Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1773 Layers of Space

"Should we be unable to get out of here? Or can we only get out from the back?"

Li Yan seemed to be talking to himself, but his voice still reached the ears of Ming Qi and Ming Yu.

"There are spatial fluctuations on the front courtyard wall. There should not only be a formation there, but also the edge of an independent secret realm.

I don't know if we can break it by force. I think I can't do it. Even if we break it, if there is any spatial turbulence outside, once it invades, we will be in danger."

Ming Qi also said to Li Yan in a deep voice after sensing it.

They are burdened with the law of space, and their perception of space is more acute. Ming Qi vaguely feels that the courtyard wall behind the bamboo branches gives her an extremely dangerous feeling.

After thinking about where they might be teleported to, they can roughly guess what is behind the front courtyard wall?

Li Yan nodded. Although he did not have the magical power of the law of space, his perception of danger was also extremely acute.

He also sensed that there was a feeling behind the courtyard wall that made him very uneasy.

In addition, Ming Qi said so, he felt that since this place was teleported here, it meant that there was an intention to cover up.

Then there is another possibility, that is, this is another independent space, a space different from the brilliant river.

And the dangers outside the two secret realms, no cultivator is willing to get involved without knowing it.

"Then let's explore other places first, don't touch these things rashly, the courtyard wall here may be a protective barrier!"

Li Yan retracted his consciousness, but turned his head to look diagonally behind. There were several houses on both sides of the stone chamber in the hall, and behind these houses, there was a courtyard...

Yan Qingchen stood on the river bank. At this moment, his body was transparent, and under his feet was a brilliant cobblestone river bank.

At this time, his injuries were about 80% healed, and his recovery speed was surprisingly fast.

Yan Qingchen's injuries added up to more serious than those of the Ming sisters, especially the damage to his life magic weapon. The backlash injury was far from comparable to the physical injury.

Cultivators are not afraid of physical injuries. As long as the physical body is not broken and is not so serious that it cannot be repaired, they have too many ways to recover.

What they fear most are injuries such as soul, sea of ​​consciousness, and Nascent Soul. Once injured, it takes a long time to recover completely.

Like this time, Yan Qingchen's sea of ​​consciousness was affected, but in order to recover as soon as possible, he had to use two pills given by his master.

They were a seventh-grade pill for healing the physical body, and then an eighth-grade holy medicine for healing the sea of ​​consciousness. Even though Yan Qingchen was rich, he still felt a burst of heart-piercing pain and felt his heart bleeding.

As soon as his injury improved, he immediately looked for the previous location again.

He was attacked by the other party. He could sense the strength of that person. The strongest should be the middle stage of the Refining Void Realm. Since he failed to capture him, he would not be afraid of the other party.

The sect allowed Yan Qingchen to pretend to be someone else's disciple and come to perform this task. Of course, he could not have only the strength of the surface realm. If he encountered danger, it would be too easy to be strangled.

Yan Qingchen had many means to deal with the cultivators of the refining realm. The old man who attacked him made him afraid of the other party's concealment.

Yan Qingchen did not find any breath of the other party, and the old man completely bypassed all the warning formations he arranged around him.

This made Yan Qingchen very frightened, which showed two problems.

First, the other party's spiritual awareness was very strong, so he discovered the warning formation he had laid out, and thus quietly and without his knowledge, he avoided the defensive warning of the formation.

The second thing he didn't want to see the most was that the man had been following him for a long time, so the warning formations he set up could be easily avoided by the other party.

If it was the second case, then this person would be a little difficult to deal with, and when did the other party follow him?

The second guess is very critical. If they tracked me outside the Brilliant River, many things would be in trouble. The other party saw too many things that they shouldn't have seen.

In this case, no matter what, Yan Qingchen would go over to take a look even after he recovered from his injuries.

As long as there is a chance, he will kill the gray-clothed old man and the pair of sisters, otherwise it will be a problem whether he can return to Huangqi Valley smoothly.

He is also good at concealment, and he is quite confident about it, but his strongest concealment can no longer be used here.

That's because his strongest concealment must borrow the shadow of others, so that he can perfectly cover up his breath.

Now that Liu Siyu can no longer use it, he can only rely on his other concealment techniques. Let's see if the other party can find him?

When Yan Qingchen walked to a certain section of the river, the scene here is very similar to other places, but there are still some subtle differences.

