Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 207 Alley

The alley is not deep, about 200 meters long. It goes straight to the end. There are high walls on both sides. There is no residential door. There is a courtyard gate facing the alley at the end.

Li Yan and Lin Daqiao were walking behind Wen Xinliang. The moment they entered the alley, Li Yan felt something different. After entering, the soaring hustle and bustle of the outside world suddenly disappeared, giving him a kind of spiritual power. The feeling of weightlessness was as if the first step was in heaven and the next step was in hell. For Li Yan, who was always cautious, he was caught off guard and immediately released his consciousness.

After Li Yan's stable cultivation in the past period of time, and his realm stabilized at the tenth level of Qi Condensation, his spiritual consciousness has improved a lot. With Li Yan's current knowledge, he knows that the Guishui Sutra is very different from other techniques. For Gui, Shui Zhenjing was even more surprised.

After practicing the Guishui Scripture, Li Yan's spiritual power is now about four times that of monks of the same level, and it can be converted into different single attributes or multi-attribute combinations at any time during battle, allowing the magic of different attributes to be used more effectively. With great power, its combat power is extremely powerful among its peers.

As for the spiritual consciousness cultivation effect attached to the Guishui Scripture, Li Yan has never seen any record in any classics. The classics he has read record that spiritual consciousness can only gradually increase with the growth of cultivation, but this The process is very slow.

Spiritual consciousness is the method that cultivators rely on most. Whether it is an ordinary visit or in a battle, a cultivator with strong spiritual consciousness can often predict the opponent's attack behavior and path in advance, and can also control many immortal arts with powerful spiritual consciousness. , even puppets, mechanisms, etc., these allow spiritual consciousness to occupy an extremely important position. It can be said to be the most basic and most commonly used method for monks.

For this reason, every immortal cultivator would not want to do anything to enhance his spiritual consciousness. The most common method is to improve his own cultivation and enhance his spiritual consciousness through realm breakthroughs, so that his spiritual consciousness can have a wider scope and more detailed control.

In addition to the normal growth of spiritual consciousness with the realm, there are two situations in which spiritual consciousness can grow.

One is to practice spiritual consciousness alone. This requires special techniques to cultivate spiritual consciousness, so that it is possible for spiritual consciousness to grow slightly faster. The techniques for cultivating spiritual consciousness are extremely rare. Li Yan knows that it is like a ghost. A sect as big as the Jie Sect may not have a complete book on the cultivation of spiritual consciousness. Maybe it does, but it is probably just a fragment of a book handed down from ancient times. At the same time, the cultivation of spiritual consciousness is extremely painful. It is not like cultivating spiritual power, which can only be done by breathing in the spiritual energy of the weather.

Spiritual consciousness training is a kind of training for the soul, just like a mortal martial artist who constantly does splits, lowers the waist, etc. in order to increase the body's toughness. In the process, he has to endure strong muscle and ligament tearing. Practicing the art of spiritual consciousness is also a kind of repeated tearing of the soul. This kind of tearing is painful deep into the soul. It cannot be grasped or touched, and it cannot be smoothed to relieve the pain. It can only be tortured and beaten continuously. Shame, one bad move will make a cultivator lose his mind and become an idiot. Therefore, anyone who can practice the art of spiritual consciousness has been a person of great perseverance since ancient times. This also resulted in the art of divine consciousness becoming less and less common, and was gradually lost.

The other type is those who are born with strong spiritual consciousness. This type of people often only need to practice the skills once, and as the small realm of the skills improves,


As he ascends, his spiritual consciousness can be increased, often 10 to 20% higher than that of monks of the same level. Li Yan knows that Li Wuyi and Bailiyuan may be such people. There can be two such people in one sect. It can be said that it is extremely rare for Li Wuyi and Bailiyuan to be afraid of each other. When they fight with others, they often rely on their powerful spiritual consciousness to predict the opponent's attack method in advance and anticipate the enemy's opportunity. , but when the two of them fight in the same realm, their chances of winning are 50-50, and their advantage is completely gone.

The growth of Li Yan's spiritual consciousness is a special kind of growth that is not found in this world. While practicing the Guishui Sutra, it will also lead to the growth of Li Yan's spiritual consciousness. This process is not as inhuman as polishing his spiritual consciousness. Pain, and with every increase in cultivation, spiritual consciousness will slowly increase. Unlike Li Wuyi and others who are born with strong spiritual consciousness, their spiritual consciousness will only increase when their realms increase.

