Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2051: Every plant and tree is haunted

Gong Chenying did not tell her story in the end, but just looked at Li Yan and smiled.

When Zhao Min came to pull Gong Chenying away with a smile on his face, Li Yan felt a warmth in his heart that diluted the sadness and depression in his chest just now. He felt the difference in Zhao Min recently. Although this matter did not happen overnight, it It's an excellent start.

The sun was getting hotter, and it was already July. Li Yan had been staying here for more than a month. Although the eldest sister and the fourth sister had already returned to their in-laws' house, Gong Chenying and Zhao Min had taken over the position of taking charge of the Li family. They enjoyed themselves and thought of ways to make some meals every day. From the time when the family ate with faces as bright as yellow lotuses, to the last time they were able to eat, Aunt Chang and Xiaoyu gradually became spectators, and the intelligence of the two girls was unparalleled. , it is very common for immortal cultivators to draw inferences from one instance. After half a month, some of their cooking skills actually surpassed Aunt Chang and Xiaoyu.

After Gong Chenying and Zhao Min got a lot of food, they began to feel dissatisfied with the ingredients at home and wanted to make more delicious meals. One night, the two girls went to the mountains and captured two adult "crash boars". , Li Yan was startled when he saw it for the first time. It was not that he was frightened by the ferocity of the two "crash boars". Although the "crash boars" were extremely ferocious, they were even considered first-order monsters. If not, at most it can only be regarded as a ferocious beast with undeveloped intelligence. For either of the two women, this is a trivial matter that can kill them with a wave of their hands, but for ordinary mortals, an adult "crash boar" "It takes at least four or five young and strong hunters to successfully capture them after carefully laying traps and waiting for a long time, but the two women brought them back alive like this. , the size of nearly a thousand kilograms, the adult "crash pig" with a fierce look on its face, how can it not shock the world.

Li Yan was so frightened that he quickly sent two "mountain boars" into the mountain unprepared. This made the two women quite unhappy, but they also knew that it was extremely inappropriate for him to bring in two ferocious beasts like this.

Looking at the displeased expressions of the two girls, Li Yan had no choice but to beg Uncle Guo Xin the next day to go hunting in the mountains to catch some monsters. His move made Aunt Chang frightened and she didn't want Li Yan to let her go. Enter the mountains. After Li Yan swore to the sky that he had learned so many martial arts, he then reluctantly lifted a boulder of nearly a thousand kilograms on the wheat field in front of Aunt Chang and the villagers. Only then did Aunt Chang's worry turn to joy, and she felt that her own He became a martial arts champion, and Li Yan's performance made the people in the village think that Li Yan was very powerful in martial arts.

After entering the mountain, Li Yan showed some skills of a master in the world at the right time. After killing several weaker beasts, Li Guoxin nodded repeatedly and had the idea of ​​​​passing the position of village chief to Li Yan. After thinking about it, Later, I realized that I couldn't do this, so I had no choice but to suppress it for the rest of my life.

When the group came out of the mountain for hunting, the harvest this time was several times richer than any previous one, which made all the villagers who greeted him smile. They even listened to Li Yan's description of how ferocious the mountains were, and they all responded to Li Yan. This young man in the army admired him even more, and felt that only people like Li Yan were worthy of being a strong general under the marshal.

Gong Chenying and Zhao Min finally got their share of the monster meat that they had been coveting for days. After careful discussion, the two women ordered the parts of bones, meat and internal organs that they thought could best demonstrate their cooking skills, and then they dived into the kitchen.

The days passed slowly like a trickle. On this day, Li Yan was taking a


While he was meditating hard on a jade slip, his expression suddenly changed, and he raised his head and looked into the distance. The next moment, the person had disappeared from the room. At the same time, in a room of the Li family, Xiaoyu was holding a A piece of embroidery was spoken to Gong Chenying and Zhao Min carefully, but she did not notice that the moment Li Yan disappeared from the house, the two women frowned, and an undetectable ray of consciousness was quietly released. Then he returned to normal and continued to ask Xiaoyu some questions.

Outside the mountain village, on top of a mountain, Li Yanzheng stared coldly at the two men in black robes. He said expressionlessly, "What, what's the matter?" As he spoke, there was a coldness about him. The two people in front of him were exactly the same. Although the two monks from the Blood Leaf Sect who met a month ago knew each other, Li Yan had given to each other what he should have given. He didn't want to be disturbed while he was home. If the two monks opposite him were ungrateful, he would have gotten it last time. On the plus side, he still wanted to continue to have plans, so he didn't mind killing them directly.

