Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2052 Xuanqing Temple

Li Yan and the others soon arrived at the depths of Shiwanda Mountain. Looking back in the direction of the mountain village, they could see mountains and mountains, which seemed to block the view of the countryside. Li Yan took a deep breath, suppressed the sadness in his heart, and then looked up at the two girls. At that time, I saw the two girls looking towards the mountain village with complicated expressions. In the past month, the most they experienced was tenderness and separation. Although it was not the same as in the world, this was the side that Li Yan wanted them to see the most.

"It's time to say goodbye here. Not far ahead is the Blood Leaf Sect's teleportation array." Li Yan suppressed a touch of nostalgia and said with a smile.

"Be careful all the way. If you don't return within three years, I will go look for you. I think the affairs of the sect will have been settled by then." Gong Chen said in the icy shadow, although his expression was a little indifferent as before, but There was a firmness in his words.

Li Yan nodded when he heard this. He knew that Gong Chenying had a tenacious temperament and would definitely do what he decided, so he didn't say anything to stop him.

When Li Yan turned to look at Zhao Min again, Zhao Min's face was as frosty as before, and there was still not much movement. When she saw Li Yan looking at her, she withdrew her gaze from a distance and remained silent.

When Li Yan saw this, he also smiled and cupped his hands to the two girls, "There must be something big going on in the sect this time. Everything should be done with your own safety in mind, take care!"

After saying that, his figure swayed and he galloped away into the distance.

At the moment when his figure was blurred, Zhao Min said coldly, "Don't be brave." Her words came out of the blue, and they were thoughtless, but Li Yan heard them clearly. He knew that these words caused him to get into trouble outside. Be careful, don't force yourself to do anything, you can't help laughing, the laughter goes further and further away, leaving only two slender figures in the wind, like one fairy and one devil.


Li Yan's destination was the Sea of ​​Beiming. This was the clue given to him by Pingtu, and it also gave Li Yan an area where "Wandering Infinite" might exist. This gave Li Yan a little more confidence. Otherwise, given the boundlessness of the Beiming Sea and Li Yan's current cultivation level, he may not be able to travel across the entire Beiming Sea in just a few decades. Not only is it boundless and vast, but more areas are deserted and no one has ever been there. , according to the classic records, there are a large number of level three sea monsters and above, and there are even legends of the existence of level four monsters. Even if the Yuanying monks go there, it is extremely dangerous.

Therefore, Li Yan had to approach the area he was going to with caution. Once he found that something was wrong, he would immediately flee far away. He could only wait for the opportunity again or go back again in the future when his cultivation level increased greatly.

Pingtu said that wherever the "You Wanwan" tree grows, there is often a companion monster called "Blue Demon Jiao". Its larvae are level three monsters, and adults can reach level four. This monster is ferocious in nature and will It hunts all living things around it, often causing the sea area where it is located to become almost a dead sea, so it has to constantly look for food everywhere, but it spends most of its time sleeping next to the "Wandering Infinite" tree.

In this case, Li Yan has a certain chance. After waiting for the opportunity to get close, he may succeed when the blue magic dragon goes out to look for food. However, this vicious beast is the companion monster of "You Wuxian". "It is very important for every promotion of it, so it has some connection with the "Wuxian" tree. As long as other creatures touch the "Wuxian" tree, it will be alarmed. This is why it One of the reasons why it kills all the creatures around "You Wuwu", and even if it goes out to hunt, its range will not exceed ten thousand miles. For it in the sea, the distance of ten thousand miles can only be reached in about ten breaths, Li Yan It depends on its specific state. If it is already a level four sea monster, its return speed will be faster.



The branches and leaves of the "Wuxianyou" tree are extremely hard. Pingtu once warned Li Yan that even if the Nascent Soul monk takes action, without a special magic weapon, it will take at least two breaths to take it away. Even if the Foundation Establishment monk lets him go, I'm afraid it will take two or three days to cut down, so special means must be used. This has been recorded in the Guishui Sutra, and Li Yan learned it early.

The Sea of ​​Beiming is under the jurisdiction of the Pure Land Sect, and it is more than seven million miles away from the Xishi Sect. This distance is impossible for a mortal to reach in his lifetime.

Although Li Yan has built a foundation, if he can fly there, he doesn't have a good flying magic weapon, and he won't be able to reach it for another seven or eight years. Therefore, he still has to use the teleportation array to get there, and he also has to enter the Pure Land. The "Red Mother Spirit" in the "Beiming Town Demon Tower" is determined to win, so you must first go to the Pure Land Sect. As for how to enter the "Beiming Town Demon Tower", I have no clue now, so I can only take one step. Take a look.

