Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 208 Identity

Wen Xinliang was not polite. He was respectful to these people, but he could not weaken the reputation of the sect by himself. Otherwise, where would the prestige of the sect be in the long run? After a little respect, he strode to a chair and sat down. Li Yan and the other two also chose a chair and sat down.

Seeing the three people sitting down, the fat man with curly beard said, "I am quite familiar with Wei Daoyou. As for the disciples, I have seen Li Wuyi, but you have never met him."

After hearing this, Wen Xinliang smiled slightly. How could he not know what the other party was thinking? So he stretched out his hand and patted his waist. With a flash of light, the sect token slowly flew to the fat man with curly beard.

Seeing this, Li Yan and the other two, of course, understood what the other party meant. Although the three of them were wearing the clothes of the Wuliang Sect, they could not confirm the identities of the three people. The three golden elixirs at the top naturally needed to confirm further, but they just said it in a tactful way.

Li Yan and Lin Daqiao also slapped their waists, and each of them had a token that looked like jade but not jade, like iron but not iron fly out, flying to the middle-aged man in white robe and the thin old man respectively. The three Jindan at the top did not speak. Seeing the token flying, they each stretched out their hands and gently moved, and the three tokens fell into the palms of the three people. The next moment, the three people just scanned the tokens with their spiritual consciousness, and then looked at each other, and saw the correct meaning in each other's eyes, and the expressions on their faces eased a little.

At the same time, Wen Xinliang's voice sounded again, "The three juniors are the fifth, seventh, and eighth disciples of the master. I am the fifth disciple Wen Xinliang, this is the seventh Lin Daqiao, and that is the eighth Li Yan." Wen Xinliang did not wait for the other party to ask further, and had already briefly explained the situation of the three of them.

The three Jindan at the top nodded, thinking that the man below, Wen Xinliang, was not only smart, but also very good at speaking. They just asked a question, and he understood and handled it properly. But they didn't know that in Lin Daqiao's words, Wen Xinliang was a scoundrel in the mortal world. He had been in the rivers and lakes in his early years and had developed a slippery skill. He said whatever he wanted to say to whoever he met.

"Oh, the three nephews are really promising at a young age. The young are formidable. I am the elder of the Chen family in Donglin. This is Elder Bai of Piaoyun Valley, and the other is Elder Fan of Liehunmen." The fat man with a curly beard in the middle, who claimed to be the elder of the Chen family in Donglin, shot the token back with a wave of his hand, and pointed at the middle-aged man in white robe and the thin old man beside him and said. His behavior can be said to have lowered his status and was very polite.

In the outside world, Jindan is Jindan, and foundation building is foundation building. There are two insurmountable gaps. The distinction between the old and the young is extremely strict. When Jindan sees a foundation building, it seems to be nothing. How can it be so polite? If this scene is seen by people in the outside world, it is difficult to understand and shocking. The root of the problem is nothing more than the three words "Wangliang Sect". Within this area of ​​one million miles, no matter how high your cultivation is, you are just a vassal of the Wuliang Sect. Every sect feels proud of its disciples who can enter the Wuliang Sect. However, the elder Bai of Piaoyun Valley next to him did not shoot the token in his hand back immediately, but looked at Li Yan with a look of surprise in his eyes. He was holding Li Yan's identity token. His action made the three people below a little strange, but it did not surprise Elder Chen and Elder Fan, as if they had expected it. Just as the three people below were puzzled, Elder Bai from Piaoyun Valley spoke up, "I have met Fellow Daoist Wei several times, and we have stayed in the same place for several years. Although we each had our own missions during those years, we have met each other. Fellow Daoist Wei has extraordinary magical powers, is a low-key person, and his magical powers are unfathomable. Today, I feel that his vision is venomous again. I have only heard Elder Chen mention Li Wuyi, a disciple of Fellow Daoist Wei. It is said that he is a genius who has reached the realm of false pills in a few decades. Among the younger generation, he is also a leader even among the geniuses of the other three major sects. I was a little skeptical before, but today I am convinced again." Seeing Li Wuyi's three junior brothers, they believed it to be about 70%. Although one of you is in the early stage of foundation building and the other is at the peak of the early stage of foundation building, one of you is extremely agile and can attack from a distance or close in an instant; the other is waiting to strike, and should be good at the art of killing with one strike; it is estimated that if the cultivators of the same level fight with you two based on their realm, they will be in danger. Moreover, the bloody smell on you two must be people who often walk on the edge of life and death. The experience of fighting is not comparable to that of ordinary people in the early stage of foundation building. "He pointed his slender fingers at Lin Daqiao and Wen Xinliang, with admiration in his eyes.

