Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2068 Revealed

Helplessly, the mysterious man patted his waist again, but was stunned. There were only two usable items in the storage bag in his consciousness, a spiritual treasure and a magic weapon. He felt the suction under his feet and felt that if he sacrificed the spiritual treasure, it would only allow him to stay two inches away from the ground. He would have to sacrifice the magic weapon at that time, and the spiritual treasure would become an unnecessary foil. He only needed to sacrifice the magic weapon once more to leave completely.

He also felt that he had lost consciousness below his ankles, and the piercing pain had moved to his calves. The severe pain made him extremely crazy. He gritted his teeth, and in the communication of his consciousness, a magic weapon had already arrived at his feet and grew up instantly. He was about to communicate with his consciousness to make the magic weapon take shape. With another lift of his body, he should be able to leave this place completely.

At this moment, the suction force under his feet suddenly disappeared, and what followed was a huge force like a heavy hammer from the sky above, which hit him directly on the top of his head. Before this force touched him, he felt like a divine thunder from the sky, and a feeling of powerlessness arose from the bottom of his heart. At the same time, a cold snort full of anger came to his ears. This sudden change caught him off guard, and even if he was prepared, this huge force was not something he could resist.

Under this attack like a giant spirit hammer, this man was hit directly on the back while in the air, and a large amount of blood spurted out of his mouth in an instant, covering the sky. This man and the magic weapon under him were directly slapped to the ground, and hit the ground heavily like a meteor.

When this man fell to the ground, the first thing he thought of in his mind was not who this person who suddenly attacked was, but that he was about to fall into the sand pit under his feet that was like a devil devouring people, what should he do. This was not his fault. His mind was almost tormented by the huge sand pit under his feet. Even after being hit hard, his first reaction was still the sand pit under his feet. With a scream, he fell heavily to the ground like a rag bag.

Just as he was in a daze, he felt unbearable pain all over his body and the scene in front of him was blurred. He tried to shake his head to wake himself up. However, as he moved, his internal organs were stirred again and he coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood. However, as he coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, his chest was much more unobstructed and his mind gradually became clearer. However, his body was already extremely weak from the previous blow.

He slowly tilted his head, and his vision gradually became clear. He found that he was not in the creepy sand pit, but lying on the bluestone ground on the steps. Four feet appeared on the ground within his sight. He looked up along the feet. They were two people standing side by side. When he saw their faces clearly, he was shocked at first, and then he was obviously stunned again. Puzzled eyes flashed, and finally he laughed bitterly.

"Ahem... Ahem... It turns out that all this is a trap. The head brother is good at tricks. Ahem... Ahem..."

The two people standing side by side were Gong Daoren and Li Yan. Gong Daoren looked at the person lying on the ground. At this moment, he was covered in blood, but how could Gong Daoren have any sympathy? Resentment was revealed in his eyes, and he spoke coldly.

"I really hope that this was not a trap from the beginning to the end, so that the lives of three junior brothers would not be lost. This is actually just a proof, my...Qin...Junior...Brother!" As Taoist Gong spoke, his voice became colder and colder, and finally he paused for each word, as if each word was squeezed out from between his teeth.

The man on the ground was stunned at first, then shook his head with some effort and said, "Proof...prove what...what? When I came here, I took out...the wind...wind chime, which explained everything. Why...why should I do it again? It's just that I...I didn't think...thought that after risking...risking such danger...doing...doing so much, you still thought that I came, why...why?"

The man lying on the ground was wearing a Taoist robe of Xuanqing Temple. He was about twenty years old, with regular features. His originally white face was now even paler due to blood loss. It was Qin Chengyi.

Taoist Gong looked at Qin Chengyi fiercely. He did not answer Qin Chengyi's question, but asked, "Tell me, why are you doing this? What is there in my Xuanqing Temple that is worth your effort and cost, and you killed three people in a row? Who is behind you? Don't say you don't know, or I will kill hundreds of people in your entire Qin family, young and old. Don't hold any fluke. Just now, I have sent a message to let Kong Nantai lead hundreds of disciples to your family." He stared at Qin Chengyi with a cold look.

According to Taoist Gong's opinion, when Qin Chengyi arrived in front of the Taoist Scripture Hall and took out the two halves of the wind chime, he could have taken it down. This was already beyond doubt, but Li Yan stopped him.

Li Yan told him that if he captured this person now, he might not be able to tell the truth even if he tortured him. Even if he told the truth, there was no guarantee that he would not have a trick up his sleeve. So if he wanted to know the whole story, he had to use soul-searching, which would require waiting until the Xuanqing Temple Patriarch returned in the evening.

In this way, if this person had accomplices or concealed other things, they would definitely be found out within a few hours, and then they might escape. It might not be possible to find out what they were planning, and it might be too late when the Xuanqing Temple Patriarch returned.

So it is better to let Qin Chengyi enter their ambush circle. If he has an accomplice, he should come together to complete this final task. When he finds that Qin Chengyi is in danger, in order to keep quiet, he must either rescue or kill him to silence him. In this way, they can be captured together. Even if they cannot be asked to give a confession now, after they are captured together, no one will escape to report the news.

, it’s not too late to search for souls at night.