Today, when he was studying the art of puppetry, these two people actually transmitted messages to him directly, which made Li Yan quite angry.

Xu Shi and Wang Wuyi only felt a bone-piercing coldness on their bodies, and couldn't help but tremble in their hearts. Although the two of them were not highly cultivated, the more they lived in a small sect, the more they acted cautiously. If nothing urgent happened today, , even if they were beaten to death, they would not dare to secretly send a message to the Shangzong monk in front of them.

"Me... I've met senior. The two of us received a message from the sect and came to report the matter to senior." Xu Shi spoke quickly, but was trembling a little under the pressure emanating from Li Yan.

"Blood Leaf Sect? Could it be that another two families have invaded your sect?" Li Yan said coldly.

"No... no no, today we received a message from our ancestors and sent two jade slips, saying that they were sent by your ancestors one after another. So, in desperation, we had to disturb the senior's Qingxiu. ." Xu Shi took a deep breath and finished speaking in one breath.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Wuying over there quickly presented two jade slips that were emitting a faint white light.

After Li Yan heard this, his brows relaxed slightly. He did not take the jade slip immediately, but looked at the two of them and asked seemingly casually.

"Sprite Sect? What's going on in the jade slip?"

"This... I don't know, the ancestor said that this jade slip was given directly to the senior, how dare we check it." Hearing this, the two of them were startled, and cold sweat continued to seep from their foreheads, Xu He hurriedly replied that what he said was the truth.

After hearing this, Li Yan raised his hand and made a slight move. Two jade pieces emitting white light made a "swish" sound. At the same time, they flew directly from Wang Wuying's hand and shot towards him quickly. In a flash of white light, they were already caught. Li Yan grabbed it.

After taking the jade slips, Li Yan immediately felt a very familiar restraining force. This was a restraining method often used by the Sprite Sect to prevent outsiders from prying into the message. After seeing this, Li Yan was sure that it was the jade slip of the sect, and he turned towards a jade slip.

His spiritual consciousness directly broke through the restrictions on the outside of the jade slip and penetrated in. The moment his spiritual consciousness entered, a deep and majestic voice came into his mind from inside the jade slip. It was the voice of the head Yan Longzi: "The peaks are testing outside." Disciples, please return to the sect within half a month after receiving this order and listen to your orders."

After hearing this, Li Yan's mind moved, and he used his spiritual consciousness to break through another jade slip again. The same voice came out, but it was Wei Zhongran's voice, "Accept the order from the leader. The disciples from all peaks should return to the sect within half a month after receiving the order." The disciples of Xiaozhufeng are waiting for you. After you and the other three receive the order, Chen Ying and Min'er can go back first. Li Yan, your master has already reported to Zhang on your behalf that you want to find the materials for refining the natal magic weapon. It has been made clear that this time it is not within this order and everything will be decided by oneself.”

In just a few words, Li Yan already understood, and he couldn't help but feel a bad feeling in his heart. The two jade pieces obviously came out one after the other, and what they said made Li Yan feel a sense of desire. As it turns out, what happened here is definitely a secret. The two jade slips did not reveal any information at all. The more this happens, the more weird it becomes.

Li Yan put away the two jade slips with an expressionless face, looked at the two people who were still waiting respectfully beside him, he nodded slightly, his body swayed, and he disappeared in the blur.

It wasn't until Li Yan disappeared for a long time that Xu Shi and Wang Wuying breathed a long sigh of relief. The pressure Li Yan put on them was too great. The two couldn't help but look at each other, gave a wry smile, and then crossed their legs again on the top of the mountain. sit down.

That night, in Li Yan's room, Gong Chenying and Zhao Min looked at the two jade slips on the table, both of them silent.

"This must be a big event in the sect. I am asked to wait for everyone to go back. I originally wanted to stay at home for February to March, but it seems that I can't." Li Yan said lightly and looked at the two girls. After seeing the jade slip, his expression became silent.

