Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2053: Supervisory Hall

Just as Luo Sanpang and the four others entered the Xuanqing Temple Gate, they were blocked by more than ten people. The leader was a slender Taoist priest in his thirties with three long beards under his chin. He was looking at the four clear people. After seeing the face of the person, his expression was slightly gloomy, "I asked who it was early in the morning. It turned out to be four junior brothers. I wonder where this came from?"

The four people were directly blocked at the mountain gate. Except for Luo Sanpang, the other three people could not help but look embarrassed, especially Qin Chengyi. The sect has a profound background, and there is a worried expression on his face.

"Who do I think it is? It turns out that Senior Brother Kong is on duty. Third Master, I and a few others just went out for some business, but we couldn't get back in time last night. Why do we still need to check the token?" Luo Sanpang said in the same tone. , spoke lazily.

"Oh? Can't get back in time? So the sect order given by the head brother yesterday was child's play?" The long-bearded Taoist priest who was called Senior Brother Kong saw that Luo Sanpang was so disdainful of him, and even called him the Third Master. Although Everyone in the Taoist temple knew this man's catchphrase, and he always acted domineeringly in front of his disciples due to his advanced cultivation, but he was so unscrupulous in front of himself. He couldn't help but feel angry in his heart, and he couldn't help but stare directly at Luo Sanpang.

"Oh, the order from the head brother is only for those disciples. Is it really for us nine foundation-building monks?" The fat on Luo Sanpang's face shook, and his eyes widened. He didn't expect that Senior Brother Kong would actually be serious about this trivial matter, let alone in front of a dozen Qi Ning disciples behind him. This clearly meant that he was not given any face to the four of them, which made him feel lost. Face, his tone couldn't help but become tyrannical.

As soon as he said these words, Qin Chengyi's face beside him couldn't help but look even more bitter. He was the Qi Condensation Stage monk, and he was just the master's nominal disciple. Senior Brother Luo sold himself out with just one word. Could it be that he had three The person was fine, but he was in trouble, but he didn't dare to say anything for a while.

As expected, when Senior Brother Kong heard this, he first glanced at Qin Chengyi and said calmly, "Junior Brother Qin, did you hear clearly the order issued by Senior Brother Head yesterday?"

When Qin Chengyi heard this, he immediately scolded all the eighteen generations of Fatty Luo San's ancestors in his heart. You were the one who forced me to go to the market to have fun. But at this time, he said it without thinking, "You There was a good elder at the beginning. Although his reputation has disappeared, he left a lot of blessings to you. Not only did the head take care of you, but even the ancestor of the sect turned a blind eye to you, but said I have to answer.

"Oh, I'm reporting this to Senior Brother Kong. Yesterday, the head of the sect issued an order, 'Disciples in the sect are not allowed to go out at will from today on. They must wait for orders inside the sect. This violates Articles 33, 67, and 8 of the sect rules." Article 11. Any outside monks who come to the sect recently will be questioned and asked about their origin and whereabouts before being allowed to enter. If there is any dereliction of duty, they will be dealt with according to Article 27 of the sect's rules.'"

As Qin Chengyi spoke, Luo San's fat face couldn't help but twitch. None of these three things would make things easier for them. Either he would be severely punished with a large amount of spiritual stones, or he would have to face the wall in that barren place for twenty years, or even be forced to do so. When he went to the sect's prison hall to receive the caning, he didn't expect that he would be with Shaoyanwuyan on weekdays.


Mrs. Kong Nan seems to be a different person today, and she wants to argue against the precepts of Guan Nei in front of the juniors.

Seeing that things were about to come to a standstill, Senior Brother Liu couldn't help but frown. Originally, he didn't want to go out at the beginning yesterday, but he was forced to go out by Luo Sanpang and Song Bo. This kind of overnight incident has happened before, and the sect has He didn't bother, just looking at the patrolling posture of this group of people, it seemed that the sect really valued him very much this time, not to mention that he also knew very well that Senior Brother Kong's status in the sect, he was responsible for supervising and checking for errors, so he really said that he would Get up, a few of them are still at fault.

So he calmly said, "Junior brother Kong, please don't be upset. We have often gone out like this before. We are used to it this time, but we have forgotten the sect's order. If we don't do this next time, this situation will definitely not happen again."

