Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1772 Seeking Benefits from the Song

"I did get the immortal fate about the Undying Dark Phoenix, but did I say I got it here?"

Li Yan turned around with a half-smile on his face.

"Ah! are not here..."

After Ming Yu opened his mouth in surprise, he only said half of his words, and his face immediately showed a vigilant expression.

"Senior, you don't want to use our power to open this place, and then kill us!"

But Ming Qi's heart was beating violently at this moment.

She even almost wanted to ask the other party directly, since your immortal fate is not here, then where did you get the inheritance of the Undying Dark Phoenix last time?

Any news about the Undying Dark Phoenix is ​​extremely precious to them, but she knows that this matter must not be asked out loud, otherwise the other party may turn against her in an instant.

But even so, it also caused infinite waves in Ming Qi's heart at this time. It turned out that the inheritance of this secret realm has not been obtained by others.

This was an unexpected surprise, but in this way, she suddenly thought of the reason why the other party left them behind...

This gray-clothed old man came here at some point, but perhaps he had never been able to open the restriction here.

So, when Yan Qingchen was breaking the formation restriction before, the other party had been hiding in the dark and did not take action, just wanting to use the other party's hand to open the passage here.

Then he suddenly killed Yan Qingchen and got everything inside. That Yan Qingchen should have been trying to break the restriction for a while, but still had no results.

On the contrary, because of the arrival of her two sisters, the gray-clothed old man accidentally saw his true form.

This person immediately changed his mind and simply took action directly, wanting to kill Yan Qingchen together, and then let the two of them break the formation.

In this way, this means that this gray-clothed old man should not be completely ignorant of this place, and may have known what is inside the formation long ago?

It's just that he was unable to break it, but think about it, since the other party had once obtained the inheritance of the Undead Nether Phoenix, he also benefited a lot from it.

Then if he knew that there was the inheritance of the Undead Dark Phoenix in it, his greed would only rise without limit, how could he restrain himself...

In just a short time, Ming Qi felt that she had guessed the other party's thoughts, but to be honest, although she didn't guess it completely, she still guessed part of it.

Li Yan was not good at formations, but he didn't think of killing these two people, especially after knowing that the other party's bloodline was mixed, even worse than his own.

And there were still strong people in the Refining Void and Combination Realm in the other party's tribe, so he would not kill these two people.

The other party was not a separate tribe, at least it had a lot of involvement with the Qinghuang tribe, and the space law was very effective in breaking some restrictions.

What's more, the Ming sisters had prepared means, which was not comparable to himself. There was not much time in the ancient inheritance hall, so he had to save time as much as possible.

"If you think so, you can still leave now. I will crack it myself.

Or use another way. If you can crack it as soon as possible, we can share the things we find after entering!"

Li Yan had expected this. He was not sure whether the Sky Stealing Cloth could crack the formation here, and he wanted to break the restriction as soon as possible.

The blood of the immortal phoenix was indeed attractive to him, but his main purpose of this trip was the Misty Moon Pure Immortal Grass, which must not be reversed.

If it is not here, he will definitely go to other places to look for it, and the more time left, the better.

It is not certain when Yan Qingchen will come again. This person is not simple. He was rarely missed when he was attacked by himself.

Now we know the purpose of the Ming sisters coming here, but what about Yan Qingchen?

Why did he come here? Li Yan has never figured it out. Do they also want to get the inheritance of the immortal phoenix?

He wants to deal with Yan Qingchen, but that is at the right time, and he must not delay the search for the Misty Moon Pure Immortal Grass.

"What can you guarantee, senior?"

Ming Qi was unwilling to take action this time. She felt that even if she died, she could not let the other party succeed easily.

Although soul searching can find some methods of breaking the formation in her memory, those are only possible methods.

Breaking the formation requires a combination of experience and methods, and some methods require the use of one's own innate magical powers.

If the other party's motives are unbearable, even if I die, I must cause trouble to the other party. Maybe a small trouble can make the other party fall into the forbidden attack?

"Sign a bloody contract. We will each take half of the treasures inside, and you two sisters will take half together. If you can't break this formation, then this contract will be invalid.

