Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2050 I wonder what the world is like?

Time flies, it is June, and Li Yan has been at home for more than half a month. After the busy farming season, he rarely shows up, either on the top of a mountain or at home, painstakingly studying the "Muliu Gate" puppet. Because the puppet is based on mechanisms and formations, Li Yan has to find Gong Chenying from time to time to ask for advice on formations.

Gong Chenying and Zhao Min are extremely busy. Now the two girls often hide in the house with their eldest sister, fourth sister, and Xiaoyu. They don't know what to say all day long, but Li Yan feels a kind of youthfulness from Gong and Zhao Min. Vitality was something the two girls could only show when they were practicing before. Zhao Min was obviously less cold to the people around him now, and could occasionally smile knowingly.

Gong Chenying's method of formation is extremely profound. After asking for advice several times, Li Yan couldn't help but remember that Lin Daqiao once said that Si Xiangfeng wanted Gong Chenying to become his disciple several times. It was really extraordinary that she could make Li Yan enlightened with just a few random words from her. As he continued to study, Li Yan gradually became interested in the battle method. Of course, he would not ignore the basics and ignore the negatives. All of this laid the foundation for the puppetry technique.

Ever since he had the opportunity to be alone with Gong Chenying, he gradually started talking more and more. One day, Li Yan hesitated and finally asked the question that had been pressing in his heart for a long time.

"Ah Ying, cough... cough, um, I always feel a little weird. Why is the relationship between Zhao Min and Xiaozhufeng different from the previous disciples who left? Every time Zhao Min comes to Xiaozhufeng, whether it is senior brother or Do you always treat her differently from others?" After Li Yan said these words, he saw a strange look on Gong Chenying's face, and even more suspicion in his eyes.

"I...what did I ask wrong?" Li Yan was confused for a moment. ????

"You don't know Min'er's origin?" Gong Chenying's face became even more strange.

"Does she have a big background?" Li Yan was shocked.

"No, I mean, you have known each other for four years, and you don't know Min'er's life experience?" Gong Chenying's lips actually evoked a smile.

"Isn't she just like those disciples who left Xiaozhu Peak and joined other peaks again? Could it be that she has something else to hide?" Seeing Gong Chenying's appearance, Li Yan felt vaguely that he was thinking of something wrong.

"Have you never asked yourself? Or have you asked anyone else?" Gong Chen tilted his head, and a playful smile appeared on his peerless face.

"No? What's wrong?" Li Yan said.

"Haha, you are not such a law-abiding person in my mind. Your mind even surpasses that of the senior brothers. I never thought that you were so ignorant. I thought you knew a little bit." Gong Chenying's eyes flashed. sly.

Li Yan was a little depressed after hearing this. He had never wanted to know about Zhao Min's life experience. It was just that he had focused almost all his energy on building the foundation so that he could go home as soon as possible. Although he had ignorant thoughts about Zhao Min, he never broke that There is a layer of paper, and if he asks anyone, his purpose will be seen, and he ends up


"Everyone knows it", so I let go of this idea for a while.

"Min'er, she is actually the master's daughter." Seeing Li Yan's appearance, Gong Chenying stopped beating around the bush and directly said something that Li Yan could hardly believe.

"Zhao Min? Master's daughter?" Li Yan asked with a look of surprise on his face after a long while.

"Well, her real name is Wei Minqing, but she later changed her surname to follow her master's wife, Zhao. This matter is exactly what Min'er is worried about." Gong Chenying sighed, paused and then continued.

