Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 209 Hongchanmen

"Master Nephew Wen, although these disciples behaved a bit... inappropriately in order to cling to your Demon Sect, is this the reason why you kill people at will?" A sound like the clash of gold and stone sounded in the lobby, like the collision of iron weapons. On the stone, it made people feel extremely uncomfortable to hear it, but this was Elder Fan from the Soul-Splitting Gate who spoke. His face was gloomy, but he seemed to be able to drip water.

There was a hint of killing and sharpening in his voice, which made Li Yan and the three people below him feel shuddered. Wen Xinliang no longer remained lazy after hearing this, but his expression became solemn: "Three seniors, although we are from evil backgrounds, The Jie Zong is not a follower of power. What I just said was to ask if my seniors knew the intentions of the two women. Now that it is clear that the three seniors knew part of their journey, I will tell you the reason. Not long after they met us, these two women said, 'Senior brother, you are too humble. You three brothers are the elite disciples of the sect at first glance. In the future, we will have to rely on the two slaves you protect to be considerate. '

It is the first time for the three of us to meet the two girls of the 'Hongchan Sect', and this is my eighth junior brother's first time out of the sect. With his cultivation level, when you first met, if I hadn't said Come on, do you know he is my junior brother? "

As soon as he said these words, the leader, Elder Chen, and the other three were stunned, and then fell silent. What kind of people they were, and they had already spoken to such an extent. How could they still not understand that if the two girls from the "Hongchan Clan" did not harbor evil intentions? , without internal notification, a young Qi Condensation stage monk and a Foundation Establishment monk who had never left home could be called a senior brother. Even if it were for them, it would be impossible for them to make such a judgment.

After a short pause, Elder Chen twirled his beard, shook his head and said, "Oh, it's just that we just listen to your one-sided words. Even if we believe it, how can we trust the 'Hongchan Sect', especially the sect owner 'Hongzhu Fairy' But you are famous for your hot temper, but your master has to come up with an excuse for this." Elder Fan from Soul Splitting Sect and Elder Bai from Piaoyun Valley also nodded silently, although they believed what Wen Xinliang said. Seven points, but thinking about the "Red Candle Fairy" also makes my heart tighten.

"Haha, that's not necessary!" After Wen Xinliang heard this, he flipped his wrist, and a lavender jade slip appeared in his hand, and then he threw it upward, and a purple light went straight upward.

When Wen Xin's cold words came out, Elder Chen and the others were a little confused. However, when they saw the lavender jade slip, the elder of the Soul Splitting Sect couldn't help but exclaimed "Guiyin Jade Slip".

Li Yan and Lin Daqiao had been sitting there, not speaking from the beginning to the end. Wen Xinliang had been handling the relevant matters. Then they suddenly heard the elder Fan exclaiming in surprise and couldn't help but raise their eyes and look at the official medal. Flying towards Elder Chen's purple jade slip, Li Yan thought to himself, "Guiyin jade slip, this is the Guiyin jade slip. I heard it can record images and sounds. I heard that a Guiyin jade slip is worth at least nearly a thousand yuan." I have only seen descriptions of spiritual stones in classics, but this is the first time I have seen them. This thing can silently control everything that happens in front of you, and it will not miss anything. It is very valuable.


High, but each Guiyin jade slip can only be used five times at most, and it will collapse on its own after five times. Because this thing is too expensive and limited in the number of times it can be used, few people except for the Golden elixir monks are willing to use it. Unexpectedly, the fifth senior brother actually had this thing and used it easily once. "

Not only was Li Yan horrified, but the three people above were also shocked. You must know that they each only had one "Guiyin Jade Slip" in their bodies, and they would only use it for very important matters. , they never expected that the first disciples of the Demon Sect in the early stages of foundation building would actually have this thing on their bodies, and they would use it seemingly casually. This made them even more frightened of the Demon Sect’s background, but what they didn’t expect was that , this is actually Wen Xinliang's private property. He is a rogue and rarely pays attention to routines in doing things. If he thinks it's fun, he will buy it without hesitation. If he thinks it should be done, he will just do it without hesitation.