Thinking of this, Li Yan, who was flying in the air, couldn't help but shake his head. It seemed that he would have to prepare a good flying magic weapon in the future, so as to reduce unnecessary waste of time. Although Gong Chenying and Zhao Min both wanted to give their white jade boats and green gourds to others, they were already blood-recognized objects. It would take Li Yan two or three months to refine them, but it was not cost-effective. The point is When the two girls went back this time, Li Yan felt that something big was going to happen. How could he get this thing to escape from?

At this moment, Li Yan was flying over the Shiwan Mountain. At this time, he was already wearing a green shirt. He had already changed into the clothes of the Sprite Sect. He was running Guishui Zhenzhong, and his cultivation was suppressed to the late tenth level of the Qi Condensation Stage. .

This time we went to the Pure Land Sect. Although the four major sects were on good terms on the surface, they often killed each other in private. They were secretly weakening each other's strength. Therefore, Li Yan still changed his clothes and went there. Even now, he was still within the scope of the Monster Sect. Within, there are at least five million miles away from the boundary of the Pure Land Sect. Li Yan still does not want anyone to recognize his identity, but in this way, Li Yan will lose many privileges of the Demon Sect, but he believes that it will disappear from the source. It is best to hide his traces, not to mention his identity has been figured out before. He has the blood leaf sect token on his body. With his current cultivation level after suppression, it can be said that he is a disciple of the blood leaf sect. Even if it is a gray token, he is familiar with the blood leaf sect. Although the people in Ye Zong seemed a little suspicious, they at most thought that he was the direct descendant of the elders in the sect. Such internal disciples and direct descendants holding the sect's high-level tokens were not rare in the world of immortality, not to mention blood. Ye Zong is just a small sect, how come there are so many people who know each other.

But the trouble lies in cultivation. In Li Yan's opinion, it is best to keep the early stage of foundation building. He is confident that with the power of Guishui Sutra and the Qiongqi Purgatory Technique, he can be sure to kill even those in the middle stage of foundation building. Yes, as for if he meets a late-stage Foundation Establishment monk, if he cannot fight quickly, he will never attack him forcefully, that is, he will use the Fragmentary Poison Body. I think it is possible to escape on his own in the end.

However, once the cultivation level remains in the early stage of foundation building, it will be a big flaw if you meet someone who is familiar with the Blood Leaf Sect. There are only three foundation building monks in the Blood Leaf Sect, which can easily arouse others' suspicion. After thinking about it, I had to suppress my cultivation to the Qi Condensation stage. This will also cause trouble, that is, I have to look for it everywhere I go.

During the teleportation formation, as a Qi Condensation Stage disciple of a small sect, he took out a large amount of spirit stones to continuously teleport every time, so it would be strange not to cause trouble.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Yan could only say that there were a few more detours on the road. Every time he teleported to a place, instead of continuing to teleport, he just walked as far as possible by himself and found another teleportation array to teleport. Although it may still attract the attention of interested people, as long as you act as if you are extremely heartbroken and have to teleport, others will think that you are doing it as a last resort. Another way is to get out of the teleportation array, change your appearance, and then enter the teleportation array again. However, this must be done when there are no monks above the Golden Core nearby, so that Li Yan can confidently conceal the past.

The current plan is to fly north for a few days and then find another teleportation array. This way, we are far away from the Blood Leaf Sect and have fewer acquaintances, so it will be easier to do things.

Two days later, watching the sun set in the west and the birds returning to the forest, Li Yan stood on a mountain peak and took out several jade slips. After his consciousness sank in one by one, he raised his head after a while and whispered to himself, "Here is More than a thousand miles away is the Xuanqing Temple."

Several jade slips in his hand were all maps. Among them, the most complicated and extensive description was the jade slip given by Wei Zhongran. It should be the places that Wei Zhongran had visited. Many places were marked in great detail, including four places. Many places in the area are marked, but the gaps between the lines are much larger. Obviously, there are no detailed topography.

The other jade slip maps in Li Yan's hand were from the sects he passed through on his way home. Every time he visited a sect, Li Yan would deliberately collect the jade slip maps that the other party knew. He believed that there were some places that Wei Zhongran had not visited. However, there may be people from these small sects. It's just that these maps are extremely important to every sect. It's impossible for ordinary people to draw a copy or even borrow them. However, the identities of Li Yan and the three of them frightened those sects, so they finally took them out one by one. Let Li Yan draw a copy. ??

After inspecting these jade slips one by one with Li Yan's spiritual consciousness, he found many differences between them, and the maps given by some small sects even reached as far as the areas under the jurisdiction of the other three major sects, although they were only There were very few, but it also made Li Yan couldn't help but sigh. Don't underestimate any sect. Since it can survive, it has its own extraordinary qualities. There are also some outstanding immortal cultivators in these small sects. Their experience outside is no less than that of the four major sects. .

After Li Yan compared the maps in the jade slips, he remarked the differences one by one, slowly forming a more detailed map jade slip.