"Master Wei's family is a very famous immortal cultivating family, and it is also a first-class immortal cultivating family. Its ancestor is the great cultivator who is acquainted with the great priest of our clan. Master has been a genius since he was a child, and he is regarded as a quasi-precursor in the family. The successor of the inheritance sequence, who will be the successor of the clan leader in the future, was already the first among the younger generation of the family at a young age. However, when he went out for training last time, he did not want to be ambushed by others and was seriously injured. Although he was completely destroyed Thirteen opponents fell into the river in a coma. At that time, they met the current master's wife. She was rescued by the master's wife. The master's wife was a disciple of a small sect. After recovering from her injuries for several months, the two of them... It was a secret emotion. After the master recovered from his injury and the family came to know about this matter, he was strongly opposed by the family elders. The master was arrogant, not to mention that he and his wife were in love with each other. In a fit of anger, the master actually In order for the Master to leave the family and join the Demon Sect, she even gave up her right to practice Qiongqi's Purgatory Technique. This was considered deviant for the Wei family. They were extremely angry and wanted to capture the Master, but the Master refused. The one he entered was the Demon Sect. This was the place he had already thought of. The Wei family did not dare to target the Demon Sect no matter what, so the Yuan Ying ancestor of the Wei family had to go up the mountain to negotiate with the sect. However, although the master was young at the time, However, he has reached the perfection of foundation building, and his talent has been spotted by a Nascent Soul Ancestor of the Sprite Sect, and he has been accepted as a registered disciple. As long as he successfully forms the elixir, he will immediately officially become a disciple of the Nascent Soul Ancestor. .

If the Wei family came to ask for help this time, it would be fine if they were ordinary disciples, but any sect would be eager to get a cultivation prodigy quickly, not to mention that the master was worshiped by himself at the time, and was also recruited by Yuan Yuan. Ancestor Ying took a fancy to it, and the result can be imagined. Although the Demon Sect said on the surface that they would not interfere as long as the master was willing, they also found out the reason why the master entered the school in private, and knew that once the master returned, In addition to facing severe punishment from the family, the fight with Master's wife was bound to be fruitless. Not only did they privately protect the small sect where Master's wife was located, but they also made an exception and brought Master's wife into the Demon Sect. In this way, Master would not Left the Demon Sect.

The final result can be imagined. The ancestor of the Wei family was furious and had no choice but to face the behemoth of the Demon Sect. Although the Wei family once had its glory, the ancestors have passed away, and now there are only

There was an ancestor of the Nascent Soul who had no choice but to swallow his anger in the end, but because of this he still held grudges against the Sprite Sect. After all, the master was the most promising person in the Wei family to form a Nascent Soul.

In this way, after Master waited for the golden elixir to condense, he married his wife. It was under such circumstances that Min'er was born. Min'er was still extremely happy when she was a child, with the love of Master and Master, but as she grew up, Da, her cultivation talent has also been shown, and her talent is no worse than that of the master. In this way, the master's wife has a mind, and she knows her husband better than her wife. The teacher's wife knew that the master seemed to be indifferent on weekdays, but in fact she knew better than anyone else that the master always felt guilty about the family, but he just couldn't show it in front of her. As time went by, the master became depressed because of this matter. Accumulation will create rifts in the state of mind, which is extremely dangerous for cultivation.

These two aspects, no matter which aspect you consider, are extremely detrimental to the master. So when Min'er was five years old, the master gritted her teeth and made a decision to take Min'er back to the Wei family. , after she proposed this, the master agreed after considering it. After all, when he brought his wife and children home, the deal was already done, and maybe some things could be changed.

Things finally eased up. When the master and his family returned, the family's attitude towards them was extremely cold at first. However, the master did not expect the master's wife's thoughts. However, the master's wife's all-around good manners made the elders of the family gradually have a better attitude, especially when they met. After arriving at Min'er, the attitudes of the family elders changed drastically. Finally, the Yuan Ying ancestor of the Wei family also came out. After looking at Min'er, he still left with a cold face. But that night, the master received a message from the Yuan Ying ancestor, saying that it was okay to forgive him, but Min'er needed to stay and practice the Wei family's exercises. After receiving the message, Master was both happy and worried. He was happy that the problem with his family had finally been solved, but he was worried that he could not bear to let Min'er stay in the family. He looked at her with a smile on her face and slept sweetly in her dream. Min'er, at this time, even the master's wife began to regret it, but after much hesitation, the master's wife and the master discussed for a long time, thinking that we and other immortal cultivators have a long life and a long future. If we lose this opportunity, I am afraid that we will completely break up with the family. After breaking off the last relationship, the master finally communicated with the family and agreed that Min'er could stay here to practice the family's martial arts. By the time he was twelve years old, the foundations of the Wei family's martial arts and Qiongqi's purgatory technique had been completed. At that time, they would take Min'er to Min'er was brought back to practice, and no matter who among the master's family successfully conceives a baby in the future, they will protect the Wei family until other golden elixir monks in the family congeal a Nascent Soul. After this result, the Wei family agreed, and Min'er was Stayed in the Wei family. "Speaking of this, Gong Chenying showed a look of helplessness on her face. She also thought of her childhood and her life experience.