Just when he spoke, the lean-looking Song Bo also hurriedly tried to smooth things over. He and Luo Sanpang had single-handedly facilitated this matter. If there really was a punishment, then Senior Brother Liu and Junior Brother Song would definitely hate them to the bone." Senior Brother Liu is absolutely right. This matter is all due to our negligence. In order not to make it difficult for Senior Brother Kong, we are going to admit our mistake to the head brother. What do you think?"

At this time, Qin Chengyi also looked at Senior Brother Kong with a smile on his face.

Senior Brother Kong's face couldn't help but soften when he saw this. Except for Qin Chengyi, the other three people in front of him all had backgrounds, especially Senior Brother Liu, who was much better than Na Luo San Fatty's backstage. I heard he was a distant descendant of his ancestor. , the head of the sect issued a decree yesterday, and it happened that he was on duty today. He did not want to get entangled with the four people, but as the deputy head of the supervision hall in the sect, when he was leading a group of disciples, the scene would be necessary no matter what. He left, but unexpectedly, Luo Sanpang still didn't change his playboy nature, and directly said that he would not be able to get off the stage.

He looked at Senior Brother Liu and spoke in a much softer tone, "Senior Brother Liu, after the leader issued the order yesterday, he was delayed due to something, but he was not able to finish it all. In the evening, he recruited us and other foundation-building monks, and I think he also sent a message to you. , but in the end, when you guys didn’t arrive, the senior brother in charge was already very angry, and I hope you can explain it in the past, so as to avoid the senior brother in charge being angry.”

When the four senior brothers Liu heard this, they couldn't help but chatter on their faces. It was not that they had not received the transmission notes, but they were in the market for fun at that time. When they gathered to gamble in the evening, they felt that the time had passed. Even if they rushed back to the Taoist temple, they would still be there. It was too late, so I just pretended not to see it.

Senior Brother Liu frowned even more. He turned back to Luo Sanpang, who was still looking indifferent and said, "Junior Brother Luo, it seems that something big happened this time. Otherwise, Senior Brother Kong wouldn't have led the patrol out. I'll see the leader later." Senior brother, I hope you will stop talking nonsense and be humble, do you know?" Senior Brother Liu's tone turned stern at the end. He was very angry about today's incident. If it weren't for this fat Luo San, , then these things would not have happened. Just now, I was still happy that I had won a lot of spiritual stones last night. Seeing Junior Brother Kong's attitude, I thought that it would be difficult for Senior Brother to go through it, and his heart suddenly became gloomy. Quite a few.

Luo Sanpang was a little indifferent at first. Seeing Senior Brother Liu's sudden sternness, he couldn't help but feel confused. Although he didn't care about the people in front of him because of the blessings left by his ancestors, but in front of Senior Brother Liu, he didn't care. He lacked confidence, but he was really related to the ancestor, so he quickly put away his laziness and nodded in agreement.

The other two looked like they were being taught. Seeing this, Kong Nantai nodded. Although he was a little afraid of Senior Brother Liu's identity, he was not afraid because he was the deputy head of the Supervisory Hall.

Seeing this, the four senior brothers Liu bowed to Kong Nantai and then went directly up the mountain inside the Taoist temple.

Looking at the four people walking further and further away, Kong Nantai couldn't help but sigh in her heart. These four people didn't know what the leader had called last night. Recently, I heard that two nearby sects had disappeared inexplicably, and the entire sect had disappeared. The collective disappearance of the whole family happened suddenly. The news has not spread, but it has alarmed the ancestors. The ancestors had been out a few days ago. I heard that they went to investigate together with other ancestors from the surrounding family. Yesterday, in the white Suddenly, the ancestor sent a message back, and at the same time, the sect also received the secret order of the sect of the sect, the sect. The specific contents of the message sent by the ancestor and the secret order of the sect were not stated clearly, but only roughly. He reported the disappearance of the two sects as a whole, and stated that the investigation of all suspicious monks coming and going was also under the orders of the Demon Sect. The specific situation would be rearranged after the ancestor returns one day later.

While he was standing there deep in thought, the disciples behind him looked at me and I looked and saw that the four masters and uncles had already walked away, and some of the disciples who were new to the profession had strange expressions on their faces. They were extremely afraid of the Supervisory Hall after entering. Very few of the people who entered came out intact. However, those few junior uncles and junior uncles just now clearly didn't care much about the deputy master of the Supervisory Hall in front of them. Especially the fat uncle's words showed disdain.