When he said this, Elder Chen and Elder Fan nodded frequently. They knew that Elder Bai had a very high level of cultivation. He was usually taciturn and rarely talked to others. Although his cultivation was only in the middle stage of the Golden Core, if they really fought, the two of them might not be able to get the upper hand. This person stayed in that dangerous place for three years, and finally came back alive. From his voice, it seemed that Wei Chongran had also stayed there. This was the first time that Elder Bai mentioned it. It was unexpected that the Wuliang Sect would send a person like Wei Chongran there. It was really surprising.

These words fell into the ears of the three people below, and they were shocked. They didn't expect that the Golden Core cultivator was so powerful that he could see so many things at a glance. Even the characteristics of Wen Xinliang and Lin Daqiao's skills were seen at a glance. Lin Daqiao was flexible and agile, and Wen Xinliang was evil and vicious. If they hadn't fought with the two, it would be extremely difficult to know from the surface. This was actually seen through at a glance, and it was also seen that the two had killed too many people recently. Moreover, it was obvious that the other party had not yet used his spiritual sense, but only glanced a few times. This eyesight was truly terrifying.

While the three of them were surprised, Elder Bai from Piaoyun Valley took his time and pointed his slender fingers again, but this time he pointed at Li Yan, "You little kid, that ray of consciousness from before is yours, right? Unexpectedly, just with the cultivation of the tenth level of Qi Condensation, the divine consciousness seems to have reached the state of Qi Condensation Great Perfection." After he finished speaking, he paused, seeming unsure.

Elder Bai was indeed not too sure. It was only an instant before Li Yan's spiritual consciousness was released and bounced back, and the distance was very short. He only judged that Li Yan's spiritual consciousness was not clear from the restriction fluctuations of the courtyard gate formation. Weak, at least in the Qi Condensation stage, it is extremely rare. However, in his mind, he thought that Li Yan should be gifted with extraordinary talents and his spiritual consciousness was born with strong power. This idea was also the same in the minds of the other two Jindan, and he did not expect it at all. There is such a powerful spiritual consciousness technique in the mortal world. Based on their realm, they more or less know that the four sects do not necessarily have special techniques to cultivate spiritual consciousness.

"Furthermore, your aura is long, and your spiritual power is not as simple as ordinary people at the early stage of the tenth level of Qi Condensation. Judging from your spiritual consciousness and the speed of the breath flowing on your body, it is estimated that your combat power is difficult to rival at the Qi Condensation stage. No wonder Fellow Daoist Wei can It's really wise to make an exception for you to be listed on the door wall, haha, the Xiaoshi Sect is the Xiaoshi Sect, and its profound foundation is not comparable to that of small sects like ours." After saying this, he flicked Li Yan's token. He turned back, but there was a hint of loss in his words.

After Elder Bai of Piaoyun Valley bounced the token back, he immediately shut up and stopped talking. What he just did also gave him a hint of recollection of Wei Zhongran, a person who had fought alongside him. After seeing the other disciple again, he thought about it again. Only when he arrived at his own sect was he transferred to zero, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness and despair in his heart.