"Xuanqing Temple" is a second-rate sect. There is a middle-stage Jindan monk sitting in the temple. It is also under the jurisdiction of the Xiaoshi Sect. There is a teleportation array in the sect that can travel eight thousand miles. This teleportation array is exactly what Li Li To express what is needed, for a senior Qi Condensation Stage monk, this kind of teleportation array will occasionally be used when there are important things. A teleportation array like that that can easily travel tens of thousands of miles is not a single one in any case. The monks at the Ming Qi Condensation Stage can use it themselves. Li Yan plans to find the Ten Thousand Miles Teleportation Array to use when approaching the Pure Land Sect. It is already close to the junction of the two sects. I heard that there are many casual cultivators, and he will return to the foundation-building cultivation level by then. , just pretend to be a casual cultivator.

Looking at the darkened mountain forest, Li Yan put away the jade slip and turned it into a faint green light and streaked towards the sky at high speed.

In the early morning one day later, Xuanqing was walking far outside the gate of Guanshan Mountain.


Four people came, one fat and three thin, walking and talking.

The fat man was about thirty years old. His loose robes were loose and loose, and many parts of his body were exposed. He had a ferocious appearance, and his middle-stage foundation-building cultivation was spreading wantonly. As he spoke, he kept waving a pair of fat palms: "Third Master, my In fact, I heard the cards a long time ago, but I didn’t think about the three barrels but Song Bo used them as a backbone, otherwise I would have won more than just these promises... There was another round where I wanted 30,000 yuan, but it was lost again..."

He was called Song Bo, a lean Taoist priest whose early stage of foundation building cultivation was emanating from his body. He grimaced, interrupted the fat Taoist priest, and said, "Luo San, you were lucky last night. Generally speaking, you were not lucky. It means losing less and winning more, but I came down all night and ended up losing everything and became a guest. "

"When it comes to accompanying guests, Senior Brother Song and I are really like this. I couldn't even do it. I gave away all my spiritual stones for several months in one night. In the end, I only had a few that I had used in my cultivation. The piece of spiritual stone was also taken away as half a piece, and it was considered as a night of playing with a few brothers." One of the three young Taoist priests said calmly. This man had straight facial features, a clean face, and was wearing a Taoist robe. It has the power of immortality when worn on the body, but its cultivation is only at the tenth level of Qi Condensation, the Great Perfection state, but for some reason, the two foundation-building monks are called senior brothers.

"Qin Chengyi, although your words are true, how can I compare with you? You can receive spiritual stones from your family every month, but I am only a bit of a sect." The lean Taoist priest Song Bo said: The corner of his mouth curled up.

The young Taoist priest Qin Chengyi couldn't help but smile bitterly, "After entering the sect, although the family's resources have been reduced by 75%, if you don't believe me, you can ask Senior Brother Liu. He was the one who introduced me to the sect in the first place. He is the most knowledgeable about everything." , he looked at the last young man with a gloomy face beside him. This young man seemed to be twenty-seven or eighty years old, with a long hooked nose and cold eyes. He also had foundation-building aura, but it was even worse than that of the fat Taoist priest. It is necessary to reach the peak of the middle stage of foundation building. Along the way, I only watched the other three people talking, but they never said a word.

The Taoist priest who was called Senior Brother Liu listened to Qin Chengyi's words and said coldly, "It would be impossible if everyone was as gambling as last night. If Master knew about it, he would definitely not let him go. Last night, the three of you dragged him away just for fun. In the end, But for one night, Junior Brother Qin, although you are Master's registered disciple, you have excellent qualifications, so you are valued by Master, and you have become one of the inner disciples for the time being. The foundation building is just around the corner, so don't lose your destiny by gambling. "

As soon as Qin Chengyi heard this, sweat oozed from his forehead, and the bitterness became stronger. He did not dare to speak for a while, but said in his heart, "You said I want to gamble like this. The master is not in the temple. Two senior brothers, Luo and Song, are addicted to gambling. I You have the lowest cultivation level, how dare you go against your will, you will be entangled in the same way."

After hearing this, Luo Sanpang curled up his mouth and snorted heavily, but he no longer looked at Senior Brother Liu.

After listening to Senior Brother Liu's words, Song Bo still had a smile on his face and did not refute, but he felt contempt in his heart: "When you won the spirit stone last night, why didn't you say goodbye? Who was waiting for the next game with gleaming eyes?" , all the senior brothers in Guan Nei said that Senior Brother Luo and I are good at gambling. I think you are the dull gambler. In the end, a bunch of good words reached Master's ears. But it was Senior Brother Luo and I who bore this bad reputation. Seriously. A villain."

While the four of them were talking, they had arrived in front of the Xuanqing Temple Gate. When they were about to step in, unexpectedly, a group of people flew out of the thorns and stood directly in front of the four of them.

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