Even if I break it later, I will not take you in, otherwise... there will be nothing to talk about. Leave within three breaths!"

Li Yan's voice was cold. If the other party has no value, it is better to leave early and see if there is other value in the future.


After hearing what Li Yan said, Ming Qi's eyes flashed with a gleam, and then she quietly looked at the gray-clothed old man carefully.

For Li Yan's suggestion, she did not hesitate at all this time and immediately agreed to it, but her mind was full of thoughts, and she continued to weigh various possibilities.


Ming Yu suddenly sent a secret message.


Ming Qi also immediately interrupted the sound transmission behind her. She knew what her sister wanted to say and wanted to gain more benefits for her side.

But this possibility is almost impossible. The old man in gray clothes did not kill the two of them because he wanted to use them to break the restriction.

If you say you want to leave, it is estimated that the other party will definitely kill someone to silence you. If you want more benefits at this time, it will also arouse the other party's stronger murderous intention.

But now that the other party agrees to sign a blood contract with him, there will be certain restrictions. After the other party cannot kill the two of them, it will be better to act on their own initiative next time.

Anyway, no one knows the situation inside, and the environment that can be exploited is the same for both parties.

As long as we don't have a head-on confrontation with the old man in gray, we don't know what the final outcome will be...

Soon, Li Yanji refined a copy of the blood contract. After pointing it out, it flew in front of Ming Qi and Ming Yu. After the two women browsed it carefully, they repeatedly confirmed that the other party had not done anything on it.

I was relieved. The blood contract mainly stipulated that after they broke the restriction, neither party could attack and kill the other party, and the treasures they saw would be divided equally between the two parties.

After Mingyu and Mingqi saw that there were no loopholes, they each ejected a drop of blood and flew into the blood contract. Seeing this, Li Yan also flicked it with his fingers, and a drop of blood was printed on the blood contract.

After feeling three drops of blood, this blood contract floated up on its own after just a wave, then merged into the river above, and then disappeared.

The moment the blood contract disappeared for the three of them, something suddenly seemed to appear in the sea of ​​consciousness, but it also disappeared in an instant.

After doing all this, Li Yan turned around and walked to one side, but Ming Qi and Ming Yu still did not go to the purple shell immediately.

"Senior, we'd better set up something near here. The person who escaped will probably come back, and may even attract others to come here!"

After Li Yan heard this, he nodded without any hesitation, but he knew that Yan Qingchen would only come alone at most even after his injury improved.

Except for a female cultivator who was seriously injured, all the people who could help him had already been sacrificed by him.

When he went out before, he had already laid out his tactics in advance. Li Yan would never leave any loopholes in his work.

But since the Ming sisters were going to lay some more traps, he certainly had no objections.

When the three of them returned to the bottom of the river half an hour later, their faces looked relaxed, and both sides deployed some more formations.

For both parties, this not only prevented Yan Qingchen from sneaking over, but also left a backup plan for themselves.

This time, the two girls no longer hesitated. They stood directly in front of the purple shell and quickly began to investigate carefully...

When the time came to the fifth hour, a large piece of purple light suddenly appeared in the river bottom.

But there was no sound, and even the water flow here didn't change much. It was just filled with purple light.

At the bottom of the river, Li Yan looked at a water curtain with a dazzling purple light that suddenly appeared on the river wall. He could no longer see the previous river wall clearly.

"Senior, shall we go in first, or shall I go in first?"

Ming Qi took back her jade palm. In her palm, there was a piece of feather with a pattern like an eye, which she quickly put away.

Her face was pale and bloodless at the moment. She and Mingyu took turns breaking the formation, and the two of them also used this time to recover from their physical injuries.

As long as the wounds did not damage the soul and the sea of ​​consciousness, these two women were monsters. Their bodies were very tough and their recovery speed was extremely fast, not to mention they had pills to swallow.

Even if they have nothing to do with the Immortal Underworld Phoenix, the Qinghuang clan is still a physically terrifying race, but only when compared with the Immortal Underworld Phoenix can they show their inferiority.

"Is it completely cracked, or can it only last for a while? Whoever enters first can do it. Do you need a little recovery?"