It was as if Li Yan's spiritual consciousness would grow slightly every time he practiced breathing. Although this increase may be minimal and almost negligible, it is accumulated over time.

Generally speaking, the spiritual consciousness of a tenth-level monk in the Qi Condensation stage is only six or seven miles away. As the level increases, it almost increases several times. In the early stage of foundation establishment, the spiritual consciousness is about fifty miles. In the middle stage of foundation establishment, It can detect a range of two hundred miles, and by the late stage of foundation building, the range of spiritual consciousness has reached four hundred miles. A few geniuses can reach a terrifying range of nearly five hundred miles.

Just imagine that a person can stand there and have a panoramic view of everyone and everything within a radius of 500 miles. This is such a terrifying thing. Moreover, except for the restrictions, the spiritual consciousness can ignore everything at all. It can penetrate the wall, penetrate the courtyard, and enter the courtyard. Mountains and seas are beyond the reach of the naked eye, and ordinary things have no secrets in the eyes of monks.

Li Yan's consciousness has now reached seventy miles, even exceeding the limit of the early stage of foundation building. No one in the sect knows this. He usually only shows the appearance of visiting six or seven miles in front of outsiders. , this is also when he was flying in the air before, he always showed that he only had six or seven miles of spiritual consciousness in the Qi Condensation stage. Although Lin Daqiao knew before that his spiritual consciousness might be stronger than others due to the poisonous body, but As time goes by, Li Yan has not shown extraordinary control over his spiritual consciousness in the past few years, and people gradually began to forget about it.

After entering the alley, due to the sudden change in the environment, Li Yan was shocked and instinctively released his consciousness. By the time he reacted, his consciousness had reached the end of the alley. But then he felt relieved. The alley was only two hundred meters away. Even if he explored the other party's courtyard, based on his cultivation level, it would be reasonable for someone to discover him at this distance, and it would not expose him. The details.

Li Yan's spiritual consciousness was detected extremely quickly and covertly. This was also the result of his deliberate practice during daily practice. His understanding of spiritual consciousness was that the more concealed the better, he would always detect it quietly during daily practice.

He is now confident that he can even use his spiritual consciousness to release poisonous bodies to ambush him in front of the early stage of foundation building without being detected. Li

Neither Wen Xinliang nor Lin Daqiao noticed what Yan had just done.

The two of them also know this place, but as disciples of the Demon Sect, they don't have to worry about coming here. They will report it to the main hall every time they leave the sect, so that if anything happens, they can investigate accordingly.

Although there was a golden elixir here, the two of them didn't see Li Yan asking questions along the way. They thought Li Yan had already guessed it, so they neglected to remind Li Yan.

Although Li Yan had some guesses, this sudden feeling of shielding him made him extremely uncomfortable, so his mind instinctively released it immediately without thinking about it.

It's a long story, but it was actually just a thought. Li Yan stepped into the alley, and when he noticed something strange, his consciousness immediately came out. Li Yan's consciousness was very fast, and he came directly to the end of the alley. In his consciousness, he could clearly see that the young man in a light yellow gown had arrived in front of a courtyard door. The courtyard door was not big, with two exquisite doors, and could only allow two people to pass through. look like.

At this time, the young man in the light yellow gown happened to step in front of the courtyard door, and was about to report, but Li Yan's spiritual consciousness had already reached the courtyard door one step ahead of him, and was about to enter through the door. At the same time, The delicate courtyard door opened with a creaking sound, and a sincere middle-aged voice appeared in the alley.

"Little baby, you are quite careful. With your name as the Demon Sect, how can you be afraid of people plotting against you in Peiyangfang City?"

The sound came, startling Wen Xinliang and Lin Daqiao, and Li Yan's consciousness was directly bounced away by a strong force the moment it touched the courtyard door, causing him to take a step back involuntarily, and his figure had already retreated to The edge of the alley.

Just as Li Yan retreated, Wen Xinliang raised his eyebrows, and Lin Daqiao quickly retreated to Li Yan's side and asked in a low voice, "Junior brother, how are you, are you okay?" After Li Yan's consciousness was rebounded, When they came back, there was a slight fluctuation in the space here, and the three young men, including the young man in the light yellow gown, felt the presence of Li Yan's consciousness.