Although Yan Qingchen did not leave any spiritual marks in his previous exploration, with his terrifying memory as a cultivator, he still remembered the subtle features of many places in the exploration a few days ago.

In his memory, this section of the river should be not far from where he found the purple shell.

So, he took out the jade slip with the landforms recorded on it, and began to check the surroundings repeatedly while hiding.

Soon he confirmed that this place should be no more than five miles away from the location where the purple shell was found.

But when he quietly walked forward for a long time, he not only did not find the location of the purple shell, but even the figures of the three people were completely lost.


Yan Qingchen immediately stood in place and began to look around. He felt that the surrounding environment was very familiar. Has he been here before?

But this is not a few days ago, but he had just been here not long ago...

After just a little thought, he immediately left a secret mark at a certain location, and then he was still hiding and quietly moving forward again...

About half a cup of tea later, Yan Qingchen was still walking on the magnificent river bank, and suddenly, his face changed.

Then he stopped there in disbelief, and a ray of consciousness quietly and secretly probed out in an instant, carefully sweeping towards a stone emitting green light.

Just a moment later, there was a look of shock in his eyes, because on that stone, the secret mark he left was suddenly appearing.

"Falling into the other party's trap..."

Yan Qingchen couldn't help but feel awe in his heart, and he finally had a confirmation that he didn't want to believe.

But he didn't know when he fell into the other party's trap, and he didn't know his reaction, which was much slower than that of a man named Li Yan.

In the heavy rain, Li Yan quickly found something wrong, but it couldn't be blamed on Yan Qingchen, because the surrounding scenery here was extremely similar.

Even if no one had done anything, as long as you walked a little longer, you would feel that you were still in the same place and didn't walk far at all.

The scenery ahead seemed to never change, with endless colorful cobblestone banks...

So only when you really feel something is wrong, when you pay close attention, it's already too late, and you've already fallen into the trap of visual fatigue.

When Yan Qingchen found something wrong, he almost didn't hesitate too much, and immediately turned around and walked in the direction he came from, looking for the formation's barrier.

At this moment, a figure quietly appeared in the sky and suddenly attacked Yan Qingchen who was walking below...

Outside the hall, after Li Yan finished speaking, he walked straight to a room on the side.

It looked like a training room, so Li Yan's first choice was this kind of room.

"I don't know if Yan Qingchen has fallen into a trap. That person must be killed!"

As Li Yan walked towards the room, he thought quickly in his heart.

He did not attack the courtyard wall behind the bamboo forest in front of him. In addition to sensing danger, he also lost all contact with his incarnation after arriving here.

This made Li Yan clearly confirm that this was a completely isolated space, so he agreed with Ming Qi's opinion without hesitation.

He did not try to break the courtyard wall to see what was behind the courtyard wall. It was most likely a dangerous existence such as a space barrier.

He left an incarnation outside, and the other party controlled the unfamiliar maze. Li Yan originally wanted to leave his body outside.

But according to the description of the Ming sisters, the purple shell at the bottom of the river may not be a set of formations, and they are still in the formation after entering.

And what kind of passage may it be, then I don’t know where it leads to?

If the place you enter is the place where the inheritance of the Undead Phoenix exists, it will only be more dangerous there, there is no doubt about that.

The purpose of his coming here is to save Bai Rou’s life.

Although killing Yan Qingchen is also very important, compared with finding the Misty Moon Pure Immortal Grass, Li Yan thinks this is more important.

Moreover, in this secret place, there is actually a legacy left by the Undead Phoenix. This opportunity is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Li Yan certainly doesn’t know whether there is any in the Misty Moon Pure Immortal Grass, but this is the area of ​​the inheritance ancient temple, and he can’t miss any possible opportunity.

But the purpose of Yan Qingchen sneaking into this place is also confusing? Could it be that there is something that the Yin-Yang Chaos Sect needs here?

When Li Yan decided who would stay outside, the original body or the incarnation, he carefully sorted out all the things, and finally let the original body enter here.

He had to put Bai Rou's problem first, and he couldn't do anything that would make him regret it.

When Li Yan walked towards the practice room, the Ming sisters immediately followed him. What they wanted might appear here at any time.

Since they had discussed the agreement with the gray-clothed old man, it would be better to explore together later.

Otherwise, if they were separated, although he could quietly hide the treasure he found, the gray-clothed old man could do the same.

