Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1774 Is it real or an illusion?

And Ming Qi and Ming Yu also dodged to the side in an instant. When their spiritual senses cleared the scene in front of them, they were shocked again by the strange scene in front of them.

Where did the other party come from? How did he get so close? The three of them had no sense at all. If the other party had not spoken, they would still know nothing.

After the three people's spiritual senses swept over the scarecrow, they could not sense anything.

"No vitality, no spiritual power fluctuations, no breath!"

Li Yan swept it and felt that he had sensed it wrong.

"Is it a puppet?"

The Ming sisters also looked at Li Yan, their eyes were also puzzled, which made Li Yan know that he had sensed it wrong.

If it is said that the scarecrow in front of them is most likely a puppet.

But any puppet, as long as the formation is running in the body, will have spiritual energy or formation fluctuations, not to mention that they are so close to this scarecrow.

And just as the three of them were scanning, they didn't know what was going on, and suddenly the pupils of the three of them shrank suddenly and turned into needles in an instant.

Because the back of the scarecrow suddenly became blurry, the three people could still see the scene behind through the gap of the other party's "cross" arms.

At this moment, the sky suddenly darkened, as if there was a black and yellow cloud pressing down, and more scarecrows appeared behind the scarecrow in an instant.

And in the blink of an eye, these scarecrows directly stood on the courtyard wall with one leg, and it seemed that the wall was full of scarecrows.

Each of them was about ten feet away, and more than twenty scarecrows completely filled the back courtyard wall, and there was another scarecrow blocking the circular courtyard gate below.

An extreme palpitation instantly filled Li Yan's body, and a life-and-death crisis that made him shudder also swept his whole body at the same time.

"Quickly retreat!"

Li Yan's reaction was much faster than the two sisters of the Ming family. As soon as he spoke, he quickly retreated to the back.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Just as he retreated, straws were flying all over the sky. The density of straws made the three people's scalps tighten in their consciousness.

What made the three people even more terrified was that they could sense the terrifying attack of the Refining Void Realm from the power of each straw.

Although most of the opponent's power was the power of the early stage of the Refining Void Realm.

But under such a dense attack, Li Yan's defense would probably be broken in an instant, and the three people would definitely die.

The three people swung and circled to the front of the house in an instant. Although the space here seemed large, it was still too narrow for this kind of attack, so they couldn't move at all.

But in a hurry, they could only stay as far away from the center of the attack as possible.

"I may not be able to protect you later!"

Li Yan, who was retreating, said anxiously. He himself was not sure how to deal with this situation.

"We'll fight off the attacks first!"

Mingqi and Mingyu's faces turned pale, but Mingqi still managed to calm down and said.

At this moment, the two women were covered with a dazzling yellow light, which made it impossible to look directly at them.

They instantly activated the earth-based defensive magic weapon to the extreme, and dared not hold back at all. The mana in their bodies was surging like a tide.

While they were talking, the three of them kept dancing up and down, and one after another talisman was attached to their bodies.

In front of Li Yan, there was another black shield, which kept circling around him rapidly, bringing out a circle of light outside his body, protecting him in the middle.

Although the three of them were very strong, they were desperate at this time, strengthening themselves with one talisman after another, and at the same time using defensive magic weapons to protect themselves.

"Boom boom boom..."

Almost at the moment when the three retreated, a violent roar resounded between heaven and earth...

At this moment, Li Yan and the other two only had time to flee to the front yard and continuously offer layers of defense. They didn't even have time to think about how to escape from here in the next moment!

The whole courtyard suddenly shook violently like an earthquake, and the ground shook.

Ming Qi and Ming Yu's bodies in the air were also shaken violently without direction. In just this short moment, their backs were already soaked.

If the gray-clothed old man hadn't reminded them in time, they would have fallen into this devastating blow if they were just a little slower.

The three people's magic power was running wildly. They knew that the attacks would spread to them in an instant in the next moment...

Li Yan didn't think about whether to hide in the dirt until this moment. It can be seen that the opponent's attack was so fierce that Li Yan lost his usual calmness and his thinking was not thoughtful.

