Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 206 Peiyangfang City

"Junior brother, junior brother..." A voice interrupted Li Yan's thoughts and woke him up from his memories. He saw Wen Xinliang and Lin Daqiao who had walked some distance in front of him, looking back at him. Lin Daqiao Qiao Ze called himself with a strange look on his face. Li Yan was still standing at the end of the road, looking at the flow of people going in and out of the city gate, which seemed a bit abrupt. Li Yan collected his thoughts, smiled, and followed him a few steps.

"Junior brother, have you never seen so many monks from other sects? After entering the city, there will be more monks inside." Lin Daqiao saw Li Yan coming over and said with a smile. He thought that Li Yan was because he was the first I was stunned when I saw so many monks from other sects for the first time.

"Oh, junior brother, I really had an eye-opening experience today. There are few people in Xiaozhu Peak, and there are even few monks from our sect, haha." Li Yan replied with a chuckle.

"Alas, Master, I don't know what he thinks. He has closed the peak of Nuo Da. Without many junior sisters and brothers, daily life is boring." Wen Xinliang sighed softly. He often looked at the other four peaks. Every year, new and beautiful junior sisters come in, and there are also many new junior brothers to bully, which he is very envious of.

While they were talking, the three of them had already arrived at the back of the queue at the entrance to the city. Wen Xinliang and Lin Daqiao did not have any intention of jumping in the queue, but stood directly behind the queue. However, their stop made people who had been waiting to enter the city The people at the back of the team wanted to get out of the way after seeing the clothes of the three people clearly. However, they saw that Wen Xinliang and the other three were just standing there talking to themselves and did not appear to step forward to jump in the queue. Then they couldn't help but feel slightly. Let go of the anxiety in your heart. But even so, many people still turned around and glanced at the three of them. It was not until they saw that these three people really had no intention of jumping in line that they slowly returned to normal.

When Li Yan came over, he kept looking at the front. There were twelve guards standing at the city gate in front. Four of them were wearing the same clothes. Li Yan guessed that this was because four different forces from the eight forces were taking turns here. . Among the twelve guards, there are two foundation-building monks and ten monks at the eighth level of Qi Condensation or above. Some of them were interrogated, some were registered, and some collected the spirit stones. They were issued a red or white waist badge and let in. .

"Everyone who enters the city must check their registration information. Although some information is undocumented, it is still recorded. Everyone who enters the city must pay a low-grade spiritual stone. Those who can confirm their identity will be issued a white waistband; Those who cannot produce tokens will be given red waistbands. These people will be paid special attention to after entering the city, and the amount of spiritual stones they need to pay to enter the city is five yuan." Just as Li Yan came over to observe, Lin Daqiao's message came. It sounded in Li Yan's heart, which made Li Yan feel warm. He remembered that when he first entered the sect, this seventh senior brother also took the trouble to explain everything one by one.

"Five low-grade spirit stones? How come there are so many? It's better to find a market that you are familiar with." After hearing this, Li Yan felt strange in his heart. Five spirit stones are not worth ordinary people.


For a monk, it's too expensive.

After listening to Li Yan's voice message, Lin Daqiao smiled, "You don't understand. Once you enter the city and hand over the spirit stone, you will stay in the town for a day and a night. During this day and night, you are protected here." Yes, no one can do anything here. Those who handed over five spirit stones to enter the market were either being hunted here and spent the spirit stones to temporarily avoid trouble and then find their plans; or they really didn't care about the five spirit stones. A piece of spiritual stone, this place has what he needs, and this person does not want to reveal his identity, so of course he will hide his whereabouts. "

After hearing this, Li Yan suddenly realized that he had never thought that Fangshi could be exploited to such an extent. However, it was beneficial to both parties and was a kind of cooperation.

"Then if you pay more spiritual stones, you can stay there longer?" Li Yan continued to ask.

"What I just said is just an ordinary thing. If you really encounter a very powerful person chasing you here, these eight forces will also have to consider whether they are willing to provoke them. In addition, you do not necessarily need to collect spiritual stones when entering the market. If it is a golden elixir, Monks, they can enter the city directly and no one will collect the spirit stones," Lin Daqiao replied.

Just as the two of them were communicating, a young man wearing a light yellow gown at the city gate walked over quickly. This man was one of the two foundation-building monks. He was already in the early stages of foundation-building. He was very uncomfortable. vulgar.

He walked straight towards Wen Xinliang, who was obviously the leader. When he saw someone approaching, Li Yan and Lin Daqiao stopped communicating. Wen Xinliang still looked lazy. When he saw someone coming towards him, he just looked at the other person. He walked step by step without any fluctuation in his expression.

After the man walked quickly to Wen Xinliang, he glanced at Li Yan and Li Yan behind him. His eyes stayed on Li Yan for a moment longer, with a look of surprise in his eyes. He had been working here for several years. Qi-condensing monks from the Sprite Sect rarely come here. In his impression, he has only seen them once, and that was when a golden elixir elder from the Sprite Sect came here with his descendants.

The young man in the light yellow gown saw that the two foundation-building cultivators of the Sprite Sect in front of him did not behave like a disciple towards the Qi Condensation Stage disciple, so he couldn't help but guess that they were descendants of the elder of the Sprite Sect. But his face remained calm, that is, his eyes swept over Li Yan, bowed slightly to Wen Xinliang, and said in a respectful low voice, "You three, please come with me, elders." "

Wen Xinliang and Lin Daqiao seemed to know about it, so they didn't say much. They also bowed their hands to this person. Wen Xinliang even replied directly, "That's it, then I'll invite you!"