Li Yan frowned but did not interrupt.

Gong Chenying paused, with a hint of sympathy in his eyes, and then continued, "Just like that, Min'er has been far away from her parents since then. Although the Wei family also takes great care of her, they only give her a series of exercises." , practice day by day


, endless, as if one day you were the apple of your parents' eyes, and the next moment you are sailing in the sea, with no end in sight. Gradually, Min'er became taciturn, and later she didn't communicate with anyone at all and just practiced silently. The speed of her cultivation also surprised the tribesmen. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a thousand miles a day.

When she was twelve years old, she was taken back to Xiaozhu Peak by her master and mistress. Originally, this incident made master and mistress extremely happy, but what happened next made them unexpected. Min'er returned to Xiaozhu Peak He seemed to have become a completely different person, refusing to speak to them at all. He would either close the courtyard door to practice, or often walk to the back mountain alone, sit on the top of the mountain and stare blankly into the distance, no matter what Master and the others did. , everything seemed to come too late, and it had no effect at all.

At this time, I also came to Xiaozhu Peak and grew up with Min'er. Min'er's character changed slightly. However, when she was eighteen years old, something went wrong with Min'er's cultivation. No matter how hard she practiced, she couldn't. There was no progress at all. After checking it, the master and his wife came to the conclusion that there was something wrong with Min'er's state of mind. However, no matter how much they tried to communicate with Min'er, she remained silent. This was the reason why Min'er's final cultivation level was lower than My reason is that something went wrong in those few years.

Suddenly one day, many disciples of Xiaozhu Peak left. Min'er actually went directly to Buli Peak on that day and asked to join. The elder of Buli Peak was hesitant at first and did not dare to accept, for fear of offending the master, but Min'er But she didn't leave without saying a word. When the master of Li Peak knew about it, he directly took her into his sect. After learning about it, the master and his wife hurried to Buli Peak, but when they got there, no matter how they persuaded them, Min The master ignored him at all, and the two masters had no choice but to ask Master Li for help before returning sadly.

What happened next made Master and his wife even more sad. Min'er later changed her name to Zhao Min. This made Master sit in the main hall in shock for a day. When he finally vacated and returned to his courtyard, he met Xiaozhu. From the sky above the peak, he again saw the bamboo courtyard where Min'er once lived. As he laughed loudly, he razed the bamboo courtyard to the ground along with all the bamboo courtyards of the disciples who had left Xiaozhu Peak. From now on, it became like this.

In the following years, the Wei family asked Min'er to return to the family several times to participate in competitions among the younger generation of the clan, but the master refused for various reasons. If the Wei family knew that Min'er had been called Zhao Min, it would definitely cause a stir. A shock. "

After Gong Chenying slowly finished speaking, there were tears in his eyes. In silence, Li Yan stepped forward, raised his big hand, and gently placed it on Gong Chenying's hair. Ying Jiao's body trembled, but she didn't dodge this time.

"Although I don't know that you have similar things to this, one day if you are willing to talk about it, I will listen, but no matter what, I will definitely accompany you to the Tianli tribe, no matter the swords, mountains, or seas of fire."

Li Yan looked at Gong Chenying and said word by word.

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