Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2070 Qin Chengyi’s Scheme (2)

Li Yan nodded and said, "First, you absorb part of the spiritual energy from a piece of spiritual stone, then carefully cut a gap in the spiritual stone, and then put the 'Assaulting Tears' poison into it, and finally carefully The magic power was used to seal the gap on the spirit stone. At this time, as long as no one uses the spirit stone to activate it, the strange poison of 'Assaulting Tears' inside will not be activated.

Next, when you bet with the three of them, you deliberately lost all the intact spirit stones on your body. Finally, pretending that you had nothing to lose, you added this spirit stone to several others that were also missing. Lose the spiritual stone to them respectively. Oh, here, you will only lose this spiritual stone to Fellow Daoist Liu or Fellow Daoist Luo, but not to Fellow Daoist Song. I think you know the reason better than me. "

When Li Yan said this, he did not explain the reason, but continued, "I just said that you put one of the spiritual stones into the 'Assaulting Tears' poison, so I judge that you only have one poisonous spiritual stone, that is' The strange poison of "Hitting People's Tears" is almost extinct. You won't have too many on your hands. If there are, you will definitely put in at least two spiritual stones. They will lose to Fellow Daoist Liu and Fellow Daoist Luo respectively. In this way, you can reduce the number of The time required to achieve the goal, and there are almost no flaws in this method. There is no need to use subsequent methods to kill people, which will be easier to expose.

When you return to the sect, your plan will start automatically. You don't need to worry about it at all. All you have to worry about is how to get what you want without being noticed.

The plan I'm talking about starts automatically. This is where your mind is attentive. One step counts as ten.

First, you are counting on people's hearts. No matter who they are, they will subconsciously use the things they have not used last time, and then use brand new ones. The same is true for spiritual stones, so you deliberately absorb part of the spiritual energy from a few of them at the beginning, so as to ensure that they will use the spiritual stones that lack spiritual energy that you lost to them as soon as possible.

Second, the spiritual stones that you lost to the other three people that night that have lost their spiritual energy will definitely not exceed two pieces each. This is also what you have calculated. If a foundation-building monk practices daily, he will need at least four to five pieces. pieces of low-level spiritual stones. You may even include the unused spiritual stones in their storage bags, so they have a high chance of using the spiritual stones you gave them the next day. , your plan will be carried out automatically. "

Li Yan said.

Looking at the brilliance flashing in Qin Chengyi's eyes, Li Yan sighed in his heart, "It's such a pity for such a wonderful and beautiful person."

But he kept saying, "This poisonous spiritual stone was obtained by Liu Daoyou. When he returned to his courtyard, as you expected, the first one to use it was the few who lacked spiritual energy. A spiritual stone, but instead of cultivating, he used this poisonous stone


The spirit stone is placed in the spirit stone slot of the courtyard protection array. When the array is activated, the spirit stone in the spirit stone slot will move on its own. At that time, the spirit stone will release the spiritual energy, which will directly activate the spirit stone in it. The strange poison of 'attacking tears' broke out in the courtyard.

When Liu Daoyou was practicing in his room, he unknowingly inhaled the poisonous spiritual energy. Unfortunately, when he found out, it was too late. 'Xi Ren Tears' had already launched a fatal blow. 'The strange poison is too rare, and you don't have much of it. Maybe Fellow Daoist Liu has a life-protecting magic weapon or secret method. This ancient strange poison failed to kill him immediately with one blow. At the same time, you and Fellow Daoist Luo are coming. Arriving at the door of his courtyard, after hearing Fellow Daoist Luo's message, Fellow Daoist Liu gathered his last mana and opened the door. At the same time, he took out his token and tried to activate the formation on the courtyard door. But unfortunately, at this time, he The oil has run out, and there is no way to save him. In the end, even his soul was corroded by the 'attacking tears', which is why his soul cannot be found.

Also, the meeting between you and Fellow Daoist Luo on the way was probably something you did deliberately. Your purpose was to come over and get Fellow Daoist Liu’s storage bag, and also to prove in front of everyone that you had no time to commit the crime.

After you and Fellow Daoist Luo opened the formation, you pretended to be worried about the situation in the courtyard, and you should have been the first to arrive in the courtyard. Later, when the head of the palace asked Fellow Daoist Luo about this matter, you were almost asked about it, but you hurriedly interrupted, I confused the order of entry, saying that Fellow Daoist Luo knocked you to the ground in a hurry, and then immediately changed the subject and said that the storage bag was missing at that time. In fact, you arrived at the door first, and then deliberately let Fellow Daoist Luo knock you down. Turn it over, and the moment it was poured into the room, you had already taken Daoyou Liu's storage bag. This is why Liu Daoyou's token was in your hand, but the storage bag was missing.

I think you should be mentally prepared at that time. After meeting the deceased, Fellow Daoist Luo's first reaction must be surprise and panic. He didn't bother to check whether Daoist Liu still had a storage bag on him, so you could also pretend to be panicked. , came to the courtyard gate and shouted. After arriving at the courtyard gate, you have many ways to hide Liu Daoyou's storage bag elsewhere. Of course, no one can find any clues in the courtyard or on you. Afterwards, you can Just retrieve the storage bag without anyone watching. "

Li Yan stopped here, while Qin Chengyi smiled and said slowly to Li Yan, "Hehehe, cough... cough... Fellow Daoist Li is serious. I have never put you in my eyes from the beginning. I didn't want to, but I lost my sight. What you said is exactly the game I arranged this time according to their nature. They like to gamble, so I will let them gamble until they die. "

When he said this, there was a look on his face

There was no hint of ferocity in his smile, as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing.