In fact, all this happened in less than a breath. The whole courtyard was so small that they were hiding from the back, which was almost the same as teleportation.

Just as the three of them were frantically using their magic power, they soon felt something was wrong, because the houses in front of them were shaking violently with the earth.

It seemed that they would be shaken into a pile of ruins at any time, or smashed into pieces by this terrifying attack, but the scene of being smashed into pieces as expected by the three of them did not appear.

And just when the three of them felt something was wrong, the terrifying roar from the back suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Everything came and went quickly, and the space that was shaking violently just now suddenly returned to normal.

"This is……"

Li Yan couldn't help but scan the rear courtyard with his consciousness, but he saw a scene that surprised him. All the attacks that had just appeared had disappeared!

The strange scene is that nothing in the backyard has changed. There is not even a trace on the ground. The pool and stone paths are still intact.

But the terrifying attack just now clearly seemed to be launched by more than twenty Void Refining monks. It was not an exaggeration to say that it would bombard this place into a bottomless abyss in an instant.

"Is this a phantom formation?"

There was a deathly silence. After more than ten breaths, Ming Qi's murmuring voice sounded. The illusion here was too real. They really felt the approach of death.

The cold sweat on her and her sister's foreheads was still oozing out, and the fear still remained in their hearts. They really thought they were going to die in the next moment.

After the two of them join forces, they can deal with a monk in the early stage of Void Refining, but that is already a desperate situation.

Facing the attack of more than twenty scarecrows equivalent to the Void Refining Realm, what ability do they have to resist? All defenses are just instinctive reactions.

And what happened in the end was so sudden and dumbfounding that it turned out that this place turned out to be a phantom formation.

"I...let's go over and take a look!"

Mingyu's voice also sounded.

There was a hint of fear in her voice, and the feeling of being unable to fight made her heart almost burst and kill her. If she was timid, she would probably faint even if she didn't die.

Li Yan didn't speak anymore. There was also cold sweat on his body. He just nodded, stood up first, and flew back carefully again.

The two women also followed immediately, but none of the three people withdrew the various defenses on their bodies, and the magic power in their bodies was still running continuously.

This makes the three of them look colorful, very weird and alternative.

However, none of the three of them thought the others were funny. Instead, they wished they had more defense outside of their own bodies.

Soon the three of them walked around the house again and arrived at the rear courtyard. Li Yan had already observed it carefully with his consciousness and landed on the ground without hesitation.

Then, he stepped on the ground with his feet, which was real and solid, without any appearance of being attacked. After Mingyu fell, he even squatted down and touched the ground carefully.

Then, she suddenly punched the ground.


The whole earth shook violently again, but a scene that surprised the three people appeared again.

After Mingyu's punch hit the ground, there was only a ball of earth-yellow light on the ground, and then everything returned to normal.

A look of confusion suddenly appeared on Mingyu's face, and then she pressed one of her jade hands to the ground, and then a sound like the lapping of the tide came from her body.

And on the ground under her jade palm, there was a rumbling sound, extending deep into the ground...

After about seven or eight breaths, she immediately raised her palm to collect the magic power.

"This is not a large formation, nor is it a magic restriction. We seem to have entered a magic weapon, and this place is blocked!"

While Mingyu was speaking, she was squatting on the ground and looking up at the sky.


Just when she raised her head, Ming Qi, who was connected to her mind, exerted force on her legs and flew off the ground, instantly rushing into the air and disappearing.

Li Yan stood there and looked up into the sky. Mingyu also stood up and looked up into the sky.

When she said those words, the other two people had been sensing her probing, and had actually acquiesced to her speculation.

So since Mingyu was going to investigate, they just had to wait here.

When forty or fifty breaths passed, a loud noise suddenly came from the sky, and amidst the loud noise, a small black dot quickly appeared in the sky.

Soon, Ming Qi's figure fell from the sky and quickly enlarged in the sight of the two.

"call out!"

There was an air-piercing explosion, and Ming Qi's slender body fell like a meteorite.


When she hit the ground, another ball of yellow light rose into the sky from under her feet.

As the yellow light dissipated, Mingyu's figure became completely solid, and then she nodded to the two of them.