"All the disciples who were training outside have returned. This kind of thing has not happened for at least a hundred years. Is it related to the other three sects?" Gong Chen Yingxiu frowned. She had originally planned to accompany Li Yan to find materials for refining. After all, Li Yan had just established the foundation, and it was extremely dangerous to be alone outside. But she was already a fake elixir, and she had much more experience in traveling around the world than Li Yan. Multiple helpers were also a better guarantee to reduce the risk, but now that the leader's order came out, She was going back anyway, and she was thinking that Li Yan would go back with her, waiting for an opportunity to go out again.

"Sister Ying, please accompany him to look for materials. I will go find Master about this matter. I think if Master talks about it, the leader will be in vain." Zhao Min thought for a while and spoke softly. She was going to After going back, especially in the past month or so, her state of mind seemed to have been cleansed, and the bottleneck of Qiongqi's purgatory technique seemed to be loosened again. Even in the realm of cultivation, she felt that she could use the fake elixir, but she didn't have the palm. Sect Leader, she also plans to return to the sect in the near future. There is too little spiritual energy here, and many of the elixirs needed for cultivation are also incomplete.

After hearing this, Gong Chenying felt moved in his heart, but Li Yan had already said, "This cannot be done. Since the master has already passed on the second jade slip, even the main jade slip of Li Peak has not been passed on to Senior Sister Min. Instead, it is up to the master to The inheritance directly allows you two to go back, which means that it must be an extremely important matter for the sect. I have few disciples in Xiaozhu Peak, and I am already alone outside.


If you violate the order, how can you keep one more person? Li Yan shook his head as he spoke.

Li Yan looked at the moonlight outside the window again, and then said leisurely, "As for me, I will still look for materials to refine the natal magic weapon. I always feel that if I don't go this time, I am afraid that the world of immortality will become more and more chaotic in the future, and it will be even more chaotic when I go out." Danger." He felt increasingly uneasy about the sudden order from the head of the sect, feeling like he was facing a formidable enemy.

"Then...then be careful!" Seeing Li Yan's decision, Gong Chenying sighed in his heart. Immortal cultivators often pay great attention to self-induction. This kind of induction may bring some kind of influence to an immortal cultivator. She has also experienced the guidance of the Underworld Seed, so she cannot force it.

After Zhao Min glanced at Li Yan, he also remained silent, and the room fell silent for a while.

Li Yan smiled, "Come to think of it, you two took the path of cultivating immortality earlier than me. Cultivation of immortality is to go against the will of heaven and change one's destiny. I think I have been moving forward safely under the wings of the sect in the past four years. , some things must be experienced in order to grow, not to mention I also want to see the world outside. "

After staying at home for another six days, Li Yan finally asked to leave. Under Aunt Chang Bochang's reluctant eyes, Li Yan promised that he would often come back with letters in the future, etc. He hugged Li Wei again, and then he and his two daughters drifted away. Leave.

Li Guoxin looked at the backs of the three people who were gradually going away, and said to Chang Bo, "From the day he entered the military camp, he was destined to be far away from home. He is Dapeng. He will eventually soar into the sky. He will stay in the mountain village. He wants to come to those two rich ladies." We are destined not to be together, this should be a blessing for him!"

Looking at the two black-robed monks in front of him, Li Yan took out a thick stack of letters and a separate piece of paper, "I don't care how you arrange it. These letters must be sent out in the name of an official in the dynasty, every two or three Yue is one. Also, the identities of the three of us are also written on this piece of paper, and the Blood Leaf Sect also needs to make arrangements, do you know?"

Xu Shi and Wang Wuying nodded repeatedly. After receiving the letter, they carefully put it away as if they had obtained a magic weapon.

When Li Yan came out of the village, he went to find the two of them directly and explained to them so as not to worry his family members about not being able to find out his identity. He also gave them the handwritten letter he had prepared this month. After leaving, I deeply know that I don’t know when I will see you again, and my heart is filled with helplessness and sadness.

Xu Shi and Wang Wuying nodded in agreement. They were very familiar with this kind of request, not to mention that it was very easy to arrange the identities of the three seniors. If the emperor of the dynasty knew about it, he would probably rush for it. It's too late to pay tribute to the three of them.

Seeing the respectful attitude of the two of them, Li Yan couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction. Under the hopeful eyes of Xu and Wang, Li Yan and the others left indifferently. Li Yan did not give the two of them the "Shengling Pill" again, although these Qi Condensation Pills The early elixir is not of high value to him now, but it will ignite the other person's greed. If there is a fate in the future and the two of them are successful in doing things, he will definitely give them some benefits.

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