Although it was two lives, in the eyes of Elder Chen and the others, it was not worth wasting an opportunity with Guiyin Jade Slip. With the tyranny of the Demon Sect, he said that those two people must have said it if they said that, even if it was It made people a little dissatisfied verbally, but it was just what they thought about in their hearts. Even the "Red Candle Fairy" only gave them a headache. The Sprite Sect probably made her shut up obediently with a gentle blow. Otherwise, the "Hongchan Sect" might have disappeared from the Desolate Moon Continent overnight. What's more, the three of them were so shrewd that they had already judged the credibility of this matter from Wen Xinliang's expression and words. About 70%, which is enough to kill people for the Sprite Sect.

Looking at the flying Jade Slip of Guiyin, Elder Chen and the others did not pick it up. Elder Chen only released spiritual power to hold it in the air. They did not touch the Jade Slip at all, but each of the three of them released a ray of spiritual consciousness. They poked in, but only for a moment. The expressions of the three of them became a little awkward. This expression fell in Li Yan's eyes below. His eyes flickered for a few times, and he couldn't help but touch the tip of his nose again, and then turned to look at a picture of a pig that is not afraid of death. Wen and Lin, who were in the boiling water soup, knew that the Guiyin jade may have recorded all the words spoken since they met at that time. After all, they didn't know what words the other said or what they did. I wrote it all down, and there was probably a lot of flirting in it, which made the three old guys above feel a little embarrassed.

However, soon the three people's eyes lit up, and then they withdrew their gaze. After looking at each other, they used their spiritual power to send the Guiyin Jade Slip back to Wen Xinliang. Wen Xinliang looked relaxed. With a wave of his sleeve, the Guiyin jade disappeared without a trace.

From the time he took out the Guiyin Jade Slip to the last time he took it back, Wen Xinliang didn't have the slightest worry that someone in collusion with the three sects or someone connected with the "Hongchan Sect" would destroy the jade slip.

He believes that it is impossible for all the golden elixirs here to be

If you collude with the enemy, then your identity will be exposed, which is not worth the loss. A golden elixir is the enemy's craftsmanship, which is enough for the Sprite Sect to destroy its sect.

Even if it is destroyed, as long as there is a golden elixir here who escapes, it doesn't matter whether you want this jade slip or not. Moreover, the three of them were seen by many when they entered the town wearing sect clothes today. Even if there are enemy people here, it doesn't matter. Some people will think that the three young monks have done something to the detriment of others.

"You should keep this Guiyin jade slip for proof. Now that the matter is over, you three can go about your own business." Elder Chen glanced at Elder Bai and Elder Fan, and saw them nodding quietly, naturally I don't want to deal with the Demon Sect anymore, not to mention that the three foundation building boys in front of me are all smart people.

"In that case, the three boys will leave now." Wen Xinliang was also happy. He wanted to chat with a bunch of old guys, so he immediately stood up and saluted. Li Yan and the others also stood up and saluted, and Elder Chen and the other three smiled. , and walked towards the door of the lobby.

Until the moment Li Yan and the others stepped out of the lobby, they were enveloped in ripples and gradually disappeared. There was silence in the lobby for a while.

After a long time, Elder Fan's voice sounded like gold and stone clashing together, "Fairy Hongzhu may not dare to go to the back account for this matter."

"Hehe, if she is looking for someone behind the scenes, then that is the right move. It means that either she can act, or she really knows nothing about it, and it is someone under her command who is in cahoots with the three sects. Otherwise..." Elder Chen That honest voice also sounded again.