His words shocked the three people below again. The difference was that Wen Xinliang and Lin Daqiao did not expect that Li Yan's current combat power was so powerful. This was something they had never seen. Although they knew that Li Yan had reached the tenth level of Qi Condensation, His combat power is unknown, not to mention that the two of them did not participate in the trip to the secret realm at all, and the sect had already issued a hush-hush order on some matters.

After listening to Elder Bai's words, Wen Xinliang and the other two couldn't help but take another high look at this junior brother. They didn't expect that Li Yan had reached such a point in just about four years, and Li Yan was so concerned about this. Elder Bai of Piaoyun Valley felt a sense of awe. Although Elder Bai did not actually see the scope of his spiritual consciousness, he could see so many things just by letting go and retracting his spiritual consciousness. This shows his cultivation level. No matter how high it is, some things cannot be seen by just looking at it. It requires extremely high cultivation and insight.

This made Li Yan have a deeper understanding of high-level immortal cultivators. No matter whether he was born in a famous sect, a small sect or a casual cultivator, anyone who could reach this point was not an easy person. He had to work hard on his own. , that person is not a shrewd person in dealing with others.


"Okay, now let's talk about your affairs outside the city. I believe you also know the reason why you are asked to come here. Those two women were female cultivators from the 'Hong Chan Sect', but you were killed directly here. , I want to know the whole story or what evidence there is for you to take action directly, otherwise even you, the Demon Sect, cannot act like this. Today, only I and the three of you will go to the Demon Sect with you. Otherwise, where is the Hong Chan Gate? It's undeniable that Peiyangfang City has also lost its trust." At this time, Elder Chen straightened his beard with one hand and began to get to the point. His expression became solemn and he spoke in a deep voice, but this time there was less gentleness in his voice. , one more coercion.

When Li Yan heard this, he thought to himself, "Here we come, this is indeed the place where the three Jindan patrols stationed in Peiyangfang City are located. It's just that the Jindan monks are too powerful. They didn't take action there, but they already knew it here." He understood the situation and found out the details of the other party in just a short period of time."

Where Wen Xinliang was sitting, the laziness on his face became much calmer, and he straightened up. "Three seniors, in fact, we don't have complete evidence, it's just that there are problems in the other party's words." There was no trace of the other party's words in his words. He looked shocked by the coercion in his words, and he didn't feel anything wrong because of the origins of the two women in red. He had already found out the origins of the two women through teasing with them before, and he also knew that they were from " "Hongchan Sect", this is also a sect affiliated with the Demon Sect. It is a taboo to wantonly kill a monk from a subordinate sect like this.

"Oh? Without evidence, you can commit murder within the restricted area of ​​Peiyangfang City? What's more, the 'Hongchanmen' is also a member of the Demon Sect. In this case, I don't know how the three masters can explain it." Then Elder Chen Hearing this, his heart sank, and an unhappy look appeared on his face. Elder Bai of Piaoyun Valley and Elder Fan of Splitting Soul Sect also frowned. Wen Xinliang's remarks made them unhappy. This was clearly a blow to the five major immortal cultivating families and the three first-class immortal cultivating sects in Peiyangfang City. His face, if it weren't for the fact that the three people in front of him were from the Demon Sect, they would have killed them directly regardless of cause and effect.

Seeing Wen Xinliang, he still looked calm and unfazed. Elder Chen and the other three were also mature in age. Although they were unhappy, they did not immediately take the three of them to the Demon Sect to seek justice.

"Three seniors, we have no evidence, but what happened, and with the consciousness of the three seniors covering the area, we must know what their intentions are."

Elder Chen and the other three frowned even more now. At the same time, they also had a headache for their own disciples and some other sects and family monks. Some young disciples did nothing to climb the big tree of the Demon Sect. No need to resort to tricks, there are many such disciples in his sect and family, especially some female cultivators. Wen Xinliang's words seemed to directly poke their pain, causing the three people's expressions to change, and their faces instantly became gloomy. Come down.

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