"This is a magic weapon. It's not a big formation. It's about a hundred miles high above, and it's being suppressed downwards by a powerful force. I used the formation method and the forbidden-breaking technique to break it, but it's not right.

It is estimated that monks below the Fusion realm will not be able to forcefully break through without a method to crack it!

After flying upward, although there was a piece of sky above, the range of movement was only as large as the courtyard. I tried to cross the restrictions of the surrounding courtyard walls, but I was also blocked! "

Ming Qi said quickly, she only expressed her own judgment.

They determined that the entire courtyard was actually a magic weapon. She only judged that the Void Refining monks could not forcibly break through. As for the Fusion Realm monks, she was not able to judge.

Li Yan has been listening quietly. Although the other party only has a few dozen breaths to come and go, these sisters have magical powers in space.

Therefore, when the opponent uses space magical powers to break through the confinement to no avail, this is actually stronger than many breaking methods, but these are only preliminary speculations.

After listening, he looked up at the sky, suddenly jumped up, and shot upward.

Although someone else had detected it, he still wanted to see it for himself. It was not that he did not completely trust the other party, but that Li Yan wanted to know if he could break it.

Ming Qi and Ming Yu looked at each other, and their spiritual senses immediately probed upwards, but when they were about to approach Li Yan, they were bounced back by a force.

"He doesn't want us to detect his means!"

Ming Qi immediately transmitted the message.

Ming Yuwen had also withdrawn her spiritual sense, and her expression did not change. The gray-clothed old man had a mysterious origin, and they had never figured out his thoughts, and their strength was not as good as his.

In general, their cooperation with the gray-clothed old man could not only ensure that the other party would not kill the donkey directly after using them.

The priority between the three people was basically controlled by the gray-clothed old man, and they had to cooperate with him just to achieve their goals.

Li Yan instantly reached a hundred miles in the sky. Although there was still blue sky and white clouds above his head, as he rose, there was indeed an invisible pressure that continued to suppress him from above his head.

This made Li Yan's figure stop quickly. He was suppressed at a distance of 100 miles. With his cultivation level, he could not forcibly ascend.

Li Yan was suspended in the air. He first quietly sensed the surroundings. Suddenly, he raised his hand and punched upward.

His attack was not fast. The naked eye could see a black light column, which was shot out from the peak of his fist, but it was like a heavy mountain slowly moving forward.

Li Yan's attack on the top was silent, just like a black light flew out and quietly merged into the sky above.

After sensing for a few breaths, he collected his magic power!

Then he hit the other side again, and the direction was outside the backyard below. Then the same scene appeared...

After a few breaths, Li Yan, who was suspended in the air, directly dispersed his magic power, and the light column also collapsed immediately.

He released his spiritual sense again, and after carefully sensing it, he was sure that the spiritual sense of the Ming sisters did not approach to investigate again. He quietly took out the Sky-stealing Handkerchief.

Then, under the cover of his sleeves, he pasted it on the invisible isolation restriction...

Half an hour later, Ming Yu in the courtyard couldn't help but raise his head again. The old man in gray hadn't come down for such a long time.

But they could sense that the other party had not left, and had been a hundred miles above.

"It seems that this person has a lot of tricks, and he didn't cause any movement. Doesn't he want us to know and identify him?"

Ming Qi didn't reply after listening to Ming Yu's voice transmission. She was still thinking about other things in her heart. The old man in gray was too cautious.

The other party didn't even want to be seen by them when he used magic, because he was afraid that others would guess his origin through magic...

And at this moment, a strong wind suddenly came from the sky, and a figure quickly fell downwards.

"This is indeed a magic weapon. Let's go back to the hall and take a look!"

After Li Yan fell, his face had become very solemn.

After he said this, he flew towards the house in front without waiting for the two girls to answer.

The two girls immediately understood what Li Yan meant. Before they entered here, they would of course think about how to go back.

But since they were going to take the risk to enter here, they would of course first find out the situation here before considering how to get out!

The three of them also thought that since they could enter here, there should be no problem getting out.

But this time it was different. How could this be a magic weapon? The three of them seemed to have entered a trap.

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