Li Yan did not come over immediately, but glanced at the other party.

Ming Qi was startled. She didn't expect that the other party would give her recovery time. She had already used up a lot of her mana.

Although they signed a blood contract, the old man in gray would not attack them directly, but if he entered in this state, it would be dangerous and unknown, so it would definitely be very easy for problems to arise.

At that time, his accidental death had nothing to do with the other party. He did not violate the blood contract.

"The person who set up this restriction has too much cultivation beyond me. I couldn't completely break it, so I only borrowed the magic weapon from the clan to open the passage.

It can last for about a quarter of an hour, then I will recover for about a quarter of an hour, and then enter again at the end of about a hundred breaths of time! "

Although a quarter of an hour is short, it is better than no recovery at all. After swallowing her best elixir, she can recover at least 70% of her strength...

A stone room with a size of twenty feet looks quite huge. Although it is protected by formations, it is still full of the smell of decay.

There is also some dust on the tables and chairs here, giving people the feeling that there were people here not long ago. Of course, all this is due to the protection of the formation.

It was already noon, and the outside light shone in obliquely from the door. Some flying dust kept flying in the light, but it could not disturb the dead silence here...

Suddenly, the hard patterned rock on the top of the stone chamber began to ripple like water ripples.

The place seemed to have turned into a river in an instant, and in the midst of the ripples of the water, three figures suddenly appeared.

The moment the three figures emerged, they seemed to fall from the Tianhe River, leaving the river and falling straight to the ground.

The three of them were separated instantly while they were still in the air.

After Li Yan landed on the ground, he scanned his surroundings with his consciousness and was surprised to find that there was enough sunlight here, which made people's hearts brighter.

These days, not to mention the river bottom before, even inside and outside the ancient inheritance palace has been dark.

"We don't know whether this place has left the scope of the Ancient Palace of Heritage, or whether it is covered by a great formation. Now we have escaped from that great formation..."

Li Yan thought quickly in his mind.

The two Ming sisters on the side were also looking around carefully. They were also squinted by the sudden midday sun.

Similarly, they did not expect that the environment that suddenly appeared would change so drastically after not seeing the light of day for such a long time.

The three of them entered the formation together and did not receive any attacks. They arrived here in an instant. The formation was more like a small teleportation array.

Li Yan glanced around and felt that this place was like a hall, except for a large table facing the door and ten large chairs around it.

There was a row of empty wooden frames at the edges of the walls on both sides, and there was no sense of danger or discomfort in his consciousness.

After a quick scan, he knew there couldn't be anything valuable here, and then he raised his legs and walked towards the door.

This hall is obviously the entrance, so even if the opponent has any treasures, they cannot be placed at the entrance. In that case, it is better to just open the place. What kind of formation protection is needed?

Just as Li Yan walked directly outside, it was obvious that the Ming sisters had exactly the same idea as him, and after a quick glance, they also walked towards the gate.

There was no formation blocking the door, so the three of them easily crossed the threshold and left the stone room directly.

What was then revealed in front of them was a courtyard. The front of the courtyard was filled with green bamboos, and there was a stone path winding between the bamboos.

The scene in front of him reminded Li Yan of the scene outside the wall of Zhuhongyuan after coming out of the inheritance hall, which was very similar to what he saw before him.

It's just that the green bamboos here are growing more vigorously, unlike outside the vermilion wall of the inheritance hall, where the entire stone path is still relatively complete due to the monks passing by.

The stone path here had long been obscured by the suppressed bamboo branches, but this did not affect Li Yan's exploration.

The monk had to go over and cut off the bamboo branches. With a sweep of his spiritual consciousness, he directly passed through the green bamboos in front of him.

Although Li Yan and the other three did not speak, after leaving the stone chamber, they had already judged that this place should be a cave, and what they had just entered was undoubtedly the hall.

But now after arriving in the courtyard, after searching the front along the stone path with his spiritual consciousness, he suddenly discovered that there was also a courtyard wall behind the bamboo branches, blocking the front.

When Shi Jin got there, he had already reached the end, but there was no courtyard gate. It felt like a dead end.

And after the consciousness reached there, it was directly bounced back by the force that appeared.

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