Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2069 Qin Chengyi’s Scheme (1)

The Taoist priest secretly took a breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, stared at Qin Chengyi and said word by word, "Do you think your methods are very clever? I have suspected you for a long time, and you are not worthy of shouting "Master."

After he said these words, Qin Chengyi unexpectedly showed a trace of contempt in his eyes: "Cough...cough..., your suspicion, I...I have guessed it a long time ago, but...but before Senior Brother Luo died early this morning, You have basically... no longer doubted me. You should have doubted... about me again after... the trouble happened in the main hall. I had... expected this... for a long time. , I don’t know if what I said is right, junior brother, cough... cough...

If it weren't for the master... the master would be rushing back tonight, and it would only take... half a day longer. You wouldn't even think... of doubting me again. Because of... this, I can only... have to do it today. ...I took the risk again in the early morning... to kill Senior Brother Luo, but I also calculated that you, are just a little more suspicious of me...I am just a little more suspicious. There is no evidence at all, so...a... Come on, plus the other people you suspect, you have to... monitor many people at the same time, and... moreover, you are not worried about the... people you sent out to monitor. It is estimated that Hall Master Ji is the only one... ...that's all, so the people you can use are... very limited, and you don't have much time to worry about coming to me. You... you shouldn't have known that I was coming here. This... this is the biggest doubt in my heart. , cough... cough..., could it be... could it be..."

Although Qin Chengyi's face was horribly pale, a look of pride slowly appeared on his face that was twitching with pain. But when he came to the end of his words, he suddenly looked at Li Yan, who had been silent all this time. There was a look of disbelief in his eyes.

Seeing Qin Chengyi staring at him in disbelief, Li Yan couldn't help but sigh in his heart. This person was really smart. He was only one or two years older than himself in cultivation. He was not as good as he was in the monster. With Zong Nabo's abundant cultivation resources, he has almost reached the foundation building requirements.

What shocked Li Yan the most was Qin Chengyi's careful thinking. The last words he said to the Taoist Gong were exactly as he saw what the Taoist Gong was thinking, and the reality was just as he expected, with almost no mistakes. Moreover, Qin Chengyi only spoke for a moment, and finally locked his eyes directly on himself, but he never spoke from the beginning to the end. Qin Chengyi had already guessed some reasons just by appearing here. Such a mind is admirable. .

Gong Taoist's face was even more livid. He had never expected that this junior fellow student who was usually low-key could be so powerful. What he thought and judged was all part of his calculations, and he was even more sure that he would not dare to deal with him now. He immediately executed him.

Thinking of this, Taoist Gong couldn't help but let out a heavy "hum" in his nose, and then looked at Li Yan, because even Taoist Gong himself only knows why he chose to be here so far.


He set up an ambush and didn't know the rest of the situation. He just wanted to catch the murderer first to avoid another accident. He really didn't have time to ask Li Yan about the other things.

Seeing that the Taoist priest was really looking at the Qi Condensation Stage monk named Li Yan beside him, Qin Chengyi couldn't help but stare at Li Yan with burning eyes. At this moment, his face actually became bright.

"If I remember correctly, Li... Fellow Daoist Li is a monk of the Blood Leaf Sect. Unexpectedly, I missed the mark and this game... was broken by you." After saying this, he stopped breathing heavily. It seems like he has a spirit.

After Li Yan heard this, he saw the Taoist priest looking at him again, with curiosity and anxiety in his eyes. He looked at the sun again and saw that it was already Mao hour, less than three hours away from noon. Is it long? To put it bluntly, Qin Chengyi has grasped the fact that there are no golden elixir monks here. The Taoist Gong also hopes that he can express his judgment as soon as possible.

"It made fellow Daoist Qin laugh. I was just guessing." Li Yan cupped his hands towards Qin Chengyi, and couldn't help but feel relieved. He thought to himself, "At least you didn't see that I am not a Blood Leaf Sect monk. Otherwise, you would really It scares Li." His gesture of handing over was from the bottom of his heart. From the perspective of a bystander, he admired Qin Chengyi. If he had not been forced to take action again in the hall in the early morning because of the time constraints of the other party, he would not have done it. It will be linked to him with the doubts discovered yesterday.

Li Yan looked at Qin Chengyi and said calmly, "If Fellow Daoist Qin hadn't been worried about your master's return and took action for the third time, Fellow Daoist Qin would have won this time. Your plan was perfect, both in terms of timing and people's hearts. I admire you."

After Li Yan said this, what shocked the Taoist priest was that Qin Chengyi had a childlike smile on his face when he was being praised. Looking at Qin Chengyi who showed confidence in his eyes, Li Yan spoke for the third time and spoke directly.

"Yesterday, in the first incident yesterday, Fellow Daoist Liu died from the poisonous 'Assaulting Tears' condensed by the 'Six-headed Green Crystal Demon Cockroach', right?"

"You actually know about the 'Six Blue Crystal Demon Centipedes'?" Qin Chengyi couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice after hearing Li Yan's first words. He originally just hoped to know how the other party could guess that he would come to the 'Taoist Hall' Unexpectedly, the other party did not mention this matter, but directly told him the method of killing yesterday, and it seemed to be very clear.

Li Yan glanced at him and continued, "'The Green Crystal Six-Headed Demon Centipede' is an ancient ferocious beast that likes coldness. It can reach level six when it reaches adulthood, which is the Void Refining Realm among monks. Its poison is the most unique in the world." , ranked 415th on the list of ancient poisons. In ancient times, monks collected its poison and refined it into a poison called 'Hitting Tears'.