Li Yan had stabilized his body at this time. Seeing that the seventh senior brother had come to his side, he couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Fortunately, it just bounced back from the restriction on the door, and the senior did not take action."

Wen Xinliang, who was in the front, relaxed after hearing the conversation between the two, and then said loudly, "The three juniors are paying homage to the seniors. This junior brother of mine made all the seniors laugh when he came down the mountain for the first time."

"Junior brother? Well, this spiritual consciousness... you three come in first, Chen Tian, ​​you can go back to the city gate to guard." The honest middle-aged voice came again, but the first half of the sentence was directed at Wen Xinliang The second half of what he said was addressed to the young man in a light yellow gown standing in front of the courtyard gate with a surprised look on his face.

The young man in the light yellow gown who was standing in front of the courtyard gate was startled by what happened suddenly. After hearing the words that came again, his expression relaxed. First, he bowed deeply to the courtyard gate and said, "I obey." ", then turned around and took a deep look at Wen Xinliang and the others, smiled slightly, and quickly left towards the alley.

Wen Xinliang meets Li Yanwu


After that, his lazy expression recovered a bit, and he said to the two of them, "Let's go in." After that, he walked deeper into the alley. Li Yan and Lin Daqiao stopped talking and followed at the same time. Go up.

The alley is not long, and the three of them reached the end in just a few breaths. Looking at the exquisite courtyard door, Wen Xinliang stepped up the steps without hesitation, and disappeared inside the door in a flash.

When Li Yan stepped on the steps in front of the door, a vague wave was generated in the space. To Li Yan, it felt like he had stepped on the water, with ripples under his feet.

"Formation!" This thought came to Li Yan's mind for the first time, and before he had time to think about it, he only felt the waves flickering in front of his eyes, as if he was walking in a water curtain. Lin Daqiao in front of him also disappeared in an instant, leaving only He was in a curtain of water, and the sound of running water could be heard in his ears. Li Yan looked intently. Just before he could see the surroundings clearly, a light shone in his eyes. He was already standing He entered a house, and two figures stood in front of him, it was Wen Xinliang and Lin Daqiao who entered first.

This is a spacious and bright lobby. There are three people sitting in front of Wen Xinliang and Wen Xinliang. One is fat and the other is thin. Sitting in the middle is a short fat man with a curly beard, about forty years old. Sitting on his right is a young and white man. The man in the robe, with a lean old man on his left hand, and the auras of the three of them were all golden elixir monks. At this moment, the three of them were looking at Li Yan and the others standing in the middle of the lobby.

"Are you three disciples of Fellow Taoist Wei Zhongran of Xiaozhu Peak?" After seeing the three people appearing here, the honest middle-aged voice sounded again. Li Yan heard this voice and recognized that it was the three of him who had spoken just now in the alley. man of. Looking up, the voice came from the short, fat man with the beard in the middle, but the voice seemed a little inconsistent with the look of the beard.

Just as the short and fat man with the beard spoke, the middle-aged man in white robes and the lean old man on both sides also looked at the three of them. However, the three of them actually stayed for a moment longer on Li Yan, with a look of interest in their eyes. .

"Xiaozhufeng Wen Xinliang and his two junior brothers met with the three seniors." As soon as Wen Xinliang entered, he saw the three of them. He only glanced briefly, although the Sprite Sect has jurisdiction over all the immortal cultivators in this million miles. sect, but he was still very polite when facing the three golden elixirs. He did not show the bossy attitude of a large sect. Instead, he was very humble. After saying this, he bowed respectfully, and Li Yan and the two behind him also followed his words.

The behavior of the three of them made the first three people very satisfied. After all, if the other party was very aggressive, the most they could do was make Wen Xinliang and the others suffer a little, but they would not dare to kill them anyway. Seeing the attitude of the other three people, I felt a little relieved, otherwise the next thing would be difficult to proceed.

Wen Xinliang saw three people, but he didn't recognize them. Although he had been here twice, they were not the three golden elixir monks in front of him. He glanced sideways at Lin Daqiao, who was a little behind. Lin Daqiao also shook his head slightly, obviously not recognizing him.

"Three nephews, please excuse yourself and sit down first." The fat man in the middle with a curly beard softened his expression and pointed to a few chairs in the lobby below with a slight smile.

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