When Li Yan saw this, his eyes flashed a few times.

No words.

Seeing that Wen Xinliang and the others agreed, the young man in the light yellow gown stepped forward with a smile. Wen Xinliang turned around and pouted at Li Yan, signaling to follow. Then he raised his legs and walked forward, still looking lazy.

When Lin Daqiao and Li Yan saw this, they also followed up and walked towards the city gate amidst the hesitant eyes of the monks waiting in line to enter the city. However, when the young man in the light yellow gown arrived at the city gate entrance, he did not stop to let Li Yan and the others Instead of checking and paying the spirit stones, he walked directly into the city. Li Yan followed Wen Xinliang and heard him chuckle and mutter, "Hey, I saved three spirit stones..."

After entering the city, a lively atmosphere hit the city. Directly opposite the city gate was a wide street that could accommodate four or five large carriages running side by side. The two sides of the street were just like what Li Yan had seen from the air before. It is neatly divided into pieces, and the shops facing the street are arranged one after another. The shop flags are waving, the river is clear, and the willow trees are lingering. From the street inwards, there are horizontal or slightly sloping streets every other distance. Turn around and lead to various places, seemingly extending in all directions.

Although pedestrians were coming and going on the road, it didn't feel crowded on this wide road. These pedestrians were of all kinds and dressed in all sorts of strange ways, which made Li Yan a little surprised.

There were many times more monks in the city than what he had just met outside the town. Li Yan had seen some monks dressed very strangely outside the city before. Some were dressed as scribes, some as Taoists, some as young women in palace clothes, and some as wearing extremely revealing clothes. There were women, and there were even beggars who exuded a bad smell. At that time, Li Yan felt that there were all kinds of things, but the spiritual power fluctuations in all of them made him sure that everyone he met was a monk.

After entering the town now, I saw even more strange people. Some people were dressed in nondescript clothes, wearing long Confucian shirts, but holding dazzling mourning sticks; some were extremely exotic, wearing colorful clothes, and walking barefoot; some were like savages. They hold a giant stick several feet high on their shoulders. Their upper body is naked and their muscles are all knotted. They usually only wear an unknown monster fur around their waist to block their vital parts; some are like ghosts in the underworld, covered in black robes. His body, his face could not be seen clearly, and there were bursts of yin energy on his body... All these things really opened Li Yan's eyes. It was just the breath from some people that frightened Li Yan. After entering the city, he only walked a few hundred meters forward. , he felt the breath of the five foundation-building monks, and the strong pressure made few people around these five people approach.

There were even two or three people walking alone. Li Yan couldn't feel the other person's cultivation at all. The aura on their bodies was vague, and the pressure they displayed was extremely weak, as if they didn't exist at all. But the more this happened, the more these two or three people were like this, Wherever people go, people there have already changed their expressions and left far away on their own.



Li Yan also knows a lot about the world of immortality now. He will not use his spiritual consciousness to scan the other party's cultivation for such things, knowing that it will only cause more trouble for himself.

However, other scenes on the street made Li Yan feel kind and familiar. He didn't expect that along the way, this place would be like doing business in the mortal world. In front of many shops, there were also many waiters outside shouting and greeting customers.

What "Seniors, take a look, take a look, our elixir can help you overcome disasters. No need to sigh for broken limbs or serious injuries. It can recover and assist..."

"Our shop purchased a large amount of all kinds of demonic beast inner elixirs, flesh and blood, and furs. The first time the shop only maintained its capital, the second time the shop made a slight profit, and the third time the shop gave big gifts to VIPs..."

"Everyone, this Qi Pavilion only sells magic weapons and magic weapons. If you want to buy spiritual treasures and spiritual weapons, please go around... The magic weapons in this Qi Pavilion are cast by Master He Yezi of the 'Duan Feng Sect', and each piece is of high quality. , ranging from beginner to intermediate..."

Li Yan's ears were filled with sounds of soliciting customers from far or near, high or low, which made Li Yan feel like he was in a lively market, except for the hawking of pancakes and tea.

He also saw one or two businesses with majestic gatehouses. At first glance, they looked like big merchants with profound heritage. Their doors were wide open, with colorful flags fluttering, and red carpets paving the floor. There were rows of slim women standing on each side of the door. They have picturesque features, floor-length skirts, tall figures, and skin as smooth as snow. Whenever someone passes by the door of the store, no matter how they are dressed or whether they intend to enter, they all smile and nod, making people instantly feel like they are facing each other. The feeling of blooming peach blossoms inevitably creates ripples in my heart.

If someone enters, one of them will step out, move lightly on lotus steps, and curl up with graceful figures. After brushing him and giving him a bow, he will be welcomed in with the sound of birdsong, which makes people feel an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

Li Yan had these similar feelings along the way. If it weren't for the spiritual fluctuations in the waiters and the reception girls, and the sudden interruption of the scene by people in strange clothes walking across the street, he would have really I thought I was back in Qingshan Pass City.

The young man in the light yellow gown walked forward without looking back to talk to the three of them. He just walked forward quickly. After entering the city, the group did not walk for long. They only walked four to five hundred meters on the road leading to the city gate, and then they arrived at a "well"-shaped intersection. The light yellow gown The young man turned his head, stretched out his right hand to guide them to follow him around the corner, and then he turned to the street on the right. This street was also a wide street that could accommodate four or five large carriages. There were also many shops along the way. But this time, after only walking about a hundred steps, they arrived at a very inconspicuous alley. After the young man turned back and glanced at the three of them, he turned around and turned in.

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