It specializes in attacking the heart of living beings. It will be activated and blend into the heaven and earth silently and colorlessly. After being inhaled by the living being, it will quickly attach to a point on the surface of the heart in the living being. When it reaches a certain number, it will suddenly It breaks out, breaks the heart, invades instantly, and directly corrodes everything inside the heart. However, the so-called concentration here is only a trace when it condenses to a certain amount, which can lead to an explosion.

However, this poison has long since disappeared with the extinction of the 'Cyan Crystal Six-Headed Demonic Centipede'. I didn't expect that you would find such a poison that is the most dangerous in the world. "When Li Yan said this, he looked at Qin Chengyi. Qin Chengyi's face returned to normal, but he remained silent. However, his eyes flashed at Li Yan several times, as if he was thinking about something.

Seeing Qin Chengyi's expression, Li Yan had already tested something in his mind. When he saw that "Senior Brother Liu" died of this poison, he was shocked. He didn't expect that this poison still exists in this world. Now he guessed that this poison It must not be owned by the Qin family, but by the force behind Qin Chengyi. In this case, this force is extremely powerful.

"It's just that 'Assailing Tears' has two important characteristics. One is that the poison cannot be shaken off once it is touched. It will be firmly adsorbed on the skin, and then it will penetrate into the pores and collect towards the heart; secondly, if you want to To activate the poison in the air, you need to use spiritual power to activate it, but another characteristic of it is that it will follow the source of the spiritual power directly all the way back, so the poisoner will not be spared, so if someone takes this poison and directly activates it, If the poison is released, the person who applied the poison would have died before the poison was released. Therefore, after the ancient people refined the poison, they would often have special talismans to release it.

Precisely because this poison is triggered by spiritual power, the symptoms after poisoning are as if someone has directly destroyed the heart with magic power, leaving residual wood and water spiritual power fluctuations on the heart, which can easily confuse people. The reason why others are a strange poison is that the most chilling thing about it is that the three souls and seven souls of the poisoned person will be corroded, and the chance of falling into reincarnation will be lost. This is the most vicious thing about it. "

Speaking of this, Li Yan showed admiration in his eyes and said to Qin Chengyi, "I don't know if the poison was administered by you this time, or if someone else told you the corresponding method to induce the poison. If this poisoning technique is really I really admire you for what you came up with. You can come up with a method that can trigger the poison, but you will not be killed by the poison following the spiritual power. The series of cover-ups makes it difficult to find out the method of killing.”

After listening to Li Yan's words, Qin Chengyi did not answer, and still waited for Li Yan's next words. However, Li Yan and the Taoist Gong got the answer from the proud expression on Qin Chengyi's face, but so far, the Taoist Gong was still confused. , this was the first time he had even heard of "Assailant Tears", but he seemed to have seen the name of the green crystal six-headed demon centipede in a book, and he also knew that it was an ancient ferocious beast, but the specific situation was not clear.


Li Yan continued, "At first, when I was in Liu Daoyou's courtyard, I thought that Liu Daoyou died under someone else's attack, but after that Daoyou Gui said, 'It should be impossible to check the traces from the formation. It's better to work on the cause of the death of Junior Brother Liu. I remember that Junior Brother Liu's heart rupture still had some spiritual power left. Is it possible to find out the corresponding skills from this? "This suddenly made me wonder. The formation connected with the remaining spiritual power in Liu Daoyou's heart. After the final spiritual examination, it was determined that Liu Daoyou died from the 'attack of tears'. However, there were two unexplained doubts at that time, so for a while I still can't figure out who did it. It wasn't until I talked to the head of the palace today and learned some of the conditions in the temple that I solved the first doubt. "

After saying this, Li Yan paused and seemed to be arranging his thoughts. In fact, he had something else in mind. At that time, he was even more sure that "Senior Brother Liu" died of poisoning. Another reason was that the young man in purple shirt whispered The word "attack...", from this point of view, the young man in purple shirt must also be extremely proficient in poisoning. This kind of strange poison that has almost disappeared, Li Yan also found it by chance. According to some of the records in Zong's ruined classics, the young man opened his mouth to tell the reason, which was obviously unusual. Therefore, Li Yan felt that the master and the servant were strange, so it was better to have less contact, so he kept silent. Not to mention.

"Fellow Daoist Qin must have been planning for a long time to steal the eyeball of the Miluo Nine-tailed Turtle. I heard from the head of the palace that you entered Xuanqing Temple four years ago. It seems that you used this method to wait for opportunities in the Taoist Temple. .

However, in the past four years, the ancestor of Xuanqingguan Jindan, your master, has not gone out. You would not dare to steal anything under the nose of a Jindan monk, so you have never had a chance to do it.

Until your master went out a few days ago, you had the opportunity, but you had to plan carefully, so you didn't take action immediately.

The night before yesterday, after you prepared all the plans, Fellow Daoist Luo happened to take you, Daoyou Liu, and Daoyou Song out to bet on the lottery, and you had this opportunity to start taking action. Oh, maybe you created this opportunity yourself, otherwise what would you do? I just happened to have prepared the method of 'attacking people's tears', a strange poison, in advance.

That day, you lost a lot of spiritual stones, and in the end, even the spiritual stones that had been used and lacked some spiritual energy were lost. Well, this matter was said by Luo Daoyou when you confessed your mistake to the head of the palace. .

And precisely this sentence solved my first question, which was how the strange poison of 'Assailing Tears' was successfully induced. "

Li Yan stared at Qin Chengyi and said.

Qin Chengyi saw Li Yan looking at him and chuckled, "Come and listen to what Fellow Daoist Li has to say."

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