The Taoist priest thought about it and felt that this method was the safest, so he suppressed his anger and hid in the dark with Li Yan. It was not until Li Yan finally achieved his goal and whispered to him "Okay" that he took action with anger. It's just that he still held back his hand for this blow, otherwise he would still be in the fake elixir realm and could crush Qin Chengyi to death with just a thought.

Qin Chengyi sighed in his heart. When he just woke up, he found that the muscles and veins in his body were sealed and he could no longer use any spiritual power. Even if he wanted to commit suicide, he couldn't do it. At the same time, he had been cut directly from the calf down with the wind blade technique. After that, waves of severe pain continued to hit his mind. His internal organs also suffered from the blow just now. The pain was excruciating. Every word he spoke was heartbreaking. He knew that the other party was deliberately torturing him. , I did not treat him with elixirs, just to vent my anger for the past two days.

Enduring the severe pain, Qin Chengyi looked at the palace Taoist and said, "I... I came here to steal the eyes of a nine-tailed turtle in the 'Tao Jing Hall'. What is it used for specifically?" , I don’t know either." He looked at Taoist Gong and Li Yan as he spoke, trying to see how Taoist Gong would react.

As for why Li Yan in the blood leaf is also here, Qin Chengyi has been puzzled in his heart. He doesn't know why this foreign Qi Condensation monk appears here with the head brother, but this is not the time for him to think too much. Taoist Temple Three people died inside, and he knew that he would die. Even if he wanted to hide it, he was asking for pain, and he would not last until night at most. Once the master came back, he would directly search for souls. Think about the legendary soul search, that is not The physical pain is the following eighteen levels of hell, where every ray of soul has to go through torture. This kind of pain is not something that humans can endure. It is thousands of times more painful than cutting off flesh and blood and peeling off skin from the body. So he was happy. At the same time, he had always been curious about the thing he wanted to steal. He didn't know what its function was. He had been undercover at Xuan Qingguan for several years. He had inquired about it in private, but was severely warned not to inquire anymore. reason.

But what disappointed him was that after hearing what he said, Taoist Gong's face showed surprise, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes. After a while, he frowned and continued to ask Qin Chengyi, "Are you talking about that gray bead of unknown origin? It?" It’s just a guess about the eyes of the Miluo Nine-tailed Turtle. It’s somewhat similar, but it may not be what you want.”

"Cough...cough...that's it. I...don't know if it's the real eyeball of the Miluo Nine-tailed Turtle." Qin Chengyi replied with a cough.

"That bead was obtained by the Yuan Ying Ancestor when he went out. It has never been found to be of any use? Whose order did you steal it from?" Doubts arose in the palace Taoist's heart.

"Hehehehe, cough...cough..., senior brother, I...can I know did you think of coming here?"


I...I...deliberately killed Senior Brother Song to...divert your attention. Logically speaking, even if...even if it could be noticed, it shouldn't be so quick. . "Qin Chengyi did not immediately answer the Taoist Gong's question, but asked with difficulty while breathing heavily.

"You think you are still qualified to bargain with me. Junior Brother Qin, you should answer my questions more honestly so as not to make things difficult for me. I don't mind making your life worse than death before Master comes back. "When the Taoist Master heard Qin Chengyi's question, his face turned gloomy. He just wanted to know the whole story.

"Hehe... Hehe, Head... Brother Head, don't... don't think that you are trying to kill me. Before, you... you never showed up, just... you just wanted to see... to see if I Do you have an accomplice? I'm sorry...I'm telling you, you guessed it right, I...I have no one to support me in the temple, but I...the family doesn't know what I'm doing. I accepted the mission alone, and I have made an appointment with him. If I don't show up at noon today, the mission will be failed. Then he... he will know my situation, hahaha. It's a pity that Master is not here. , it is impossible to search for souls now. Senior brother... if senior brother wants to torture... torture now, junior brother, I am confident that I can still endure it until noon.

So... So, I hope... I hope that senior brother can tell me how he found out that it was me who did it, and... and set up an ambush here..., so I will tell everything I know... tell me, ahem... Ahem...but please give me a good time when the time comes. "After Qin Chengyi said these words, his face became even paler, but his eyes showed perseverance. He was very confident in the killing plan he had arranged. In any case, it would take at least some time for the other party to find out, but it took less than a day. Riguangjing broke through his years of painstaking calculations. He was the genius of the family. When he was sent to complete this task, he had already figured out the strength of Xuanqingguan. Just relying on hard robbery would not work. He could only Outwit.

After working hard for several years now, he didn't want to be ruined in the blink of an eye. How could Qin Chengyi, who was already proud of his heart, be willing to accept it, and he also knew that he was going to die. Before he died, he must know the problem that troubled him, otherwise he would not die in peace.

The palace Taoist saw Qin Chengyi staring at him for a moment. He was extremely angry and wanted to strike this person with a palm, but the other party actually had other forces behind him and the contact was a one-way connection, especially what Qin Chengyi said was the truth. Although he has the means, he is really not sure that he can get Qin Chengyi to tell everything before noon without harming the other party's life. If the other party begins to confess under his cruel torture, it will be like a spring silkworm spinning silk bit by bit. Squeeze out and wait until you check it yourself. The time should have passed long ago. By then, the people who were responsible for Qin Chengyi will be empty. How can you explain to the master?

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