The Taoist Gong was on the side, listening to the conversation between the two and Li Yan's analysis. He felt frightened and angry in his heart, but also had a chill down his back. Even with his hundreds of years of experience in cultivating immortals, he felt that in front of these two people Like a young boy, a person can make plans that take into account all aspects of the time, location, people's hearts, habits, etc., as if others must follow his will, and it makes me feel sick just thinking about it.

Li Yan first glanced at the Taoist Gong next to him, then continued to look at Qin Chengyi and said, "This strategy also takes advantage of the characteristics of the 'Assailing Tears' poison that can absorb a large amount of spiritual power and condense the aura of living beings.

Even if this spiritual stone that contains strange poison is held in the hands of Liu Daoyou for cultivation, the spiritual stone will be like a pile of powdery residue after the spiritual energy in it has been absorbed, and it will not arouse the suspicion of others. .

This is just like when I saw that there was only a pile of spiritual stone powder left in the protective array spiritual stone tank in Liu Daoyou's courtyard. I just thought it was because the protective array was attacked by the magic power of Daoyou Qin and Luo Daoyou, and was depleted of spiritual energy. As much as possible, so you took advantage of this to destroy the tools of the crime.

Furthermore, after the strange poison of ‘Assaulting Tears’ breaks out, it will only leave residual spiritual energy fluctuations, diverting our attention.

These two points will only make others scratch their heads. How can we find the truth? "Li Yan said this and looked at Qin Chengyi calmly.

The light in Qin Chengyi's eyes became brighter and brighter, and finally he laughed, "Hahaha, you can analyze it so thoroughly, then this first murder is over, how did I kill the second person?"

After hearing Qin Chengyi's words, Li Yan shook his head. His action made Taoist Gong and Qin Chengyi stunned, especially Qin Chengyi, who was even a little anxious, "What? You don't know?" In comparison, Taoist Gong was... I have calmed down a lot. Qin Chengyi has already captured it anyway. Under the soul search of the master at night, there is no secret left.

Unexpectedly, Li Yan spoke again, "You are wrong. The first murder is not over yet? At least there is still one doubt that has not been explained clearly."

As soon as he said these words, the two of them were stunned again. Then Qin Chengyi narrowed his eyes, as if he thought of something. He did not speak, but quietly waited for Li Yan to speak. The Taoist Gong lowered his head and thought about it, but felt that the first murder was already very clear, and there was nothing missing.

Looking at Qin Chengyi who was lying on the ground, although his breathing was chaotic, his eyes were shining with energy, "How did you put the 'Assaulting Tears' poison into the spirit stone? This is the key, otherwise all your subsequent plans will be in vain. I I have said before that the strange poison of 'Assailing Tears' will kill you instantly. If you use your spiritual power, you can follow the source of the spiritual power.


The source, poison the source.

If you want to put it into a spiritual stone to induce the poison, this is an excellent way. The spiritual stone itself is where the spiritual energy is rich. If you put it in incorrectly, it will instantly induce the poison. At the same time, you have to Make sure that this spiritual stone looks intact and has no traces.

The above two points require extremely high spiritual power control. Therefore, you must first use your spiritual power to wrap up the strange poison of 'Assailing Tears', and then carefully control your spiritual power so as not to destroy the balance of spiritual energy in the spiritual stone. , and finally you have to use spiritual power to restore the spiritual stone to its original state bit by bit. None of these places requires the control of spiritual power, and it requires extremely precise spiritual power control. If there is a slight mistake, either the plan will be ruined, or you will be ruined. Yes, it's just that the strange poison of 'Assailing Tears' cannot let you use spiritual power, otherwise you would be dead now. "Li Yan said these words that sounded very tongue-in-cheek. The palace Taoists who were listening were a little dizzy, but they finally understood. Encapsulating the 'Assailing Tears' poison requires spiritual power, and the power of control is spiritual power. They cannot be exposed to this poison, which is a mutually exclusive problem.

"Oh? Do you know now?" Qin Chengyi asked with burning eyes.

"I know it now, but this problem has troubled me for a long time. Now I have determined the method you used, and also explained the second murder." After saying that, Li Yan looked at Qin Chengyi's side, There was a person lying quietly there. His body was lean and his arms and legs were extremely long, but there was no breath of life in his body.

Qin Chengyi followed Li Yan's gaze and looked to his side. There was no surprise on his face. He seemed to have known it for a long time and said softly, "This is another purpose of setting an ambush here. The first is to judge whether I have any Companion, the second reason is to force me to take out this thing. Although the method is simple, it really achieves the goal. "

Lying next to him is a puppet, a humanoid puppet. It looks like a man with a long face and a dull expression. His legs are spread apart and his hands are in a lifting position, as if he is trying to lift something. .

Li Yan looked at Qin Chengyi, who had lost his legs, with a look of pity in his eyes. This man had a mind like a monster. As long as there was a clue in his words, he would immediately guess the result, and he would not quibble.

The previous "Quicksand Technique" was set up by Li Yan. It was surrounded by spiritual energy to form a cage. In the sand pit below was Li Yan's poisonous "Singing All the Way". This poison is so domineering that it is chilling. It can move along the stems of plants. The pores of leaves and human bodies seep into the interior, liquefying the trunks of plants and animals from the inside out, and finally turning into a puddle of black water. It's just that the Li Yan now is no longer the Li Yan he was when he first went to Xiaozhu Peak. He has completely controlled the poison. Before, he had controlled a very small amount of the poison in the sand pit. Otherwise, Qin Chengyi would have taken the first step. When you step into it, it turns into a pool of black water in an instant.

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