"Well, you and I should report this disappearance back to the sect as soon as possible, and let the sect immediately cut off all contact with the 'Hongchan Sect'. Otherwise, a catastrophe will be imminent if we are not careful. The identity of an inexplicable Qi Condensation disciple turns out to be It's wrong to drag out such a thing..." Elder Bai let out a long sigh, and then the three of them took out the transmission notes and probed in with their spiritual consciousness. As for what to say, only the three of them knew in their hearts.

Looking at the alley behind him and listening to the sudden noise in his ears, Li Yan seemed to have returned to another world.

"Formation and restriction, I will have to look for some books on this in the future. It is really very useful."

"This matter really took up a lot of time. Junior brother, let's leave quickly, otherwise we won't be able to get back to the sect today." Wen Xinliang's voice reached his ears.

"But based on the arrangement of Fifth Senior Brother, I know nothing about this place." Li Yan looked at the streets extending in all directions, with the constant flow of people, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Now the three of them, led by Wen Xinliang, were traveling through the town. Li Yan saw much the same thing as before along the way, and Lin Daqiao beside him did not explain in a low voice, but became more and more understanding. Peiyangfang is in the market.

In addition to the shops opened by the eight-legged forces themselves, Peiyangfang City also has many external forces mixed in. They


Huge profits are obtained from here every year, but for a while the place seems to be a mixed bag, which inevitably affects the business of the original residents here.

In the past, the Eight-Party Forces also completely eliminated these external forces, but the result was that the water here was too clear and few fish survived.

Some monks who have come from outside Shiwanda Mountain to gain experience, after finding out that this is a market opened for pure local snakes, often either dare not enter easily, or they have already prepared what they need when they come. Although it is inconvenient, it is always some. And what they gained after training in the Shiwan Mountains would take great pains to bring it to the familiar market for sale. During that time, the transactions in Peiyang Market were greatly reduced, and there were few monks.

How can the result of a single family not be remembered by others? Not long after the eight forces eliminated the outside forces, their disciples were often besieged or attacked inexplicably, whether they were walking outside or training in the mountains. The monks who attacked them had various origins, including casual cultivators, evil cultivators, and unknown sects and sects. For a time, the eight-legged forces suffered a lot of losses outside, and many disciples died. The eight-legged forces simply could not take care of everything. In the end, in view of the For several reasons, the eight-legged forces gradually liberalized the market and accepted the influx of merchants. Although these merchants took a lot of profit sharing every year, they promoted the prosperity of Peiyangfang City and subsequently benefited the eight-legged forces. Instead of decreasing, it increased, and for a while everything was fine.

While talking, Li Yan and the others passed by a wide entrance hall. While Li Yan and the others were still standing on the street, they heard the hustle and bustle inside and looked at the huge house covering an area of ​​more than ten acres. Looking at the scene of crowds and passenger flow at the gate, Li Yan couldn't help but be speechless.

"Senior Brother Seven, why is this shop so prosperous?" Li Yan couldn't help but ask.

"Junior brother, this is not a shop, but a free market. There are temporary stalls inside. You only need to pay three low-level spiritual stones to set up stalls for a day. However, there are often many stalls here. Most of them are casual cultivators, but of course there are also sect disciples. They all have some rare treasures that they think they have. When they go to the shop, they don't want to give them much money, but they want to exchange for more spiritual stones, so they come here to set up their own. Spread out.

There are also some people who, after getting unknown items, are not sure about it, so they come here to set up stalls, or barter for things they like, or take the opportunity to find out what they have in their hands. The reasons, anyway, there are all kinds of reasons. What's more, when setting up a stall here, in addition to the three yuan of stall fees that you must pay, no matter what you sell, you will not get any commission. If more is earned, you will be responsible for anything less, unlike in a merchant store. A lot of commission will be deducted for selling anything. To put it bluntly, this is a place for free trade. Good or bad has nothing to do with the market. If you buy fake goods, you will be unlucky. "

Lin Daqiao said easily as if he was familiar with all the treasures in his family.

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