Seeing that the uncle in front of him seemed to be deep in thought, a new disciple who had just started looking around looked around and saw that some other people seemed to be bored waiting and started talking to those around him in a low voice. He couldn't help but carefully asked the people around him. He took good care of his senior brother, "Senior brother, can you tell me the background of Senior Uncle Luo, so that I won't accidentally offend him in the future, and I don't know where I offended him."

Next to him is a monk who is about twenty-seven or eighty years old. His cultivation level has reached the middle stage of the tenth level of Qi Condensation, which is already very high among the disciples in the Taoist temple. He looked at the junior brother next to him, and then at Master Kong in front of him who seemed to be meditating. After thinking for a while, he carefully considered the words and said in a very low voice, "This Senior Uncle Luo has a very special background." Big, I heard that his great-grandfather and his ancestor were the leaders of the same era in Guanzhong, and his relationship with his ancestor was not weak. During an outing trial, he helped his ancestor obtain a kind of cultivation material that his ancestor desperately needed at that time. , but in the subsequent experience, Uncle Luo's great-grandfather died. Although his death had nothing to do with the ancestor, the ancestor considered that he had done him a big favor after all, so he repaired it in the future. After being successful, he took care of his descendants and relatives, so Uncle Luo became extremely powerful in the Taoist temple, and even controlled the Taoist temple.


The door turned a blind eye to him. "

Although his words were respectful, the new disciple could still hear the domineering tone of Master Luo. After the senior brother saw it, he thought about it and said a few more words.

"Uncle Luo is a good person, but he often scolds him. If you want to please him, it's actually very simple. He likes to gamble. As long as you have a lot of spiritual stones, you can gamble with him a few more times. But it makes him happy. Well, if Master Luo doesn't like it, it's only you and the newbies. Did you just hear him call himself 'Third Master'?"

When he said this, he paused. The new disciples already had a sad face when they heard that Master Luo liked to bet on lottery results. Any disciple in the sect would have the desire to embrace the lap of a senior monk, but he was the only one. As a new disciple, how can he have spiritual stones to please Master Naluo? Two spiritual stones a month are not enough for him to practice. But when he heard the senior brother's words of inquiry, he immediately remembered that Master Naluo called himself "Third Master" just now. If so, he couldn't help but nodded.

"If you don't know this, even if you want to give the spirit stone, you probably won't be able to give it away. Otherwise, you will really get into trouble. It is said that Uncle Luo was born on the third day of the third lunar month, and he already has the spirit root when he is three years old. Starting from the beginning, along the way, although he didn't care much about cultivation, his promotion was still smooth, so when he became an adult, he found someone to divine a divination. This divination said that he was destined to be "three" in this life, but this rumor was also true. I don't know if it's true or not, but since then, Uncle Luo has really taken this hexagram to be true. Many things happened every time, and even he gradually called himself "Third Master". And the weirdest thing I heard is that he used to build a The base time was indeed chosen in March, and the final success was also on the third day of March. Although the time was not Yin time, it was enough to explain the strangeness of the matter. After this incident, Master Luo was even more concerned about the word "three". I have a soft spot for numbers. Even if you bet with others, you can only win on threes. If you want to give him a spiritual stone, if you don't match the word "three", not only will you not be able to give him a spiritual stone, but you will also make him hate him. meaning."

After hearing this, the new disciple opened his mouth. He never imagined that a person would have such thoughts and rules. He was shocked in his heart. The disciple was about to continue to ask about the nature of the other disciples. Unexpectedly, at this time, someone came from the front. Give me a cold drink.

"You can't stop talking while you're on patrol. You've really lost your peace of mind." Kong Nantai was deep in thought, but was distracted by the noise that gradually came around her. With the improvement of the ancestor's cultivation, there are fewer sects around who dare to think about it, and the disciples are a little complacent. Even the rules in this Taoist temple are much looser. How could such a situation happen before? It seems that we really have to find out. The head brother said that it is necessary for the Supervisory Hall to strengthen all the rules in the Taoist temple during this period. "

Hearing Kong Nantai's cold shout, more than a dozen people suddenly fell silent, with solemn expressions, and cheered up. Kong Nantai shook his head, as if to get rid of the speculation about the sect's affairs in his mind, and looked ahead Just as they were about to continue patrolling around the mountain, another green light was coming from a distance in the air in front of the mountain gate.

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