At that time, neither of them knew what treasure the other had obtained. If the gray-clothed old man obtained it, it would be a profit, and the purpose of the two of them was very obvious, which was inheritance.

The unknowing items fell into the hands of the gray-clothed old man, which might be what they needed most, and the two women would definitely not want it.

But what happened next made the three of them disappointed.

All the houses here, whether it was the spirit beast breeding room, the practice room, the alchemy and refining room, or even the lounge, seemed to have been looted.

Except for the empty wooden frames, tables, chairs, and beds, the place was so clean that the three people wondered if it had been looted by others.

Perhaps the disciples of Huangqi Valley had entered here a long time ago, otherwise how could they not leave anything valuable behind?

"Let's go to the back and take a look. If it's still like this, we may be late!"

Mingqi's face showed a very solemn expression. She didn't want that to happen. Li Yan had no objection to Mingqi's proposal.

After the three of them left the last room they explored, they walked towards the other side of the courtyard wall. According to the sun in the sky, it should be the west side of the courtyard wall.

There was a stone path there, which bypassed the houses in the front row and led to the back in a curve.

The three people's spiritual consciousness had also briefly scanned the general situation in the back before.

The west side of the courtyard wall was also full of green bamboo. Li Yan and the others could still sense some extremely dangerous atmosphere that might exist outside the courtyard wall.

But because of the existence of the courtyard wall, it seemed to isolate everything from the outside world, making this place like a reef island in the sea, and there might be a raging tide outside.

The three of them walked along the stone path in the room to the back of this row of houses, and the courtyard behind was also empty.

The reason for saying this is that there are still two pools on the ground, but those pools have dried up and there is no drop of water in the pools.

In the back courtyard, there is still a circle of courtyard walls, but there is a round archway leading to the outside of the courtyard.

After the three of them quickly bypassed the pool along the path, they came to the front of the round archway. Through this archway, they could see that there was a large open field outside the courtyard.

Through some gaps between the fields, it can be seen that they should be spiritual fields, but at this time they are already overgrown with weeds.

Although the three of them had seen all this in their spiritual consciousness, they still stayed in front to search it first in order not to miss any place.

However, what made the three of them a little strange was that those fields outside the courtyard that might be spiritual fields, although there were no spiritual plants and herbs.

However, among those spiritual fields, there were more than 20 broken scarecrows scattered around, which were rare in the spiritual fields of the immortals.

However, the three of them just felt a little strange, because some immortal cultivators had strange tempers and liked to refine some strange things.

For them, these things were either to recall the dusty past, or to set up a formation, mobilize the vitality of heaven and earth, etc.

Li Yan was in front, and the two women were behind. Although the three of them walked slowly, they were actually quite fast. Soon, they arrived at the gate of the back yard.

While walking, the three of them had been constantly sensing the outside of the courtyard wall, and did not feel any danger, nor did they sense that there was a formation or some kind of restriction at the circular courtyard gate.

However, since they arrived here, the three of them have been preparing for defense at all times and did not dare to take it lightly.

The gate of the courtyard was not very big, and at most two people could pass through it side by side. Since no fluctuations such as formations were sensed, Li Yan in front was about to walk through it.

"Why are you here?"

Just as Li Yan was about to go out, a voice suddenly came from the front.

Li Yan shuddered, which scared him. The voice came too suddenly and was almost right in front of him.

He was like this, not to mention Ming Qi and Ming Yu. They only felt a breeze blowing in front of them, and Li Yan disappeared.

They also did not notice anything unusual. The moment they heard the voice, they instinctively stepped back.

Li Yan instantly retreated to the side of the courtyard gate. Although he was extremely shocked, his consciousness spread out in an instant.

The next moment, his body stopped because he had found the source of the sound. In the middle of the circular arch, a figure appeared at some point.

It was just that the man's posture was very strange, with his hands spread out horizontally, but there was only one leg underneath, and a tattered straw hat on his head.

This man had no clothes on his body, but a pile of black and dry straw draped over his body. There was no mouth on his face, but there was a branch inserted on it, shaped like a nose.

At this moment, he was blocking the way with his arms outstretched in a "cross" shape, blocking the entire circular archway.

His pair of small eyes were actually two black, shrunken mulberries hanging there, more like two drops of black tears, looking weirdly at the three people...

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