by divine consciousness several times. If the magic array hadn't been useful, we might have been discovered long ago. Yan Feijun also said worriedly.

After the afternoon, several teams appeared on the mountain where they were staying to search the place in separate groups, and one team was already outside their illusory formation, but they just couldn't see through it.

This made Li Yan and the others ready to take action at any time, but it was also thanks to the existence of these teams. Most of their cultivation levels ranged from Qi Condensation to Foundation Establishment. Instead, a few powerful spiritual consciousnesses only had a rough look here. After a while, he began to explore into the distance.

Li Yan also nodded, feeling that what they said was reasonable. He was just a delicate mind, not a real immortal. In such a situation, he could only wait and watch.

But now, they could no longer lurk, so they had to venture down the mountain and enter "Zhouyang Town". However, there were at least two thousand monks there, and if five people went down, they would be targeted.

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